2-Rao - 2000 - A Modeling and Experimental Study of The Influence of Twist On The Mechanical Properties of High-PerformanceFiber Yarns

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A Modeling and Experimental Study of the Influence of

Twist on the Mechanical Properties of High-Performance

Fiber Yarns


Polymer Science and Engineering Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003

Received 26 May 1999; accepted 10 September 1999

ABSTRACT: Little data exist on how twist changes the properties of high-performance
continuous fiber yarns. For this reason, a study was conducted to determine the
influence of twist on the strength and stiffness of a variety of high-performance
continuous polymeric fiber yarns. The materials investigated include Kevlar 29威, Kev-
lar 49威, Kevlar 149威, Vectran HS威, Spectra 900威, and Technora威. Mechanical property
tests demonstrated that the initial modulus of a yarn monotonically decreases with
increasing twist. A model based on composite theory was developed to elucidate the
decrease in the modulus as a function of both the degree of twist and the elastic
constants of the fibers. The modulus values predicted by the model have good agree-
ment with those measured by experiment. The radial shear modulus of the fiber, which
is difficult to measure, can be derived from the regression parameter of experimental
data by the use of the model. Such information should be useful for some specialized
applications of fibers, for example, fiber-reinforced composites. The experimental re-
sults show that the strength of these yarns can be improved by a slight twist. A high
degree of twist damages the fibers and reduces the tensile strength of the yarn. The
elongation to break of the yarns monotonically increases with the degree of twist. © 2000
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 77: 1938 –1949, 2000

Key words: twisted yarn; Young’s modulus; modeling; high-performance fibers

INTRODUCTION several investigations of the properties and the

structure–property relationships of these high-
Since the 1970s, considerable effort in the fiber performance fibers.6 –10 These fibers show high
industry has been dedicated to finding new poly- anisotropy11,12 when compared to conventional fi-
meric fibers with high performance for potential bers or other bulk materials. This article aimed to
use in applications such as ropes and cables, fi- illustrate the importance of material anisotropy
ber-reinforced composites, ballistic vests, and on some macroscopic properties by studying the
gaskets. Kevlar威,1 Vectran威,2 Technora威,3 and properties of twisted yarn.
Spectra威4,5 are some excellent examples of high- Special geometric effects are introduced into
performance polymeric fibers. There have been fiber yarns in many textile applications. Twist
has long been known to improve the strength of
short-fiber staple materials and few recognize
Correspondence to: R. J. Farris. that many threads are composed of short fibers
Contract grant sponsor: E. I. DuPont Co. (USA). that are held together by twist. Strands of twisted
Contract grant sponsor: Materials Research Science and fibers have been used to control flexibility in cop-
Engineering Center; contract grant number: DMR 9809635.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 77, 1938 –1949 (2000)
per and steel cable systems. Twist is also used to
© 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. give continuous yarns integrity and force the as-

sembly of single fibers to behave as a single unit. Let the yarn extension ⫽ ␧1 ⫽ ␦h/h; then,
For conventional fibers such as nylon and polyes- the fiber path length ⫽ l ⫽ h/cos ␪ and the
ter, only a small amount of twist is used because fiber displacement ⫽ ␦l ⫽ ␦h ⫻ cos ␪. Con-
twist damages critical yarn properties. However, sequently,
for some high-performance fibers, twist affects
the yarn properties such as modulus, strength, the filament extension
and elongation to break in a more complicated ␦l ␦h
way. There are few reports describing the influ- ⫽␧f⫽ ⫽ cos2 ␪ ⫻
l h
ence of twist on the properties of high-perfor-
mance polymeric fiber yarns.11–13 One of the pur-
poses of this article was to illustrate and model
the influence of twist on high-performance fiber the yarn extension ⫽ ␧1 ⫽ ␧f /cos2 ␪
2. Axial tensile force.
As early as 1907, Gegauff14 proposed a simple
The stress along a filament in the yarn is
analysis to correlate the twist angle of a yarn with
the yarn modulus. Gegauff’s derivation is given
below and forms an excellent basis to expand this ␴f ⫽ Ef ⫻ ␧f
type of model.
The geometry of a twisted yarn is shown in the
and an equivalent area perpendicular to
the filament axis ⫽ 2␲rdr cos ␪.

