Lesson 11 - Review of Reported Speech (Part 2) : A. Reported Orders, Requests and Advice

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Amslink English Center

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Phone: 043 519 0384

Lesson 11 - Review of Reported Speech (Part 2)

A. Reported orders, requests and advice
1. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences.
1. She said, ‘Go upstairs.’ → She told me ………………………………………………………………
2. ‘Close the door behind you,’ he told me. → He told me ………………………………………………………………
3. ‘Don’t be late,’ he advised us. → He advised us ………………………………………………………………
4. ‘Stop staring at me,’ she said. → She told him ………………………………………………………………
5. ‘Don’t be angry with me,’ he said → He asked her ………………………………………………………………
6. ‘Leave me alone,’ she said. → She told me ………………………………………………………………
7. ‘Don’t drink and drive,’ she warned us. → She told John ………………………………………………………………
8. ‘Meet me at the cinema,’ he said. → He asked me ………………………………………………………………
2. Decide whether each sign is giving an order or advice, or making a request. Then use the
words in the chart to describe each one.

tells us to feed the fish.

warns us not to smoke.
asks us wear a hat.
advises us queue from this side.

0. …………………………………………. This sign tells us not to smoke. ...................................................................

1. ....................................................................................................................................................................
2. ....................................................................................................................................................................
3. ....................................................................................................................................................................
4. ....................................................................................................................................................................
3. Complete the reported orders, requests, advice and warnings. Use tell, ask, advise or warn.
1. ‘Don’t talk in the library.’
The librarian ..............................................................................................................................................
2. ‘I’d take some food for the journey, if I were you.’
My mother ................................................................................................................................................
3. ‘Please have your tickets ready.’
The clerk ...................................................................................................................................................
4. ‘Don’t go in the sea - it’s dangerous.’
The lifeguard .............................................................................................................................................
5. ‘It’s best if you take the first train that arrives.’
The guard ..................................................................................................................................................
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Website: amslink.edu.vn
Phone: 043 519 0384
6. ‘Pick your rubbish up!’
The police officer .......................................................................................................................................
4. Read the email ‘I hate exams’ and choose the correct word.
Hi Vicki
I’ve just come back from my Spanish oral exam. It was awful! I was really nervous. Our teacher had
advised us (1. try to stay calm/ to try to stay calm), but of course, that was really difficult. A group of us
were waiting outside the exam room, when a woman came past and told (2. us/ to us) to stop chatting -
she warned (3. that we don’t/ us not to make) too much noise or we’d be in trouble. Then she asked one
of our group (4. to go/ go in), and we realised that she was the examiner! She was so unfriendly. One of
the teachers came past - she could see that we were all nervous, but she told (5. us not to/ us to not)
worry. After a few minutes, the door opened again and a man invited me to go inside. He was quite
friendly, but of course the unfriendly woman was also in there - she ordered (6. that I/ me) to sit down, so
I took the nearest chair. At first I couldn’t understand their Spanish. After a couple of minutes, I felt better
when they asked me (7. that/ to talk) about my last holiday in Spain, I was OK. But then the woman told
me (8. stop/to stop), and started correcting my Spanish, so I felt awful again! The man advised (8. me to/
me) slow down - he said it wasn’t a speed competition - and from then it seemed OK. I’ll just have to wait
for the results now.
5. Every summer there’s a ten-mile ‘Fun Run’ around Milchester for people who want to keep
fit. Last year the organisers gave all the runners a list of rules. Sarah did the run last year, and
she’s telling a friend what the rules were. Look at the rules and give Sarah’s words. Use tell or
Milchester Fun Run - Rules for runners
1. Please arrive at the start between 1.45 and 2.15.
2. You must be there by 2.30 at the latest.
3. Please do not park in the centre of Milchester.
4. You must show your ticket.
5. You must wear your number on your shirt.
6. Please wear running shoes.
7. You must not carry any bags or bottles during the run.
8. You must follow the correct route.
9. Please run on the left.
10. Please do not leave litter.

