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Placing & Compacting Concrete

Placing concrete

Compacting concrete

Taking care of vibrators T






Placing &
The placing and compacting of concrete, although they may seem fairly simple jobs, are not tasks to be undertaken in
a haphazard manner. They are a vital part of the concreting sequence. Forethought, careful planning and attention
to detail are absolutely essential if the project is to be a success.

In this article we will tell you how to carry out these operations correctly. We give information and advice on the use
and maintenance of poker vibrators, beam vibrators and clamp-on external vibrators.
However, Specialised techniques such as placing underwater, handling prepacked concrete and the paving of roads
and runways, are not dealt with.
Because placing and compaction are carried out at more or
less the same time, and are interdependent, they are often
Placing & thought of as being one and the same job. Here, though, we
have treated them separately in order to explain more fully the
Compacting different techniques that are involved. We end by advising on
typical everyday situations that emphasise the need for the
operations to be considered together.

PLACING CONCRETE Dumpers are not so adaptable. Yet, as with other equipment (skips,
for instance), there are many situations where they can be used to
The aim of good concrete placing can be stated quite simply. It is discharge directly into the placement area.
to get the concrete into position at a speed, and in a condition, that
allow it to be compacted properly. At all costs, you must avoid damage to the formwork and any
reinforcement. Concrete that strikes the face of the formwork might
If you proceed too slowly, the mix could stiffen so that it is no longer suffer segregation, and its finish could be affected.
sufficiently workable. On no account should water ever be added
to concrete that is setting. On the other hand, if you go too quickly, Also, if the mix is placed carelessly it could move the reinforcement,
you might race ahead of the compacting gang, making it impossible which then might not be able to carry the design load and lack of
for them to do their job properly. cover could lead to rapid corrosion.

1 Cover is the amount of concrete between the reinforcing and the

As for the condition of the mix, the
surface. If this layer is too thin then water can reach the reinforcing
placing should be carried out in
relatively easily, promoting corrosion of the steel. When steel corrodes
such a way that you avoid
it expands and this expansion can 'pop' the covering layer of concrete
segregation, ie the separation of
above the reinforcing steel out of the surface which leads to a
the aggregate from the mortar.
weakening of the section and loss of quality of appearance.
You must be able to see that the
placing is proceeding correctly, so Handling the Mix
lighting should be available for The mix must be placed
large, deep sections, and thin walls carefully so that it does
Make sure you can see what you are doing not segregate and is
and columns.
capable of being
Ordering Correctly compacted properly.
If you will be using ready-mixed concrete, then right at the beginning, Vibration will not improve
during the planning/quotation stage, you should discuss with your the quality of segregated
supplier the way you propose to handle, place and compact the concrete.
concrete, The supplier will then ensure that the concrete you get Concrete should be compacted in layers
The layers
is in accordance with the specification and suits conditions on site.
The concrete should be placed in a series of approximately equal
The Rate of Work layers. Avoid at all costs forming large heaps of sloping layers, for
You will ensure a better rate of work if you deposit the concrete at, these encourage segregation, especially with mixes that are not
or as close as possible to, the exact spot where it is to be placed. cohesive.
Dropping the concrete somewhere nearby, then finishing the job by
Particular care is needed when you are using a skip to fill narrow
hand-shovelling is a waste of time.
sections such as thin walls, for here heaps and/or sloping layers can
Some of the items of equipment all too easily form. You need to control the discharge and the
used for moving concrete around movement of the skip very carefully so that a ribbon of concrete is
the site once it has been delivered placed.
or mixed are extremely versatile,
Maximum depths
and can direct the material with
The layers of concrete you place should not be too deep, otherwise
precision to just the spot where you
the weight of the material at the top makes it almost impossible,
want it, The chute of a truck mixer
even with vibration, to compact the bottom of the layer. As a result,
and the flexible pipe at the end of
air will be trapped in the mix leaving voids and blowholes that will
a pump's pipeline are obvious
result in surface blemishes, plus loss of strength.
Concrete supply needs to be organised examples.
Placing & Compacting Concrete