Then, at a position of radius r in the yarn, the

component of tension parallel to the yarn axis
resulting from the filament stress becomes
⫽ Ef ␧f 共2␲rdr cos ␪ 兲cos ␪ ⫽ Ef2␲rdr␧1 cos4␪. There-
fore, total yarn tension ⫽ 冕R Ef2␲rdr␧1 cos4␪
⫽ ␲R2␧1Ef cos2␣ Thus, yarn modulus ⫽ Ê
⫽ Ef cos2␣
However, the measured yarn modulus always
shows a stronger dependency on the degree of
twist than what the model indicated. Platt15 fol-
lowed this approach and incorporated the effect of
lateral contraction and large extension. Hearle16
2␲r 2␲R added the influence of transverse forces and ne-
tan ␪ ⫽ , tan ␣ ⫽ glected lateral contraction. Treloar and Riding17
h h
adopted an energy method instead of performing
where (a) is an ideal geometry of a twisted yarn; a stress analysis and considered the migration of
the solid curve line, a single filament; R, the ra- a single filament in a twisted yarn. Freeston and
dius of the yarn; r, the radial position of a single Platt18 further considered the effect of the strain
filament; h, the yarn length for one turn; ␦h, the rate on the stress–strain behavior. White et al.19
increase in length h under stretching; and ␪, the performed a continuum mechanics analysis in-
angle between the path of the single filament at a cluding not only transverse forces but also inter-
radius of r and the yarn axis, and for the single filament friction. They derived a more compli-
filament at the radius of R, the angle is ␣, and (b) cated equation describing the influence of twist on
is a flattened projection of a single filament; l, the the yarn modulus:
length of a single filament at a radius of r; and ␦l,
the corresponding filament elongation.
Yarn modulus ⫽ Ê ⫽ E f
Gegauff’s Classic Model of Twisted Yarn
Mechanics ⫻ 冉 1 9
⫹ T ⫹
3T 0
4 4 0 共1 ⫺ T 0兲
lnT 01/2 冊
1. Relation of single filament extension to
yarn extension. in which T0 ⫽ cos2 ␣.

None of the models described above provides unsatisfactory. In this article, the composite the-
good agreement with the experimental data, es- ory is used to incorporate the anisotropy of the
pecially when yarns made from high-performance material into a new model that accurately de-
fibers are considered. All these models imply that scribes the influence of twist on the yarn modulus
the change in the Young’s modulus of a material for all polymeric fibers.
depends only upon the angle between the mate-
rial axis and the stress direction regardless of
other material properties. The first drawback of
these models lays in the fact that, for an isotropic EXPERIMENTAL
material, the modulus does not change with the
relative direction of the stress with the material Commercial fiber yarns of Kevlar 29威, Kevlar
axis. Second, as shown later in this article, yarns 49威, Kevlar 149威 (DuPont, Richmond, VA, USA),
made from different fiber materials behave differ- Vectran HS威 (Hoechst Celanese, Wilmington,
ently at the same twist angle, which is not con- DE, USA), Technora威 (Teijin, Japan), and Spec-
tained in any of the previous models. Therefore, tra 900威 (Allied Signal, Petersburg, VA, USA)
the omission of important material characteris- were used in this study. The chemical structures
tics, such as anisotropy, yields models that are of these fibers are illustrated below:

Kevlar威 (Dupont)

Vectran威 (Hoechst Calaneses)

Technora威 (Teijin)

Spectra威 (Allied Signal)

Twisted yarns were made by anchoring one end of meters of yarn. The fiber density was measured
a fixed length of yarn and, while maintaining a using a density-gradient column. By knowing the
slight tension, rotating the other end about the denier and density, the cross-sectional area of the
yarn direction a predefined rotation. The length of yarn was calculated.
the yarn after twisting was recorded and the twist Tensile testing of the twisted yarn was done us-
in these yarns was calculated according to ASTM ing an Instron威 Model 5564 testing machine accord-
D 1432-92. Several terms were used to character- ing to ASTM D 2256-90. All the tests were per-
ize the degree of twist in a yarn. Twist in turns formed at standard conditions of 21oC (1oC) and
per inch (tpi) was directly counted. A term called 65% (2%) relative humidity. Pneumatic yarn/cord
the twist multiplier (TM) is related to the yarn grips were used for these tests, with the effective
twist in tpi and yarn denier by the equation gauge length set at 150 mm and a crosshead speed
of 10%/min. The initial modulus was calculated
tpi ⫻ 冑denier from the slope of the stress–strain curve in the
TM ⫽ . strain range from 0.05 to 0.5%. Griping effects were
corrected by adjusting the gauge length.
The surface twist angle is the angle between the
filament at the most outer layer of a twisted yarn Notation
and the yarn axis. The linear density of the yarn Given below is a list of the principal symbols and
was measured by a microbalance to determine the notation used in the text. To avoid confusion and
yarn denier, that is, the weight in grams of 9000 complexity, all the symbols are defined here. Re-

