Crime Reporting and Investigation System CRIS

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COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI)

Project Proposal (SCOPE DOCUMENT) For

Crime Reporting and Investigation System (CRIS)


Mr. Tanveer Ahmed Siddique

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (2018-2022)


No. Comment Action

1-Nothing for prevention of crime it has only 1-Due to some technical issues we are not
1 two points face recognition, and fingerprint focusing on prevention of crime we are focus
recognition. on crime reporting, criminal identification,
share nearby crime incident, detecting fake
2-The name is quite different from what the video crime reporting.
scope and modules suggest \ A number of
things are there but not interrelated in many 2-we made major changes in scope make
thing more relevant.
3- how fingerprints will be collected from
crime scene, and images of suspect from 3- we are not providing fingerprint
rush area of post crime investigation scene. collecting tool our module is related
fingerprint matching to identify person and
we are supposing only single face photo
for identification.


Table of Contents
Problem Statement....................................................................................................................6
Problem Solution for the Proposed System...............................................................................6
Related System Analysis/Literature Review..............................................................................7
Advantages/Benefits of Proposed System.................................................................................7
Project Scope..............................................................................................................................8
Module 1: User Profile............................................................................................................9
Module 2: Admin Panel and police station admin.................................................................9
Module 3: Crime Reporting....................................................................................................9
Module 4: Investigation Team Panel....................................................................................10
Module 5: Crime statistics analysis......................................................................................10
Module 6: crime pattern Clustering....................................................................................11
Module 7: Recognition using Image and criminal Database...............................................11
Module 8: User reviews and complaining............................................................................11
Module 9: Fake report detection using video forensic........................................................12
Module 10: Fake report detection using Audio forensic.....................................................12
Module 11: Fake report detection using image forensic.....................................................13
System Limitations/constrains.................................................................................................13
Software Process and Design Methodology............................................................................13
Tools and Technologies............................................................................................................14
Project Stakeholders and Roles................................................................................................15
Team Members Individual Tasks/Work Division.....................................................................16
Data Gathering Approach........................................................................................................17
Gantt Chart...............................................................................................................................18
Plagiarism Report.....................................................................................................................21
Project Category:

Web Application - Problem Solving and Machine Learning

Information technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and social network
analysis have been broadly used in law enforcement to solve crimes. Automatic face
recognition, image processing, and crime statistics analysis have improved law enforcement
in the changing world. In Pakistan, the Crime rate is increasing swiftly day by day. Police
officers have to spend lots of time and human resources identifying suspects and criminals
without modern crime investigation methods.

The crime Reporting and Investigation system (CRIS) allows the user to report a crime to the
nearby police station remotely. It also provides information on missing persons, most
wanted criminals, and safety tips for awareness. Our system will help police identify culprits
by matching faces with past criminal records. CRIS will analyze the crime statistics to help
police become alert if the crime rate in their respective city increases.

Over the decade, several security methods have been established that help identifying a
criminal quickly using different modern approaches. In developed states like New York,
criminal data is centralized to help police access that information anywhere to identify a
criminal. Police are now using modern technologies to identify the criminal much faster than
before. By using machine learning models for facial recognition, police can quickly identify
the criminal. Police can use crime statistic analysis to analyze if the crime rates increase, to
reallocate resources, and take preventive measures. Machine learning helps the police
departments in boosting their investigation by analyzing fake crime reports and evidences.
A majority of the crime cases go unreported or are reported too late. Typically, in rural areas
of Pakistan, women cannot report crimes committed against them because they cannot
leave their houses or are afraid of getting into trouble. Manual crime reporting is time-
consuming, and sometimes it is not convenient for people to go to the police station to
report a crime, especially in a condition like covid where people are discouraged from
leaving their houses. With Crime Reporting and Investigation System (CRIS), people can
report a crime from anywhere at any time. Our system will enable police to use machine
learning models to control crime at a faster rate. It will make it easier for police to identify a
criminal using crime pattern clustering and facial recognition techniques. Also, reported
cases will be analyzed by effective forensic models before being registered to avoid fake
reportings. This will not only make reporting a crime much more accessible but also make
the investigation time efficient. All these features will be available within a single web

