Design and Analysis of The

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September 1995

NO. 173

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Peter W. DeK.rom

Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering

University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 4400
Fredericton, N .B.
E3B 5A3

September 1995

© Peter W. DeK.rom, 1994


This technical report is a reproduction of a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering in the Department of

Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, August 1994. The research was supervised by Dr.

Adam Chrzanowski, and funding was provided partially by the Natural Sciences and

Engineering Research Council of Canada, and John E. Chance and Associates.

As with any copyrighted material, permission to reprint or quote extensively from this

report must be received from the author. The citation to this work should appear as


DeKrom, P. W. (1995). Design and Analysis of the Vertical Control for the
Superconducting SuperCollider Project in Texas. M.Sc.E .. report, Department of
Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Technical Report No. 173, University of
New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 101 pp.

The stringent accuracy requirements of the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC)

have required a rigorous approach in designing and analyzing the vertical controLrequirci,t:
for the construction of the tunnel. All possible sources of errors are estimated to determine
a realistic value for the achievable accuracy.

This thesis deals with the design of the network and the development of standards,
specifications and procedures, unique to the sse Project All forms of vertical control
were included in the standards, specifications and procedures, such as surface control
(Primary Vertical Control Network), densification on the service areas where the shafts are
located, elevation transfer techniques, and propagation of control in the tunnels.

Geodetic effects that are deemed important in the Primary Vertical Control Network
are analyzed to ensure the adjusted elevations are accurate and reliable. The use of a correct
weighting scheme is analyzed through the use of the Minimum Norm Quadratic Estimation
(MINQE) and adjusted accordingly. Densification, elevation transfers, tunnel control and
the initial tunnel breakthroughs are analyzed to be all within the tunneling requirements.
The final tunnel elevations are calculated by the combined adjustment of all densification
and shaft transfer surveys. The improvement of accuracy of the combined adjustment with
that of the adjustment prior to breakthrough shows an increase of up to 2.8 mm at the 99
percent level of confidence.

The determination of an appropriate geoidal model was performed using a

combination of Global Positioning System (GPS) and levelling to acquire a micro-geoid for
accurate final invert elevations. The geoid undulations were determined to an accuracy of
13 mm at the 99 percent level of confidence.

Final estimated accuracy of 14 mm to 17 mm at the 99 percent level of confidence

can be achieved for the invert elevations of the main tunneL


I wish to express my deepest gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor, Dr. A.

Chrzanowski. His constructive suggestions were invaluable and highly appreciated.

In addition, I would like to thank Greg Robinson, Vicky Labrecque and Trevor
Greening for their constructive criticism of this thesis.

I would also like to thank all the office and field personnel of The PB/MK. Geodetic
Survey Department who helped in construction of the SSC. Finally, I would like to thank
my family, especially Stacey and Matt, and my fellow employees of Measurement Science,
Inc. for giving me the incentive and opportunity to finish this thesis.

Table of Contents


Abstract . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . i
Acknowledgements.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . ii
Table of Contents .................................................................................. iii
List of Figures ...................................................................................... vi
List of Tables .......................................................................................viii

1. IN1RODUCI10N . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . ... ... ... .... ... .. .. . . . .. .. 1


2.1 Vertical Design Requirements of the SSC........................................... 6
2.2 Primary Vertical Control Network (PVCN) Design ................................ 7
2.3 Accuracy Estimation ofTunnelling Surveys ........................................ 10

3. REVIEW OF OBSERVATIONAL ERRORS .............................................. 13

3.1 Random Errors .......................................................................... 13
3 .1.1 Levelling of Line-of-Sight ..................................................... 13
3.1.2 Pointing and Reading of the Instrument...................................... 14
3.2 Observational Systematic Effects ..................................................... 15
3.2.1 Rod Scale Error ................................................................. 16
3.2.2 Rod Index Error ................................................................. 16
3.2.3 Rod Temperature Error......................................................... 16
3 .2.4 Error Due to Tilt of the Rod ................................................... 17
3.2.5 Level Collimation Error ........................................................ 17
3 .2. 6 Effect of Sinking and Rebound of Instrument
and Turning Points ............................................................. 19
3 .2.7 Effect of Earth's Curvature ....................................................22
3 .2. 8 Vertical Atmospheric Refraction .............•..........................•..... 23

4. ANALYSIS OF GEODETIC REDUCITONS .............................................31

4.1 Analysis of the Effect of Tidal Forces ............................................... .31
4.2 Analysis of the Effect of Orthometric Correction ................................... 37

Table of Contents


5. STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS AND PROCEDURES .............................51

5.1 Accuracy Tolerances ...................................................................51
5 .1.1 Section Closures ................................................................53
5.1.2 Loop Closures ...................................................................53
5.1.3 Setup Tolerances ................................................................53
5.1.4 Rejection Criteria......................................•.........................54
5.2 Procedures for Vertical Surface Control ............•................................55
5.3 Standards, Specifications and Procedures for
Densification and Elevation Transfer .................................................58
5.4 Standards, Specifications and Procedures for
the Vertical Tunnel Control. ...........................................................63

6. POST ANALYSIS ............................................................................65

6.1 Section and Loop Closures of the Primary
Vertical Control Network ..............................................................65
6.2 Preliminary Adjustment of the Primary
Vertical Control Network ..............................................................69
6.3 Application of Geodetic Corrections and Reductions ..............................70
6.3.1 Correction for Vertical Atmospheric Refraction .............................70
6.3.2 Application of Orthometric Correction .......................................72
6.4 Minimum Norm Quadratic Estimation ofPVCN .............••....................78
6.4.1 Evaluation Using Single One Way Levellings ...............................7_8
6.4.2 Evaluation Using Mean Elevation Differences ..............................79
6.5 Analysis ofDensifications, Elevation Transfers,
Tunnel Control and Breakthroughs ..........•..............•.........................83
6.6 Combined Adjustment and Final Elevations.•.•.....................................87

Table of Contents

7. DE1ERMINATION OF MICRO-GEOID ..................................................91

7.1 Geoidal Network Design .......................................................•......92
7.2 Determination of the Model Through Least Squares ...............................93

8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .........•.................•...........•98

8.1 Conclusions .................................•...........................................98
8 .2 Recommendations ......................................•...................•...........99

REFERENCES .................................................................................. 100

Appendix A Section Closures of the PVCN A-1

List of Figures

1.1 Location of sse ...................................................................... 2

1.2 LINAC, LEB, MEB and HEB Accelerators....................................... 3
1.3 Shaft Locations Around Main Collider Ring of SSC............................. 3
1.4 Completed Tunnel Half Sectors..................................................... 5
2.1 Visualization of Accuracy Requirements of SSC Plane .......................... 6
2.2 Deep Benchmark Design............................................................. 8
2. 3 Design of Primary Vertical Control Network After Optimization............... 9
2.4 Vertical Relative Confidence Interval
Between N25 to N30 and S25 to S30........................................ :..... 11
3.1 Rod Tilt Error ......................................................................... 18
3.2 l..evel Collimation Error .............................................................. 18
3.3 Minimizing Instrument Sinking Over a Setup ..................................... 19
3.4 Minimizing Instrument Sinking Over Two Setups ............................... 20
3 .5 Effect of Earth's Curvature ..................... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3. 6 Effect of Vertical Atmospheric Refraction ......................................... 23
3. 7 Vertical Profile From North - West to South - East (Along U.S. 287) ........ 28
4.1 North-South and East-West Lines Chosen for Simulation ...................... 33
4.2 Estimated Covariance Function (Correlation with
Heights Not Accounted For) ........................................................ 44
4.3 Estimation Covariance Function (Correlation with
Heights Removed) .................................................................... 44

List of Figures

4.4 Approximating vs Estimated Covariance Function

(Exponential Function) ............................................................... 46
4. 5 Approximating vs Estimated Covariance Function
(Polynomial) ......•................................................................... 47
5.1 Typical Densification Scheme ....................................................... 59
5.2 Elevation Transfer from Shaft Collar to
Taylor-Hobson Spheres .........................................•••................. 60
5. 3 Elevation Transfer ........•........................................................... 62
5.4 Shaft Transfer Design (Personne]/Utility Shaft) ............................. : .... 62
5.5 Vertical Control Extension .......................................................... .-·64
6.1 Primary Vertical Control Network. ................................................. 66
6.2 Section Closures ...................................................................... 67
6.3 Loop Oosures ..........•................................•............................ 67
6.4 Histogram of Minimally Constrained Adjustment Using One-
Way Elevation Differences ............................... .-........................... 69
6.5 Differences in Non-Rigorous Heights and Orthometric Heights [mm] ..•..... 75
6.6 Histogram of Adjustment Using Mean Elevation
Differences and MINQE Detennined Weights .................................... 83
6. 7 Schematic Diagram Showing Propogation of Full-Variance-Covariance
Information from PVCN to Tunnel Control.. .................•................... 87
7.1 Relationship of SSC Plane, Ellipsoid and Geoid ............•....•..........•.... 91
7.2 GPS Network for Geoidal Modelling .............................................. 94
7.3 Geoid Separation Along the Main Collider Tunnel. .............................. 96
7.4 Effect of Discrepancy Between Plane and Third Order Polynomial ............ 97

List of Tables

3.1 Turning Point Displacement Over Time................•........................... 21

3.2 Refraction Error Simulation ......................................................... 29
3.3 Summary of Random and Systematic Errors ...................................... 30
4.1 Solar Tide Corrections ...........................................................•... 35
4. 2 Lunar Tide Corrections .............................................................. 37
4.3 Estimated Gravity Anomalies and Standard Deviations
for Levelling Between 1 to 13 ....................•.................................. 48
4.4 Estimated Gravity Anomalies and Standard Deviations
for Levelling Between 21 to 34 ................................................ : .... 48
4.5 Effect of Interpolated Gravity ..................................................... ; .-50
5.1 Rejection Criteria for Relevelling Sections ........................................ 55
5.2 Procedures for the PVCN ........................................................... 56
6. 1 Loop Closures ........................................................................ 68
6.2 Preliminary Adjusted Elevations and Associated Standard Deviations ...•..... 71
6.3 Comparison of Preliminary Adjusted Elevations and
Adjusted Elevations Corrected for Refraction .............•............•.......... 73
6.4 Comparison of Preliminary Adjusted Elevations, Adjusted Geopotential
Numbers and Orthometric Heights ................................................. 76
6. 5 Comparison of Preliminary Adjusted Elevations and Mean
MINQE Elevations ............................•...................................... 81
6. 6 Densification and Shaft Transfer Elevations and
Associated Standard Deviations .......................................•.••........•. 85
6. 7 Tunnel Elevations Before and After Breakthrough ............................... 89
7.1 Results of Geoidal Models ...............................•.......................... 95


The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC)l, being built south of the City of Dallas
near Waxahachie, Texas, is designed to be the largest atomic particle accelerator in the
world (Figure 1.1 ). By accelerating counter-rotating beams of protons to very high energy
levels, it is hoped that the particle collisions will result in physical evidence of sub-atomic
particles, some not yet discovered, that will advance our understanding of fundamental
properties of energy and matter. To ensure that protons collide, stringent design
requirements must be met for the construction of the tunnels in which the sse will be

The components of the SSC consist of the Linear Accelerator facility (LINAC), the
Low Energy Booster (LEB), the Medium Energy Booster (MEB), the High Energy
Booster (HEB) and the main collider ring. The first accelerator, LINAC, is 0.148 km in
length. The protons are passed from the LINAC to the LEB, which is 0.54 km in
circumference, and then to the MEB, 3.96 km circumference, before being passed on to the
HEB, circumference of 10.96 km (Figure 1.2). The protons then reach the main collider
ring where they are accelerated in opposite directions around the main collider ring which is
composed of more than 10 000 superconducting magnets. The main collider tunnel is
designed to be oval in shape with a maximum diameter of about 30 km and a circumference
of approximately 87 km. There will be approximately 50 magnet delivery, utility,
ventilation and personnel shafts located around the main collider ring (Figure 1.3), through
which horizontal and vertical survey control will be transferred down to the tunnel. These
shafts are constructed on service area sites located at intervals of approximately 4.2 km
along the main collider ring. The depths of the shafts range from 22 to 76 m. The m~
collider tunnel will be bored with up to six tunnel boring machines (TBMs) simultaneously,
in a clockwise direction, at various 4.2 km sections between the sites of the vertical shafts
which will be sunk in advance. Mter the protons have reached full energy, they are
brought into collision at experimental halls, one located on the west campus and one on the
east campus. The experimental halls will be 100m long and 33m wide by 60 m deep and

1 At the time of writing this thesis, the SSC Project was well advanced. However in October of 1993,
the U.S. Congress had voted to close the project. It is hoped that the SSC will eventually be completed
with funding from other sources. At this time, the design, geodetic reductions and post-analysis of the
vertical control have been completed for five tunnels.

Figure 1.1
Location of sse

main collidc:z: (87km circum.)

LEB (0.S4km)

Figure 1.2
LINAC, LEB, MEB and HEB Accelerators

- -

Figure 1.3
Shaft Locations Around Main Collider Ring of SSC

will house large detectors which will study the physical processes that occur when the high
energy protons collide.

The contract for conventional construction for the tunnels and support facilities has
been awarded to the joint venture of two engineering firms, Parsons Brinkerhoff (PB), and
Morrison Knudsen (MK). The responsibilities of the joint venture, known as The PB/MK
Team, include the construction of all tunnels and surface facilities for the SSC Laboratory
(SSCL). Initial construction of the tunnel and its facilities commenced in 1991 and the
sse is expected to be completed early in the next century. Geodetic SUIVeying services for
the tunnel construction have been contracted to John E. Chance, and Associates (JECA)
and its subcontractor Measurement Science, Inc. (MSO. Consultation to the project has
been provided by the Engineering SUIVeys Research Group at the University of New
Brunswick. It is the responsibilty of the PB/MK Geodetic SUIVey Division to ensure that
geodetic control is supplied to the tunneling subcontractor to within 1000 ft (330 metres) of
the head of the tunnel boring machine (TBM).