Figure 1 Schematic illustration of the model of calculation of the twisted yarn

modulus from the fiber properties.

ferring to Figure 1, different structural compo- For the layer of flattened twisted yarn, that is,
nents—a single filament, a layer of flattened the unidirectional composite, the on-axis consti-
twisted yarn composed single filaments resem- tutive equation can be expressed by the following
bling a unidirectional composite, and a twisted matrix:

冉 冊冉 冊冉 冊
yarn—are utilized in this article. The properties
of a single filament are transformed first into ␧z S zz S zy 0 ␴z
on-axis properties and further into off-axis prop- ␧y ⫽ S yz S yy 0 ␴y
erties of the unidirectional composite. ␧s 0 0 S ss ␴s

冢 冣冉 冊
For a single filament and twisted yarn, the 1 ⫺ ␯ zy
symbols follow what was previously defined: 0
Ez Ey
⫺ ␯ yz 1 ␴z
Ef, ␧f, and ␴f characterize the behavior of a ⫽ 0 ␴y
Ez Ey ␴s
single filament.
␧1 and ␴1 characterize the behavior of a twisted 0 0
Ê(␣) is the apparent Young’s modulus of a and the off-axis constitutive equation can be ex-
twisted yarn with the surface twist angle of ␣. pressed by the following matrix:

冉 冊冉

S 11 S 12 S 16
S 21 S 22 S 26
S 31 S 32 S 66
冊冉 冊 ␴1
was taken. The open-up structure of this
layer resembles a unidirectional composite.
At the radial position of r, the off-axis angle
is ␪, and at the radial position of R, the

冢 冣
1 ⫺ ␯ 12 ␯ 16
off-axis angle is ␣.

冉 冊
E1 E2 E6 According to composite theory,20 under
⫺ ␯ 21 1 ␯ 26 ␴1
⫽ ␴2 uniaxial stress, a unidirectional composite
E1 E2 E6 ␴6 responds as
⫺ ␯ 61 ␯ 62 1
E1 E2 E6 ␴1
␧ 1 ⫽ S 11␴ 1 ⫽
in which z and y are principal terms of the on-axis
behavior; 1 and 2, principal terms of the off-axis
behavior; s and 6, shear terms; ␧i, the strain; ␴i, Therefore, the off-axis modulus of a single
the stress; Sij and Ei, the compliance and engi- layer E1 ⫽ 1/S11
neering Young’s modulus; and ␯ij, Poisson’s ratio. and the off-axis stress
On-axis properties of a twisted yarn layer are
the same as the properties of a single filament, Ez 1
⫽ Ef; Es ⫽ Erz; and Ey ⫽ Er, in which Erz is the ␴ 1共 ␪ 兲 ⫽ ␧ (1)
S 11 1
shear modulus and Er is the transverse radial
modulus in a filament. ␪, ␣, r, and R have the 2. Yarn mechanics by layer assembly.
same meanings as previously defined in the ideal
twist geometry and dominate the characteristic Assuming no slippage between layers be-
off-axis behavior of different yarn layers. T0 is a cause of the integrity of a twisted yarn,
function of the surface twist angle, cos2␣; d, the each layer has the same extension ␧ ⫽ ␧1
anisotropic ratio, Ez/Es; Ezc , Eyc, and Esc, the on- under uniaxial stress. Also, assuming con-
axis Young’s moduli and shear modulus of an tinuous layers along the radial direction in
unidirectional composite; and Em and Gm, the a twisted yarn, the axial force in a yarn is
Young’s modulus and shear modulus of the ma-
trix in a composite.
F⫽ 冕 ␴ 1共 ␪ 兲dA ⫽ 冕0
␴ 1共 ␪ 兲2 ␲ rdr (a)


