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Bending and Buckling of Partially Embedded Piles
F le x io n et flam b ag e d e p ie u x p a rtie lle m e n t en fo u is

M . T. D A V IS S O N , Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A.

K . E. R O B IN S O N , Engineer, Shannon and Wilson, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

An approxim ate procedure is developed for treating the p ro b ­ On propose une m éthode approchée pour le calcul des pieux
lem of bending and buckling o f partially embedded piles. The partiellem ent enfouis soumis à des efforts de flexion et de flam­
procedure was developed with the use of theoretically correct bage. La m éthode est basée sur le calcul théorique d ’un pieu
solutions applicable to a partially embedded pile subjected to partiellem ent enfoui soumis à un m om ent de flexion, ou à un
mom ent, shear, and axial loads, when acting separately. It is effort tranchant ou à une charge axiale agissant séparément. On
shown that a partially embedded pile may be represented as a m ontre que le pieu partiellem ent enfoui peut être assimilé à un
free-standing pile with a fixed base at a depth below the ground pieu libre avec un encastrem ent à une profondeur égale à 1,4/i
surface equal to 1.4R or 1.8J, w here R = 4 \/ ( E I / k ) (subgrade ou 1,8T en dessous de la surface du sol. R = 4\J(E I/k) si le
modulus constant with depth) and T _= 5 \ / ( E I / n h) (subgrade module du sous-sol est indépendant de la profondeur et T =
modulus increasing linearly with d epth). 5 \ / ( E I / n h) si le module varie linéairem ent avec la profondeur.

c o l u m n in s t a b il it y is u su ally a p ro b le m in th e design o f lo ad ten d s to m a g n ify th e deflections cau sed b y Q an d M

stru c tu re s su p p o rte d by piles th a t a re p a rtia lly free-stan d in g . w h en a ctin g alo n e. W h en th e pile h ead is c o n n ected to a
F u rth e rm o re , fo r stru c tu re s su ch as p iers th a t a re su b jected g ird e r o r o th e r stru c tu ra l m em b er, th e p ro b le m in F ig. l a
to b o th v ertical a n d la te ra l loads, a flex u ral analysis o f th e b eco m es h ig h ly in d eterm in ate. F ro m th e v iew p o in t o f the
piles m ay c o n tro l th e design o f th e fo u n d a tio n . G en erally , stru c tu ra l en g in eer, th e m o st d esirab le sim plification is to
th e analysis is hig h ly in d e te rm in a te an d u n w ield y unless co n sid er th e lo w er en d o f th e p ile as fixed a t som e d e p th
som e sim plifying co n d itio n s a re im posed. below th e g ro u n d su rface. F ig u re lb show s a free-stan d in g
F ig u re l a show s a free-h ead p ile w ith an u n su p p o rte d p ile w ith an u n su p p o rte d eq u iv alen t len g th L e w h ich is eq u al
len g th L u a n d a n em b ed d e d len g th L. T h e la te ra l lo a d Q, to L u p lu s th e d e p th to fixity L s. T h is eq u iv alen t len g th of
m o m e n t M , an d axial lo ad P cau se th e p ile to deflect w ith fre e -sta n d in g p ile is p resu m ed to b eh av e in th e sam e m a n n e r
re sp ect to th e c o -o rd in ate axes as sho w n . N o te th a t th e axial as th e system in F ig. la . In th e p ast, th e d e p th L s h as eith e r
b een assu m ed a rb itra rily , o r h as been ta k e n as th e d ep th
w h ere a v e rtical ta n g e n t to th e p ile deflection cu rv e occurs,
acc o rd in g to som e selected m e th o d o f an aly sin g th e em ­
b ed d ed p o rtio n o f th e pile. N e ith e r o f th ese p ro c ed u res
co n sid ers th e actu a l re q u ire m e n ts o f th e p ro b lem .
If th e pile h e a d in F ig. lb is atta c h e d to a stru ctu re, the
analy sis o f th e fo u n d a tio n w o u ld p ro ceed m o st efficiently if
th e lo ad s Q, M, a n d P actin g o n each p ile h e a d co u ld be
d eterm in ed . T h is is acco m p lish ed w ith a stru c tu ra l fra m e
analy sis in w h ich th e b e n d in g o f th e pile b eco m es a fu n ctio n
o f th e b u ck lin g lo a d o f th e pile. T h e re fo re , th e system in
F ig . l b m u st b e selected su ch th a t th e b u ck lin g lo ad is
eq u iv alen t to th a t fo r th e ac tu a l co n d itio n s. T h is re q u ire m e n t
is in a d d itio n to th e req u ire m e n ts th a t th e deflection and
ro ta tio n o f th e pile h e a d be eq u iv alen t. It is th e p u rp o se of
this p a p e r to develop a p ro c e d u re fo r selecting th e d e p th L 3
su ch th a t all o f th e fo reg o in g req u ire m e n ts a re v ery n early


