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Using this graphic organizer, give the major principles of human development
(Santrock,2002) from a life-span perspective. Give at least one example or application
of each principle in the teaching- learning process. And what have these principles do
with you as you teach your learners or the implication of these knowledge ​to you as a

Principles of Your Explanation and give example Implication of these knowledge

Human to you as a teacher.



VI- Recommended Materials

[1] Corpuz, Brenda B., Lucas, Ma. Rita,etal., Child and Adolescent Development: Looking at
Leraners at Different Stages, 2005.

[2] Santrock, john W., Life Span Development ,8​th​ ed., New York: McGraw-Hill Companies

[3] Trawick-Smith,Jeffrey. Early Chjildhhod Development A Multicultural Perspective USA:

Prentice Hall, 4​th​ edition,2006.

[4]​ ​(http:// www.

VIII- Assessment Task

Direction: Put a check before a correct statement and an x before a wrong one. And
explain your answer.

______1. Development is a pattern of change



______2. Development is either growth or decline.


______3. From both traditional and life span perspectives development is lifelong.


______4. In the development process, there are things that hold true to all individual.


______5. Individual develop uniformly.



_____6. Development is predictable because it follows an orderly process.


______7. Development is unidimensional.



______8. Development takes place in vacuum

______9. The effect of biological process on development is isolated from the effect of
cognitive and socio-emotional process.



_______10. Cognitive processes involve changes in the individual’s thought,

intelligence and language.



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