1. .....................................................................................................................................................................
2. .....................................................................................................................................................................
3. .....................................................................................................................................................................
4. .....................................................................................................................................................................
5. .....................................................................................................................................................................
6. .....................................................................................................................................................................
7. .....................................................................................................................................................................
8. .....................................................................................................................................................................
9. .....................................................................................................................................................................
10. ...................................................................................................................................................................
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Website: amslink.edu.vn
Phone: 043 519 0384

6. Brenda is telling a friend about a couple who invited her to France when she was recovering
from an illness. Report what she said.
1. They were very kind to me. They said, ‘You should come and spend the summer with us.’ (SUGGEST)
2. I wasn’t sure about accepting, but they said, ‘We’d like you to stay with us for at least six weeks.’
3. When I got there, they said, ‘It would do you good if you went walking and swimming in the
4. As for meals, they said, ‘You might like to eat light things to start with, like fish and soup.’

B. Mix
1. Report the quotes in reported speech. Do NOT change the tense if it is possible not to.
1. ‘The museum was opened to the public in 1965.’
The guidebook says ..................................................................................................................................
2. ‘I’ll take a taxi home after the film tomorrow evening.’
John told us last Friday .............................................................................................................................
3. ‘Humans first walked on the moon in 1969.’
The lecturer said .......................................................................................................................................
4. ‘Samir’s ill and can’t come to school today.’
Mrs Richards, Samir’s mother said ...........................................................................................................
5. ‘Jason had been working for me for two years at that point.’
The manager told the police officer .........................................................................................................
6. ‘We’re meeting our cousins from Vancouver at the weekend.’
Lou and Jane told us last week .................................................................................................................
2. Read the dialogue, then complete the text.
Suzy Hi, Jane. What are you doing here?
Jane I’m buying some curtains.We moved into our new house last month and there’s lots of work to do.
Suzy Really?
Jane Yes, we finished painting our house last week and John cleared the garden yesterday. We’ve got a
bit of a problem though. Our new furniture was delivered a couple of weeks ago but I can’t arrange
it until next week because the carpets haven’t arrived. I hope it will look nice when it’s finished. My
parents are coming to visit us next month.
I saw Jane in the DIY store a few weeks ago. I asked her what she was doing (1) …………………………. and she
said she was buying new curtains. She told me that they’d moved into their new house (2) ……………………….
She said that they’d finished painting it (3) ……………………………. and that John (4) ……………………………. the
garden the day before. She explained that their new furniture had been delivered (5) …………………………….,
but she couldn’t arrange it until the following week because the carpets (6) ………………………………. She said
she hoped it would look nice when it was all finished, and added that her parents (7) ……………………………….
to visit them (8) ……………………………….

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Amslink English Center
Website: amslink.edu.vn
Phone: 043 519 0384
3. Rosemarie works in a tourist office. She is reporting questions that tourists asked her at
work. Complete what she says, using if/ whether or a question word and the correct reported
speech verb forms.
1. ‘What time does the museum open?’
→ Someone asked me ………………………………………………………………….
2. ‘Will the shops be open on Sunday?’
→ Someone asked me …………………………………………………………………. open on Sunday.
3. ‘How much does a travel card cost?’
→ Someone asked me ………………………………………………………………….
4. ‘Did I leave my umbrella here earlier?’
→ Someone asked me …………………………………………………………………. her umbrella here earlier.
5. ‘Has the festival started?’
→ Someone asked me ………………………………………………………………….
6. ‘Where can I find a good restaurant?’
→ Someone asked me …………………………………………………………………. a good restaurant.
7. ‘Is it going to stop raining soon?’
→ Someone asked me …………………………………………………………………. raining soon.
8. ‘Do you like dealing with tourists?’
→ Someone asked me …………………………………………………………………. dealing with tourists!
4. Adam does his shopping at Brisco supermarket. Yesterday a woman who works for Brisco
stopped him on his way out and asked him some questions. She wrote the answer on the form
below. Later, Adam told his friend Don about it. Give Adam’s words.
Brisco Supermarkets 1. ..................................................................................
Customer questionnaire ......................................................................................

How often do you shop at Brisco? 2. ..................................................................................

Twice a week. ......................................................................................

Are you happy to shop here? 3. ..................................................................................

Yes. ......................................................................................
4. ..................................................................................
Why do you shop here?
Because it’s cheap. ......................................................................................
5. ..................................................................................
Can you get everything you want at Brisco?
Can’t get good bread. ......................................................................................
6. ..................................................................................
How far away is your home?
One mile. ......................................................................................
7. ..................................................................................
Have you come here by car?
8. ..................................................................................
How much have you just spent?
About £15.
Will you come to Brisco again?
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Website: amslink.edu.vn
Phone: 043 519 0384

5. Choose one of the direct speech sentences in the box to complete each sentence below, using
reported speech.

Don’t wait for me if I’m late. Mind your own business. Please slow down!