T h e fa c to rs co n tro llin g th e d ep th L s a re th e flex u ral stiff­

ness o f th e p ile El, an d th e m a g n itu d e an d v ariatio n o f the
soil resistan ce w ith re sp ect to d ep th . T h e soil resistan ce is
u su ally ex p ressed in term s o f a su b g rad e m o d u lu s; as used
(a) (b) h erein , th e m o d u lu s k h as u n its o f fo r c e /le n g th 2 an d is
ap p licab le to th e full w id th o f th e p ile (n o t to a u n it w idth
f ig . 1. Partially embedded pile. o f th e p ile ).

For a preloaded cohesive soil, Terzaghi (1955) states that
the subgrade modulus varies with depth as shown on Fig. 2a.
For purposes of analysis, k is usually assumed as constant
with respect to depth. Davisson and Gill (1963) have shown
that the deflections and moments may be underestimated
considerably because of the discrepancy between the real and
assumed variations of k. Unfortunately, no definitive method
is available to account for the discrepancy; corrections must
be applied on the basis of individual judgment.
Fortunately, in the majority of cases, k has the variation
with respect to depth shown on Fig. 2b. In this case, k is
assumed equal to nhx where nh is the constant of horizontal
subgrade reaction (force/length3) as defined by Terzaghi
(1955). This variation of k applies to granular soils and
normally loaded silts and clays.

Hetenyi (1946) presents the background for the govern­
ing differential equation

E I ( d iy / d x i ) + P (d2y / d x 2) + kzy = 0,
(1 )
where E l is the flexural stiffness of the pile, P is the axial
load, x and y are the co-ordinates shown on Fig. la, and kx (o) (b )
is the subgrade modulus, denoted as being a function of x.
From the top of the pile to the ground surface k = 0; below fig . 3. Non-dimensional representation of partially em­
bedded pile.
k = nhx
The solutions of most practical interest fall into this
category. As before, the solutions are more useful after a
change of variables. Let

T = \ / (E I / n h) and z ^ i x / T . (6 )
Also let

V = p t 2/ e i . (7)
(a) (b) Then Eq 8 results in:
2 . Variation of subgrade modulus with depth:
fig . d iy / d z i + V ( d ' y / d z 2) + zy = 0. (8 )
(a) preloaded cohesive soils; (b) granular soils,
normally loaded silts and clays. It is now possible to express the dimensions on Fig. 1 in
non-dimensional terms as indicated on Fig. 3. Note that T
the ground surface k can be assigned values compatible with has the unit of length, and that the following are pure
the soil profile. numbers:
k = constant Zm« = L / T - S t = L J T ; J T = LJT. (9)
Solutions for Eq 1 are more useful after a change of The equivalent length of free-standing pile Le is now equal
variables. Let tO S f "H Jrp.

R = \ / { E I / k ) an d I = x / R . (2 ) Bending
Also let Using the solutions given by Hetenyi (1946) for k — con­
stant, and converting them to non-dimensional form, it is
U = P R 2¡ E l . (3) possible to determine S r versus JB. This was done for piles
Then Eq 4 results: with a depth of embedment great enough that they may be
considered infinitely long. The criterion was that /max > 4; as
d ' y / d f + U (d ly / d l 2) + y = 0. (4) a practical matter, most piles meet this requirement.
By applying a lateral load Q to the top of a free-head pile
It is now possible to express the dimensions on Fig. 1 in (Fig. 3a) a deflection y is obtained for the pile head. This
non-dimensional terms, as indicated on Fig. 3. N ote that R deflection is in turn used to obtain the equivalent length
has the unit of length, and that the following are pure (SB + JB) of a cantilever pile for which the load Q produces
numbers: the same deflection y. The relationship between SR and JR is
given on Fig. 4a. Similarly, a moment M applied to the top
Zm„ = L / R - S R = L a/ R ; J R = L J R . (5)
of a free-head pile produces a deflection y. Using the same
The equivalent length of free-standing pile L c. is now equal technique, the relationship is obtained between SR and Jn
tO Sn ■Jr - (Fig. 4a). Note that for the two loading conditions SR is


k = nhx
\ zmax y 4

Fixed - Tran slating, Free

^ Free, Free

17 0 2 4 6 8 10


f ig . 4. Depth to fixity for bending. f ig . 5. Depth to fixity for buckling.