Vertical control for the construction of the SSC tunnel is accomplished in four
components. The primary vertical control on the suface is performed using precise
levelling techniques. This surface control forms the backbone . of the vertical control and is
therefore required to be accurate and reliable throughout the duration of the construction of
the project. Densification of the vertical control to the service areas and the shafts must be
performed efficiently and accurately. Densification is also performed using precise
levelling. Transfer of vertical control from the surface to the tunnel is performed using
methods developed on this project. A precise electronic optical distance measurement
instrument (EODMO measures vertical distances, which after corrected for meteorological
and instrumentation errors yields accurate results. Propagation of elevations through the
tunnel is performed by precise levelling. This thesis deals with the design and analysis of
the four components of the vertical control for the project

The design of the vertical control has to take into consideration that the atomic
particles which will pass through the sse are not influenced by the effects of gravity and
will rotate in a planar motion. The sse tunnels must, therefore, be set out on a plane
defined in space (not a horizontal plane). This thesis includes analysis of five major tunnel
halfsectors, the N15 to N20, N20 to N25, N25 to N30, N30 to N35 and the N40 to N45
(N15, N20, N25, N30, N35, N40 and N45 are service areas of the SSC), which have

been completed at the time of this thesis (Figure 1.4). Results of the vertical breakthroughs
are included.



Figure 1.4
Completed Tunnel Half Sectors


The design requirements of the sse must be correctly interpreted to ensure that
vertical positioning accuracy is achieved. This is accomplished by an appropriate
preanalysis to ensure the design requirements are achievable taking into account both the
reliability and accuracy of the surface vertical control network, densification surveys,
elevation transfer procedures and tunnel control.

2.1 Vertical Design Requirements of the SSC

According to initial design tolerances given to The PB/MK Team from the SSCL,
the maximum departure of the excavated sse tunnel from its theoretical position on a plane
must not exceed an error envelope of eight inches (200 mm) (Figure 2.1). Five inches
(126 mm) of this tolerance is reserved for construction (boring and lining) with the
remaining three inches (76 mm) available for the surveying error budget. The maximum
surveying error over the entire sse plane (relative positional errors between any two points
along the ring) can then be calculated from:

Evert= {i( 16 mm) = 108 mm. (2.1)

Figure 2.1
Visualization of Accuracy Requirements for SSC Plane

The initial design of the tunnel also requires that the final invert (floor) elevation be
in the range 0" to -OS' (0 mm to -12.5 mm). This is determined from factors such as the
maximum adjustment range of the magnet stands and the degree of vertical "smoothness"
required for the magnet alignment. All tolerances are assumed to be at the 99 percent level
of confidence (99 percent level allows a safety factor of 2.6 which is close to three which is
usual for large-scale engineering projects dealing with radiation or other hazards). The
fmal invert elevation requirement is interpreted as the uncertainty of the difference in
elevation between any two points anywhere along the collider being half of the allowable
requirement, i.e., ±6.25 mm at 99 percent level of confidence.

The stringent requirements of the final invert require the most rigorous approach for
vertical control for the SSC Project. It was then decided to determine if the existing Federal
Geodetic Control Commission (FGCC) First Order Class I standards, specifications and
procedures [FGCC, 1984] for precise levelling are sufficiently accurate for adaptation for
the SSC Primary Vertical Control Network (PVCN).

2.2 Primary Vertical Control Network (PVCN) Design

The PVCN is designed to ensure stable surface control over a long period of time.
The network design includes a large number of loops for reliability and accuracy.

Preliminary reconnaissance of the Primary Vertical Control Network was

undertaken by the author during October, 1991. A total of 343 benchmark (BM) sites were
identified in the preliminary design of the network. The benchmarks would be grouted into
bedrock to ensure stability over the construction period of the sse Project (Figure 2.2). In
order to minimize costs without compromising the integrity of the network, it was decided
that deep benchmarks would be installed only at junction points of level loops. and that at
least two would be located in the vicinity of each primary point (fiducial monument) of the
horizontal control network. and that three would be located near each service area. Control
for densification and elevation transfers to the tunnel would only be transferred from deep
benchmarks. This reduced the total number of deep benchmarks to 131. Temporary
benchmarks or lower order control mon~ents would be used between deep benchmarks
to ensure section lengths of under 3 km, as recommended by FGCC. Keeping section
lengths under 3 km helps control the accumulation of systematic effects.


Figure 2.2
Deep Benchmark Design

The author performed a preanalysis of the proposed network (Figure 2.3) using the
adjustment/simulation package Geolabtm (Version 2.4c) with a weighting scheme for one
way levellings adopted from FGCC specifications. According to FGCC First-Order Class
I standards, the permissible difference between two runnings of a level section is given by
[FGCC, 1984]:

~=3mmJL, (2.2)

where L is the length of the section (km).

Since the tolerance is defined at the 95 percent level of confidence, the standard deviation of
the expected misclosure can be estimated as follows:

O'A = 3mm./L IT
1.96 =1.5 mm V L. (2.3)



.6. Deep Benc:ilmarl<

•• ••• Bliminal<d by Opcimizalion

Figure 2.3
Design of Primary Vertical Control Network After Optimization

If the direct and reverse runnings are assumed to be uncorrelated, then the standard
deviation of a single-run section can be detelTI1ined by:

_1.5mmJL _ 11
J2 'L
- .
mmy ...... (2.4)

The preanalysis results have shown that the relative accuracy across the main
colliderring between two distant points (30 km apart) on the sse ring (64130 and 64175)
is 7 mm at the 99 percent confidence level

The fmal design of the Primary Vertical Control Network was determined by
mathematical optimization of the network without adversely affecting its accuracy.
Optimization was accomplished using multi-objective design software developed by the
Department of Surveying Engineering at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) [Kuang
and Chrzanowski, 1992a]. The criteria for optimization was to eliminate as many levelling
sections as possible without decreasing the overall accuracy across the sse ring. Results
of the optimization allowed for a total reduction from 686 km of double-run levelling from
the preliminary design to 587 km which is a corresponding fifteen percent reduction in the
field effort.

2.3 Accuracy Estimation of Tunnelling Surveys

Vertical accuracy of the SSe tunnel is determined by the estimation of the accuracy
of four individual components, 1 - surface control, 2 - densification, 3 - elevation transfer,
and 4- vertical tunnel control. The most conservative predicted vertical is defined
by the vertical relative confidence interval between any two benchmarks located in the sse
tunnels. The highest predicted vertical error would occur between a benchmark at the end
of a 4.6 km tunnel drive (which is the largest tunnel drive), just prior to breakthrough to the
next shaft, and a similiar benchmark associated with a tunnel drive on the opposite end of
the main collider tunnel, between service areas N25 to N30 and S25 to S30 (Figure 2.4).

Assuming no correlation exists between the four distinct components, the total
variance at 99 percent is estimated from the sum of the variances of the components:

a;ert = <JldH + 2 <Jltun + 2 ~ens+ 2 ~t , (2.5)


Vertical Relative Confidence Interval Between N25 to N30 and S25 to S30

where O'vert isthe vertical accuracy of positioning the main collider tunnel,
O'dH is the accuracy across the ring of the surface network,
O'tun is the vertical accuracy in each tunnel detennined by precise levelling,
adens is the accuracy of densification on the service areas, and
Get is the accuracy of transferring elevations down the shafts.

To ensure the accuracy of the vertical control is achievable, a priori accuracies of the
densification, elevation transfer and tunnel control are estimated. The preanalysis of the
surface network estimated an accuracy of 7 mm across the main collider ring after
optimization is achievable at the 99 percent level of confidence (Section 2.2).

The accuracy of positioning temporary BMs on the shaft collar for the purpose of
elevation transfer is estimated to be better than 4 mm at the 99 percent level of confidence.
This estimation is based on the assumption that at least one deep BM is located within 2 km

of the shaft and that similiar levelling procedures to the surface network are used in the
densification. It is estimated that when using conventional methods for elevation transfers
such as a steel tape, a standard deviation of 2 mm is achievable once proper corrections are

Assuming that the levelling in the tunnel is carried out using the same methodology
as with the surface control, then the standard deviation of vertical control in the tunnel can
be estimated from:

O'tun = 1.1 mm 14.6 kill= 2.4 mm. (2.6)

The tunnel accuracy is then estimated to be 6.2 nun at the 99 percent level of confidence.

Substituting the estimated variances into Equation (2.5), an accuracy of 14.5 mm at

the 99 percent level of confidence is achievable between stations in the tunnel across the
diameter of the main collider ring. The tolerances for the tunnel construction allow an
uncertainty of 108 mm. Therefore, assuming the algebraic summation of random and
systematic errors, the application of geodetic corrections and reductions (vertical
atmospheric correction, orthometric correction, etc.) may be safely ignored for tunnel

construction requirements if their accumulated effect is below 93 mm. However, the afore-
mentionned accuracy requirements for the final invert elevations cannot be achieved using
FGCC standards for First-Order Class I.

Since the area of the SSC Project and the expected lengths of the levelling loops are
not compatible with the large area of the national network, the direct application of the
FGCC standards was considered inappropriate. Therefore, a deterministic approach for the
development of standards and specifications, unique to the sse Project, through a
thorough analysis of random and systematic errors and geodetic reductions has been
adopted for the PVCN. Basic specifications for instrumentation and field procedures for
FGCC FirSt-Order Oass I work have been adopted but office tolerances will be based upon
a detenninistic approach.

Improved methodology for densification, elevation transfers down the shafts, and
the propagation of tunnel control through each tunnel have been developed to improve the
accuracy and reliability. These adaptations will increase the accuracy for tunnel control
from the initial estimates.


Elevation differences are subject to observational uncertainty. These errors can be

classified as either random or systematic. They are carefully reviewed in this chapter and
their expected magnitudes in the sse Project are estimated.

3.1 Random Errors

Random errors in levelling are caused by small unpredictable observational and
instrumentation errors [FGCC, 1984]. Random errors can be classified according to the
following categories [Chrzanowski, 1985]:
• Levelling of the line-of-sight, crh and
• Pointing and reading of the instruments, crp and crr-

Random errors cannot be completely eliminated but may be controlled by adopting

appropriate observing procedures.

3.1.1 Levelling of Line-of-Sight

A geodetic level should provide a consistent horizontal line-of-sight perpendicular
to the direction of gravity at the vertical axis of the instrument If the line-of-sight deviates
from the horizontal, an error in the observation results. A deviation of the line-of-sight is
caused by the limited sensitivity of the levelling instrument, atmospheric refraction, and by
systematic collimation error (Section 3.2.6).

The sensitivity of the instrument depends primarily on the sensitivity of the level
bubble or random influences of the compensator. Testing has shown that precision
geodetic levels have a repeatibility of setting the line-of-sight of about 0.3". Thus over a
distance the accuracy of levelling a line-of-sight can be estimated from [Chrzanowski,

()1 = 206265" s, (3.1)

where s is the length of the line-of-sight, [m]. For a line-of-sight of 50 metres, the
standard deviation of the levelling error is 0.07 mrn.

3.1.2 Pointing and Reading of the Instrument
The pointing and reading error is mainly affected by the observer's inability to
repeat the observation exactly. This is caused by the limited optical resolution of the
instrument. and of the observer's pointing capability as well as other factors such as slight
variations of atmospheric refraction (scintillation). In geodetic levelling, the pointing and
reading errors are reduced by using precise, high magnification instruments ·with
micrometers and wedge shaped reticules.

The error associated with pointing and reading depends primarily on the
magnification of the instrument. Environmetal influences (refraction oscillations) and the
limits of the optical resolution of the human eye also influence the pointing. The pointing
error over a distance s, to a perfectly designed target, ranges from a minimum error of
[Chrzanowski, 1985]:

O'p = M X 206265" S,


O'p = M X 206265" s, (3.2b)

where M is the magnification of the instrument

Assuming average atmospheric conditions and a magnification of 40X, the pointing

error at the sse Project is accepted as being equal to:

O'P = M X 206265" s, (3.2c)

which for line-of-sight lengths of 50 metres, gives an error of O'p = 0.27 mm. This
corresponds to an error of 0.19 mm from a mean reading of a double-scale rod, assuming
there is no correlation between the two readings.

Random mislevelment of a level rod equipped with a box level results in a reading
error which depends primarily on the sensitivity of the level bubble. This can be estimated
from [Chrzanowski, 1985]:

1 ( 206265"
Gr= 2 • (3.3)

where 1 is the height of the sighting on to the rod in (m], and

v" is the sensitivity of the bubble.

For rods used in geodetic levelling, the sensitivity of the bubble can amount to 600"
(10'). When sighting to the top of the 3 metre rod, this can amount to an uncertainty of
0.01 mm in a single pointing. If the bubble is not properly adjusted then the rod tilt
produces a systematic error (Section 3.2.4).

The combined effects of levelling, pointing and reading constitute the random
component of the error associated with geodetic levelling. It should be pointed out that the
residual effects of certain systematic errors may also be regarded as random errors.

3.2 Observational Systematic Effects

Systematic effects have a constant influence on measurements and .rev.eal .the
limitations of the basic mathematical model. Systematic effects can be minimized to be
within the noise level at every setup yet may accumulate over many level sections and result
in unreliable elevation differences. The following systematic effects that have been
considered in the sse geodetic levelling operations [DeKrom, et al., 1992a]:
• Rod scale error,
• Rod index error,
• Rod temperature error,
• Error due to the systematic tilt of the rod,
• Level collimation error,
• Effect of instrument and turning point sinking and rebound,
• Effect of the earth's curvature, and
• Vertical atmospheric refraction.