The maximum depth of layer depends on the method of compaction. Air-Entrained Concrete
Poker vibrators should be used for thick slabs. With short poker Even air-entrained concrete needs to be compacted to get rid of
heads, the layers should be no more than 300mm deep. If you are entrapped air voids. The difference between air voids and entrained
using longer heads, on wall and columns, for instance, regard 500mm air bubbles should be noted at this stage. The air bubbles that are
as the maximum. entrained are relatively small (between 0.25 and 1.0mm in diameter)
and spherical in shape, increase the workability of the mix, reduce
Vibrating beams are used on thinner slabs made up of layers generally
bleeding, and increase frost resistance. Entrapped air on the other
restricted to 150mm. Most of them do not have the power to compact
hand tends to be irregular in shape and is detrimental to the strength
anything thicker.
of the mix. It is to remove this air that the concrete must be properly
In all cases, a layer must be fully compacted before any more concrete compacted. There is little danger that compaction will remove the
is placed on top of it. Air voids in the lower concrete cannot be minute air bubbles that have been deliberately entrained, since they
removed if a subsequent layer is placed too are so stable.
early. However, the underlying layer still
Compaction of this material has to be very thorough since some of
needs to be workable enough to respond
the energy produced by the vibration process is absorbed by the
to vibration so that the two layers can knit
entrained air bubbles.
together without any joints - another reason
for getting the material into position as
quickly as possible. VIBRATION
Good planning and reliable delivery are To compact concrete you apply energy to it so that the mix becomes
necessary - particularly with large pours. more fluid. Air trapped in it can then rise to the top and escape. As
a result, the concrete becomes consolidated, and you are left with
Dropping concrete from a height a good dense material that will, after proper curing, develop its full
Does the height from which the concrete
Using a hopper and length of strength and durability.
tube to direct the concrete
is dropped matter? Not really. It makes Vibration is the next and quickest method of supplying the energy.
sense, however, to use baffle boards or a hopper to direct the fall so Manual techniques such as rodding are only suitable for smaller
that the concrete does not damage the formwork. You could add a projects.
length or two of tube if the mix has to go between reinforcement.
For very deep drops, you could opt for elephant trunking, not to be Various types of vibrator are available for use on site.
confused with the lightweight version used for dropping rubbish.
Poker Vibrators
The poker, or immersion, vibrator is the most popular of the appliances
COMPACTING CONCRETE used for compacting concrete. This is because it works directly in
the concrete and can be moved around easily.
Once the concrete has been placed, it is ready to be compacted. 2
The purpose of compaction is to get rid of the air voids that are Types
trapped in loose concrete. There are two basic types of poker vibrator. On one, the most
common, the head containing the vibratory mechanism is separate
Why It Matters
It is important to compact the concrete fully because: from the motor to which it is connected by a flexible drive shaft. It
• Air voids reduce the strength of the concrete. For every 1% of may have a petrol or diesel engine, or an electric motor.
entrapped air, the strength falls by somewhere between 5 and 7%. On the second type, motor and vibratory mechanism are in the same
This means that concrete containing a mere 5% air voids due to head. Power is by electricity or compressed air.
incomplete compaction can lose as much as one third of its strength.
Apart from the fact that the first type of vibrator is easily portable,
• Air voids increase concrete's permeability. That in turn reduces
there is little to choose between the two. Availability, and whether
its durability. If the concrete is not dense and impermeable, it
or not a suitable power supply can be laid on, are the important
will not be watertight. It will be less able to withstand aggressive
liquids and its exposed surfaces will weather badly.
Hydraulically-driven poker vibrators are also available. These are
• Moisture and air are more likely to penetrate to the reinforcement
not common, but could be useful if there is a power take-off available.
causing it to rust.
• Air voids impair contact between the mix and reinforcement (and, Sizes
indeed, any other embedded metals). The required bond will not Pokers with diameters ranging from 25 to 75mm are readily available,
be achieved and the reinforced member will not be as strong as it and these are suitable for most reinforced concrete work. Choose
should be. the largest one compatible with the formwork and reinforcement
• Air voids produce blemishes on struck surfaces. For instance, being used.
blowholes and honeycombing might occur.
Larger pokers are available - with diameters up to 150mm - but these
Summing up, fully compacted concrete is dense, strong and durable; are for mass concrete in heavy civil engineering.
badly compacted concrete will be porous, weak and prone to rapid
Radius of action
deterioration. Sooner or later it will have to be repaired or replaced.
When a poker vibrator is operating,
It pays, therefore, to do the job properly in the first place.
it will be effective over
Stiff Mixes a circle centred on the
Stiff mixes contain far more air than workable ones. That is one of poker. The distance
the reasons why a low-slump concrete requires more compactive from the poker to the
effort than one with a higher slump - the compaction needs to edge of the circle is
continue for a longer time, or more equipment has to be used. known as the radius of
action. The radius for
pokers of various
diameter is given in the The poker vibrator's radius of action and spacing