Problem Statement
The purpose of such a system is to overcome a massive gap between the public and justice.
Pakistan is currently fighting a war against a corrupt police force. Nowadays, many cases go
unfiled because of the corrupt system, and if they are somehow reported, they get ignored.
Also, under certain circumstances like lockdowns, COVID-19, and family restrictions, many
victims cannot report their cases to a police station. At times, people cannot go to the police
station to report a crime, primarily women, out of fear or lack of resources. In few cases,
the evidence is destroyed or manipulated by a corrupt investigation officer or the person
reporting the crime. Although, it is not always the police who are responsible for a slow
investigation. Unlike Pakistan, other countries use more efficient technologies to identify a
criminal. The technologies and techniques being used by the Pakistani police are outdated
and very time-consuming. This makes the investigation slow and plays a vital role in the
inefficiency of the system. Our existing police system is a total waste of resources as many
employees are busy managing files. Due to this improper and inefficient distribution of
resource allocation, it becomes harder for the police to control the city's crime rate.

Problem Solution for the Proposed System

We suggest a system that solves the problem mentioned above. Crime reporting can be
done remotely using the application; the person reporting the crime can also upload various
types of evidence like photos, audio, or videos of the crime scene or the criminal. The cases
that the corrupt officers were not registering can now be directly reported remotely. If a
reported case is not being dealt with, the person can complain about the police station to
the higher authority. Also, due to the accessibility of the system, any person who was
unable to go to the police station can now report their issue with ease. Women can also
report cases without the fear of harassment since all the communication can be carried out

CRIS using its powerful features, help police in fighting crime in a better and effective way.
For instance, if a criminal flees from one city to another after committing a crime, the police
can match the photograph or personal data of the suspects with their criminal database to
identify the criminal quickly. Our system uses a predictive model to predict if a reported
case is fake or genuine. CRIS also analyzes past cases and visualizes them in charts so that
the police can easily understand the statistics and reallocate law enforcement resources.
Crime statistics are beneficial in determining where or when police officers will patrol based
on areas or times that see higher crime.
Related System Analysis/Literature Review

This is the official website police department of Punjab. This website provides many
features, such as people checking any alter/news, checking crime statistics, welfare program
starting by Punjab police, and taking advantage of different types of services given by police.
This website only for the public of Punjab by our proposed system will be for the whole of
Pakistan. We also provide many extra features related to identification, but this will be only
available to the policemen.

This is the official website provided by the police of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the public of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to register their issues. Using this portal, citizens can file their
complaints online.

Table 1: Related System Analysis with Targeted Project Solution.

Application Name Weakness Proposed Project Solution
  Not providing: -  Provide
They are not providing Using our system, the
features; for instance, public can complain and
the public cannot file a upload evidence.
complaint through this

  Allow users to report a  Our system automatically

crime but does not examines that the reported
examine the report is crime is authentic or the
authentic or not. reported crime is fake.

Advantages/Benefits of Proposed System

1- This will be the online platform for Citizens to report a crime at any time anywhere.
2- It will help police predict the false crime reports to help them save plenty of time and
3- Under certain circumstances, like lockdown, we can report a crime from home
without going out.
4- CRIS will provide an online communication system to facilitate both police and the
public in more accessible communication.
5- It is a good option for women; sometimes, they have many fears when filing a
complaint. With our system, they can report from home.
6- It also helps our department boost their investigation procedure using a more modern
and efficient way of identification.
7- CRIS brings fairness to the system as complaints and feedback will be directly
conveyed to the higher authorities/admin panel.
8- A centralized criminal database will make it easier for other cities' police to catch a
fleeing criminal.

