Discovery of America

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Discovery of America.

Christopher Columbus was convinced of the sphericity of the Earth, so after his failure with
King John II of Portugal, he went with the Catholic kings of Spain to present his project. Isabel I
of Castile and Fernando of Aragon agreed to the signing of the Capitulations of Santa Fe in
April 1492, in which the requirements of the navigator were established and they agreed to
finance his expedition.Thus, Christopher Columbus left the port of Palos with three caravels:
the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María, which arrived after 6 months on Guanahaní Island,
which Columbus called San Salvador, on October 12, 1492. believing that he had reached the
On this first voyage, Columbus and his crew also arrived in Cuba, named Juana, and Santo
Domingo, which he called Hispaniola. Thus, they established Fort La Navidad, the first Spanish
settlement in America.


· The mere fact of stepping on American soil produced a spectacular chain of events that
transformed and energized the history of humanity. The discovery of gold and silver on the
continent unleashed a veritable colonizing barrage. Hundreds of expeditions and thousands of
men followed in the footsteps of the news of fabulous fortunes. In the first 150 years of
conquest, 17 thousand tons of silver and about 200 tons of gold arrived in Spain and promoted
the incipient commercial and manufacturing development, which opened the floodgates to
the Industrial Revolution and the capitalist development of Europe.

· The European situation motorized the search for new sources of income for the monarchies.
Columbus's own travel journal has numerous references to the obsessive need to find gold.
The finds of ornamental and ritual pieces of the natives constituted the first phase of the
looting. In the islands of Cuba, Española and Puerto Rico, in just two or three years, the natives
were stripped of all the gold produced in almost a millennium.
· They have destroyed entire cultures, destroying our aboriginal roots. The Indians were
instilled with another belief, another religion, another way of life.


They brought the Catholic religion and contributed new ideas and thanks to this we progress.
The exchange of culture and goods, and also the development of both peoples.
Fusion of cultures and the exchange of resources and advances; the arrival of religion, and so
on. Advantages: Through evangelization came the Catholic religion and through development
came new technologies and methods of agriculture, mining, and so on.
The arrival of technologies and the Catholic religion. The miscegenation and development of
mining and potentiation of agriculture

· The Columbus expedition was the most outstanding undertaking that made possible one of
the most important events in human history: becoming aware of the magnitude of the planet
and being able to communicate its various geographical locations. Previously unknown worlds
were related to each other, some in very primitive stages of development, others more
advanced such as Europeans, who already knew the compass, gunpowder, paper and printing,
the closed economies of these countries were modified to constitute a world market.
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