within a very narrow range, approximately 1.3 to 1.6. For and JR can be found; the results are presented on Fig. 5a.
most values of JB a constant value of approximately 1.33 Similarly, Eq 4 can be solved for t / cl. for other boundary
can be used for SR. conditions. The results for a pile with a fixed-translating head
Techniques similar to the foregoing have been used for and a free tip are also shown on Fig. 5a. Note that for JR
the case where k = nhx. The solutions for this case are given values exceeding 2, SR falls between 1.44 and 1.56. Similar
by Reese and Matlock (1956) and Matlock and Reese results are obtained for other boundary conditions. There­
(1961). Again, the solutions are for an infinitely long pile. fore, when JR exceeds 2, SR can be approximated by a
The criterion was that zmax > 4; as a practical matter, most constant value equal to 1.5.
piles meet this requirement. The relationships between ST It should be noted that for JR values less than 2 some
and JT are given on Fig. 4b for both shear and moment inconsistency can develop because the pile may buckle at its
loading at the top of a free-head pile. Note that ST falls in a lower boundary. This is especially true if the pile tip is
very narrow range, approximately 1.73 to 1.93. For most considered free and not pinned. A comprehensive discussion
values of JT a constant value of approximately 1.75 can be of the buckling of fully embedded piles is given by Davisson
used for ST. (1963).
It may be concluded that in the case of bending it is A procedure similar to the foregoing was adopted for the
possible to select a depth to fixity such that the system in case where k — nhx. Eq 8 was solved for the critical values
Fig. lb will represent very accurately the actual conditions of V, denoted as F cr. The critical load then becomes
in Fig. la. Furthermore, in non-dimensional terms, the depth
to fixity (SR, S T) assumes a nearly constant value for any P cr = V „ ( E I / T 2). (12)
given variation of the subgrade modulus with respect to The relationships between ST and JT were determined for a
depth. free-head, free-tip pile and for a fixed-translating-head, free-
tip pile. The results are given on Fig. 5b. Similar results were
Buckling obtained for other boundary conditions. Note that for JT
The equivalent free-standing pile lengths that apply to the values exceeding unity, ST is represented very accurately by
buckling of the actual system in Fig. la can also be obtained a constant value equal to 1.80.
in non-dimensional terms. For a pile with a free head and The foregoing elastic pile buckling loads were obtained
a free tip Eq 4 can be solved for the critical values of U, with the aid of an analog computer. The computer pro­
denoted as UCT. The critical load Pcl. then becomes gramme given by Davisson and Gill (1963) was adapted to
the problem studied herein. The results for k = constant
P cr = U U E I / R ' 2). (10) with a free head and free tip are also given by Hetenyi
(1946). The two solutions for this case checked perfectly.
For a pile with a free head and a fixed base, and having an
equivalent length equal to + JIt, the critical load is d es ig n pr o c ed u r e

By comparing Figs. 4a and 5a, and Figs. 4b and 5b, it is

P cr = t t 2E I / 4 ( S r + J R) \ (11) seen that the variation in magnitude of SR and ST is rela­
By combining Eqs 10 and 11, the relationship between SR tively small over a wide range of conditions. For values of