Project Scope
Our system is a web application that enables crime control authorities to fight crime more
efficiently and innovatively. A single web application that allows the police to identify a
person using their images or personal data, predict if the reported case is genuine or fake,
help people file complaints remotely, and a robust model that clusters similar cases to help
ongoing investigations. This will not only improve the security services across the country
but also help minimize the crime itself. With a dynamic crime statistics analysis, authorities
can prepare better to stop the crime and maintain peace. Online report filing will enable
women to file complaints without fearing any harassment or judgments from society. Filed
complaints can be then organized and investigated with ease. The public can keep a record
of the progress, and higher authorities can keep an eye on the performance of the police
remotely. Any issue can be highlighted with feedback and complaints, and if the proof is
solid, appropriate action can be taken to avoid recurring problems.

A centralized system will help police catch the criminals, even if they flee to other cities to
seek refuge. This will increase the trust of the public in the police and help victims get
justice. This system will help improve the overall justice system to its fullest potential. Crime
rates can be controlled; criminals will start fearing the justice system when the authorities
become more effective and efficient.

A person must create a user profile to access features such as reporting a crime, providing
feedback, or reporting a complaint against the police station. This module allows users to
edit their personal information and communicate with the police station or admin panel.

 New users can create their profiles by providing the required information.
 The system will generate a unique ID for each new user.
 Users can log in to the system using valid credentials to access the dashboard.
 Users can edit their profiles.
 Users can delete their accounts.


Admin panel deals with the creation and management of accounts for police stations. It is
the top authority to refer to when complaining about the performance of a police station. It
can potentially be situated in the office of IG, DIG, or AIG. The police station admin will be
responsible for handling new incoming cases and attending to the crime reports.


 Admin panel can create, edit, or delete any police station account.
 Admin panel will have the option to view a police station's performance.
 Admin panel will view and respond to the customer's complaints.
 Police station admin can create, edit, or delete the investigation team panels for
their police station.
 Police station admin can assign new cases to investigation team panels.
 Police station admin can view the crime statistics analysis for their police station.


This module handles all the features related to crime reporting, such as reporting a crime,
uploading any evidence, contacting the investigation team panel, and case status. A crime
can be reported by a public profile and handled by a police station profile.


 The public can report a crime by filing an E-FIR.

 The public can attach any digital evidence, such as a video, audio, or a picture related
to the crime scene or criminal.
 The public can view details about the most wanted criminals.
 The public can report a most wanted criminal.
 The public can view details about the missing persons.
 The public can report to the police if a missing person is found.
 The public can view details about the missing vehicles.
 The public can report to the police if a missing vehicle is located.
 Any unattended crime report will be automatically forwarded to the admin panel
after 36 hours.
 The public can view the status of their case.


Upon reporting a crime, the police station will assign the case to an investigation team. This
module will allow that investigation team to update the case's progress and use various
features, such as facial recognition using a robust machine learning model, retrieving data
from previous cases for case studies using clustering, and uploading evidence in digital form.


 The Investigation Team Panel (ITP) can access all the details and evidence of the
reported crime.
 The Investigation Team Panel (ITP) can update the status of a case to active or
 The Investigation Team Panel (ITP) can access any previous cases with similar
criminal crime patterns.
 The Investigation Team Panel (ITP) can use the powerful facial recognition model.
 The Investigation Team Panel (ITP) can contact the reporter using the CRIS's secure
video call system.
 The Investigation Team Panel (ITP) can give closing remarks on a case after


This module allows the police to analyze the city's crime statistics using CRIS's, easy-to-
understand and dynamic crime statistics analysis tools. The police must know where to
allocate the resources to help maintain peace and effectively fight crime.


