FS 2 Episode 7

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Unlike the traditional face to face classroom environment, online or virtual environment
is a bit difficult to manage. It is because Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is imaginary and
not in the physical sense. It has no concerns or walls and it can be set up with the support of

As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual class?

How did the students shows their active participation in the lesson ?

Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on-line learning environment?
Check one or more.

_____ It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students.

_____ It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform
_____ Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to make responses.
_____ Internet connectivity is great factor to support a conducive environment.

As a future teacher I feel that the on line learning environment can be safe if
I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is

OBSERVE Identify the problems brought about by the on line learning environment.

REFLECT How would you solve this problem?


PLAN What initial plan do you intend to do to solve the problem?



Direction: Choose the appropriate answer.

1. What is common among the following learning environments: (a) remote learning, (b)
virtual learning, (c) on-learning learning?
A. Presence of a teacher
B. Use of cyberspace
C. Asynchronous delivery
D. Use of module

2. If your co-teacher asks you to borrow your email address password for an urgent concern,
which action should you take as a safety measure?
A. Deny your friend’s request because of privacy.
B. Open your email yourself and print your friend’s email
C. Quickly share your password to your friend.
D. None of the A, B, C.
3. Why should parents be involved and be a part of a safe on-line environment?
A. Parents should provide guidance in the selection of websites for children’s references.
B. Parents know better than the children so they can coach in answering online.
C. Parents can do research for their children’s assignment.
D. Parents should sit by their children’s side during virtual class time.

Make a list of 10 websites where you can source references and instructional materials for this
episode. Place the list in the matrix like the one below. Share this with your mentor.

Name of Website Topics/Title of Content or Instructional


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