table above.
Diameter Radius of Approximate rate Use in concrete
of head action (mm) of compaction with a slump of...
(mm) assuming rapid
placing (m3 per hour)
20-30 80-150 up to 2 50mm or more in very thin sections and confined spaces. May be used in conjunction
with larger vibrators where there is reinforcement or other obstructions.
35-40 130-250 2-4 50mm or more in thin columns, walls or other confined spaces.
50-75 180-350 3-8 25mm or more in general work free from restrictions and congestion.
Note: When the vibrator is operating, it will compact concrete within a circle centred on the poker. The distance from the poker to the
edge of the circle is known as the radius of action. This tells you how far apart the points at which you insert the poker into the concrete
should be. For example, when the radius is about 200mm, insertions will be needed at centres of roughly 300mm, and to a predetermined
pattern, if all the concrete is to be fully compacted. Spacing of about 450mm (a radius of 250mm) will be required for a 65mm diameter
poker on concrete of medium workability.

However, the actual effectiveness of any poker depends on the • The poker should extend below the layer you are compacting and
workability of the concrete and the characteristics of the vibrator into the one underneath by at least 100mm. This will knit the two
itself. As a general rule, the bigger the poker and the higher its layers together, and any laitance on top of the lower layer will be
amplitude, the greater will be the radius of action. It is better to judge mixed into the upper one.
from your own observations, as work proceeds on site, the effective
• The whole length of the poker should be in the concrete. This
radius of the poker you are operating on the concrete you are
keeps the bearings cool.
• Avoid leaving the poker running when it is not in the concrete.
Length of head
Otherwise there is a risk that the bearings will overheat.
The concrete layer you are compacting should never be any deeper
than the length of the poker head, since it is only the head itself that • A little extra vibration will reduce the number of blowholes, This
is vibrating. If the layer is deeper than the head length, there is a is important when a good finish is called for.
danger that the top portion will not be fully compacted. You
• Make sure that vibration does not dislodge the drive motor off the
accomplish nothing by inserting more than the head into the mix.
staging. Never move it by pulling the drive shaft.
The head length of pokers with diameters within the range of those
• Clean the poker when you have finished. This is a rule that applies
given in the table is likely to be between 350 and 600mm. Most 65mm
to all concrete tools and appliances.
diameter polers have a head length of 350-450mm.
3 • Leave the poker inserted for the correct length of time.
The time it takes
The length of time it takes for a poker vibrator to compact concrete • Withdraw poker slowly from the concrete. It is important to ensure
fully depends on: that no hole is left behind as the poker leaves the concrete. It is
often hard to avoid such a hole, especially with a stiff mix. If a hole
1. The workability of the concrete: the less workable the mix, the
remains, place the poker as near to it as possible when you re-
longer it must be vibrated.
insert it to compact the next section, and this should close the hole.
2. The energy put in by the vibrator: bigger vibrators do the job faster.
When taking the poker out at the end of the run, withdraw it even
3. The depth of the concrete: thick sections take longer.
more slowly and wiggle it about to ensure that the hole closes
Using a poker vibrator properly.
Many contractors do not make the best use of poker vibrators,
• When you move the poker on to compact the next section, it should
running them wastefully, or at reduced efficiency, for as much as
not be too far from its previous position. The note to the table above
75% of their operating time. In other words, the vibrator is doing a
will give you guidance on this.
proper job for only a quarter of the working day. What a waste of
time and money! • Make sure the poker does not touch the formwork, otherwise it
will cause a 'poker burn', and mark the surface of the finished
To realise the full potential of a poker, it is necessary to plan the
concrete. Avoid problems by ensuring the vibrator stays 75-100mm
compaction, along with the placing method and technique, well in
from the formwork.
advance so that both operations are carried out as quickly and as
economically as possible. • Make sure the poker does not touch the reinforcement. The danger
is that the vibration will be
Points to watch:
transmitted to concrete
• Make sure you can see the concrete surface. Lights may be that has already
required in thin, deep sections. stiffened, and the bond
between mix and
• Make sure the poker is inserted into the concrete quickly. As
reinforcement could then
quickly as possible allow it, under its own weight, to reach the bottom
be affected. Also the poker
of the layer it is compacting.
could become entangled
If it sinks in slowly, the top If concrete builds up into a heap, it should
with the reinforcement. be levelled carefully by vibration
part of the layer will be
compacted first, forming a • Avoid, if possible, using the poker to make the concrete flow.
barrier through which However, you can sometimes break this rule if you have to pack the
entrapped air will find it mix into inaccessible corners. Place the concrete as near as possible
difficult to escape. to the corner, and use the vibrator to make it flow gently into place.
Placing & Compacting Concrete