 Crime statistics analysis allows the police to see the number of cases in pictorial
 Crime statistics analysis allows the police to see the cases in real-time.
 Crime statistics analysis allows the police to see the number of cases for a specific
 Crime statistics analysis allows the police to see the number of cases for a specific
 Crime statistics analysis allows the police to see the number of cases for a specific
crime type.
On many occasions, police encounter serial crimes. Using its accurate and powerful machine
learning model, crime pattern clustering allows the investigation team to investigate the
crime by searching past cases for similar crime patterns and potentially identifying the


 Clustering cases with a similar crime pattern.

 Predicting a criminal using serial crime patterns.
 Predicting a potential victim using the crime pattern.


An accurate machine learning model trained to identify a person using facial recognition
algorithms, such as CNN or Hong, enables the investigation team to search for a previous
criminal utilizing a photograph. The Investigation Team Panel (ITP) can also use the CNIC
number and name to search for the criminal database.


 Fast and precise face detection and identification using an image.

 All JPGs or PNGs will be supported.
 The Investigation Team Panel (ITP) can retrieve the record of a criminal using the
criminal's name.
 The Investigation Team Panel (ITP) can retrieve the record of a criminal using a CNIC


This module enables a person to provide feedback to the police station after they have
solved the case for that person. The rating system will allow a person to give a rating to the
police station based on how their case was handled. Admin panel will be notified if a police
station's rating falls below 2. The complaining feature enables the public to inform the
higher authorities about the bad performance of a police station so that their performance
can be improved.

 After making a user profile, the user can file a complaint against a police station if
they do not attend to their case.
 Users can give a review about the police station if their case is solved.
 Users can give a rating to the police station for solving the case.
 The user can use the complaint feature to contact the admin panel to inform them
about the bad performance of the police force.


In this module, uploaded video evidence of a crime will be thoroughly examined using
machine learning-based forensic techniques to verify if it is genuine or faked in any possible
manner, like, edited, or has been tampered with.


 It will assist the police in classifying fake and factual evidence.

 It will assist the police in identifying if the uploaded video has been tampered with.
 It will assist the police in separating genuine cases from fake cases.


In this module, uploaded video evidence of a crime will be thoroughly examined using
machine learning-based forensic techniques to verify whether it is genuine or faked in any
possible manner, like, edited, or has been tampered with.


 It will assist the police in classifying fake and factual evidence.

 It will assist the police in identifying if the uploaded audio has been tampered with.
 It will assist the police in separating genuine cases from fake cases.


In this module, uploaded video evidence of a crime will be thoroughly examined using
machine learning-based forensic techniques to verify whether it is genuine or faked in any
possible manner, like, edited, or has been tampered with.

 It will assist the police in classifying fake and factual evidence.
 It will assist the police in identifying if the uploaded image has been tampered with.
 It will assist the police in separating genuine cases from fake cases.

System Limitations/constrains

In the identification procedure, the quality of the reference image is critical. If the image's
resolution is not excellent enough, the face may not be captured. Face recognition
technologies are unable to account for faces captured from unusual perspectives. To use the
system's features, you will need an internet connection. This system will serve the entire
country, requiring a sufficient quantity of storage, depending on the quality of the input data.
The public may file a bogus case using the system, but the verification center must first check
the case before assigning it to an investigation team. We need a high-security system to
Prevent Cyber Attacks.

Software Process and Design Methodology

We use the object-oriented and component-oriented methodology to develop the CRIS
because most components like footer, containers, and headers are divided into
components. We will use those components again and again in the system. Many other
features will be developed once and then reused multiple times.