3.2.1 Rod Scale Error
The calibrated length of the rod is provided on request by the manufacturer and can
be checked by comparing the length of the invar strip with a length standard. The rods are
calibrated for scale at the beginning and at the end of the survey campaign. and at any time
the rod is mishandled The error is determined at each setup as [Chrzanowski, 1985]:

Escale = (sA B - sB F) - (B - F], (3.4)

where SA is the scale factor of the first rod,

SB is the scale factor of the second rod,
B is the back-sightreading in [m], and
F is the fore-sight reading in [m].

Using typical rod scale values of SA =0.999991 and SB = 1.000009, and over an
elevation difference of 40 m, which is the approximate value across the ring, then an
accumulation error across the ring of 8.5 mm can be expected.

3.2.2 Rod Index Error

The rod index error is caused by the constant offset of the zero gradient on the rod
from the base of the plate. This error is eliminated by the observation procedure. The error
cancels out if there is an even number of setups in the section or if in one setup sections,
the same rod is used on both benchmarks.

3.2.3 Rod Temperature Error

The rod is calibrated at a specific temperature. If the coefficient of thermal
expansion of the invar strip is known, the length of the rod at any temperature can be
determined The rod temperature correction is applied to the elevation difference of a level
setup using the observed temperature of the invar. Under the assumption that the invar
strips of both rods have similiar properties, then the error is computed from the following
[Balazs and Young, 1982]:

fumtp =(fsetup - fstand) .Ah ~. (3.5)

where lsetup is the temperature of the invar scale at each setup in [°C),
!stand is the standardized temperature of invar in [°C],

Ah is the observed mean elevation difference over a setup in [m], and
Ore is the coefficient of thermal expansion of invar in [ /1 oq .

For example, typically for invar, Ore is 1~ /1°C. Thus, for a Llli of 2.5 m and a
1Setup- 1Stand of 20°C, then an error of 0.05 mm can be expected over a setup. This
correction is dependent on the change of elevation over a setup and therefore insignificant
on flat terrain.

3.2.4 Error Due to Tilt of the Rod

A systematic deviation of the level rods from the vertical causes a systematic error
in levelling (Figure 3.1). The reading on the tilted rod is always larger than it should be.
Even though this effect is within the noise level of the instrument, it will accumulate on
sloping terrian. The error of an observation is determined from the difference of real rod
reading and true rod reading [Balazs and Young, 1982]:

~1 = RR- TR, (3.6)

where RR is the real rod reading, and

TR is true rod reading.

Assuming a tilt of 10', the error over 30 km and 40 m elevation difference does not
accumulate to more than 0.3 mm. This error is disregarded because the level rods are to be
frequently checked for verticality and adjustments to the level bubbles are accomplished
when necessary.

3.2.5 Level Collimation Error

The collimation error of the instrument results from a systematic deviation of the
line-of-sight from the horizontal plane as defmed by the gravity vector at the instrument
(Figure 3.2). It can be minimized by balancing the lengths of the back- and the fore-sights.
It is intended that the imbalance will not exceed 2 metres per setup or accumulate
algebraically to more than 4 metres a section. If a level has a collimation error larger than
10" (0.05 mm/m), it will not be used in the survey. The error is determined from [Balazs
and Young, 1982]:



Figure 3.1
Rod Tilt Error

Actual LOS Collimation


Theoretical LOS

Figure 3.2
Level Collimation Error

where .L\s is the difference in the length of the back- and fore-sights,
in [m] [= st,-Sa]. and
Ccou is the collimation error of the instrument in [mm/m].

For example, if Ccoll is 0.05 mm/m and .L\s is 2 m, then the error over a setup is 0.1
mm. This correction is applied for every setup in a section when instruments other than
those having a double-compensator are used. When double-compensator instruments are
used, the Ccon is not expected to reach more than 0.02 mm/m or 0.08 mm/section length
when the maximum discrepancy of .L\s does not exceed 4 m.

3.2.6 Effect of Sinking and Rebound of the Instrument and Turning Points
Instrument sinking and rebound is minimized by the observation procedure. It is
assumed that the instrument sinks or rebounds in a time dependent manner. Thus, by
observing back-sight low scale (Blow), fore-sight low scale (Flow), fore-sight high scale
(Fwgh) and then fmally back-sight high scale (Bwgh), and taking the mean of the two
elevation differences, high scale and low scale, the effect is minimized. This can be seen in
Figure 3.3.

Backsight - Low Scale

Foresight - Low Scale

Foresight- High Scale

0 0 Backsight- High Scale

l Smldng of 1Dsuumcm

Figure 3.3
Minimizing Instrument Sinking Over a Setup

The effect can be further reduced by observing onto rod A (the rod with the lowest
serial number) first at each setup. The sequence for observing is:
1st setup and every consecutive odd setup -
B1.ow. Ftow. Fhigh then Bhigl
2nd setup and every consecutive even setup -
Flow. Blow. Bhigh then Fhigl

Figure 3.4 clearly shows that this observing procedure tends to reduce the effect of sinking
and rebound.

::c t.Hlow
F'Stu.p --------~----------~----l
w '
...l '
BS hiSh
'' .'
-------- ~--- --------:---- ~ -----------.
' ' .

~H low • Llli high =E

~ -Milow
w BS-
ss,bllll --------!..---------=---·
.FS ldp -------~i---------1---:- --------.


(AH low- Llli high) .. ...£

Figure 3.4
Minimizing Instrument Sinking Over Two Setups

The error associated with the sinking of turning points can amount to as much as
0.5 mrn/setup [Chrzanowski, 1985] . The most serious error is sinking of the forward rod
which becomes the backward rod when the instrument is moved to the next setup. This
error may cause large loop misclosures and large differences between two way levellings.

Displacements of turning points (both spikes and turning plates) over time has been
previously examined in Greening [1985]. Table 3.1 summarizes the results of these

Table 3.1
Turning Point Displacement Over Time

Location of Type of Displacement Displacement

Turning Point Turning Point [mm] [mm]
In 20 sees. In2mins.
Paved Spike -0.008 -0.01
Highway Base Plate -0.038 -0.046
Railroad Spike -0.008 -0.01
Base Plate -0.032 -0.041
Unpaved Spike -0.011 -0.016
Road Base Plate -0.05 -0.068
Sandy Spike -0.02 -0.024
Ground Base Plate -0.119 -0.135
Turfy Spike -0.13 -0.168
Ground Base Plate -0.668 -0.84

The analysis of the displacement of the turning points over time shows a systematic
trend. Over a seven minute setup (the average length of a setup), the error is expected to .be
within the noise level of each setup but may accumulate significantly over a level section.
Taking, for example, a systematic sinking of only 0.05 mm/setup, a realistic value, of the
back rod (when waiting for a new setup of the instrument), the error may accumulate to 1.5
mm over a 3 km section (30 setups assuming 100m/setup) which produces the difference
of 3 mm between the two-way levellings.

It is estimated that for the purpose of developing appropriate tolerances, that with a
specially designed turning plate, and with the proper observational procedures, the

systematic effect of the sinking of the rods could be reduced to an average value not
exceeding 0.03 mm/setup. Further analysis is required to confirm this value.

3.2.7 Effect of Earth's Curvature

The effect of earth curvature is minimized by balancing the back- and fore-sight
lengths. The error occurs because the instrument and rods are setup with respect to the
direction of gravity, which is normal to a curved equipotential surface, while the line-of-
sight of a geodetic level describes a plane tangent to this surface (Figure 3.5). In order to
minimize this effect, the imbalance of the back- and fore-sight lengths is not to exceed 2
metres/setup, or accumulate algebraically to more than 4 metres over a section. The error
associated with the earth curvature is calculated from [Chrzanowski, 1985]:


where sp and SB is the back- and fore-sight lengths in [m],

respectively, and
R is the radius of the earth in [m].

Theoretical LOS

direction of gravity direction of gravity

Figure 3.5
Effect of Earth's Curvature

Assuming a 2 m imbalance between the fore-sight and back-sight over a 98 m setup
(sp and sa are 50 m and 48 m, consecutively), then the error is 0.015 mm over the setup.

3.2.8 Vertical Atmospheric Refraction

Atmospheric refraction has both random and systematic components. The random
error which is manifested by shimmering or scintillation can be minimized by shortening
the line-of-sight. The systematic effects are of two kinds:
• Effect due to the imbalance of the length of lines-of-sight at
individual setups.
• Systematic accumulation of the refraction error
over long inclined routes (sloping terrain) as shown in Figure 3.6.


-- -- ---- --
------ ---

Figure 3.6
Effect of Vertical Atmospheric Refraction

The refraction error is calculated from the following formula by [Chrzanowski,


where sis the back- or fore- sight lengths in [m],

R is the radius of the Earth in [m], and
k is the coefficient of refraction, which may be computed from [Kharaghani, 1987]:

k =78.83 ( o.o342 + :!) ~~ w- 6, (3.10)

where Pis the pressure at the instrument in [mb],

T is the temperature at the height of instrument in [K], and
f is the temperature gradient interpolated midway between the instrument setup
and the level rod in ?C/m.

Isothermal layers are modelled by Kukkamaki's Eq11ation [Kharaghani, 1987]:

At each height, z, above the terrain, there are three unknowns that describe the temperature
profile (a, b, and c). The temperature gradient is determined by differentiating temperature
in Equation (3.11) with respect to height above the terrain:

dT b c-1
dz= cz .

To rigorously correct for the effect of refraction, certain assumptions are made:
• the ground slope is uniform at each setup,
• the sight distances are equal,
• the isothermal layers are parallel to the terrain, and
• the isobaric layers are horizontal with respect to gravity.

Equation (3.9) is based on a linear ray-path effect of refraction. It, however, does
not behave in a linear fashion. To rigorously compute the effect of refraction, it is
necessary to determine a realistic path of the line-of-sight as it passes through different
isothermal layers. This can be approximated by differentiating the path over the line-of-
sight based on the above assumptions. The error can be estimated for the fore-sight as:


and over a back-sight length as:

eb = cosf31.s 78.83 L(o.0342+di)w-6 (-S-x):lx, (3.13b)

T2 dy

where S is the length of the line-of-sight and x is distance along the integral. Assuming
that the pressure and temperature are constant during a setup, and applying the first integral
results in the following:



"" =A [ 0.0342¥ { :g (S+x)lx]. (3.14b)


A= 78.83 cos f3 P2 1o-6. (3.14c)


Subtracting Equation (3.14a) from (3.14b) results in the error over a setup of:


It is necessary to determine the height. z, of the optical path along the length of the
integration. The height of the optical path at any distance, x, along the line-of-sight can be
expressed by,

z=lll-tan~ x. (3.16)

Equation (3.16) can then be substituted into Equation (3.12), resulting in:


Substituting Equation (3.17) into Equation (3.15) results in:

The approximation of Equation (3.18) can be determined through the use of

McLaurin's Series [Greening, 1985]. Letting:

u(x) =(m-tan~ xt 1 {S+x), (3.19a)

v(x) =(m-tanj3 xt 1 (S-x). (3.19b)

Equation (3.18) becomes:


x 2u"f0)
u(x) = u(O) + x u'(O) + 21'- , (3.21a)


v(x) = v(O) + x v'(O) + x2v"(O)
2! . (3.21b)

The error of refraction can then be estimated over an instrument setup as:

£8 =A*(D2 (AH) + ton4 (AHf), (3.22a)

~ = b (c-1) cic-2, (3.22b)

D4 = b (c-3Xc-2Xc-1) clc-4, (3.22c)

AH = 2S tan~. (3.22d)

The parameters b and c can be determined from the above equations if the temperatures are
measured at at least three different heights.

The author performed a simulation for determining the possible accumulation of

refraction over the sloping terrain was performed using Equations (3.9) to (3.22d). To
determine the maximum possible effect, the largest elevation difference across the diameter
of SSe main collider ring is used in the simulation (Figure 3. 7). The terrain slopes
downwards from the north-west to south-east. A vertical profile is obtained using
elevations and distances from the existing survey control. Unfavourable atmospheric
conditions are assumed and hence values of 2.5 and -0.33 for constants b and c are adopted
for the simulation, respectively. The error across the SSe ring is shown in Table 3.2.


...5 s s 8

s s
.,,.. ::?
~ ,.:
00 ~ .,.0
0 !!
...... ~

s E
s ....,
cd s ~ s 8
;; .
0 "'
.,... !!

... ~ ... .!A-----.-- ~
s ~

a ,.s s
.,.,.. ,....a a a
..a ...a
... .. .,.,....
E! li
li li li

,."'.& a...... ...

"! Q

i...... .....
.... ,..:i

.. .....

Point 166 665 663 661 609 656 6 655 653 651
Number 662 660 659 657 656 654 652
7 666 664
988.8 m 865.7 m

Figure 3.7
Vertical Profile From North-West to South-East
(Along U.S. 287)
Table 3.2
Refraction Error Simulation

From To Elev Diff Section No. of Error Ace. Error

(m} (km) Setups (mm) (mm)
64007 64166 -3.81 0.78 8 -0.5 -0.5
64166 64666 -7.49 0.715 8 -0.8 -1.3
64666 64665 -0.03 1.747 18 0.0 0.0
64665 64664 0.09 0.756 8 0.0 0.0
64664 64663 -4.83 1.138 12 -0.6 -1.9
64663 64662 1.66 0.629 8 0.1 -1.8
64662 64661 -4.87 1.578 16 -0.6 -2.4
64661 64660 -1.05 1.454 16 -0.1 -2.5
64660 64609 -2.06 1.146 12 -0.2 -2.7
64609 64659 -7.35 0.744 8 -0.9 -3.6
64659 64658 9.2 1.376 14 1.2 -2.4
64658 64657 -3.45 1.384 14 -0.4 -2.8
64657 64008 -1.14 1.726 18 -0.1 -2.9
64008 64656 -14.63 2.567 26 -1.9 -4.8
64656 64655 -1 1.358 14 -0.1 -4.9
64655 64654 3.62 1.403 16 0.4 -4.4
64654 64653 -4.63 1.817 20 -0.5 -4.9
64653 64652 -0.58 1.361 14 -0.1 -5.0
64652 64651 4.67 1.02 12 0.4 -4.6
64651 64122 -3.38 1.819 20 -0.4 -5.0
64122 64650 -13.51 0.969 10 -0.4 -5.4
64650 64123 2.49 0.867 10 0.2 -5.2
64123 64003 10.44 1.126 12 0.9 -4.1

A refraction error of -4.1 mm accumulated in a north-west to south-east direction

over a distance of 30 km which has the maximum elevation difference. This error can be
reduced by at least half by observing temperature gradients and modelling the effect The
residual systematic error accumulation may be estimated to be within 0.1 nun/km.