• Never stick a poker into the top of a heap of concrete. Heaps Alternatively, it can be better to use a poker vibrator on the thicker
should never be allowed to form in the first place, of course, but slabs. It is advisable to use a poker at the edges of any slab, since
accidents do happen, and you then have to disperse the pile. You the energy of the beam is greatest in the centre. The maximum width
can use the poker for this, but insert it around the edge of the heap. of slab that can be successfully compacted by a vibrating beam is
Go carefully, though, to avoid segregation. Compaction is not deemed about 4.5m.
to have started until the pile has been levelled.
Beam Vibrators If the slab is heavily reinforce,
Beam vibrators are designed for concrete slabs, and, with certain the concrete should be
limitations, are the best type to use on them. compacted initially with poker
vibrators, and the surface
All concrete, in any type of construction, must be fully compacted. levelled with a beam.
With slabs there is usually the additional requirement that the top
surface should be textured for grip, trowelled smooth, or laid to falls Often a slab will have only light
so that water can run off. It all depends on the use for which the mesh reinforcement near its top.
concrete is designed, but it must be free from bumps and hollows. Congested reinforcement needs beam and poker
One method that can be used,
The necessary compaction and shaping of the surface can be done although it is not standard
in one operation, using only a beam vibrator. practice in New Zealand is a two stage placement. The concrete
should first be placed and compacted to mesh level using pokers,
The eventual finish may involve texturing, vacuum dewatering, floating or a notched vibrating beam with cut-out ends. The mesh can then
and/or trowelling. However, these are specialised techniques, not be carefully positioned and
dealt with in this booklet. covered with the top layer of
The slab concrete, which is spread and
On smaller, thinner slabs, intended compacted using a full-length
for light domestic use, hand double vibrating beam spanning
tamping will do. Use a timber the side forms. The operation
beam, approximately 200 x 50mm needs to be done with speed,
in section and fitted with handles otherwise the first concrete may
at each end. Working it needs two stiffen so much that a cold joint
pairs of hands. forms between the two layers, and A notched beam for two-stage work
provides the correct depth for
the top of the slab may then fail. reinforcement
With concrete of medium
workability (75mm slump) slabs up The important thing to realise is that the mesh MUST be in the upper
to 100mm may be compacted in zones of the slab not trampled to
this way. the bottom. Mesh therefore may
Slabs up to 100mm thick may be compacted by
hand tamping need pulling up to the correct level
The maximum width of bay for as the work proceeds.
hand tamping is determined by the strength of the operators and the
weight of the timber. The beam must be lifted and dropped rhythmically Preparatory work
The preparatory work for slabs
in order to transmit the required energy to the concrete. A 3m beam
must be thorough.
is normally a comfortable length for manual use. Several passes
may be required to achieve adequate compaction. The final accuracy of the surface
Time, effort and money can be saveddepends very much on the care
The use of a vibrating beam, by direct discharge with which the side forms are
known as semi-manual
fixed and set to level. They should be of rigid construction and
compaction, is always
continuously bedded on sub-base material or semi-dry concrete, so
preferable, even on smaller
that they are not dislodged by the energy transmitted by vibration.
slabs, and is essential for slabs
thicker than 100mm. The The mix
maximum depth that most The mix used for a slab should be
vibrating beams can fully cohesive in order to minimise any
compact is 150mm. risk of segregation and bleeding.
Double vibrating beam in use This is especially so if it cannot be
A vibrating beam in the form poured directly from the mixer to
of a tube is also available in New Zealand. the placement spot, but has to be
With thicker slabs, there are two possibilities: transported across the site.

