Formative Assessment 4

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Far Eastern University

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts




• Write your answers on the table provided on the assessment.

• Show the complete solution on the space provided after each question.
• Questions requiring numerical computations and answers must be supported by fully-illustrated solutions
in order to get credit. Thus, final answer without correct solution is considered wrong.
• Solutions must be correct to get full credit. Wrong solution with correct final answer is wrong, 50% will be
given for correct solution but wrong final answer.
• Solutions must be presented in an orderly manner, based on the order of questions, to ensure proper
assessment. Solutions must be hand written and erasures must be avoided.
• Scan or take a picture of your accomplished assessment and save in pdf format
• Submit your formative assessment on: Day of Class, WEEK 7, up to 10:00 PM

Submissions through Canvas

• Submit the scanned document (in pdf format) in the thread created for the said assessment in the
Assignment tab in Canvas
• You can view your grade for the assessment in the Grades tab in Canvas, a few days after the submission


• Scan or take a picture of your assignments and save in pdf format

• Only files in pdf format will be allowed for submission
• Submissions not complying with any of the requirements will not be accepted
• Deadline for submission is to be strictly observed (late submissions will not be accepted)
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
FA 4: 2 pts each
NAME: _____________________________________ Subj & Sec:______________ Date/Time:________________

TOPIC: General Application of Derivatives

Question Answer
1. A closed cylindrical can is to have a volume of 150 𝑐𝑚# and a
minimum total surface area. Find the base radius 𝑅 and the
altitude 𝐻 of the can.

2. A closed rectangular box whose length is double its width has a total surface area of 400 𝑐𝑚& . Find the
dimensions of the box with maximum volume.
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

3. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 24 cm. What is the maximum area possible?

4. A 5m ladder leans against a vertical wall. If the top starts sliding downward at the rate of 4.30 ft/sec, find how
fast the lower end moves when it is 3m from the wall.

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