The approach used to model how the yarn modu- If the yarn is treated as one body, the axial force
lus is influenced by the degree of twist is quite can also be expressed as
straightforward. A strategy was taken as shown
schematically by Figure 1. The notation in the F ⫽ ␲ R 2Ê␧ 1 (b)
following discussion will follow that in Figure 1.
The twisted yarn was first dissected into individ- in which Ê is the apparent yarn Young’s modulus.
ual loading elements, which are a series of thin- Utilizing the ideal twist geometry,
wall tubes. A tube is hypothetically cut and
opened up to be a sheet structure with a preferred
orientation different from that of the planar ma- 2␲r 2␲R
tan ␪ ⫽ and tan ␣ ⫽
terial axes. The stress–strain response of the h h
plane was solved using orthotropic composite the-
ory.20 The responses of the individual elements as well as the equality of eqs. (a) and (b) and the
were added via integration of the layered struc- expression of ␴1(␪) by eq. (1), the apparent
tures and this yields the stress–strain behavior of Young’s modulus of a twisted yarn can be calcu-
the yarn. In this way, the yarn modulus was lated as
derived from the single-filament properties.

1. Single-layer mechanics in a twisted yarn.

A thin-walled layer of the twisted yarn
Ê ⫽
tan2␣ 冕 0

S 11共 ␪ 兲
tan ␪ sec2␪ d ␪ (2)

Exact Solution twist angles are usually used in real applications.

The approximations given below are valid only for
According to composite theory,20 the off-axis com-
this condition. Another factor used to simplify the
pliance of a unidirectional composite can be ex-
above expression is recognition of the fact that for
pressed as
high-performance fibers the ratio of the longitu-
dinal modulus to the transverse modulus is usu-
S 11 ⫽ m 4S zz ⫹ n 4S yy ⫹ m 2n 2S ss ⫹ 2m 2n 2S zy (3) ally greater than 10.
In case of a low off-axis angle (␣ ⬍ 15o),
m 2 Ⰷ n 2共n 2/m 2 ⬍ 7%兲
1 1 1 ␯ zy ␯ yz
S zz ⫽ , S yy ⫽ , S ss ⫽ , S zy ⫽ ⫺ ⫽ ⫺
Ez Ey Es Ey Ez Taking a range of ⫺0.5 ⱕ ␯yz ⬍ 0.5, which was
found reasonable for PPTA fiber12 and assumed
m ⫽ cos ␪, n ⫽ sin ␪, and ␪ is the off-axis angle. for other fibers investigated, then
The compliance S11 can be expressed by the mod-
uli after rearrangement as
m 4S zz ⫹ 2m 2n 2S zy ⫽ m 2/E z共m 2 ⫺ 2 ␯ yzn 2兲 ⬇ m 4S zz

S 11 ⫽


Es Ey
⫺冉2 ␯ yz
cos2␪ 冊 For , Syy ⬃ Sss,

⫹ 冉 1


Ez Ey Es

2 ␯ yz
cos4␪ 冊 共4兲
n 4S yy ⫹ m 2n 2S ss ⫽ n 2共n 2S yy ⫹ m 2S ss兲 ⬇ m 2n 2S ss

Substitution of eq. (4) into eq. (2) yields after
integration S 11 ⫽ m 4S zz ⫹ m 2n 2S ss (6)

Yarn modulus Now, the anisotropic ratio is defined as d ⫽ Ez/Es,

which is the ratio of the longitudinal modulus and

the shear modulus of the filament.
1 b 共a ⫹ b ⫹ c兲T 02 T0 ⫺ 1
Ê共 ␣ 兲 ⫽ ln ⫺ Through integration,
tan ␣ 2c
2 2
共aT 0 ⫹ bT 0 ⫹ c兲
cT 0
Yarn modulus, Ê共 ␣ 兲 ⫽ E z
共2a ⫹ b ⫺ 冑b 2 ⫺ 4ac兲

