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The influence (of the planets) in the degrees of their exaltations is complete; in their navamsas, as
in their mulatrikonas; in their dvadashamshas, as in their houses; and in the degrees of their
dejections or of their enemies, it is the least.
2. When they are in these (places) in the vargottamamshas, they have the best influence, but of
varying strength; and when they are aspected by benefit planets, they are beneficial, attaining
good fortune in accordance with the aspects.
3. One planet in its exaltation produces the results described (in the last chapter); two a man who is
famous and wealthy; three the defender of a city or its governor (isvara), the general of an army
who collects his own revenue, a noble man;
4. four a rich and glorious king, noble and attached to his own righteousness (dharma); five a
and most excellent king whose treasury is increased with much wealth;
5. six a man who has inherent in him the power to acquire the wealth and strength of the king of
kings, and power with respect to giving and to honour; seven planets in the signs of their
exaltations produce one who is lord of the earth bounded by the seas.
6. Even one planet in the sign of its exaltation, if it is aspected by its friends which have positional or
temporal or other strength, produces a king whose strength and valor are renowned and who has
many friends as his allies.
7. If two planets are in their mulatrikonas, he has a family and is a prominent leader on sea and land;
if three, he has wide-spread fame and is of good family, of great wealth, and foremost in his town
and tribe;
8. (if four, . . . ; if five, ;)
9. if six, he is a king of good conduct and righteousness (dharma), one who has strength and
and is the measurer of his kingdom; if seven planets are in their mulatrikonas, he is a lord of me”
with the appearance, harem, and paver of a king.
10. Two planets in their own houses produce a ma” who is prominent in his family and honored by
people; three the wealthy and honored establisher of his line, a man who knows many sciences;
11. four a famous and nobly dressed man who is revered hy his city, his guild, and his tribe; five the
equal of those who enjoy the earth, a renowned ma”, the first in his tribe, who has many
pleasures, horses, and sons;
12. six a lord of men ruling his own kingdom, a man of great fame who has splendour, servants, and
treasury; seven planets in their own houses produce an emperor (rajadhiraja) the ranks of whose
foes are overwhelmed.
13. If two planets are in their friends’ houses, (the native) obtains his livelihood from the attachment
of his friends; if three, he is a distinguished person famous for his excellent qualities who is useful
to his friends and relatives;
14. if four, he is a grateful man devoted to gods, Brahmanas, and his teachers, one who is a leader
good behavior; if five, he is a wealthy and glorious servant of the king, one who protects
15. if six planets are in their friends’ houses, he has many pleasures and hones and much beauty
he acts like a prince (parthiva); and if seven, he is a lord of men with a wealth of firm riches and
with numerous elephants, horses, and servants.
16. Two planets in the signs of their dejections produce a man of base actions who is tormented by
debt; three planets an unsteady character who lives in many places, a tramp and a pauper;
17. four a fool who serves others, one who has no regard for righteousness (dharma) and whose
actions are invalidated by laziness; five a servant who has no house, no possessions, no wife; six a
slave afflicted by calamities, fear, and weariness;
18. and seven planets in the signs of their dejections cause the birth of property-less men, low,
and homeless, who follow the trades and eat the food and alms of outcastes, and who wear clothes
made of air and scraps of rags.
19. Two planets in their enemies’ houses cause the birth of me” who quarrel much and have
tormented souls; three of those whose wealth, acquired by toil, is destroyed and who are afflicted
by sorrow and suffer many losses;
20. four of those who are struck by the pain which results from the loss of what they love-their sons,
their wives, and their wealth; five of those who are afflicted with the miseries and calamities of
their relations and whose actions are despised;
21. six planets in their enemies’ houses cause the birth of ignoble men who are pained and
by disease; and seven of those who have deformities and are disgusting, who are of the lowest
families and who are deprived of food and clothing.
22. These planets, in their places of influence, give results to men in accordance with their strengths;
but there is also a modification of these (results) due to their being in the (various) horas and
navamsas and because of their mutual aspects.
23. If a vargottamamsha is in the ascendant and its lord, in full strength, is aspected by three or
benefit planets, the Greeks proclaim the birth of kings.
24. If three or more planets are strong with directional, positional, temporal, or other strength, and
are “brilliant” (vapurdhara), in cardines, and not mixed with the malefic planets, they cause the
birth of monarchs.
25. If the Moon is in a navamsa of the Sun and if the benefit planets are in cardines while the malefic
planets are not in conjunction with the Sun at dawn, the best (astrologer) predict the birth of
26. If three or more planets in their own navamsha but not in their enemies’ houses or in the signs of
their dejections are at full strength and are “brilliant” (vapurudvahanti), and if they are aspected
by benefit planets while the Moon is not weak, they produce kings.
27. If the Moon in its own exaltation or navamssa is in the ascendant aspected by its lord, which is
very strong, and if it is full, while the malefic planets are in cadent places, then it produces a king.
28. If even one planet in its exaltation aspects the Moon in a vargottamamsha while the malefic
planets are not in the cardines, it causes the birth of a king who enjoys a good realm.
29. If the full Moon is in the fourth place or in the navamsha of a water-sign and a benefit planet is in
the ascendant in its own varga, and if the malefic planets are not in the cardines, then the birth of
kings is announced.
30. If a navamsha of the Sun aspected by the Sun is in the ascendant, and if the full Moon is in its
house or navamsha, and if Jupiter aspected by Venus is in a cardine, then it produces the birth of
31. If all the planets are strong and in signs which rise backwards, but not in their enemies’ houses
in the signs of their dejections, and if the full Moon is in the ascendant aspected by the benefit
planets, which are at their strongest, they cause the birth of a king.
32. Even one planet, if it is strong and of undiminished “brilliance”, and if it is in the vargottamamsha
in its own house aspected by three friendly planets, causes the birth of kings.
33. If the lord of the nativity (lit. “birth-sign”) is in an upacaya place, and if a benefit planet is in a
cardine or in the navamsha of the house of a benefit planet, while the malefic planets are weak, it
causes the birth of a great lord of the people.
34. If the lord of the ascendant is strong in a cardine, and is in a friend’s house and aspected by a
friend, while an excellent planet is rising, it produces a king who is a famous and honoured lord of
the earth.
35. If the lord of the ascendant and of the Moon’s sign, both in cardines, are uninjured and are
aspected by benefit planets, while the ascendant and the Moon are in their navamsha, they cause
the birth of lords of the earth.
36. If any planet in a cardine is in its own exaltation, house, or portion (bhaga), or in the portion
(bhaga) of a friend, while the sign of its exaltation is in the ascendant, and if it is aspected by
benefit planets, it causes the birth of a lord.
37. If Jupiter is in the ascendant, the lord of (that) sign (the ascendant) in the fifth house, and the lord
of (the sign of) its exaltation in a cardine, and if the malefic planets, though very powerful, do not
aspect, then in this yoga it produces a king, the lord of the masters of magic.
38. If the lords of the ascendant and of the sign in which the Moon is are strong, being in their
houses or in cardines, and if the Moon is in a water-sign or in the fourth place, they cause the birth
of kings.
39. In this yoga, if the two (lords) are in the fifth place while a benefit planet is in a cardine in its own
varga and a navamsha of the lord of (that) sign (the ascendant) is in the ascendant, then they
produce the best king, one who is firm.
40. Seeing configurations of this sort in the horoscopes of kings, even though they have not been
mentioned, (an astrologer, by analogy), determines the influence of the planets, observing as well
the good effects of time, position, and aspect.
In the Yavanajataka: the birth of kings.

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