Pre-Tour/arrival Procedures: Four Stages of Tour Guiding

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Pre-tour/arrival Procedures
Four Stages of Tour Guiding

At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

 perform pre-arrival preparation and activities.

Basic Principles:
The pre-arrival activities are what other tour companies refer to as the pre-trip routines. Specific standards have to be followed by tour
operators and manager all the way to assigned tour guides, driver and knowing the particular vehicle to use.


1. Analyze the given scenario and decide what preparations to do before the tour.
2. Read the scenario carefully and apply your best judgment.
3. Put the assessment in table form. Follow the format given below. Answers may be given in bullet form.

The Stark brothers are coming to the Philippines from Los Angeles for the first time. They heard about surfing in San Juan, La Union.
They contacted the GOT Travel and Tours and asked to arrange a tour going to San Juan where they will be staying for a week. The
seven of them made sure that before going surfing, they want to have a tour of Manila. They plan to stay in the capital city for three (3)
days. They are booked in Manila Hotel during their stay in the city.

1. What are the pre-tour arrangements?
2. What do tour operators and tour guides need to work on before the Stark brothers arrive?
3. What has to be tackled during the pre-tour?

04 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI

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Pre-tour Procedures
Consultation Endorsement Briefing Research Ocular Inspection

Balatazar, J. P., & Verzosa, R. F. (2016). Local guiding services. Quezon City: The Phoenix Publishing House Inc.

04 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI

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