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Comparision of Compressive Strength of Clay Bricks Prepared with

various ratio of Sugarcane Bagasse and Rice Husk

Abstract: Sugar is one of the mаin substrates of human diet. The five tор sugаr рrоduсing соuntries in
the wоrld аre Indiа, Brаzil, Thаilаnd, Аustrаliа аnd Сhinа. Their рrоduсtiоn ассоunts fоr 40% оf the tоtаl
glоbаl sugаr рrоduсtiоn оut оf the 115 соuntries рrоduсing sugаr in the wоrld, Оut оf these соuntries,
67 рrоduсe sugаr frоm sugаrсаne, 39 frоm sugаr beet аnd 9 соuntries frоm bоth саne аnd beet. Thus,
70% оf the sugаr is рrоduсed frоm sugаrсаne аnd 30% frоm sugаr beet аnd саssаvа. Оn the оther hаnd,
riсe is the mоst imроrtаnt stарle сrор рrоduсed. Riсe strаw is оne оf the mоst imроrtаnt аgriсulturаl
residues. It is аn аnnuаlly renewаble fiber resоurсe thаt is аvаilаble in аbundаnt quаntity in mаny
regiоns оf the wоrld whereby tоns оf unused riсe strаw residues аre generаted every yeаr аnd оnly а
very smаll рerсentаge hаs been used fоr аррliсаtiоns suсh аs feed stосk аnd energy рrоduсtiоn. This
study аims tо сhаrасterize the сlаy briсks рrоduсed by the аdditiоn оf the twо аgriсulturаl wаste
mаteriаls i.e. sugаrсаne bаgаsse аnd riсe husk аsh. Disроsing оff these wаste mаteriаls is а very
сhаllenging tаsk аnd is а hаzаrd tо envirоnment. Sugаrсаne bаgаsse аnd riсe strаw аre аmоng the
аgriсulturаl wаstes thаt аre аbundаntly аvаilаble. The рresent investigаtiоn reseаrсhes the роtentiаl оf
inсоrроrаting these twо wаstes intо the рrоduсtiоn оf insulаting fired сlаy briсk. It fосuses оn the
feаsibility оf using them in fired сlаy briсk mixtures with а рerсentаge reрlасement uр tо 5% by weight.
Рhysiсаl, meсhаniсаl аnd thermаl рrорerties оf the briсks fired аt 1250 оС fоr 2 hоurs were tested
ассоrding tо stаndаrd рrосedures. The results indiсаted thаt аdding uр tо 5% оf wаstes with 0.5%
роlystyrene beаds (by weight) tо stаndаrd mixture оf briсks reduсed the density аnd imрrоved the briсk
thermаl insulаting рrорerties. Even thоugh inсоrроrаting the wаstes hаs resulted intо а deсreаse in the
meсhаniсаl рrорerties, the briсks still соmрly by the minimum stаndаrd fоr соmрressive strength. In
соnсlusiоn, the inсоrроrаtiоn оf these twо wаstes аt different роlystyrene intо fired сlаy briсks
рrоduсed insulаting fire briсks with ассeрtаble рrорerties while рrоviding аt the sаme time аn
аlternаtive wаy оf disроsing the sugаrсаne bаgаsse аnd riсe strаw wаste.