Can you open your bag, please? Don’t worry , Sue. Hurry up!

Will you marry me? Do you think you could give me a hand, Tom?

1. Will was taking a long time to get ready, so I …………………………………………………

2. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked …………………………………………………
3. Sue was nervous about the situation, I told …………………………………………………
4. I couldn’t move the piano alone, so I …………………………………………………
5. The security guard looked at me suspiciously and …………………………………………………
6. The man started asking me personal questions, so I …………………………………………………
7. Carl was in love with Maria, so he …………………………………………………
8. I didn’t want to delay Helen, so I …………………………………………………
6. Read the email. Then write what Angela actually said to Delia.
Hi Maggie,
Guess what? Last week, I met Angela, who we used to work with. She told me she was still living with her
parents, but she wanted to move out. She explained that her sister had found a flat they could share, and
they’d looked round it the week before. It had just been decorated and they’d liked it very much, but
they’d been asked to pay a month’s rent in advance. Unfortunately, because she was working part-time
and she didn’t earn much money, she hadn’t saved enough for the deposit. She said she was going to get
a new job. She was being interviewed the next day, so she had to buy some new clothes for the interview.
I hope Angela and her sister will invite us to their new flat when they move in!
Love, Delia.
1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. Wilma Shaw the pop singer has just arrived in London from the U.S. She’s being interviewed
by a journalist. Look at the journalist’s notes and Wilma’s answers. Then complete the article
which the journalist wrote a month after the interview with Wilma.
1. How long are you going to be here? Two months.
2. Is this your first visit to the country? No, it isn’t
3. When were you here before? Five years ago.
4. Why did you come then? For a holiday.
5. Why have you come this time? To work.
6. Are you doing a tour now? Yeah, that’s right.
7. How many cities are you going to visit? About twenty.
8.What do you want to do after that? Have a holiday.
9. Do you have a message for your fans? Yeah - come to our concerts and have a wild time.
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Website: amslink.edu.vn
Phone: 043 519 0384

Last month I was lucky enough to interview Wilma Shaw when she was in this country. First of all I asked
Wilma how long she (1) ………………………………………. here and she said two months, but actually she has al-
ready gone back to the U.S. She told me it (2) ………………………………………. her first visit to the U.K. because
she (3) ……………………………………. here five years before, for a holiday. The pop singer then told me that she
(4) ………………………………………. a tour. When I asked her how many cities she (5) ……………………………………….
she thought about twenty. She said she (6) ………………………………………. to have a holiday after the tour. She
looked tired. But when I asked her whether she (7) ………………………………………. a message for her fans, she
told them (8) ………………………………………. to the concerts and have a wild time. Well, it looks as though Wil-
ma has had too many wild times, because her manager said last week that she is now resting!

8. Alex, who wanted to go to an art college, was interviewed by one of the lecturers. A year
later, his friend Charlie asked him about the interview, as she wanted to go to the same
college. Complete Alex’s answers.
Charlie So, Alex, what was the interview like?
Alex Well, the interview started by asking me when I (1. leave) …………………………………….. school. And
then he wanted to know what I (2. do) …………………………………….. since then. I told him I (3. have)
…………………………………….. several jobs. First I (4. work) …………………………………….. in a cafe for
about a year because I (5. need) …………………………………….. to save a lot of money for travelling. Of
course he asked me where I (6. want) …………………………………….. to go and when I told him, he
asked whether I (7. visit) ………………………………………... all those places. I explained to him that I
(8. be) …………………………………….. to Brazil and Peru, and I (9. spend) ……………………………………..
some months in Turkey. He told me I (10. be) …………………………………….. very lucky. Then he asked
if I (11. bring) …………………………………….. some work to show him and he looked at my work.
Charlie Was that all?
Alex I think so. He asked me when I (12. become) …………………………………….. interested in painting and
drawing, and I said that I (13. think) ……………………………….. I always (14. be) ………………………………..
Oh, yes, and he told me my work (15. be) …………………………………….. very good.
Charlie I’m not surprised. It is good. I hope he’ll like my stuff too.
Alex Oh, I think he will.

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