1. The required depth can be built up in two or more layers not greater If you are using ready-mixed
A successful slab calls for thorough
than 150mm, each being fully compacted before any more concrete concrete, direct discharge from preparation
is placed. the truck mixer chute is a fast and
effective way of placing concrete into ground slabs. It then avoids
2. Sometimes a flowing, superplasticized mix is used because it the necessity of moving concrete across the site.
assists compaction, but there are snags. For a start, the material
is self-levelling so it cannot be laid to falls. Also it needs to be This method will also usually allow the use of concrete of low
correctly proportioned, and the materials carefully selected, if workability (nominally 60mm slump). Even lower workability may be
segregation, bleeding and laitance are to be avoided. Bleeding is called for if the concrete is being laid to a steep gradient or crossfall.
the rising of surplus water to the concrete surface due to vibration Slumps of 10 or 20mm will reduce the tendency of the mix to level
during compaction. This water brings with it a small amount of itself during compaction. However, if the concrete is to be transferred
cement and fines. It is this deposit that is known as laitance. from the mixer to a pump, skip, dumper or hoist, a 80-100 slump will
normally be required.
The surcharge Golden rules
The surface of the concrete drops during compaction as air trapped
No matter what type of compaction you use, the golden rules for all
within it is driven out. Excess concrete must therefore be placed to
forms of concrete construction apply with equal force to slabs.
ensure that after compaction the surface will not have dropped too
You must:
much, and the slab will be thick enough.
• Have proper preparation
The depth of this surcharge depends on the workability of the • Use a well-designed mix that will not readily segregate, bleed or
concrete. The stiffer the mix, the more it will settle during compaction. produce laitance
If the slump is 60mm, the surcharge should be about 20% of the slab's • Use concrete of appropriate workability
thickness (ie 30mm for a slab • Achieve full compaction at a prudent rate of progress
150mm thick). The next rule is to • Provide effective curing
ensure that there is always Curing is, in fact, more important with slabs than with any other form
surcharge ahead of the beam. of concrete construction, since slabs are specially vulnerable to
The most accurate way of forming abuse. Cracking, dusting, frost attack, and abrasion are less likely
a surcharge is to fix temporary to occur if the slab is cured properly.
spacers on the underside of a Clamp-on Vibrators
beam which is drawn as a timer Clamp-on vibrators (sometimes known as external vibrators) consist
template across the concrete. of an electrically or pneumatically operated motor with an out-of-
The surcharge allows for consolidation
Using the beam vibrator balance component. They work by vibrating the formwork to which
they are fixed - hence their name. These vibrations are transmitted
Once the concrete, with its to the concrete.
surcharge, has been spread, start
the motor and manually pull the This vibrator is mainly for precast concrete work, but it is sometimes
beam along the slab. Make sure used on site, especially where there is congested reinforcement.
that there is always a continuous However, it can generally compact only sections that are 300mm or
surcharge along the entire length less. Because of this, special consideration must be given to the
of the leading edge, and that, A poker is required for the edges of slabs
design of the formwork, and the setting up, use, and spacing of the
throughout, the ends of the beam vibrators.
ride on the side forms.
One steady pass with a double vibrating beam should be enough to
compact and level the All types of vibrators must be handled with care, and be properly
concrete. Extra passes might maintained, in order to avoid unnecessary breakdowns. The
5 bring laitance to the surface. manufacturer's manual will give precise instruction for the model
you are using, but here are some important general points.
Poker vibration at the edge is
often needed to supplement Check regularly for signs of wear, and rectify any faults immediately.
the vibrating beam because
Make sure that there is enough grease in the bearings, or you could
the edge form may absorb
have problems. For instance, a poker vibrator tube might start to
vibration energy thus reducing
twist and jump about. Should you get trouble of this kind, stop the
edge compaction.
machine and examine the bearings. Grease them if necessary.
Long-span beams Long-span beam vibrator, or razorback
If the machine is electrically operated, make certain that the voltage
Lightweight, long-span beams, also known as tri-screeds or and frequency of the power supply to which you propose to connect
razorbacks, are now an alternative to the conventional beam vibrator. it are suitable. Ensure, too, that all electrical vibrators are properly
They consist of a series of triangular-shaped sections that are earthed, and that the connections are adequately protected.
connected together to give an extremely wide range of lengths -
Check that a petrol or diesel engine is running at the manufacturer's
from less than 3m to more than 30m.
recommended speed. If it is not, the frequency developed in the
This equipment is not generally available in New Zealand. vibrating component will be incorrect, and the appliance will not
work as quickly or as efficiently as it should.
Long-span beams have several advantages.
The air line of a pneumatically operated appliance should be cleared
• They can cope with much wider slabs. of moisture before you couple it up. And there must be no leak in
• Several mini-vibrators are uniformly spaced along the length, giving the lines or its connections, otherwise the vibrator will not operate
a better distribution of energy. at full power.

