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Physical education, also known as Phys Ed.,

PE, gym, or gym class, and in some
Commonwealth countries as physical training
or PT, is a class that pupils are required to
take at school. It is taken during primary and
secondary education and encourages
psychomotor learning in a play or movement
exploration setting to promote health.Physical
Education programs vary all over the world.
However, there are worldwide organizations
that allow for a better understanding on how
much exercise a child should be getting daily.
Popular games in PE include football, netball,
hockey, rounders, athletics and cricket.
The following are objectives of physical education
​ hysical development
Psychological development
Social development
Moral development
Improvement in knowledge


●Cardiovascular Endurance
●Muscular Strength
●Muscular endurance
●Body Composition
​Physical fitness is a state of health and
well-being and, more specifically, the ability
to perform aspects of sports, occupations and
daily activities. Physical fitness is generally
achieved through proper
nutrition,moderate-vigorous physical exercise,
and sufficient rest.Before the industrial
revolution, fitness was defined as the capacity
to carry out the day’s activities without undue
fatigue. However, with automation and
changes in lifestyles physical fitness is now
considered a measure of the body's ability to
function efficiently and effectively in work
and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist
hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency

Social development is about

improving the well-being of every
individual in society so they can
reach their full potential. The
success of society is linked to the
well-being of each and every
citizen.It is about helping people so
they can move forward on their path
to self-sufficiency.

Emotional development is about an

individual’s feelings for and about
other people, objects, situations and
experiences. Adults are able to use
words to express their feelings and
explain how they are feeling.
Children cannot do this as easily as
they may not have the words to
describe how they are feeling.

Mental development is an important

aspect of growth, embracing the
various mental abilities. It begins
right from birth, and as the child
develops with the passage of time
his mental reactions also
change..Mental development
includes such abilities as attending,
perceiving, observing,
remembering, imagining, thinking,
solving problems and growth of
intelligence as well as of language.

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