A summary of the random and systematic errors analyzed by the author and their
expected effect on the SSC vertical control is shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3
Summary of Random and Systematic Errors

Error Cause Estimated Magnitude Equation

Random Levelling of line-of-s1ght Nonperpendiculanty of line-of-stght U.U7mm 3.1
Pointing Imperfections of instrument, observer
and residual atmospheric effects 0.27 mm each scale 3.2c
Reading Limits of sensitivity of level bubble O.Olmm 3.3

Systematic Rod scale error Difference in standard scale 8.5 mm over 30 km 3.4
~ Rod temperature Expansion of invar at different
temperatures 0.05 mm per setup 3.5
Rod tilt error Systematic deviation of rod
from vertical 0.3 mm over 30 km 3.6
Level collimation error Deviation of line-of-sight from
horizontal plane 0.08 mm per section 3.7
Sinking of turning point Sinking of back-sight turning
plate between setups 0.03mm per setup -
Effect of earth's curvature Nonperpendicularity between
line-of-sight and rod 0.015 mm per setup 3.8
Vertical atmospheric Deviation of line-of-sight due to
refraction refraction 4.1 mm over 30 km 3.9 to 3.22d
-~--~ --~~----~

The effects of geodetic reductions must be carefully investigated to ensure the

vertical design accuracy is achieved. For the SSC Project, the following geodetic
reductions have been analyzed [Grodecki, et al., 1992a; Grodecki, et al., 1992b]:
• Effect of Tidal Forces, and
• Orthometric Correction.

4.1 Analysis of the Effect of Tidal Forces

Astronomic effects are due to the lunar and solar body's uplift of the earth's gravity
equipotential surfaces. The tidal forces also cause the redistribution of the mass of the
earth, which in turn results in additional uplift of the equipotential surfaces. The tilt ofthe
terrain, and therefore the levelled height differences, are affected by the distortion of the
equipotential surfaces.

The component of the moon's influence on elevation is [Balazs and Young, 1982]:

hm =(3m Mr)(sin2q)/2d3 +(3m Ml)(5cos2q -1)(sinq)/2d4 , (4.1)

and the corresponding effect of the sun is [Balazs and Young, 1982]:

hs =(3m Sr)(sin2r )/203, (4.2)

where hm is the component of tidal acceleration due to the moon, [sec. m s-2],
hs is the component of tidal acceleration due to the sun, [sec. m s-2],
J.l is Newton's gravtational constant, [N m2 s-2],
r is the distance from the point on the surface to the center of the earth, [m],
M is the mass of the moon, [kg],
m is the mass of the sun, [kg],
dis the distance between the centers of the earth and moon, [m],
D is the distance between the centers of the earth and the sun, [m],
e is the zenith distance of the moon, [sec], and
p is the zenith distance of the sun, [sec].

The values, hm and h 8 , are converted to deflections by dividing hm and hs by a constant
gravity value.

The total effect of the sun and the moon's tidal accelerations is then computed
from the effects of the components:


where Sis the section length in [m],

a is the azimuth of the section in [sec],
An is the azimuth of the Moon in [sec], and
A. is the azimuth of the Sun in [sec].

The effect and magnitude of the tidal forces at the sse Project is simulated en
two levelling lines [Grodecki, et al., 1992a], one level line in the north-south direction and
the other in an east-west direction (Figure 4.1).

Analysis of the effect of the solar component was performed by the Engineering
Surveys Research Group at the University of New Brunswick. The mean longitude of the
sun, H, is approximated using the form of a truncated polynomial [Grodeck:i, et al.,

H=L+dL+sL+'If, (4.4)

where L is the geometric mean longitude of the ficticious mean sun, determined by:

L=279°41'48.04"+ 129602768.13" + 1.089"T2 , (4..5)

and Tis the Julian ephemeris date reduced to the fundamental epoch and expressed in
centuries of 36525 days,
dL is the correction to get the mean longitude of the true sun:

dL = (6910.057" -17.24"1) sing, (4.6)

4 Deep Benchmark
0 Temporary Benchmari::

Figure 4.1
North-South and East-West Lines Chosen for Simulation

where g is the earth's mean anomaly:

g = 358°28'33"+ 129596579.10"T -0.54"T2 - 0.012"T3 , (4.7)

sL is the lunar pertubation of the mean longitude [Pagiatakis, 1982]:

sL = 6.4" sin(231.19° + 20.20°1), and (4.8)

'I' is the nutation in longitude [Grodecki, et al., 1992]:

'I' =-0.0048° sin(279.9°- 0.053° d)- 0.0004° sin(197.9° -1.971° d), (4.9)

d=jD-2447891.5. (4.10)

The declination ~. right ascension u, mean sidereal time st, and hour angle of the sun h, are
calculated by the following [Pagiatakis, 1982]:

() = arcsin(0.406 sina + 0.008 sin3a), (4.11)

a = x- 0.043° sin2x, and (4.12)

x = H + 0.034° sin(H-pa), (4.13)

where H is the geometric mean longitude of the sun, and

pais the parallax (pa = 8.8").

The mean sidereal time at 00 hrs Universal Time is given by:

st = 99.69098333° + 36000.76892° T + 3.86708333 X 10-4 T 2 • (4.14)

Finally, the hour angle of the sun is expressed as:

h=st+'A.-a. (4.15)

The azimuth and zenith angle is detennined from the following fonnulae [Thomson, 1978]:

Az - arct<>nf sin h ) (4.16)
- o
~'\sin <p cos h- tan cos <p '


(~ososinh) )
Z= . . sinAz . (4.17)
arctan sm q> sm 8 +cos <p cos h

The simulation, was performed by the Engineering Research Group [Grodecki, et

al., 1992] for the date of 11 May 1992. Certain asswnptions were made to achieve a
realistic simulation. It was assumed that the survey crew would work a 6 hour day with a
1 hour break for lunch. Hourly progress of 0.5 km of levelling would be achieved. The
mean astronomical correction was computed for each 0.5 km portion of a section and for
the remainder of the section. The azimuth of the section was computed -from -the
approximate coordinates of each potential location of a benchmark. Table 4.1 shows the
results of the solar contribution of the tidal potential.

Solar Tide Corrections

North-South Line East-West Line

From To Ace Corr From To AccCorr
(mm) - (mm)
1 2 -0.01 21 22 0.03
2 3 0.01 22 23 0.01
3 4 0.03 23 24 0.02
4 5 0.06 24 25 0.00
5 6 0.09 25 26 0.01
6 7 0.11 26 27 0.00
7 8 0.12 27 28 0.00
8 9 0.15 28 29 0.00
9 10 0.17 29 30 -0.02
10 11 0.22 30 31 0.02
11 12 0.23 31 32 0.03
12 13 0.25 32 33 0.00
33 34 0.00

Analysis of the results given in Table 4.1 shows an accumulation of error in the
north-south direction of 0.25 mm. In the east-west direction, there is no systematic

A similiar analysis was performed for the contribution of the lunar effect, where it
was estimated that the lunar contribution is twice that of the solar effect The mean tropic
longitude of the moon is given by:

s = 270.43659° + 481267.890057° T- 0.00198 T 2 + 0.000002 T 2 , (4.18)

and the mean tropic longitude of the lunar perigee is given by:

p =334.32956° + 4069.03403° T- 0.01032° T 2 - 0.00001° T 3 , (4.19)

where T is Julian ephemeris date reduced to the fundemental epoch and expressed in
centuries of 36525 days.

The mean tropic longitude of the sun is given by:

k = 1.0 + 0.0549 cos(s-p) + 0.010 cos(s-2h+p) + 0.008 cos(2s-2h). (4.20)

Table 4.2 shows the results of the lunar contribution of the tidal potential.

The values in Table 4.2 show an accumulation of error in the north-south direction
of 0.59 mm which is slightly larger than twice the solar component In the east-west
direction there is once again no systematic accumulation.

The effect of ocean tide loading is expected to be no more than 1 to 2 mm per 1000
km, which is equivalent to 0.06 mm for a 30 km line and therefore can be safely ignored
for the purpose of vertical control at the sse Project

Lunar Tide Corrections

North-South Line East-West Line

From To AccCorr From To AccCorr
(mm) (mm)
1 2 0.10 21 22 -0.10
2 3 0.11 22 23 -0.14
3 4 0.18 23 24 -0.21
4 5 0.31 24 25 -0.25
5 6 0.38 25 26 -0.33
6 7 0.41 26 27 -0.37
7 8 0.40 27 28 -0.37
8 9 0.44 28 29 -0.36
9 10 0.44 29 30 -0.29
10 11 0.46 30 31 -0.19
11 12 0.53 31 32 -0.11
12 13 0.59 32 33 -0.05
33 34 0.02

Considering the above analyses, the following reconnilendations were made. The
effect of tidal accelerations in the north-south direction accwnulates to a significant amount
(up to lmm) yet it is not necessary to correct for the effect because it will cause a.small.tilt
of the whole plane of the sse Project The effect in the east-west direction can be safely
ignored since it does not accumulate systematically. The observations should, however, be
evenly distributed before and after local apparent noon when planning the schedule for field

4.2 Analysis of the Effect of Orthometric Correction

The orthometric correction must be applied to compensate for the non-parallelity of
potential surfaces to the reference surface or geoid. The variation of gravity must be
eliminated from the observations to place elevation differences in a common frame of
reference. To overcome this difficulty, levelled heights are converted to geopotential
nwnbers by [Vanicek and Krakiwsk:y, 1986]:


where Ci and C are the geopotential numbers at points Pi and Pi,
[m 2 s-2], respectively,
db are the leveled height differences, [m], and
g is the gravity value, [m2 s-2], corresponding to the levelled
height difference, db.

A potential difference, q - C, is independent of the route between the points. In

order to give it dimensions of length, the geopotential is scaled by the value of normal
gravity for an arbitrary standard latitude for the international ellipsoid [Heiskanen and
Moritz, 1984]. As a result, the geopotential number is converted to a dynamic height. As
both the geopotential number and dynamic heights express only potential differences, and
do not have clear geometrical meaning, the concept of orthometric heights is introduced.
The orthometric height of a point is defined as the geometrical distance between ·the geoid
and the point measured along the plumbline. By definition, the relationship between the
orthometric height and geopotential numbers is given by [Vanicek and Krakiwsky, 1986]:


where g is the mean gravity along the piumbline.

It is impossible to determine the exact value of the mean value of gravity, g. It is

therefore necessary to approximate the value of the gravity gradient. Different
approximations lead to different orthometric height systems. The system used in the
U.S.A. and on the SSC Project is the Helmert orthometric height system, which is defined
as [Vanicek and Krakiwsky, 1986]:


where gr is the Helmert gravity gradient from:


and gi is the gravity at the point Pi on the earth's surface.

The orthometric height differences can therefore be computed from levelled height
differences combined with the orthometric corrections [Vanicek and Krakiwsky, 1986]:

MI~.. = L\hg.. + OC··g• (4.25)

where O~j is the orthometric correction [m], determined from:


where dht is the levelled height difference between points k and k-1,
& is the reference gravity,
gi' is the mean gravity along the plumbline at point i.
gj is the mean gravity along the plumbline at point j, and
HP and Hf are the dynamic heights determined by:

For projects requiring precise levelling such as the SSC, the accuracy of
determining orthometric heights should be kept below 0.1 mrn/km (ten percent of the total
admissible error) [Grodecki, et al., 1992b]. This may be accomplished by applying
corrections based on gravity measurements. An analysis of the accuracy of the existing
National Geodetic Survey (NGS) gravity data was performed by the Engineering Surveys
Research Group [Grodecki, et al., 1992b] to ensure the vertical control requirements were
achievable using existing gravity and thus determine whether further densification of
gravity is required.

Given the set of observed gravity values at points in a particular area, the prediction
methods enable gravity to be estimated at other points in the area. The unknown gravity
value at point Pis generally approximated by the function [Heiskanen and Moritz. 1984]:


In most practical applications, the function F is linear in terms of gravity anomalies
llg. In the analysis of gravity accuracy performed by UNB, least squares collocation was
found to be the appropriate method for predicting gravity anomalies.

The least-squares prediction (collocation) method is derived by minimizing, in

terms of coefficient a , the square of the prediction error expressed by:


The least squares prediction gives optimum results and accuracy estimates. The fmal
prediction formula is given by [Torge, 1980]:

- :r
Agp = Cp(C + DT Ag,



~1 •·· ~n




L\g =

and where Cpi = M {Dgp Dgi } is the crosscovariance of the gravity anomaly at point P
with the gravity anomaly at the observed point Pi ,
Cij = M {Dgi Dgj } is the autocovariance of the gravity anomalies at the observed
Dij =M { ni nj } is the autocovariance of the observational errors n (noise), and
M { .. } stands for the averaging operator.

The variance-covariance matrix of the predicted anomalies can be detennined from

[Grodecki, et al., 1992b]:


where Cpp is the covariance matrix of the anomalies being estimated, and
Cpp. is the crosscovariance matrix of the anomalies being estimated with the

observed gravity anomalies.

Subsequently, the standard error of the predicted gravity anomaly for point Pis
given by the following formula [Heiskanen and Moritz, 1984]:


where C 0 is the expected mean square value of the gravity anomalies.