Keywords: Sugar cane, rice husk, clay bricks, review

Literature Review: water driven press technique and terminated

Danupon Tonnayopas et al. (2008) introduced at 1050°C. The examples were tried by as
the impacts of rice husk debris (RHA) indicated by Thai Industrial Standard (TIS)
expansion on the physical and mechanical strategies and contrasted and its
properties of the lightweight structure determinations. Up to 30% RHA expansion was
terminated earth blocks were examined. found to meet TIS. It very well may be used in
Various extents of RHA from 10-half by mass terminated structure blocks by exploiting
were blended to the crude block dirt. Higher minimal expense and ecological security.
RHA expansion required a higher water
content to guarantee the right dry thickness.
All test examples were delivered by uniaxial
J. Sutas et al. (2012) proposed this exploration rice husk debris were differed by 0 - 10% by
has intends to consider impact between rice weight. The outcomes showed that seriously
husk and rice husk debris to properties of adding rice husk less compressive strength and
blocks. Relative adding between rice husk and thickness of examples. In any case the porosity
increments when adding rice husk. By adding 2 60% rustic populace and which has caused
% of rice husk debris by weight is awesome of economical expansion in the volume of
blocks properties which 6.20 MPa of deposits of various kinds. Agra squander has
compressive strength, 1.68 g/cm3 of thickness, shown to be among the most flexible and
and 15.20% of water assimilation. financially savvy alteration of building material
for development and their uses are growing
quickly into practically all spaces of
Apurva Kulkarni et al. (2013) portrayed use of development. Step by step usage of value fly
modern and horticultural byproducts in the debris is expanding in the development
business has been the focal point of business, so there is a requirement for another
examination for financial, natural, and material for incomplete substitution of fly
specialized reasons. Sugar-stick bagasse is a debris, agro squander like sugarcane bagasse
stringy byproduct of the sugar refining debris is having capability of such material.
industry, alongside ethanol fume. Enormous Such perspectives may likewise be useful in
amount of debris which is a byproduct, acquiring LEED (Leadership in Energy and
accessible at truly unimportant rate. It causes Environmental Design) focuses. Utilization of
the ongoing lung condition pneumonic fibrosis rich land in regular block creation can likewise
all the more explicitly alluded to as bagassios. be saved by sugarcane bagasse fly debris
In this paper, Bagasse debris can be used by blocks. The flow research study was done to
supplanting it with fly debris and lime in fly investigate the capability of utilizing Sugarcane
debris blocks. Preliminary blocks of size Bagasse in block creation.
(230x100x75) mm were tried with various
extents of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, half and
60% with substitution of fly debris and 0%, Mangesh V. Madurwar et al. (2014) proposed
5%, 10%, 15% and 20% with substitution of use of bio-fuel side-effect sugarcane bagasse
lime. These blocks were tried in Compression debris (SBA) as a central crude material for the
test and Water retention test according to assembling of blocks was contemplated. The
Indian Standards. The point of this exploration blocks were created utilizing the quarry dust
was to make prudent and green blocks to keep (QD) as a substitution to regular stream sand
up with natural equilibrium, and stay away and lime (L) as a cover. SBA as a vital crude
from issue of debris removal. material was described utilizing X-beam
fluorescence (XRF), thermo-gravimetric
examination (TGA), X-beam diffraction and
Bhavya Rana et al. (2013) introduced farming checking electron microscopy (SEM). XRF
is the main financial movement of India with affirms SBA as a cementitious material. TGA
affirms warm security till C, while SEM
monograph shows individual ash 650 with an
unpleasant surface and various fine pores.
Natural investigation of quarry residue and
lime was likewise done utilizing XRF and
exemplary wet test. The actual properties of
quarry residue and not really settled utilizing
the research center test strategies. SBA–QD–L
blend blocks were planned and created in concentrated by suggested guidelines. The
various blend extents. Physico-mechanical consequences of the SBA–QD–L blocks were
properties of the created blocks were contrasted and physico-mechanical properties
of financially accessible consumed mud and- (BIS) particulars by additionally thinking about
flyash blocks. It was seen that SBA–QD–L the expense.
blocks are lighter in weight, energy effective
and meet compressive strength necessities of Ali.M.Hassan et al. (2018) proposed sugarcane
IS 1077:1992. The blocks additionally fill the bagasse and wheat straw are among the
need of strong waste administration and horticultural squanders that are bounteously
imaginative maintainable development accessible in Egypt. The current examination
material. The blocks can be utilized in investigates the capability of joining these two
neighborhood development particularly for squanders into the creation of protecting
non-load-bearing dividers. terminated mud block. It centers around the
practicality of utilizing them in terminated dirt
block blends with a rate substitution up to 5%
by weight. Physical, mechanical and warm
Mr. A. Mohamed Mansoor et al. (2017)
properties of the bricksfired at 1250 oC for 2
portrayed in India, blocks are typically
hours were tried by standard techniques. The
comprised of mud, and a re for the most part
outcomes demonstrated that amounting to 5%
delivered in conventional, sloppy limited scope
of squanders with 0.5% polystyrene dabs (by
I ndustries. Block making burns-through bigger
weight) to standard combination of blocks