冥 冋冉 册
3T 0 ⫹ 1 共1 ⫺ d兲 2 共1 ⫺ d兲T 0 ⫹ d
共b 2 ⫺ 2ac兲 ⫻ 共2aT 0 ⫹ b ⫹ 冑b 2 ⫺ 4ac兲 ⫻
2dT 0
⫹ 3
d tan ␣
2 ln
⫹ ln
2c 2
冑b 2
⫺ 4ac 共2aT 0 ⫹ b ⫺ 冑b ⫺ 4ac兲

⫻ 共2a ⫹ b ⫹ 冑b 2 ⫺ 4ac兲 After this approximation, only a shear-coupling

(5) effect is incorporated in the model to affect the
properties of anisotropic materials and trans-
in which verse coupling and secondary coupling are omit-
1 1 1 2 ␯ yz
T 0 ⫽ cos2␣ , a ⫽ ⫹ ⫺ ⫹ ,
Ez Ey Es Ez Discussion of the Model
1 2 2 ␯ yz 1 Consideration of Extreme Cases
b⫽ ⫺ ⫺ , c⫽
Es Ey Ez Ey
1. The case of an untwisted yarn.
Statement: If the yarn is untwisted, the yarn
To reduce the rather complicated eq. (5) to a sim- modulus should be equal to the filament modulus
pler form, several approximations were used. at ␣ ⫽ 0.
Since it is generally true that a high degree of For eq. (5), it is easy to prove that Ê(0) ⫽ Ez.
twist damages the material properties, only low For eq. (7), at ␣ ⫽ 0, because tan ␣ ⫽ 0, and

Confirmation of the Model by Materials with

Known Properties
To confirm the proposed equations, tests were
performed to determine the dependency of modu-
lus on twist for a material with known properties,
and these data were compared with the derived
equations. The longitudinal properties of a fiber
are easy to measure, but the transverse and shear
properties are very difficult to determine. Kevlar
49威 is generally used in composite materials as a
reinforcing fiber. Most of the material properties
such as composite and matrix moduli and the
fiber properties were tested. From these data, it is
then possible to derive several unknown material
constants through valid composite equations.
According to the composite properties of a Kev-
lar 49威/epoxy unidirectional composite, in which
Figure 2 Predicted twisted yarn modulus for an iso- the volume content of the fiber, Vf, is 0.6 and the
tropic material. volume content of the matrix, Vm, is 0.4,21 Ezc
⫽ 76 GPa, Eyc ⫽ 5.5 GPa, and Esc ⫽ 2.3 GPa. The
matrix properties of epoxy are Em ⫽ 3 Gpa and ␯
⫽ 0.3, isotropic. According to the Rule of Mix-
共1 ⫺ d兲T 0 ⫹ d tures, Ezc ⫽ Vf Ez ⫹ VmEm; then, Ez ⫽ 124.7 GPa,
ln ⫽0
T0 which is the same as that directly measured using
an untwisted yarn sample.
L’Hopital’s Rule needs to be used which yields According to the so-called Constant-Stress
1 ⫹ d2
Ê共0兲 ⫽ E z ⫻
d2 1 Vf Vm 1 Vf Vm
⫽ ⫹ , ⫽ ⫹ ,
E yc E y E m E sc E s G m
For high-performance fiber yarns, d ⬎ 10, then
Ê(0) ⬇ Ez. For conventional fibers, eq. (7) was
modified to yield the exact answer when ␣ ⫽ 0: Es ⫽ 6.9 GPa, Ey ⫽ 12.4 GPa, so the anisotropic
ratio d ⫽ 18.

Ê共 ␣ 兲 ⫽ E z ⫻ 冋冉 3T 0 ⫹ 1
2dT 0 冊
共1 ⫺ d兲
⫹ 3
d tan2␣
2 By inserting these fiber properties into the
equations, the twisted yarn behavior can be pre-

册冒冉 冊
dicted. Figure 3 shows good agreement between
共1 ⫺ d兲T 0 ⫹ d 1 ⫹ d2 the predicted yarn moduli by both the exact and
ln (7⬘)
T0 d2 approximate equations and the measured yarn
modulus for different twist angles.
2. The case of an isotropic material. In summary, in a twisted yarn, the anisotropic
ratio, which is the ratio between the axial modu-
Statement: E(␣) ⫽ Ez at all ␣’s for isotropic lus and radial shear modulus, determines how
materials. the degree of twist influences the yarn modulus,
The yarn modulus was predicted by the model and this also is important information for fiber-
equations and the data are illustrated in Figure 2 reinforced composites.
for an isotropic material. It is clear that eq. (5) In this study, the stress state was simplified
predicts a constant modulus for any twist angle into a unidirectional stress acting along the yarn
and eq. (7⬘), the approximate relation, gives a direction. As Allen12 already showed, because of
deviation less than 3%. Both predict that the ma- the cylindrical orthotropy, a simple uniaxial
terial properties for an isotropic material will not stress state is almost impossible. Hoop and radial
change with the material orientation, while the stresses are induced by the action of an axial
earlier models did predict a change. stress in any cylindrical anisotropic material to