The least-squares prediction method takes advantage of the fact that the gravity
anomalies can be considered as statistical quantities with a mean value of zero [Torge,
1980]. It is also assumed that the stochastic properties of the anomalies are homogeneous
and isotropic. Under these assumptions, the stochastic properties of the anomalies can be
described by a single covariance function cov (Agi, Agj, s) which depends only on the
distance, s, between the points Pi and Pj . Such a covariance function can be expressed by
the following [Grodecki, et. al, 1992b]:


where M is the mean value operator, and

s is the ellipsoidal distance between the points Pi and Pj .

In general, the free-air gravity anomalies are correlated with elevation. Therefore,
this correlation has to be removed before the covariance function is estimated. The
functional relationship between free-air anomalies and the elevations is approximately linear
[Grodeck:i, et al., 1992b]. To obtain the anomalies, which are independent of the
elevations, a term that is proportional to the elevation must be added:

z =Ag - aAh. (4.38)

If z is a Bouguer anomaly, then for, the density p = 2.67 g/cm3, the coefficient a,
is equal to 0.112 mgal/meter [Heiskanen and Moritz, 1984] (Note: a and z have different
representation than in refraction).

The least-squares collocation of the gravity anomalies for the sse Project area was
performed using the above mentioned numerical procedures. The data were provided by
the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Vertical Network Branch in the form of a computer

file containing 5990 gravity points for the area enclosed by latitudes N31.00 to N34.00
degrees, and longitudes W95.50 to W98.50 degrees.

Each of the gravity points is described by its latitude and longitude of position,
topographic height, observed gravity, estimated error of gravity, bore hole depth, free-air
anomaly, estimated error of anomaly, terrain correction, and observation type.

In the first approximation, the correlation between the free-air anomalies and the
elevations was neglected. Analysis was performed by UNB consultants to estimate the
covariance function [Grodecki, et al., 1992b]. The Geodetic Reference System 1980
(GRS 80) was chosen to be the reference ellipsoid. The parameters describing the
functional relationship between the gravity anomalies and heights were set to zero. The
ellipsoidal distances between the gravity points were computed by means of the Puissant's
solution to the inverse problem on the ellipsoid [Vanicek and Krakiwsky, 1986]. All5990
data points were utilized, and the values of the covariance function were estimated for every
2 km interval, for the points up to 158 km apart. The result of the estimated covariance
function is shown in Figure 4.2.

A straight line was used to estimate the functional relationship between the
anomalies and elevations. It had been implicitly assumed that this relationship is of a linear
nature. The functional relationship is:

Ag =ah + b, (4.39)

where h is the topographic height

All 5990 gravity points were used, and the estimation gave the following results:
a = -0.11274 ± 0.00322,
b = 22.55328 ± 0.71644,
a 0 2 = 426.23.

The estimated parameter a, was found to be virtually identical to the theoretical

coefficient defined for the Bouguer anomaly as shown in Equation (4.38). Mter removal
of the correlation of gravity anomalies with elevations, the covariance function was re-
computed. The results of this estimation are shown in Figure 4.3.



Distance pn {2xn - 1) km]

Estimated Covariance Function (Correlation with Heights
Not Accounted For) [Grodecki, et al., 1992b]

350 ........... .
300 ............
250 .....
Covariance 200
{sq. mgal] 150 ...
100 ........
0++~~~++~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~-~

-501 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43

Distance [in (2xn - 1) km}

Figure 4.3.
Estimated Covariance Function (Correlation with
Heights Removed) [Grodecki, et al., 1992b]

For the purpose of the least-squares prediction, the estimated covariance function
has to be approximated by an algebraic formula. One of the most commonly used is the
exponential function [Grodecki, et al., 1992b]:

~g =aexp (-b s). (4.40)

In this analysis, two types of functions were used for the approximation of the
covariance function: the exponential function given by Equation (4.36) and the following
third degree polynomial.


The main disadvantage of the exponential function is that it is unable to accurately

approximate the shape of the covariance function. It is, however, relatively uncomplicated
and provides a fairly good fit for the short portions of the covariance function. The
polynomial provides a better fit to the overall shape of the function, but may result in
oscillations, the amplitude and number of which increases with a degree of a polynomial.

The exponential function was fitted by UNB to the portion of the covariance
function from 0 to 38 .km. The fitting gave the following results [Grodecki, et al., 1992b]:
a = 423.782 ± 1.007 ,
b = 0.01586 ± 0.00078 '
0" 0 2 = 0.005.

The difference between the covariance function and its approximating function is shown in
Figure 4.4.

The third degree polynomial was fitted by the UNB consultants to the portion of the
covariance function from 0 to 38 km. The approximation gave the following results
[Grodecki, et al., 1992b]:
a = 425.435 ± 0.491,
b = -15.792 ± 0.527,
c =0.751 ± 0.043, and
d = -0.013 ± 0.001.

420 r---2--l I
400 I
• •
360 0 • .. I
Covariance 340
[sq. mga~ 320
0 0
0 •
0 -
• .
• • g g
240 o_
220 I I 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2.0
Distance pn (2xn - 1} km}

Figure 4.4
Approximating vs Estimating Covariance
Function (Exponential Function) [Grodecki, et al., 1992b]

The difference between the covariance function and its approximating function is shown in
Figure 4.5.

As mentioned previously, the impact of gravity errors should not be larger than 0.1
mm..JL (ten percent of the total admissible error for FGCC First-Order Class n. This is
equivalent to about 100 [mGal m] ..JL. The maximum value of the combined error of
interpolation and the gravity point error should therefore be smaller than this limit

For the purpose of this analysis, the least-squares prediction of gravity anomalies
was performed on the same two leveling lines as in the tidal analysis (Figure 4.1). The
first level line runs from point 1 to point 13 and the second line runs from point 21 to point
34. The prediction method applied here takes both the accuracy of the gravity data and the
interpolation error into account

350 - 0 0
0 0
• 0• 2 g 0
300 0
s-a ... ...
? o a
250 Q

0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 14 16 18 20
Distance pn (2xn - 1) km]

Figure 4.5
Approximating vs Estimated Covariance
Function (Polynomial) [Grodecki, et al., 1992b]

A simulation was performed by the UNB Engineering Surveys Research Group.

Two types of functions approximating the covariance function were used: the exponential
function (Equation 4.36) and the 3rd degree polynomial (Equation 4.37). The results of
the gravity anomaly predictions are given in Tables 4.3 and 4.4.

Analysis of the results given in Tables 4.3 and 4.4 shows that there is generally
good agreement between the two models. The third degree polynomial model gives
slightly larger estimates of standard deviations of the predicted anomalies.

Table 4.3
Estimated Gravity Anomalies and Standard Deviations for Leveling Between 1 to 13

Point Number (Exponential Function) (3rd Degree Polynomial)
[ -] [mgal] [mgal]
1 -4.62 ± 4.03 -5.63 ± 6.18
2 -4.62 ± 3.86 -4.41 ± 5.85
3 -4.64 ± 2.41 -4.52 ± 3.62
4 -4.61 ± 3.86 -4.37 ± 5.88
5 -6.11 ± 3.63 -6.26 ± 5.52
6 -7.92 ± 2.73 -7.97 ± 4.12
7 -7.69 ± 3.54 -7.20 ± 5.37
8 -7.46 ± 4.40 -6.34 ± 6.68
9 -7.42 ± 2.86 -7.18 ± 4.33
10 -7.00 ± 2.40 -6.88 ± 3.63
11 -8.53 ± 3.85 -9.79 ± 5.87
12 -10.31 ±3.24 -9.70 ± 4.91
13 -7.64 ± 2.00 -7.54 ± 2.98

Table 4.4
Estimated Gravity Anomalies and Standard Deviations for Leveling Between 21 to 34

Point Number (Exponential Function) (3rd Degree Polynomial)
[ -] [mgal] [mgal]
21 -10.48 ± 4.37 -10.66 ± 6.64
22 -7.59 ± 3.68 -7.59 ± 5.59
23 -7.54 ± 3.86 -7.48 ± 5.87
24 -7.85± 2.74 -7.84 ± 4.15
25 -7.88 ± 2.36 -7.87± 3.55
26 -7.23± 3.98 -6.78 ± 6.04
27 -7.69 ± 3.54 -7.20 ± 5.37
28 -7.92 ± 2.73 -7.97 ± 4.12
29 -7.01 ± 3.84 -6.73 ± 5.84
30 -5.48 ± 3.82 -5.40 ± 5.82
31 -2.90± 3.81 -1.95 ± 5.78
32 0.24 ± 2.77 1.51 ± 4.17
33 2.88 ± 3.54 3.14 ± 5J8

The correlation between the free-air gravity anomalies and the elevations had been estimated
and removed, but only for the purpose of estimation of the covariance function.

The geopotential numbers can be expressed as:

j j j
ACij= Lg(<p)..,h)koik+ Lgkolk+ L~kolk, (4.42)
k==i k==i k==i

where g(<p,A. ,h) is the reference gravity (e.g., normal gravity),

Agk is the gravity anomaly, and
olk is the levelled height difference .

Differentiating Equation (4.42) results in:

j j j
d(ACij) = I. g (<p,A. ,h )k d (010 +LAgk d (010 +I d (Agk)Olb (4.43)
k==i k=i. k=i.

The first term of the differentiation does not depend on the density and accuracy of
gravity data nor the error of gravity anomalies. The second tenn expresses the influence of
the elevation difference error and is at least two to three orders of magnitude smaller than
the third term, which gives the influence of the accuracy of the predicted gravity anomalies"
Assuming that the errors propagate randomly, the accumulated effect of the errors of
predicted gravity anomalies is estimated as [Grodecki, et al., 1992b]:


The results for the two leveling test lines are given in Table 4.5.

Results from the UNB analysis of the available NGS gravity data concludes that the
influence of the interpolation of gravity anomalies does not exceed 0.5 rnm at the standard
confidence level over 30 km. The error associated with gravity interpolation is lower than
the estimated ten percent of the estimated error in the levelling, therefore no additional
gravity measurements are required. The least squares collocation method provides a
rigorous method for reducing levelled height differences to orthometric heights required for
the sse Project.

Effect of Interpolated Gravity

Model Maximum Error in

Line Maximum Allowable Error Elevation
From-To [ -] [mm] [mm]
1-13 Exponential 0.66 0.17
1-13 Polynomial 0.66 0.23
21-34 Exponential 0.63 0.32
21-34 Polynomial 0.63 0.49


The need for a small network with a large degree of redundancy resulted in the
development of standards, specifications and procedures unique to the sse Project as
opposed to adapting existing FGCC guidelines which are suitable for large scale networks
(National or Regional networks of over 100 km in length). A deterministic approach for
developing standards for vertical control is required using the analysis of observational
errors and geodetic reductions in the previous two chapters. Instrument specifications and
field procedures are adopted from those of existing FGCC First-Order Class I with minor
changes to ensure high accuracy is achieved. Procedures for densification of vertical
control from the PVCN to the service areas, elevation transfers from the service areas to the
the bottom of the shafts, and tunnel extension ensure the reliability and accuracy of
elevations for the construction of the tunnels.

5.1 Accuracy Tolerances

Geodetic levelling tolerances for vertical control are developed to ensure that the
accuracy requirements for the surface control network are met They are easily adapted for
densification as well as for tunnel control surveys. The tolerances for geodetic levelling are
determined from a combination of random and systematic errors. Random errors include
pointing, reading and levelling of the line-of-sight They propagate proportionally to 1jL
where L is the length of the level section in kilometres.

Assuming a maximum line-of-sight of 50 m at each setup, which is possible at the

SSC Project area since the terrain consists of gentle rolling hills, and using double
pointings (two scales - high and low scales), the standard deviation of an elevation
difference at each setup, Lilli, due to random errors only, is estimated as: .

2 2 2
2 2crl + 2crp + 2crr 2
cr~ = 2 =(0.28 mm) , (5.1)

which can be translated into a standard deviation, Ci0 , of a section length:

G0 = 0.28 mm./ 10 setups/kin = 0.88 mm/Jkiil. (5.2)

Therefore, the random error component of the accuracy of a one-way measured levelling
line of length, L, in kilometres is:

cr 1=0.88 mmJL. (5.3)

The uncertainty is increased by the accumulation of residual systematic effects.

Such effects that were previously discussed include the sinking of the turning plates (0.03
mm/setup) (Section 3.2.6), atmospheric refraction (0.1 mmlkm) (Section 3.2.8) and the
orthometric correction (0.1 mmlkm) (Section 4.2). Since the systematic effects are taken as
residual effects only (the major influences removed by proper survey methods), the
systematic errors are accumulated in squares. The total accuracy can be expressed as a
combination of random and systematic errors [Chrzanowski, 1985]:


where £ 0 is the systematic component of errors associated with one kilometre of levelling.

Applying the above estimations for these errors, one obtains [DeKrom, et al., 1992a]:

a;= (0.88mm N+(0.03mmxn Lf+(O.lmmLY+{0.1mmLf, (5.5)

where n is the number of set ups in a kilometre.

If the maximum line-of-sight is assumed, then there are ten set ups (n = 10) in one
kilometre, and Equation (5.5) simplifies to [DeKrom, et al., 1992a]:

crt= J(0.71mm L)+ (O.llmm L 2). (5·.6)

Equation (5.6) forms the basis of the derived allowable tolerances of the SSC
geodetic levelling, which include:
• Section closures, ~section•
• Loop closures, ~loop•
• Setup tolerance, ~setup• and
• Rejection criteria, ~relevel·

5.1.1 Section Closures
Section closures are the maximum allowable difference between two one-way
levellings at the 95 percent confidence level. Initial investigations estimate a correlation of
+0.1 [Torge, 1980] between direct and reverse levellings caused by turning plate sinking
and atmospheric refraction. Since section closure tolerances for the SSC Project already
consider turning plate sinking and refraction, it is assumed that no correlation exists
between the two-way levellings. The allowable section closure may be determined from
Equation (5.6), multiplied by 1.96 to increase to 95 percent confidence level, and
multiplied by ff for a two-way section (by the theory of error propagation) [DeKrom. et
al., 1992a]:

L\ection = 1.96 X {i X J(0.77 mm L)+ (0.11 mm L2), (5.7)

which simplifies to [DeKrom, et al., 1992a]:

A.scction =,.J(5.92 mm L} + {0.84 mm L 2), (5.8)

where L is the length of the section in kilometres.