• The top bar is adjustable, so that not only is it easy to compensate A few points about poker vibrators:
for any tendency to sag in the middle, but also the slab can be
• Avoid sharp bends in the drive shaft, particularly when the machine
finished to a number of profiles.
is in use.
• The razorback can successfully compact slabs up to 300mm thick.
• Never engage the drive to a motor that is already running. Many
To use it, place it in position, start the motor then steadily move it nasty accidents have occurred because an operator did not bother
along the side forms by winching-in cables firmly anchored at the first to switch off the motor, or throttle back its centrifugal clutch.
end of the slab.
• When using the vibrator, do not leave it too long in the same spot
As with conventional beam vibrators, the concrete must have a in the concrete.
surcharge, and you should make steady and straight progress, taking
care that the equipment does not rise up or slide off the side forms. • Don't leave it running whilst you wait for fresh supplies of concrete
to be placed.
Placing & Compacting Concrete

• If, as sometimes happens, a pendulum-type poker fails to work when Revibration

switched on, try rattling its head, or giving the nose cap a smart rap No harm will be done if fully compacted concrete is vibrated again,
(not too hard, though). When this is not effective, switch off and provided that the material is still workable, as described above. Tests
check the motor coupling. With shaft-driven machines, the shaft have shown that the strength of concrete is slightly increased if it
or a drive pin may have failed. On electric machines, the switch, a is vibrated for a second time.
fuse or a break in the wiring, even a motor, could be the fault.
Small Columns
Inspect to find out.
The ideal way to place and compact in small sections, such as
• Never go on using a machine that has developed faults. slender columns, is to feed it in steadily at a rate at which the poker
can compact fully. Slowly and repeatedly withdraw the poker, then
COMPACTION QUERIES reinsert it as more concrete is being placed.