Figure 4 Comparison of the twist effect on the yarn

Figure 3 Comparison of the predicted and measured modulus of two models for nylon fiber, cos2␣ rule, and
yarn modulus of Kevlar 49威 fiber. our model with the experimental data23; lines are pre-
dicted curves and dots are experimental data.

form a complicated stress state. However, Allen’s

calculations on Kevlar威 fiber indicate that the
magnitudes of radial and hoop stress are less not significantly deviate from the twisted yarn
than 1% of the axial stress. Therefore, the effect of modulus from the earlier models. This might be
a complex stress state, as well as the coupling one of the reasons why the importance of the
effect from the transverse Young’s modulus and anisotropic nature of the fiber did not draw
further coupling caused by off-axis angles, can be enough attention in the past.
attributed to secondary importance and that is
why they could be reasonably omitted in this

Examination of a Conventional Fiber by Our Model

Other researchers23 claimed that an equation
Ê(␣) ⫽ Ez cos2␣ yields a good fit to the yarn
modulus data of nylon fiber. It is worthwhile to
compare the results from our model and the con-
ventional “cos2␣” rule and further confirm our
model. Ward24 reported a full set of elastic con-
stants for nylon fiber after careful measurements:
Ez ⫽ 3.45 GPa, Ey ⫽1.37 GPa, ␯yz ⫽ 0.48, and Es
⫽ 0.61 GPa. Using these elastic constants, a pre-
dicted curve can be generated by our model. Zo-
rowski and Murayama25 reported a comparison of
the experimental data and the “cos2␣” rule pre-
diction for nylon fiber. The predictions from our
model and their data are shown together in Fig-
ure 4. Both curves describe the true behavior
well, because for low anisotropic ratio materials, Figure 5 Yarn strength with the twist angle for var-
the coupling effect from the shear modulus does ious fibers.

twist.29,30 For some continuous fiber yarns stud-

ied, both the strength28 and the breaking exten-
sion31 of twisted yarns show a maximum at a
certain surface twist angle. The reason for the
increase in strength is likely due to an interlock-
ing mechanism where the filaments are held to-
gether by radial forces and friction and, in effect,
enables a single fiber to fail more than once. It is
also possible that this transverse compression al-
ters the stress state for the material and results
in a different strength in a complex failure crite-
rion. The prediction of the strength of twisted
yarn is an interesting topic32–34 but will not be
pursued in this article.
A mathematical curve-fitting procedure was
used to resolve the data for the yarn modulus as a
function of twist for the other fibers using eq. (7)
(Fig. 8). The anisotropic ratio, which was un-
known for these fibers, is the only fitting param-
Figure 6 Strain to break of a yarn with the twist
eter. After the fitting, the radial shear modulus
angle for various fibers.
can be calculated, as the longitudinal modulus is
known from the untwisted yarn measurement.
The results from this type of analysis are shown
Twist Effect on Yarn Properties and Applications of
in Figure 8 where the agreement is quite good.
the Model
The radial shear moduli for these fibers were
The influence of the degree of twist on yarn prop- calculated and are listed in Table I. These data
erties, such as the yarn modulus, yarn strength, are useful for the study of corresponding fiber-
and elongation to break, was systematically stud- reinforced composites as well as for constructing
ied for several high-performance fibers. The re- the proper geometry for ropes and cables.
sults are shown by Figures 5–7. An extension of the application of the model
A general trend for the change of the yarn and also a further step to confirm the model is to
strength with the twist angle is that there is an
optimum degree of twist for the yarn to achieve
maximum strength. The magnitude of the rela-
tive strength at the same twist angle depends on
the material. Kevlar 49威 shows the largest in-
crease in strength at the optimum twist degree,
which is followed by Vectran HS威, Kevlar 29威,
and Kevlar 149威. Spectra威 and Technora威 show
only a slight increase in strength. The optimum
twist angle for all the material was found to be
near 7°. Generally, the elongation to break of the
twisted yarn increases with the twist degree.
Again, the magnitude of the increment depends
on the material, and Kevlar49威 shows the largest
increase while Spectra威 shows almost no change.
Extensive studies on the influence of the de-
gree of twist on strength and extensibility were
done on continuous fiber yarns of several textile
fibers such as acetate, nylon, viscose, and te-
nasco26 –28 as well as spun yarns made from staple
fiber.29,30 Generally, for yarns made from staple
fiber, the strength shows a maximum while the Figure 7 Yarn modulus changes with the twist angle
extension to break increases with the degree of for various fibers; solid line is the cos2␣ rule.