5.1.2 Loop Closures

The loop closures are the allowable misclosure of the single one-way levelling in a
loop. The required closure maybe determined from Equation (5.6) [DeKrom. et al.,

A1oop= 1.96x J(0.77mm L)+(0.11mm L2), (5.9)

which simplifies as [DeKrom, etal, 1992a]:

A.Joop = J(2.96mm L)+ (0.42mm L 2) • (5.10)

5.1.3 Setup Tolerances

The setup tolerance is the allowed difference at the 95 percent confidence level
between high scale and low scale determinations of Ah at each set up. The value can be
derived from Equation (5.1) [DeKrom, et al., 1992a]:

Llsetup =0.28 mm x 1.96 X {i = 0.78 mm. (5.11)

If one can assume that there is no correlation between the high scale and low scale
readings, then Equation (5.1) would be appropriate. Since a strong correlation could be
expected if the observations are taken almost simultaneously (same setup, same
atmospheric conditions, and same observer), the tolerance can then be derived through the
theory of error propagation:


where migh and afow are the variances of the elevation difference, and
p is the correlation between high scale and low elevation differences.

The correlation can be assumed to be as high as +0.75 for double compensator

instruments and +0.9 for single compensator instruments. The reason for the increase
from +0.75 to +0.9 for single compensator instruments is due to the increase in systematic
effects caused by the uncertainty of the compensator that are eliminated with the use of a
double compensator system. Using Equation (5.12), the maximum allowable elevation
difference for double compensator instruments for a set up becomes 0.4 nun, and for single
compensator instruments, 0.3 mm.

5.1.4 Rejection Criteria

If either Llsection or Llioop is not met, then the required vertical accuracy is not being
achieved and the elevation difference is considered an outlier at the 95 percent level of
confidence and must be re-observed. To ensure that the re-observation of the level section
is acceptable, the rejection criteria is formulated from in-context statistical testing on ~e
sample mean with known variance [Vanicek and Krakiwsky, 1986].

Statistical testing on the sample mean. i, is performed to determine if outliers exist

when three or more runnings, Xj , of a level section are measured. The rejection criterion,
at the 95 percent level of confidence, of an observation from the sample mean is formulated


where cr1 is formulated from Equation (5.6) and tis listed in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1
Rejection Criteria for Relevelling Sections

No. of t
3 1.96
4 2.17
5 2.31
6 2.41

Any elevation difference that does not satisfy the above criteria is considered an
outlier at the 95 percent level of confidence and is eliminated. Re-observations are
necessary until at least one direct and one reverse running of a section agree. When another
elevation difference is measured, a new mean, X, is computed and each individual
observation is tested against the new mean.

5.2 Procedures for Vertical Surface Control

The procedures are designed in order to minimize the influence of systematic effects
mentioned previously. The procedures developed are similiar to those used by the FGCC,
which are based on many years of data collection. Minor changes are required to
accommodate the requirements of the limited area of the SSC Primary Vertical Control
Network [DeKrom, et al., 1992b]. An abridged version of the field and office procedures
is presented in Table 5.2.

Instrumentation for the Primary Vertical Control Network consists of JENA Zeiss
Ni002A levels (double compensator levels) with Wild half-centimetre rods. This allows
for high accuracy and efficient use of field crews. Field crews are found to average five
minutes per setup as opposed to eight minutes with the Wild NA2 level with micrometer. It
is expected that the shorter set-up time will reduce the effect of turning plate sinking to less
than 0.03 mrn/setup.

Rod verticality checks are performed by each crew on a daily basis to ensure that
the rod are within 10' of the vertical. Collimation checks on the instruments are also
performed daily. If the instrument is out of the allowed range of 0.02 mm/m, then it must
be readjusted.

Table 5.2
Procedures for the PVCN

Setup Tolerances
-· Single compensator 0.30mm
-Double 0.40mm

Sight Length
-Maximum 50m
Allowable L-0-S 2m/setup
- Maximum L-0-S 4m/section

ObseiVation Procedure
-Odd setups BS(low), FS(low), FS(high), BS(high)


To account for the effect of refraction, temperature gradients are measured in the
field along the levelling line. To ensure rigorous determination of the effect, additional
temperature gradients are obseiV<".d from five temperature probes mounted on a rod at
different heights above the tenain (0.3 m, 0.7 m, 1.2 m, 1.8 m and 3.0 m). The
temperature meter was designed by the PB/MK Geodetic SUIVey Division. The thermistors
and temperature collector were constructed by DEBAN Enterprises, Inc. Field tests show

an accuracy of 0.1 °C to be achievable using continuous measurements of temperature with
the probes. Field tests show that the temperature collector has enough memory to
continuously collect data at 20 second intervals for an 12 hour period. Data has to be
downloaded and the memory cleared on a daily basis.

The effect of refraction can be rigorously determined through non-linear least-

squares estimations for constants a, b, and c in Kukkamaki's Equation, Equation (3.11).
By determining temperature differences, the unknown a, is eliminated then only constants b
and c are necessary. Determining temperature differences results in:

~t(l-2) = b(zl- Z'Q),

~\2-3) = b{Z"Q- z3), etc.

Differentiating Equation (5.14) with respect to the unknowns, band c, is required for non-
linear least squares estimations. The result are:

~ ) c c
ob\~1-2) = zl- q,
a( ) c c
ob ~2-3) = 22 - :~g, etc


~~1-2}) = bIn{zl)- bIn{z2),

!(Mc2_3)} =bIn{~}- bIn{z5}, etc.

The first design matrix of the least squares adjustment, A, is then derived as:

c c
zl-q bIn{zn- bIn{z2)
z2-z5 bIn{~)- bIn{z5)
A= z3 (5.17)
bIn{z3)- bIn{z4}
c c
z.t-~ bIn{z4}- bIn{z5)

Each temperature probe on the thermistor pole is calibrated daily using the same
procedures and thus each is assumed to be of the same accuracy. The weight matrix is then
represented by an identity matrix:

P= 0 1 0 0
0 0 10

0 0 0 1

The obsexvation vector is composed of measured temperature differences,

At= (5.19)

Values for b and c at each instrument setup can thus be obtained. The error associated with
refraction can then be estimated using Equations (3.9) to (3.22).

5.3 Standards, Specifications and Procedures for Densification

and Elevation Transfer
Densification schemes are designed to include sufficient redundancy to ensure
reliability and accuracy. For reasons of economy, simple concrete monuments are used at
sexvice areas, it is therefore necessary to perform densification shortly before the elevation
transfer process. The densification network includes at least three monuments on the
sexvice area that are connected to three existing PVCN benchmarks from which the
appropriate elevations and variance-covariance information is obtained. Vertical
densification also includes at least two temporary monuments on the collar of the shaft.
This allows a quick transfer process from the surface to the tunnel. A typical densification
network is shown on Figures 5.1.

The transfer of elevations is integrated into the horizontal control transfer and
therefore accomplished during the same suxvey. The methodology includes the use of
industrial metrology equipment, namely the Taylor-Hobson Sphere, which is an
interchangeable sphere/reflector that defines a point in space and may be oriented in any

~--.......... .......

\ ...... ....... .............

I Densification benchmarks
I \
I \
I I //?)\)
I /
I /
I /
I //
I /
Deep Benchmarks outside J).!. _,/_' . . . .
constuction area ...-.=-....... \
\ \
\ \
I '--

' ...... -----
---- /

Figure 5.1
Typical Denification Scheme

direction. On the surface, a precise level with a parallel plate micrometer (Zeiss JENA
Ni002A) is used in conjuction with a tripod with an elevating head to enable the level to be
raised or lowered so that the Taylor-Hobson sphere center is within the micrometer range.
The elevation is then transferred from the benchmarks on the collar to the Taylor-Hobson
spheres (Figure 5.2). An estimated accuracy of 0.3 mm is expected using this method
[Chrzanowski, et al., 1992].

Level with Elevating Tripod

Taylor Hobson Sphere/JL..----,--.-'


Figure 5.2
Elevation Transfer from Shaft Collar to
Taylor-Hobson Spheres

The heights are transferred by observing vertical distances using an Electronic
Optical Distance Measuring Instrument (EODMI). A zenith plummet along with the Kern
centering system (Kern tripod with centering rod) with translation stage is used for the
purpose of locating the direct plumb down the shaft. The Taylor-Hobson sph~res are
replaced by a sphere with a precise prism insert (reflector) which serves as a retro reflector.
The plummet is replaced by a coaxial precision total station (e.g.• Wlld/Leica TC2002).
The telescope of the coaxial precision total station is pointed vertically to the prism and the
vertical distance is measured in at least three sets with independent repointings between the
sets. With repeated electronic paintings and proper calibmtion, the elevation transfer can be
expected to have an accuracy of:

cre.t = J(0.5 mmf + {2.0 ppm) 2 (5.17)

Control transfer from the total station to the nearest benchmarks in the adit or tunnel
is accomplished in a similiar manner. Instead of using Taylor-Hobson spheres, the
trunnion axis of the theodolite is used as the target The eccentricity of the dot representing
the trunnion axis is expected to be less than 0.2 mm. The accuracy of the step is estimated
to be 0.4 mm [Chrzanowski, et al., 1992]. The overall elevation transfer scheme is shown
in Figure 5.3.

In the underground surveys, at least three benchmarks are established .fmm.. the
elevation transfer. Temporary BMs are established in the tunnel adit in case any tunnel
BMs are destroyed during construction as well as to add strength to the geometry of the
tunnel network. The proposed design of the survey from the shaft stations to the main
tunnel depends on the type of shaft (ventilation, personnel/utility, magnet delivery) as well
as obstacles caused by construction. Proposed design for elevation transfer is shown in
Figures 5.4.

Taylor Hobson Sphere
prism/target insert
. ·····························1
EI ; ----- ~-'' . BM ~'I

~i L .·::·:.:\

~~ j
ell: r· . ::

~j i
~i l. . ,. L,.:-.. '-,·--·-'"··'L.L.,,.,.~~L:'''"····· . .,. . :...:::

. BMt:=.=~~)[~~:i;~;:~~~~l . . . . .,
~._;_.,............·..-.·..-..-.-.---~---·.·.· ....... -··----.-.·--.-.---.·-·-·-----...-...·.·-·-·--~--..., ..._.,..·.·-·-·-·-·-~
-- -- -----.-.· .-.
·.·Nn.·.·.-,•.·,·...,..-,,·,·.v.·.•,·.-..·•··•····· ·.·.·.·.v.~·-·.·.·.·•···'""·'·'•··-·,v.-,-,..•.-.-.-.•.·.v.·.·.-..-.v.-,..._. .·.·.·.·.·.·.-.•.·,·.·u,,.,._.,.,,v.-.-.-.-,-,-,-,,.... ·•·.·. ...-,-,-,·.·.·.-.

Figure 5.3
Elevation Transfer [Greening, et al., 1992]

.·.·.-:; . ..........
. . . . . . ..
. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .
. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . ..
. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . .

. . ........................
" .·.·
:. :. :. :. :. : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :. :. : . :-: :
. . . . . . . . . . .
· . · ·.·
. . . . . ·.· ·.

(temporary tripods)


Figure 5.4
Shaft Transfer Design (Personne]/Utility Shaft)

Figure 5.5
Vertical Control Extension


A complete and thorough post-analysis is required to ensure the highest accuracy is

achieved. The analysis of the Primary Vertical Control Network accuracy includes section
and loop closures, and analysis of the least-squares adjustment. Geodetic reductions for
atmospheric refraction and orthometric effect are analyzed and their effect on the elevations
determined. A Minimum Norm Quadratic Estimation (MINQE) is performed to determine
the proper weightings based on the variance-covariance of the observations differences are
used in the final adjustment

A complete analysis of the results of elevation transfers at the Nl5, N20, N25,
N30, N35, N40 and N45 and tunnel control in the five completed half sectors of the A610,
A611, A650 and A670 contracts is also described. The results of the breakthrough are

6.1. Section and Loop Closures of the

Primary Vertical Control Network
The Primary Vertical Control Network commenced in early September, 1992 and
was completed in April, 1993. Minor changes to the design of the network were necessary
during the levelling campaign for reasons of safety and economics. The completed
network can be seen in Figure 6.1.

Throughout this period the author calculated section closures as in Equation (5.8)
when the data became available to ensure the standards were being achieved. Each section
closure that was not within the allowable tolerance was relevelled. Economic
considerations resulted in five sections being accepted even though they were slightly
outside the derived PB!MK tolerance. Of the five sections that were outside the PB/MK
section closure tolerance, three were within the FGCC First Order Class I tolerances and
the remaining within FGCC First Order Class II. A total of 5 percent of the sections had to
be relevelled. The actual and allowable section closures were plotted against the distance of
the section together with the Federal Geodetic Control Commision (FGCC) First-Order
Class I limits (Figure 6.2). The section closures are listed in Appendix A.

... Deep Beuchmark

Figure 6.1
Primary Vertical Control Network

F1n<<>nk< 0...1'\
Federal Geodetic: Control Commitee (FGCC)

----- -- •• •


Sec:tioo Length (km)

Figure 6.2
Section Closures

Loop closures were determined on a regular basis to guard against gross errors and
temporary benchmark unstability between reoccupations. A total of forty-one loops were
included in the PVCN. Loop closures were tested against Equation (5.10) and are shown
in Table 6.1. Loop closures were also plotted against distance (See Figure .6..3).. There
were no loop closure outside the allowable tolerance.