JR exceeding 2, SR can be taken as 1.40, a compromise influencing the variation and magnitude of k. On the basis of
between the individual values for bending and buckling. The Terzaghi’s recommendations, and the results of full scale pile
error in the magnitude of SR will not exceed 8 per cent; the tests, it may be stated that nh varies from 1.5 lb/ for a
error is reduced markedly if it is considered as an error in loose sand under cyclic loading to over 100 lb/ for the
the effective length SK + JR- Similarly, a compromise value first application of load to a pile in a dense sand. For co­
of 1.80 can be used for ST when JT exceeds unity. The error hesive soils k may be taken as 67Su where Su is the undrained
in the magnitude of ST cannot exceed 4 per cent; this is shear strength.
reduced markedly if it is considered as an error in the The most accurate means of determining k is from the
effective length S T + JT. results of a lateral load test on a pile. An illustration of this
A fter the actual pile conditions of Fig. la have been technique is given by Peck and Davisson (1962). Pile
converted to the equivalent conditions of Fig. lb, the design spacing and cyclic loading have considerable influence on the
is straightforward from the viewpoint of the structural magnitude of k. Cyclic loading will produce a pile deflection
engineer. If column instability is to be checked, then the (at the ground surface) approximately twice that observed
appropriate boundary conditions are applied to the top of under the first application of the load. For pile spacings in
the pile with length L 0; the lower boundary condition is fixed. excess of 8 pile-widths in the plane of loading, no effect of
If an analysis of the pile-supported framework is carried out spacing is observed. However, at a pile spacing of 3 pile-
for vertical an d /o r lateral loading, the deflection of the pile widths k is reduced to as low as 25 per cent (Prakash, 1962)
head and the distribution of moment, shear, and axial loads of the value applicable to a single isolated pile. The effects
at the pile head will be very nearly the exact values. How­ of cyclic loading and pile spacing can occur simultaneously;
ever, the moment at the fixed base of the pile will be higher these factors will often have to be considered in the selection
than that actually occurring along the embedded portion of of k.
the pile. If the embedded portion of the pile is to be ana­
c o n c l u s io n s
lysed, the analysis should proceed using the loads at the pile
head determined from the frame analysis. By static prin­ It has been shown that a structural frame supported by
ciples, the moment, shear, and axial load acting on the pile partially embedded piles may be analysed as though it were
at the ground surface may be determined. These loads, plus supported by free-standing piles with a fixed base located at
the appropriate solutions to Eq 1 for either k — constant or some distance below the ground surface. The distance below
k = nhx, should be used to analyse the embedded portion of the ground surface to the point of fixity is reasonably con­
the pile. stant when considered in non-dimensional terms. The depth
to fixity is 1.4.R for k = constant or 1.8T for k — nhx where
A P P L IC A T IO N R = 4\ / ( E I / k ) and T = 5 \ / ( E l / n h) . Furthermore, these
Example depths to fixity apply equally well to the determination of
Consider a 12%-inch OD steel pipe section (E l = 8.38 by the buckling load for the pile. Therefore, the effect of the
10° lb/ embedded 50 ft in a soft organic silt for axial load in magnifying the deflections and moments may be
which nh = 2 lb/ The unsupported length of the pile is taken into account in the structural frame analysis with very
20 ft. The pile head is embedded several feet in a stiff con­ little approximation.
crete girder. The pile head may be considered fixed, but the
a c k n o w l e d g m e n t
entire girder is free to translate. The procedures developed in
this paper are applied as follows: The Graduate College and the Department of Electrical
Engineering at the University of Illinois provided the analog
T = ^ 5 (8.38 X 109) = 84 in. from E q 6 computer used by the authors to obtain the data presented
herein. Dr. M. S. McVay aided the authors with the develop­
Zmax = (50 X 1 2 )/8 4 = 7.15. from E q 9 ment of the analog computer programme.
Because zmax exceeds 4 the results given in this paper are
Davisson, M. T. (1963). Estimating buckling loads for piles.
J T = (20 X 1 2 )/8 4 = 2.86. from E q 9 Proc. Second Pan American Conference on Soil Mechanics
Because JT exceeds unity ST can be taken equal to 1.80. and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 351-71.
D avisson, M. T., and H. L. G i l l (1963). Laterally loaded piles
L 3 = 1.8 X 84 = 151 in. from E q 9 in a layered soil system. Proc. American Society of Civil
Engineers, Vol. 89, SM3, pp. 63-94.
The equivalent length of unsupported pile becomes H eten y i, M. (1946). Beams on elastic foundations. A nn A rbor,
University of M ichigan Press.
L e = 20 X 12 + 151 = 391 in. M a tlo ck , H., and L. C. R eese (1961). Foundation analysis of
The elastic buckling load for a column with fixed ends, but off-shore pile-supported structures. Proc. Fifth International
with a translating head, is Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
Vol. 2, pp. 91-7.
Per = 1r - ( E I / L e2) = 7r2[(8.38 X 109) / (391 ) 2] Prakash, S. (1962). Behavior of pile groups subjected to lateral
loads. Ph.D . thesis, University of Illinois, 229 pp.
= 540,000 lb. Peck, R. B., and M. T. D avisson (1962). Discussion of “Design
and stability considerations for unique pier” by James
The analysis of the pile supported structural frame may
Michalos and D. P. Billington. Trans. American Society of
proceed using a pile length of 391 in.; both ends are con­ Civil Engineers, Vol. 127, P art IV, pp. 413-24.
sidered fixed, but the upper end is free to translate. The R eese, L. C., and H. M a tlo ck (1956). Non-dim ensional solu­
possibility of lateral buckling of the frame should also be tions for laterally loaded piles with soil modulus assumed
checked. proportional to depth. Proc. Eighth Texas Conference on
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 41 pp.
Determination of k Terzaghi, K. (1955). Evaluation of coefficients of subgrade
Terzaghi (1955) has presented a summary of the factors reaction. Geotechnique, Vol. 5, pp. 297-326.


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