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Unit 8 – A Nation Expands

Summative Assessment
Fill in the Blank
Use the Word List below (you will not use all of the words):

Adams 10 Million Lafayette NW Territory New Orleans

1825 Oregon Country 1800 New London Madison
Doubled Napoleon 15 Million Tripled Louisiana
New Hampton 1798 Jefferson 1803 King Louis

President ______________________ feared that _____________________ (ruler of France)

might close the port of ____________________________ and close the Mississippi River for

American trade. The President wanted to buy the port. He was surprised when France was

willing to sell all of _____________________________ for $__________________. In the year

______, the third president agreed to France’s offer and the U.S. ______________________ in


Short Answer
List three reasons the President wanted this land:

Multiple Choice
Circle the letter with the best answer:
1. Louis and Clark’s expedition was to find a direct passage to the Atlantic Ocean.
a. True
b. False
2. _________ Louis was born in 1774.
a. William
b. James
c. Meriwether

3. The expedition was called ____________.

a. Corps of Discovery
b. The Journey of Lewis and Clark
c. Exploration Corps
4. President ____________ sent an expedition to explore the western region.
a. Adams
b. Monroe
c. Jefferson
5. Sacajawea played an important role in the expedition by ___________and___________.
a. Identifying plants and animals.
b. Interpreting and keeping peace.
c. Cooking and nurturing.
6. The expedition began in the year _____.
a. 1804
b. 1805
c. 1823
7. One of the President’s main reasons for sending Louis and Clark was to look for gold.
a. True
b. False
8. Louis and Clark returned to St. Louis in September. Their journey took ___ months.
a. 15
b. 45
c. 30
9. Their journey would have never taken place if it wasn’t for the _____________.
a. Louisiana Purchase
b. The War of 1812
c. The Treaty of Greenville
10. On their journey, Lewis and Clark travelled through what we now call ________.
a. Arizona
b. Montana
c. Colorado

Essay Question
How did western expansion affect Native Americans? How could early Americans have shown
more tolerance towards Native Americans? (Use back of page if you need more room):

Labeling a Map
Using the word bank, write the correct label next to each letter below:

Appalachian Mts. Florida Pacific Ocean

East Mississippi River Rocky Mts.
13 Colonies Oregon Country North
Louisiana Territory South West
Gulf of Mexico

A. H.

B. I.

C. J.

D. K.

E. L.

F. M.


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