--- ---
Federal Geodetic: Control Commltee (FGCC)
First Order Oass I

~ -- --- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'PBIMKToleranc:e

Loop Length (km)

Figure 6.3
Loop Closures

Table 6.1
Loop Closures

Clockwise Counter Clockwise

Loop Misclosure Misclosure Allowed Length
(nun) (nun) (nun) (krn)
1 5.1 7.4 22.6 31.6
2 3.3 -0.5 21.9 30.4
3 0.8 0 11.4 14.5
4 2.5 9.4 14.6 19.3
5 6.3 3.3 10.7 13.4
6 4.5 0.5 6.8 7.5
7 8.8 -0.3 18.9 25.8
8 2.6 1.7 12.4 15.9
9 -3.1 9.3 16.7 22.5
10 0.8 2.3 13.4 17.4
11 5.4 -2.7 16.5 22.2
12 9.1 5.3 19.7 27.2
13 4.6 2.6 21.7 30.4
14 -2.1 -0.6 14 18.2
15 -2.3 4.8 9.4 11.5
16 -0.8 5.8 22.4 31.2
17 6.7 -9.8 21.1 29.2
18 -0.7 6.7 10.6 13.2
19 1.1 -1.4 12.4 15.9
20 7.4 2.4 12.6 16.3
21 0.2 4.8 7.9 9.1
22 0.2 1.6 6.8 7.5
23 2.6 L.5 29.9 42.8
24 3 -0.7 15.7 21
25 3.6 1 15.6 20.9
26 4.2 -3.6 19.4 26.6
27 3.6 3.5 13.7 17.8
28 6.5 9.9 22.6 31.5
29 2.5 -1.3 13.3 17.3
30 3.4 2.4 9.7 11.9
31 9.2 6.2 20 27.5
32 6.5 5.5 16.7 22.4
33 1.7 6.9 13.2 17.1
34 9.7 3.3 23.2 32.5
35 -2.2 -2.1 16 21.4
36 4.4 -1.6 11.1 14
37 -1.6 0.4 11.7 14.9
38 1.8 2.4 24.3 34.2
39 2.1 5.6 17.7 24
40 -0.2 1.6 5.4 5.5
41 6.2 2.5 8.3 9.8

6.2 Preliminary Adjustment of the Primary Vertical Control Netwok
An adjustment of the PVCN was performed by the author on observed elevation
differences in order to determine the initial accuracy of the Primary Vertical Control
Network. The minimally constrained adjustment, using Geolabtm (Version 2.4c), was
carried out holding deep BM 60314 on the west campus fixed. Benchmark 60314 was
used as the minimum constraint on the PVCN datum because of its location near the
LINAC facility which is the origin of the SSC accelerators (design and alignment of the
SSC is based relative to the LINAC).

Using a Tau Max distribution, there were no flagged residuals. A histogram of the
standardized residuals is shown in Figure 6.4. There is a slight shift (-0.27) of the
histogram from the normal distribution. This could be due to unmodelled systematic
effects (refraction, orthometric correction, sinking of turning points and instrument, etc.)
present in the observations. Further analysis is required to confirm this hypothesis.

: : : : 140



-3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 \0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Figure 6.4
Histogram of Minimally Constrained Adjustment
Using One-Way Elevation Differences

The a posteriori variance factor from the adjustment is 0.757 which fails the "Chi-
Square Test on the Variance Factor". As the levelling was performed under almost ideal
conditions, it could be expected that the initial estimate of the standard deviation of the
elevation differences were pessimistic. This assumption is further borne out by the small
loop closures. The variance-covariance matrix of the adjusted non-rigorous heights were
scaled accordingly.

The initial accuracy across the sse Project ring was initially estimated to be 7.0 mm
at the 99 percent level of confidence (Section 2.3). After preliminary adjustment, the scaled
accuracy across the main collider ring between BMs 64130 and 64175 has a relative
uncertainty of 5.4 mm at the same level of confidence. Table 6.2 shows the adjusted
preliminary elevations and their associated standard deviations.

6.3 Application of Geodetic Corrections and Reductions

The relevant geodetic corrections and reductions deemed necessary were carefully
analyzed to ensure accurate and reliable elevations are obtained. The corrections discussed
include the effect of atmospheric refraction and the conversion from preliminary elevation
differences to othometric heights. Tidal effects were not applied as they were previously
found to contribute insignificantly to the results (Section 4.1).

6.3.1 Correction for Vertical Atmospheric Refraction

During the levelling campaign, temperatures were continuously measured at five

different heights above the terrain (0.3 m, 0.7 m, 1.2 m, 1.8 m and 3.0 m).
Approximately fifteen percent of the acquired data was not usable due to hardware
problems. The missing temperature data was interpolated from the good data. The
temperatures were averaged over ten measurement intervals (200 seconds) for each height
above the terrain. Estimates for the the unknowns b and c in Equations (3.9) to (3.22d)
were determined using the rigorous methodology described in Sections 3.2.8 and 5.2 and
the non-linear parametric adjustment package StatisticaTM. Pressure was measured directly
in the field. The effect of refraction on the elevation differences was estimated over a
section length and applied for each instrument setup.

Table 6.2
Preliminary Adjusted Elevations and Associated Standard Deviations

Preliminarv Preliminary Preliminarv Preliminary

BM Elevation StdDev BM Elevation Std Dev BM Elevation Std Dev BM Elevation StdDev
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
60101 189.4841 0.0016 60157 138.9960 0.0022 60251 159.0859 0.0019 60318 208.6451 0.0013
60102 184.5825 0.0019 60158 141.0982 0.0021 60252 166.7402 0.0019 60319 205.9108 0.0015
60103 187.6866 0.0019 60160 151.8283 0.0021 60253 144.0407 0.0019 60320 216.9525 0.0016
60104 172.0514 0.0020 60161 136.4702 0.0020 60254 134.8247 0.0019 60321 222.9511 0.0017
60105 180.4891 0.0017 60163 141.2848 0.0020 60255 133.4997 0.0019 60322 212.3023 0.0017
60106 170.1078 0.0016 60164 163.2107 0.0020 ' 60257 139.4653 0.0021 60323 210.2063 0.0017
60107 180.2845 0.0020 60165 169.3616 0.0021 60258 139.8608 0.0021 60350 175.5330 0.0019
60108 176.5114 0.0019 60166 166.5166 0.0022 60259 145.1001 0.0021 60351 224.1697 0.0017
60109 165.6779 0.0022 60200 161.9400 0.0017 60260 136.1184 0.0023 60352 252.7933 0.0018
60110 156.5558 0.0022 60201 167.6694 0.0017 60261 140.8819 0.0023 60353 231.9863 0.0017
60111 145.2664 0.0022 60202 164.0588 0.0017 60262 135.7282 0.0023 60354 232.9296 0.0017
60112 168.2277 0.0020 60203 158.6279 0.0017 60263 151.9317 0.0024 60355 220.4404 0.0017
60113 160.0718 0.0020 60204 166.5544 0.0015 60265 143.8606 0.0020 60356 158.7043 0.0015

60114 157.1676 0.0019 60205 189.3553 0.0014 60266 135.5059 0.0023 60357 168.1346 0.0019
60115 160.6638 0.0020 60206 155.2999 0.0019 60267 132.5944 0.0024 60358 166.4956 0.0018
60116 149.4463 0.0020 60207 154.5071 0.0018 60300 160.6689 0.0015 60400 174.6058 0.0016
60117 150.8693 0.0020 60208 149.8531 0.0019 60301 180.6819 0.0015 60401 182.8620 0.0016
60118 160.1742 0.0019 60209 168.4506 0.0018 60302 189.0671 0.0013 60402 213.2881 0.0019
60119 154.7177 0.0020 60210 163.7785 0.0017 60303 183.2441 0.0013 60403 194.1568 0.0017
60120 145.0010 0.0020 60211 156.6884 0.0018 60304 164.6070 0.0014 60404 211.7746 0.0019
60121 145.7111 0.0020 60212 148.9705 0.0019 60305 167.5325 0.0015 60405 216.4398 0.0019
60122 152.3210 0.0020 60213 152.3310 0.0019 60306 183.7156 0.0013 60406 210.4370 0.0020
60123 148.7786 0.0021 60214 160.5151 0.0018 60307 198.3555 0.0014 60450 197.0192 0.0019
60124 142.7059 0.0020 60215 150.8958 0.0018 60308 198.5954 0.0013 60451 228.0881 0.0020
60150 150.8480 0.0020 60216 149.5372 0.0018 60311 193.2554 0.0009 60452 224.7156 0.0020
60151 152.5398 0.0021 60217 153.9322 0.0018 60312 201.9998 0.0011 60453 224.2912 0.0020
60152 148.7421 0.0024 60218 140.7136 0.0020 60313 185.2895 0.0014 60454 220.6304 0.0020
60153 148.4260 0.0024 60219 145.8125 0.0019 60314 215.7090 0.0000 60455 219.4779 0.0019
60154 144.9495 0.0020 60220 147.0659 0.0019 60315 224.0623 0.0008 60456 218.1020 0.0019
60156 145.9948 0.0020 60221 148.2107 0.0019 60316 217.9603 0.0010 60457 198.1801 0.0021
60250 154.8945
60317 225.6245 0.0011
The elevation differences were re-adjusted once the refraction correction had been
applied. The a posteriori variance factor of the adjustment is 0.748 which is a slight
improvement from the preliminary adjustment. The differences between the adjusted
elevations with refraction correction and the adjusted elevations without refraction
correction are as large as 4.8 mm. There appears to be a planar systematic trend of the
refraction effect in the north-west to south-east direction that can be ignored. This trend
can be approximated through least squares by the plane:

~-H= 3o + a1Ax + 3:zAy, (6.1)

where Ax is the difference in northing state plane coordinates (m),

Ay is the difference in easting state plane coordinates (m),
3a = -0.001916 m,
a1 = 0.0000000610, and
a2 =- 0.000000127.

This effect causes a tilt of the sse, due to the fact that the absolute position of the sse
Plane is arbitrarily chosen, it can therefore be safely ingored.

Results of the analysis are shown in Table 6.3. Deviations from the plane are less
than half the correction which is within the noise level of the thermistor data. Correcting
for the effect of refraction does not improve the accuracy of the preliminary elevations.

6.3.2 Application of Orthometric Correction

The orthometric corrections were applied to ensure elevation differences are
adjusted in the same frame of reference. Levelled height differences are converted to
geopotential number differences, also known as dynamic heights, because geopotential
numbers are holonomic while observed height differences are not. To convert elevation
differences to geopotential numbers, surface gravity along the levelling line is required. As
mentioned in Section 4.2, the existing NGS gravity data is suitable for ensuring
requirements are met. Geopotential differences maybe calculated by Equation (4.21).
However, the following is used to determine an estimate of the geopotential number

Table 6.3
Comparison of Preliminary Adjusted Elevations and Adjusted Elevations Corrected for Refraction