The concrete should not rise in the form by more than 300mm per 20
In this section we take a look at some of the problems and questions
seconds, which is equivalent to a total of about 3 minutes for a
that crop up on site.
column 3m high.
How Long Should It Take?
With a 300mm square column, this is about as fast as the concrete
How can you tell when concrete is fully compacted? It's largely a
can be shovelled in.
matter of experience. You soon get used to a poker vibrator, and can
'feel' when compaction is complete. However, certain indications When you cannot use this method, you will have to fill the column
will help. in layers, not more than 300mm deep. Such layers, in a column of
the dimensions given will, if properly compacted, require no more
Watch the air bubbles that emerge as the concrete is vibrated. When
than 0.03m3 of concrete each.
they stop, that is a good sign that compaction is complete. The sound
a poker vibrator makes can be a help too, this is where a good ear In these instances, concrete should be placed by skip only if the
for music comes in! There is a dropping off in frequency when the operator can control the flow so that just this small quantity is
poker is first inserted. When the pitch or whine becomes constant, discharged at a time. Otherwise, it is better to deposit the mix on a
the concrete is free of entrapped air. banker board and shovel it in carefully.

It generally takes place in about 10-15 seconds which you can judge Make sure each layer is compacted before you place the next, The
by slowing counting up to that number. first layer is the most critical since it has to bond with the kicker, or
a horizontal construction joint.
Take note, too, of the surface appearance of the concrete. A thin
film of glistening mortar is a sign that the mix is compacted, as is To ensure a better bond, place the poker at the bottom of the form
cement paste forming at the junction of the concrete and formwork. and in the middle of the section, then start it up. Now deposit the
first layer of concrete.
Not too little
Beware of stopping vibration too soon. For instance, when you first One 40mm diameter poker should
insert the poker consolidation will be rapid, and the level of the be enough to ensure good
concrete will drop. That does not mean that all the air has been compaction in a 300mm square
released. Some will still be entrapped so carry on compacting. section. In tighter spaces use
external vibration or hand rodding.
Under-compaction will cause far more problems than over-compaction.
It is virtually impossible to over-vibrate properly designed concrete. If the surface finish is important,
revibrate the top 600mm about half
Even with a badly designed mix - one prone to segregation, lacking
an hour after the intial compaction.
cohesion or containing too much water - the only problem is likely to
be an excess of laitance on the surface. On walls and the tops of Walls Banker board for filling a small column
columns, it is best to be prepared to remove this laitance, an easy It should be clear from the
enough task in such situations, rather than risk under-vibration. drawings if there are likely to be any obstacles to placing the concrete,
or inserting the pokers. Sometimes you can get approval to re-
So you should never be in a hurry to stop compacting. Too much is
arrange the reinforcement if necessary. If not, ways must be found
better than too little. Above all, don't be tempted to skimp on vibration
for placing and compacting the concrete so that each member of
just because more concrete has arrived for placing.
the gang knows what is to be
However, you cannot get rid of laitance from the top of slabs, so here done,.
you must make sure in the first place that the mix is a good one,
In thin sections, lighting will be
designed to reduce bleeding, and then avoid overworking. This
needed so you can see the
subject is dealt with more fully in the section on beam vibrators.
concrete being placed.
How Long Is It Workable?
With a good, cohesive mix, and
Many specifications still in use stipulate that only a certain, limited
where there is no obstruction, the
time must be allowed to elapse between the mixing of the concrete
concrete can be dropped in from
and the placing and compacting of it.
the top of the formwork. However,
Such specifications are not necessarily correct. Concrete can be Baffle boards keep the falling concrete it must not come into contact with
placed and compacted at any time after mixing, even if some stiffening away from the form face the form face. Baffle boards at the
has already occurred, PROVIDED THAT it can still be worked by the top will prevent this.
particular compacting method you propose to use.
Place the material as uniformly as possible, avoiding heaps and
The time it takes for concrete to go off sufficiently for it to be no inclined layers. If skips are being used, control the discharge, moving
longer workable depends on several factors including ambient air the skip horizontally along the length of the wall. This is not easy,
temperatures or whether a retarder has been used or not. and needs care. Avoid dropping a full load all at once, for this could
cause the mix to segregate or the reinforcement to move.
For thin walls (300mm or less across) you may find it best to have a Around Openings
continuous bankerboard along the top, on which the concrete can
When you are concreting around openings, ducts, void formers and
be placed before being shovelled down into the form, a technique
the like - both the placing and the compacting should be done from
similar to that for columns.
one side, the vibrator being  used to ensure that the concrete flows
The first layer of concrete should be less than 300mm deep. As with into position.
columns, this the most important layer for it must bond properly to
Continue vibrating until the concrete is fully compacted, and you can
the kicker. So pay particular attention to it.
see it flowing out on the other side.
The compaction, as well as the placing, needs to be well planned
The former will need to be satisfactorily held down otherwise it may
before hand. For instance, allow for the time it takes to move the
lift and float.
poker from one insertion point to the next.
Plastic settlement under ducts
Because of obstructions, such as through-bolts, the vibrator head
might have to be withdrawn to the top of the form work before being Special care is needed when concrete is placed and compacted in
moved sideways and lowered again for the next insertion. For a 6m the webs of post-tensioned cellular structure There is a danger that
length of wall with insertion points at 400mm centres you will need plastic settlement will occur under the ducts, which might result in
at least three pokers. the formation of large voids. To get rid of these, stop placing, wait
for about half an hour, the revibrate along the line of the duct. The
If the height of pour exceeds 3m, make sure the flexible hose or
work can then continue in the normal way.
power line is long enough for the poker to reach the bottom of the
At stop ends and vertical construction joints, good compaction is
essential. One way of ensuring this is to place the poker ahout 300mm There are two important points to note:
from the end or joint, switch on, then feed the concrete carefully and • There should always be sufficient vibratory equipment to match
slowly to it. Or you can move the concrete in a tongue towards the the concrete placement rate.
joint. • There should also be standby equipment in case of breakdown
during pouring.
This is one of the few instances where it is acceptable to use a poker
vibrator to move concrete. But it must be for as short a distance as
possible, and the concrete must still be vibrated afterwards.

