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The student should be able to identify the different mediums used in various forms of arts.
At the end of this module, the student should be able to :
1. Identify the mediums I various forms of art (visual, auditory, and combined)
2. Define an artist’s or artisan’s medium and technique
3. Define the role of managers, curators, buyers, collectors, art dealers in the art world
4. Differentiate between artists and artisans work as an end in itself and the artist’s work is a
means to an end
A. Module 5 is found in the text book Art Appreciation by Dr. Mariano M. Ariola, Which is
Chapter 5. Mediums in Various Forms of Art pp.47-64.
B. Read Chapter 5 and answer the following questions:
1. What is the meaning of medium ?
Medium is defined in three different ways. First, consider something in the center
(as in size). Second, the means or means by which something is accomplished. Writing
serves as a means of communication. Finally, the medium of air is the material in which
something lives or acts. Based on the book, Art Appreciation, Medium which comes from
the Latin word means by which an artist communicates his idea. These are the materials
which are used by an artist to interpret his feelings or thoughts. Many mediums have been
used in creating different works of art. Medium is very essential in arts.

2. What are the different mediums of visual arts?

Visual Arts are those mediums can be seen and which occupy space. These are
grouped into two classes: (1) The Dimensional or Two-Dimensional Arts which include
painting, drawing, printmaking and photography and (2) the three-dimensional arts which
include sculpture, architecture, landscape, community planning, industrial designs, and
crafts like ceramics and furniture.

Visual arts are those arts that can be perceived with our eyes. Their mediums are
discussed as follows:
Painting- It is the art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by the use of
Watercolor- is difficult to handle because producing warm and rich tones using
this medium proves to be a challenge. It is a pigment that invites brilliance and a variety
of hues.
Fresco- is a painting method done on the a moist plaster surface with colors
ground in water or a lime water mixture. Fresco must be done quickly because it is an
exacting medium - the moment the paint is applied to the surface, the color dry into the
plaster and the painting becomes an integral part of the wall.
Tempera- Tempera paints are mineral pigments mixed with egg yolk or egg
white and one.
Pastel- Is a stick of dried paste made of pigment ground with chalk compounded
with gum water.
Encaustic- This done by applying wax colors fixed with heat.
Oil- Oil painting is one of the most expensive art activities today because of the
prohibitive cost of materials.
Acrylic- Acrylic is a medium used popularly by contemporary painters because of
the transparency and quick-drying characteristics of watercolor and the flexibility of oil
combined. The synthetic paint is mixed with acrylic emulsion as binder for coating the
surface of the artwork.
Mosaic- Is a art of putting together small pieces of colored stones or glass called
“tesserae” to create an image.
Stained Glass- Stained glass as am artwork is common in Gothic cathedrals and
churches. It is made by combining small pieces of colored glass, held together by bands
of lead.
Tapestry- Is a fabric produced by hand-weaving colored threads upon a wrap.
The woven designs often end up as pictorials, wall hangings, and furniture covering.
Drawing- Drawing is usually done on paper using pencil, pen, and ink, or
Pencil, Pen and Ink, and Charcoal- Drawing can be done with different kinds of
medium, the most common of which is pencil.
Granite- is a granular igneous rock composed of feldspar and quarts, usually
combined with other minerals.
Jade- is a fine stone, usually colored green, and used widely in Ancient China.
Ivory- which comes from the main parts of tusks of elephants, is the hard-white
substance used to make carvings and billiard balls.
Metals- Metals include any of a class of elementary substances such as gold,
silver, or copper.
Plaster- is composed of lime, sand, and water. It is worked on an armature of
metal wires and rods in addition to various materials and fibers.
Clay- Clay is a natural earthy material that is plastic when met. It consist
essentially of hydrated silicates of aluminum and is used for making bricks and ceramic.
Glass- Is a medium that is hard, brittle, non-crystalline, more or less transparent
substance produced by fusion, usually consisting of mutually dissolved silica and silicate
and contains soda and lime.
Bistre- is a brown pigment from the soot of wood, and often in pen and wash
Crayons- are pigments bound by wax and compressed into painted sticks used for
Silverpoint- To produce a silverpoint artwork, the artist uses a silver stylus to
produce a thin grayish or specially prepared paper.
Printmaking- a print is anything printed on a surface that is a direct result from
the duplication process.
Lithography- is a surface printing done from an almost smooth surface which has
been treated chemically or mechanically so that some surface areas will print and others
will not.
Sculpture- In choosing a subject for sculpture, the most important thing to
consider is the material.
Stone- Stone is a hard and brittle substance formed from mineral and earth
material the finished product is granular and dull in appearance.
Wood- Wood as a medium is easier to crave than any other mediums available
because it can be subjected into a variety of treatment.
Architecture- it sa the art of designing a building and supervising its construction.