Figure 8 Curve-fitting results of the change of the yarn modulus with the twist
degree for various fibers. In the plot, solid lines are the fitting curves and dots are the
experimental data; the fitting parameter is shown in the plot.

consider a more complicated heterogeneous Two forms of the geometry as shown by Figure 9
twisted yarn where the twisted yarn consists of were taken: One has Kevlar 149威 fiber as the core
two different types of fibers. The yarn modulus of and Technora威 as the outer layer; the other has
mixed fibers can be predicted according to the the opposite arrangement. To form a heteroge-
arrangement of the different fibers inside the neous twisted yarn with the same twist degree
yarn by using the model. A different response is to distribution as of a homogeneous twisted yarn,
be expected if the arrangements of the two fibers the core material was twisted first to a certain
inside the yarn are different, since the behavior is twist degree calculated by the radius of the core
determined by the material constants and their and the outer layer was twisted carefully around
radial placement. A heterogeneous yarn consist- the core layer. The yarn moduli of these two yarns
ing of Kevlar 149威 and Technora威 was examined. at different twist angles were measured and com-

Figure 9 Illustration of a heterogeneous yarn. KevTe

yarn has Kevarl 149威 core and Technora威 outer layer.
TecKe yarn has Technora威 core and Kevlar 14威 outer Figure 10 Comparison of (lines) predicted data and
layer. (dots) experimental data of the twist effect on modulus
of heterogeneous yarns.

pared to the predicted value using the anisotropic

ratios determined earlier. The result is shown in
Figure 10, where the experimental data and pre- Technora威, Vectran HS威, and Kevlar 29威. The
dicted values show good agreement. calculated radial shear moduli provide useful in-
formation for the study of fiber-reinforced com-
posites. Experimental results also show that
CONCLUSIONS there is an optimum twist angle of around 7o at
which all the fiber yarns exhibit maximum tensile
An analysis based on composite theory was used strength, but the magnitude of the increase de-
to model the influence of twist on the yarn mod- pends on the material. The elongation to break of
ulus. It is shown that the material anisotropic the twisted yarns increases with the twist degree
ratio, which is the ratio between the longitudinal for all of the fiber yarns investigated.
modulus and the radial shear modulus, is an im-
portant factor in determining the influence of We would like to thank the E. I. DuPont Co. (USA) for
twist on the yarn modulus. For high-performance providing financial support for this study through the
fibers, it is validated that a simple equation con- Center for the University of Massachusetts Research
taining two variables, the twist angle and the on Polymers (CUMIRP). One of the authors (Y. Q. R.)
material anisotropic ratio, can be used to predict thanks Dr. Steven R. Allen (DuPont Co.) and Prof. Alan
the change of the yarn modulus with twist for a J. Lesser (UMass Amherst) for helpful discussion. We
variety of fibers. From this analysis, it was deter- would also like to acknowledge the support from the
mined that Kevlar 49威, Kevlar 149威, and Spectra Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
900威 fibers have higher anisotropy than that of (DMR 9809635) at the University of Massachusetts.

Table I Anisotropic Ratio and Calculated Radial Shear Modulus For Different Fibers

Vectran HS威 Technora威 Kevlar 29威 Kevlar 49威 Kevlar 149威 Spectra 900威

d ⫽ E z /E s 8.9 8.8 9.9 17.8 16 12.1

Es 11.9 8.3 8.9 6.5 9.2 4.5

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