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(Wholly owned Subsidiary of Air India Limited)

Payslip for the month of AUGUST 2021 Name Ms ASHNA P

DOB 11.06.XXXX Designation HANDYWOMEN Emp No. 86021520
DOJ 26.11.2018 Bank CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA Dept
PSG 0361 Ac/No XXX742XXXX Location CNN Kannur
INC . . PAY SCL - 0.00 Paid Days 31
Pan No XXXXA7329X Basic 0.00 OT Rate
Pension OT HRS
PF No MHBAN00471940000026354 Staff No 53379
CostCenter AI ATSL Kannur Ground Handling Maintena
UAN 101407108230

| Earnings | | Deductions |
Basic 5,944.00 Ee PF contribution 1,070.00
Conveyance 743.00 Ee ESI contribution 101.00
Special Allowance 2,972.00 Rounding off adjustment 0.24
Accommodation Assistance 2,229.00
Washing Allowance 743.00
Attire Allowance 743.00
Educational Allowance 1,486.00
Total 14,860.00 1,171.24
Total Pay 0 13,689.00
Form 16 summary
Gross Salary 173,119.00 Agg of Chapter VI 12,840.00
Balance 173,119.00 Total Income 109,530.00
Std Deduction 50,000.00
Empmnt tax (Prof Tax) 750.00
Aggrg Deduction 50,750.00
Incm under Hd Salary 122,369.00
Gross Tot Income 122,369.00

Please provide your PAN to taxation section immediately, Else tax will be deducted at a higher rate. Also no credit of TDS will be given by the
income tax authorities for want of PAN.

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