Sloping Top Layer

Although a slope should be avoided
in lower layers of the construction,
the design may call for the top one
to be inclined. If the slope is no more
than 10 degrees, concrete can be
placed and compacted by the
normal method for slabs.

However, there could be a tendency

Compacting concrete on a slope
for the mix to slump down the slope
under its own weight and the effects
of vibration. To prevent this, use a mix of as low a workability as
Other topics in this series
possible (a slump of less than 25mm). You may also need to use a
of brochures include:
weighted screed board. SC 1 Ordering Ready Mixed Concrete
SC 2 Moving Concrete
For slabs up to 200m thick, place the concrete and spread about a
SC 4 Curing of Concrete
1m length to a uniform Also Engineered Concrete
surcharge. Then take a Solutions series:
hand tamper or beam ECS 1 Marine & Coastal
vibrator to work it up the ECS 2 Chemical Resisting
slope off screed rails or ECS 3 Crack Control
ECS 4 High Strength Concrete
battens fixed at the edges.
ECS 5 Industrial & Commercial Floors
Use a poker vibrator to ECS 6 Abrasion Resisting
compact the concrete at
the edges of the slabs.
Placing concrete from one side around a duct former
If there is slight slumping
after compaction, here's what you should do. Wait for the concrete
to stiffen, then give the surface a second pass with a beam vibrator.
Phone: 0800 ECS DATA
0800 327 328
Fax: 0800 ECS FAX
0800 327 329
“This series of brochures is based on the British Concrete Association publication series
‘Concrete on Site’, and is reproduced with the permission of C&CA of NZ.
The information contained is intended for general guidance only and in no way replaces
the service of professional consultants on particular projects.
No liability can be accepted for its use.”
For advice on your particular project call these numbers. Edition: May 1999

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