We will be using the incremental model for the CRIS due to the following reasons:

 An incremental model is a software development model where the software is first

analyzed, then designed, then developed, and then tested incrementally, and more
features are added with each iteration. The software development process ends
when the system meets all the requirements.
 This method will help develop our working system quickly, and it is much easier to
validate and test during each iteration.
 In the incremental model, the system is broken down into many components, each
designed and created separately. Every component is presented to the client upon
completion; therefore, it is easier to switch the version when necessary. Also, this
model helps to ease the introduction of a very new system and avoid an
extended development time.
Figure 1: Incremental model for software development

Tools and Technologies

The technology we will use for the development of our project is React and Django. Both are
the most popular library and framework for web development, respectively, with an active
community. React is a powerful tool for making UI Components, and Django is Secure,
Maintainable and Scalable for rapid development. For the development of the front-end, we
will use HTML, CSS and JavaScript in React. The database we will use is MySql. For the
documentation and presentation, we will use MS Word and PowerPoint. Visual Studio Code
and Chrome are used as Code editor and web browser.

Table 2: Tools and Technologies for the Targeted Project.

Tools Version Rationale
VS Code 2021 Code Editor
Pencil 2.0.5 Mockup Tool
MS Word 2016 Documentation
MS PowerPoint 2016 Presentation
Google Chrome 91.0.4472.77 Browser
Technology Version Rationale
HTML V5 Scripting Language
CSS V3 Style Sheet Language
JavaScript ES6 Programming language
Python 3 Programming Language
React Js 17.0.2 Front-end Js Library
NODE JS 14.15.5 Back-end Framework
Project Stakeholders and Roles

MUHAMMAD ZAMAN, and NAVEED AHMED KHAN will be dividing the roles for developing
the CRIS. Mr. Tanveer Ahmed Siddique will supervise this project. The system will be
evaluated by COMSATS university computer science department's final year project
evaluation committee.

Table 3: Project Stakeholders for the Targeted Project.

Project COMSATS University Islamabad
Stakeholder  POLICE
 Student Names:
 Project Supervisor Name: Mr. Tanveer Ahmed Siddique
 Final Year Project Committee: Evaluation of the project
Team Members Individual Tasks/Work Division
Table 4: Team Member Work Division the Targeted Project.
Student Name Student Registration Responsibility/ Modules
1. User Profile
2. Crime Reporting
3. Crime Statistics Analysis
4. Admin Panel
5. Complain and About Us
6. Identification Using an Image
7. Investigation Team Panel
8. Communication System
9. Identification using criminal
10. Feedback and Rating
11. Fake Report detection

12. Crime Pattern Recognition

Data Gathering Approach

We use interviewing techniques to gather data. We interview a group of ten people to
gather the data. We will ask a different question about our existing system. Note down the
problem they faced in the existing system. We also interview several police officers to
gather data; we asked questions about how we can boost our system.

Secondly, the internet is the primary sources of our research and answer to the majority of
the questions.
Concept 1 - Artificial Intelligence

During the development of this project, we will learn many new AI technique. Like how to
use AI datasets, train our models, and build different AI problem-solving algorithms. Give a
path to our sectors to solve their problem using different new AI tools.

Concept 2: Web design and development:

Our system is a web-based application. We will learn many new concepts about designing
and developing websites using the modern latest tools and technologies. We will learn how
to build a responsive and interactive website.

Concept 3: Database:

During the development phase, we will learn how to interact with the database how to use
the database effectively.

Gantt Chart

Figure 2:Gant Chart of the Targeted Project.

Figure 3 User Profile Management

Figure 4 Crime Reporting

Figure 5 Join Community

Figure 6 Crime Prediction

Figure 7 Feedback


Our system aims to help the public report crime online from home using this system—
awareness from the community like what is happening in their surroundings. We are helping
our investigation to our department to resolving the case quickly. We can centralize the
whole country's data to solve the case. It will be beneficial to predict case statistics for the
future based on past data. Our department will be able to identify a person and solve case
more efficient way using modern technology.


1. Stuart Russell, Pearson, (2020) Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 4th Edition,
the University of California at Berkeley Peter Norvig. Chapter 3 to on word, pp 125-
2. kaggle,Title={Kaggle},}} last data accessed May 20, 2021.
Plagiarism Report

Figure 8: Plagiarism Report

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