measure of earth whic h prompts top soil
diminished the thickness and further
evacuation and land corruption. To stay away
developed the block warm protecting
from this ecological dangers an endeavor was
properties. Despite the fact that consolidating
made to consider the conduct of blocks made
the squanders has come about into a reduction
utilizing, squander materials from sugarcane
in the mechanical properties, the blocks
modern waste. Reusing of such waste as crude
actually consent by the base norm for
m aterial choices might contribute in the
compressive strength. All in all, the fuse of
weariness of the na tural assets and decrease
these two wastesat 5% level with 0.5%
in garbage removal costs. In this p roject we
polystyrene into terminated dirt
pick sugarcane bagasse debris (SBA) and press
bricksproducedinsulating fire blocks with
mud in customary Portland concrete (OPC)
adequate properties while giving
settled blocks. The bric k was made of size
simultaneously an elective method of
25cm x 12cm x 6.5cm. The squares were
arranging the sugarcane bagasse and wheat
named as 4, 6 and 8 then it is added with SBA
straw waste.
and press mud by weight of dry soil, then, at
that point the blocks followed by restoring f or
time of 28 days. The test like compressive
strength, water assimilation test, shape and Manish C Detroja et al. (2018) introduced the
size test as per Burea u of Indian guidelines fundamental target of this examination is to
explore the usage capability of bagasse
creation deposits in dirt block. In India every
year 90 million tons of bagasse creates and
anticipated expanding rate in future. The
endeavor has been made for delivering light
weight blocks with expanding level of bagasse
by weight. The impacts of bagasse expansion
on the mechanical properties of the blocks necessities of IS 1077.Application of bio-item
were examined The explored results shows sugarcane bagasse debris (SBA) as a main crude
mix of mud, fly debris and bagasse is light material for the production of blocks was study.
weight and meets compressive strength The blocks are creating utilize the quarry dust
(QD) as a substitution to regular stream sand creation of blocks anyway the utilization of
and lime as a fastener. Sugarcane Bagasse Ash waste materials in block fabricating has been
(SBA) as a foremost crude material was presented for protection of lessening mud
portrayed utilizing X-beam fluorescence (XRF), assets, just as forestalling natural and
canteen – gravimetric investigation (TGA), X- environmental harms brought about by
beam diffraction and examining electron quarrying and exhaustion of crude materials.
microscopy (SEM). XRF affirm SBA as a Blocks that accessible in certain areas have low
cementations material. quality, low compressive strength, higher
water assimilation and lopsided surfaces
Rafid Shams Huq et al. (2018) proposed worry
Therefore in this investigation, rice husk debris
for practical innovation has expanded
has been used for the readiness of blocks in
examination exercises on the creation of more
incomplete substitution of dirt. The examples
sturdy developments materials. Lately, Rice
were projected with various substitution levels
Husk Ash (RHA) has effectively been utilized as
of mud differing as 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and
beneficial material in concrete, working on
20% with rice husk debris. The examples were
both strength and sturdiness because of its
tried for water assimilation and compressive
high pozzolanic movement. In any case, the
strength appropriately to Malaysian Standard
adequacy of RHA relies enormously upon its
EN 1008:2010 for 2 hours. Trial shows that
quality which whole relies upon its creations
inordinate expansion of rice husk debris has
cycle which are yet to be set up totally. Be that
higher water retention and low compressive
as it may, the focal point of this paper isn't
strength as rice husk debris rate builds rice
recognizing the best creation measure yet to
husk debris attributes prevail. The holding
investigate the viability of one of the potential
between the mud molecule and the rice husk
employments of RHA in the development
debris particles is feeble. By adding 10% of rice
business. Blocks of various level of RHA (15%,
husk debris by weight is the best block
25%, 35%) were made and tried for Water
properties which 6.80 MPa of compressive
Absorption, Crushing Strength, Los Angles
strength and 16.30% of water assimilation. The
Abrasion Value and Aggregate Impact Value. It
water ingestion of RHA block created didn't
was seen that despite the fact that porosity
surpass 20% thus elevated to be halfway
increments due RHA, it is as yet adequate to
substitution of mud.
utilize RHA in block.

A.A.M. Damanhuri et al. (2020) introduced dirt Sugarcane bagasse and rice straw are
has been utilized as fundamental material in among the rural squanders that are
plentifully accessible. The current
examination explores the capability of
fusing these two squanders into the
creation of protecting terminated dirt
block. It centers around the attainability of
utilizing them in terminated dirt block
blends with a rate substitution up to 5% by
weight. Physical, mechanical and warm
properties of the blocks terminated at that amounting to 5% of squanders with
1250 oC for 2 hours were tried by standard 0.5% polystyrene dots (by weight) to
strategies. The outcomes demonstrated standard combination of blocks
decreased the thickness and further 1529 (2020) 042034 IOP Publishing
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Published by,
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
10. Rafid Shams Huq, Farhana Chowdhury,
“Use of Rice Husk Ash as Substitute to
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Journal of Innovative Research in
Science, Engineering and Technology,
JIRSET, Volume 7, Issue 10, October

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