3. What are the materials in nature?

These materials are direct products of nature given as a gift to man.
1. Stone- is one of the oldest and perhaps the most permanent building materials.
A. Limestone- This type of stone has a fine, even texture.
B. Granite- This is a coarse-grained stone useful for large, bold forms with little
C. Marble- This is metamorphosed limestone which is capable of taking a polish.
D. Sandstone- It consist of various colors from white to different tints of red,
brown, blue, or gray.
2. Wood- is not a permanent material but with proper care, it can last for a

4. What are the mediums of auditory arts

Auditory arts are those whose mediums can be heard and which are expressed in
1. Motion pictures, film, or movies.
2. Theatre (a place for viewing)
3. Television or TV for short.

5. What are mediums of combined arts?

It is a mixed media.
1. Doing a charcoal sketch before painting.
2. Doing a pencil sketch before painting.
3. Combining watercolor with pastel in landscape painting.

6. What is an artist? What is the difference between an artist and an artisan?

Artist are the creatures of tangible or intangible products (works of art) as an
expression of creativity and imagination for purely aesthetic reasons.
Artistans (craftsman) are the makers of products of crafts, not only for aesthetic
value of for decorative purposes but for practical value, such as for business purposes.
7. What is art management? What are the roles of the following in the art world:
Art management (also referred to as art administration) is the process of running
the daily business operation of art institutions either private or public in nature. Art institutions
includes museums, art galleries, theatres, opera house, art and cultural, among others.
8. Art manager, curator, dealer, art collector, and buyer?
Art manager has the following duties and responsibilities:
1. He/she plans and coordinates all activities in the art department
2. Executes the marketing objectives, specifications, and concepts in design,
advertising, media, print, and campaign materials.
3. Monitors
4. Prepares the department report
5. Evaluates the staff of the dept.
6. Selects any additional staff in the day-to-day performance of jobs.
Typically, an art manager requires a bachelor’s degree. The position requires 5
years’ experience in the related area as an individual contributor or artist.
Curators in the Art World are involved in nearly all facets of a museum’s
function. Their roles are:
1. Preserving and safeguarding the heritage of art.
2. Selector of new work in the museum.
3. Deciding which works are to be displayed.
4. Deciding how works are hung in the galleries
5. Decide how the viewing public experience the exhibition
6. Researching how to show artworks in art historically coherent and in an
entertaining way.
Dealers in the Art World to bridge the gap between artist and collector by
championing their chosen artist and bridging their work to public attention. Sometimes, acts as a
curator by travelling extensively, creating a collection which can be shown to the art buying
public in their art galleries, art fair, or online.
Art Collectors - must have good relationship with their artist. Some collectors are
duty-bound to collect pieces of art work for display in art institutions.
Buyer in the Art World- he must be will-versed in all types of art techniques and
development process.
9. Differentiate visual art, auditory art, and combined art.
The difference between Visual arts, Auditory art, and Combined art are Visual
arts are those mediums that can be seen in which occupies space such as sculptures, painting etc.
Next is, Auditory arts’ medium can be heard and which are expressed in time (hearing music,
watching films, motion pictures and TV.) Lastly, Combined arts it is when you combine the
mediums on arts such as charcoal sketch before painting. (charcoal and paint is both a different
C. Choose a medium in visual art and create a visual interpretation of yourself as a student in
this new learning situation. Make your drawing and explain the meaning of your drawing,
do this in one piece of short bond paper. Scan and send in my email at
_lhidalgo_1stsem20221_2022 on October 1, 2021

“The Chaotic Mind of Kristina”

My artwork expresses all of my thoughts while taking online classes. The curving lines in the
backdrop represent the reality that I am still exploring and attempting new things outside of my
comfort zone; it may be chaotic, risky, and stressful, but it adds color to my otherwise dull and
uninteresting existence. This college, I'm experimenting with and discovering my capabilities.
The girl in the center is me; I am the focus of my existence, and whether I pass or fail this
semester is entirely in my hands. As previously said, I am still learning, and I believe that
everything is a learning experience, which is why I placed a magnifying glass, which also
reflects my limitless learning potential, in all learning platforms that we'll use. Finally, this
online learning is an Open-Eye for me that I am still putting effort on academics if I do some
efforts even if it is exhausting and leading me to suffer burn-outs, but it is all worth it in the end.

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