Preliminary Elevwith Difference Preliminary Elevwith Difference Preliminary Elev with Difference
BM Elevation Refract Corr Elevation Residual BM Elevation Refract Corr Elevation Residual BM Elevation Refract Corr Elevation Residual
(m) (m) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (mm) (mm)
6UI0l HS9.4ts4l 1!!9.48:;:; -1.4 -0.1 6U2U3 158.6279 158.6315 -3.6 -1.2 (JUjU() 183.7156 183.7177 -Z.l -0.7
60102 184.5825 184.5843 -1.8 -1.0 60204 166.5544 166.5577 -3.3 -0.5 60307 198.3555 198.3571 -1.6 -0.1
60103 187.6866 187.6881 -1.5 -0.8 60205 189.3553 189.3572 -1.9 0.8 60308 198.5954 198.5971 -1.7 -0.4
60104 172.0514 172.0539 -2.5 -1.2 60206 155.2999 155.3036 -3.7 -1.1 60311 193.2554 193.2570 -1.6 -0.5
60105 180.4891 180.4907 -1.6 -0.4 60207 154.5071 154.5107 -3.6 -1.0 60312 201.9998 202.0011 -1.3 0.0
60106 170.1078 170.1096 -1.8 -0.2 60208 149.8531 149.8566 -3.5 -0.7 60313 185.2895 185.2917 -2--~ -1.3
60107 180.2845 180.2867 -2.2 -0.7 60209 168.4506 168.4528 -2.2 0.1 60314 215.7090 215.7090 0.0 0.6
60108 176.5114 176.5136 -2.2 -0.8 60210 163.7785 163.7808 -2.3 0.2 60315 224.0623 224.0618 0.5 0.9
60109 165.6779 165.6803 -2.4 -0.9 60211 156.6884 156.6914 -3.0 0.0 60316 217.9603 217.9602 0.1 0.8
60110 156.5558 156.5584 -2.6 -1.0 60212 148.9705 148.9741 -3.6 -0.2 60317 225.6245 225.6239 0.6 1.0
60111 145.2664 145.2695 -3.1 -1.5 60213 152.3310 152.3344 -3.4 0.0 60318 208.6451 208.6462 -1.1 -0.5
60112 168.2277 168.2303 -2.6 -0.8 60214 160.5151 160.5179 -2.8 0.3 60319 205.9108 205.9120 -1.2 -0.6
60113 160.0718 160.0742 -2.4 -0.4 60215 150.8958 150.8988 -3.0 -0.6 60320 216.9525 216.9529 -0.4 -0.2
60114 157.1676 157.1701 -2.5 -0.3 60216 149.5372 149.5403 -3.1 -0.1 60321 222.9511 222.9511 0.0 0.0
60115 160.6638 160.6665 -2.7 -0.7 60217 153.9322 153.9352 -3.0 0.2 60322 212.3023 212.3030 -0.7 -0.5
60116 149.4463 149.4490 -2.7 -0.5 60218 140.7136 140.7162 -2.6 1.1 60323 210.2063 210.2073 -1.0 -1.1
~ 60117
60219 145.8125 145.8161 -3.6 0.0 60350 175.5330 175.5345 -1.5 0.0
60220 147.0659 147.0696 -3.7 0.1 60351 224.1697 224.1688 0.9
60119 154.7177 154.7200 -2.3 0.8 60221 148.2107 148.2143 -3.6 0.3 60352 252.7933 252.7909 2.4 1.5
60120 145.0010 145.0038 -2.8 0.3 60250 154.8945 154.8989 -4.4 -1.5 60353 231.9863 231.9853 1.0 0.9
60121 145.7111 145.7138 -2.7 -0.9 60251 159.0859 159.0887 -2.8 0.3 60354 232.9296 232.9286 1.0 0.7
60122 152.3210 152.3232 -2.2 1.3 60252 166.7402 166.7425 -2.3 0.8 60355 220.4404 220.4407 -0.3 -0.5
60123 148.7786 148.7811 -2.5 1.0 60253 144.0407 144.0442 -3.5 -0.1 60356 158.7043 158.7074 -3.1 -1.3
60124 142.7059 142.7088 -2.9 0.0 60254 134.8247 134.8284 -3.7 -0.2 60357 168.1346 168.1382 -3.6 -1.3
60150 150.8480 150.8506 -2.6 -0.6 60255 133.4997 133.5035 -3.8 -0.4 60358 166.4956 166.4981 -2.5 -0.7
60151 152.5398 152.5425 -2.7 -0.6 60257 139.4653 139.4693 -4.0 0.1 60400 174.6058 174.6081 -2.3 -1.7
60152 148.7421 148.7453 -3.2 -0.9 60258 139.8608 139.8649 -4.1 0.1 60401 182.8620 182.8637 -1.7 -1.5
60153 148.'~260 148.4292 -3.2 -1.0 60259 145.1001 145.1042 -4.1 -0.4 60402 213.2881 213.2878 0.3 0.5
60154 144.9495 144.9523 -2.8 0.1 60260 136.1184 136.1232 -4.8 -0.8 60403 194.1568 194.1579 -1.1 -0.5
60156 145.9948 145.9975 -2.7 0.2 60261 140.8819 140.8864 -4.5 -0.5 60404 211.7746 211.7742 0.4 0.8
60157 138.9960 139.0002 -4.2 -2.1 60262 135.7282 135.7330 -4.8 -0.6 60405 216.4398 216.4389 0.9 1.3
60158 141.0982 141.1012 -3.0 0.2 60263 151.9317 151.9333 -1.6 0.7 60406 210.4370 210.4368 0.2 0.5
60160 151.8283 151.8307 -2.4 1.0 60265 143.8606 143.8630 -2.4 1.6 60450 197.0192 197.0200 -0.8 -0.9
60161 136.4702 136.4734 -3.2 0.2 60266 135;5059 135.5102 -4.3 0.0 60451 228.0881 228.0873 0.8 -0.4
60163 141.2848 141.2879 -3.1 0.0 60267 132)5944 132.5988 -4.4 1.0 60452 224.7156 224.7148 0.8 -0.1
60164 163.2107 163.2132 -2.5 -1.2 60300 160;6689 160.6722 -3.3 -1.5 • 60453 224.2912 224.2903 0.9 0.1
60165 169.3616 169.3640 -2.4 -1.2 60301 180:6819 180.6838 -1.9 -0.3 60454 220.6304 220.6297 0.7 0.1
60166 166.5166 166.5190 -2.4 -1.0 60302 189:0671 189.0689 -1.8 -0.1 60455 219.4779 219.4772 0.7 0.8
60200 161.9400 161.9434 -3.4 -1.2 60303 183.2441 183.2459 -1.8 -0.4 60456 218.1020 218.1015 0.5 0.6
60201 167.6694 167.6723 -2.9 -0.8 60304 164.6070 164.6094 -2.4 -1.1 60457 198.1801 198.1804 -0.3 -0.2
60202 164.0588 164.0621 -3.3 -0.9 60305 167.5325 167.5353 -2.8 -1.4
J 1
k: = i

where gk is the mean gravity between points k and k-1,

~h k is the observed elevation difference, and
gk is the mean gravity calculated as the average value of surface gravity at point k
and k-1.

All levelled height differences are first converted to geopotential number

differences according to Equation (6.2). Geopotential number differences were
subsequently scaled by the reciprocal of the mean value of gravity for the area of concern
(1/g = l/979,460 [mGal]). The UNB Engineering Surveys Research Group p~rformed
the necessary conversions [Grodecki, et al., 1993].

Dynamic height differences resulting from the conversion of levelled height

differences were adjusted in Geolab™ (Version 2.4c). Point 60314 was held fixed with a
dynamic height of 215.7090 m. The maximum discrepancy between non-rigorous
adjusted heights and dynamic heights did not exceed 0.9 mm [Grodecki, et al., 1993].

The adjusted dynamic heights are then converted to Helmert orthometric heights.
The converted orthometric height of point 60314 was corrected by -0.00301 mto conform
to the original minimal constraint (215.7090 m). Differences of up to 7 mm occurred
between non-rigorous adjusted heights and orthometric heights. A contour map and a plot
of the surface describing the differences between the fmal orthometric heights and the non-
rigorous adjusted heights is shown in Figures 6.5.

There is a systematic trend of the orthometric correction in the south-west to north-

east direction. This trend can be approximated by the plane,


where 3o = 0.00285 m,
a1 = 0.000000107, and
a2 = 0.000000208.

32.49 32.49

32.4-6 32.46

32.43 32.43

32.4-0 32.40

32.37 32.37

32.34 32.34

32.31 32.31

32.28 32.28

32.25 32.25

32.22 32.22

Figure 6.5
Differences in Non-Rigorous Heights and Orthometric
Heights [mm] [Grodecki, et al., 1993]

The maximum deviation of the higher order effects is detennined from the residual
of the plane-fitting function. The maximum deviation is 1.3 mm which may be caused by
the randomness of the prediction of the gravity. Results of the comparison of preliminary
elevations, geopotential numbers and final orthometric heights are shown in Table 6.4.

It can be concluded that the conversion of levelled height differences to dynamic

heights does not bring any significant improvements of accuracy as the differences are less
than one millimetre which is well within the noise of the levelling observations. The
analysis of the geodetic corrections show insignificant loss of accuracy if these corrections
are not applied. The collider plane is slightly tilted and since it is arbitrarily chosen, the
orthometric effe.ct is not applied.

Table 6.4
Comparison of Preliminary Adjusted Elevation, Adjusted Geopotential Numbers and Orthometric Heights

Preliminary Geopotential Orthometric Differences Preliminary Geopotential Orthometric Differences

BM Elevation Number Height Pre-Geo Pre-Orth Residual* BM Elevation Number Height Pre-Geo Pre-Orth Residual*
(m) (m) (rnm) (rnm) (rnm) (m) (m) (rnm) (rnm) (mm)

60101 189.4841 189.4846 189.4812 -0.5 2.9 -0.3 60163 141.2848 141.2852 141.2785 -0.4 6.3 -0.6
60102 184.5825 184.5831 184.5785 -0.6 4.0 0.3 60164 163.2107 163.2111 163.2054 -0.4 5.3 -0.6
60103 187.6866 187.6871 187.6824 -0.5 4.2 0.4 60165 169.3616 169.3621 169.3564 -0.5 5.2 0.8
60104 172.0514 172.0519 172.0465 -0.5 4.9 0.4 60166 166.5166 166.5171 166.5113 -0.5 5.3 0.4
60105 180.4891 180.4897 180.4861 -0.6 3.0 0.3 60200 161.9400 161.9408 161.9388 -0.8 1.2 0.1
60106 170.1078 170.1084 170.1047 -0.6 3.1 0.3 60201 167.6694 167.6700 167.6682 -0.6 1.2 0.5
60107 180.2845 180.2851 180.2804 -0.6 4.1 0.4 60202 164.0588 164.0595 164.0572 -0.7 1.6 0.3
60108 176.SI14 176.5120 176.5074 -0.6 4.1 0.4 60203 158.6279 158.6286 158.6258 -0.7 2.1 0.5
60109 165.6779 165.6784 165.6726 -0.5 5.3 0.5 60204 166.5544 166.5550 166.5523 -0.6 2.1 0.1
60110 156.5558 156.5563 156.5504 -0.5 5.4 0.5 60205 189.3553 189.3558 189.3541 -0.5 1.2 -0.6
60111 145.2664 145.2668 145.2607 -0.4 5.7 0.6 60206 155.2999 155.3006 155.2981 -0.7 1.8 0.5
60112 168.2277 168.2283 168.2233 -0.6 4.4 0.6 60207 154.5071 154.5078 154.5052 -0.7 1.9 0.8
60113 160.0718 160.0724 160.0678 -0.6 4.0 0.5 60208 149.8531 149.8538 149.8504 -0.7 2.7 0.5
60114 157.1676 157.1682 157.1636 -0.6 4.0 0.4 60209 168.4506 168.4512 168.4481 -0.6 2.5 -0.1
-:1 60115 160.6638 160.6644 160.6590 -0.6 4.8 0.4 60210 163.7785 163.7791 163.7758 -0.6 2.7 -0.4
60116 149.4463 149.4467 149.4408 -0.4 5.5 0.5 60211 156.6884 156.6!!91 156.6855 -0.7 2.9 ·0.1
60117 150.8693 150.8697 150.8637 -0.4 5.7 0.6 60212 148.9705 148.9713 148.9673 -0.8 3.2 0.3
60118 160.1742 160.1748 160.1702 -0.6 4.0 -0.9 60213 152.3310 152.3317 152.3273 -0.7 3.7 0.5
60119 154.7177 154.7183 154.7131 -0.6 4.6 -0.9 60214 160.5151 160.5158 160.5119 -0.7 3.2 -0.5
60120 145.0010 145.0014 144.9956 -0.4 5.4 -0.3 60215 150.8958 150.8964 150.8922 -0.6 3.6 0.1
60121 145.7111 145.7115 145.7057 -0.4 5.4 0.0 60216 149.5372 149.5378 149.5330 -0.6 4.2 0.0
60122 152.3210 152.3216 152.3159 -0.6 5.1 -0.8 60217 153.9322 153.9328 153.9280 -0.6 4.2 -0.5
60123 148.7786 148.7792 148.7734 -0.6 5.2 -0.1 60218 140.7136 140.7141 140.7083 -0.5 5.3 0.4
60124 142.7059 142.7063 142.7003 -0.4 5.6 -0.1 60219 145.8125 145.8132 145.8087 -0.7 3.8 0.8
60150 150.8480 150.8484 150.8423 -0.4 5.8 0.0 60220 147.0659 147.0667 147.0621 -0.8 3.8 0.3
60151 152.5398 152.5403 152.5340 -0.5 5.8 0.1 60221 148.2107 148.2114 148.2068 -0.7 3.9 0.3
60152 148.7421 148.7425 148.7355 -0.4 6.6 -0.2 60250 154.8945 154.8953 154.8936 -0.8 0.9 0.6
60153 148.4260 148.4264 148.4193 -0.4 6.7 0.1 60251 159.0859 159.0866 159.0841 -0.7 1.9 0.6
60154 144.9495 144.9499 144.9439 -0.4 5.6 -0.4 60252 166.7402 166.7408 166.7388 -0.6 1.4 -0.1
60156 145.9948 145.9952 145.9890 -0.4 5.8 -0.6 60253 144.0407 144.0415 144.0379 -0.8 2.8 0.9
60157 138.9960 138.9963 138.9891 -0.3 6.9 -0.3 60254 134.8247 134.8254 134.8213 -0.7 3.4 0.7
60158 141.0982 141.0986 141.0924 -0.4 5.8 -0.4 60255 133.4997 !33•. 5004 133.4961 -0.7 3.6 1.0
60160 151.8283 151.8289 151.8225 -0.6 5.8 -0.2 60257 139.4653 139.4660 139.4611 -0.7 4.2 0.6
60161 136.4702 136.4705 13.6.4639 -0.3 6.3 0.0 60258 139.8608 139.8614 139.8561 -0.6 4.7 0.3
Table 6.4 (Continued)
Comparison of Preliminary Adjusted Elevation, Adjusted Geopotential Numbers and Orthometric Heights

Preliminary Geopotential Orthometric Differences Preliminary Geopotential Orthometric Differences

BM Elevation Number Height Pre-Geo Pre-Orth Residual* BM Elevation Number Height Pre-Geo Pre-Orth Residual•
(m) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm)
60259 145.1001 145.1008 145.0957 -0.7 4.4 0.4 60321 222.9511 222.9511 222.9499 0.0 1.2 -0.2
60260 136.1184 136.1190 136.1134 -0.6 5.0 0.7 60322 212.3023 212.3025 212.3005 -0.2 1.8 0.6
60261 140.8819 140.8825 140.8770 -0.6 4.9 0.1 60323 210.2063 210.2066 210.2045 -0.3 1.8 0.3
60262 135.7282 135.7288 135.7231 -0.6 5.1 0.0 60350 175.5330 175.5335 175.5331 -0.5 -0.1 0.4
60263 151.9317 151.9324 151.9263 -0.7 5.4 -0.4 60351 224.1697 224.1697 224.1704 0.0 -0.7 -0.5
60265 143.8606 143.8612 143.8554 -0.6 5.2 0.0 60352 252.7933 252.7926 252.7936 0.7 -0.3 -0.2
60266 135.5059 135.5065 135.5009 -0.6 5.0 0.1 60353 231.9863 231.9862 231.9858 0.1 0.6 -0.6
60267 132.5944 132.5949 132.5891 -0.5 5.3 0.4 60354 232.9296 232.9295 232.9291 0.1 0.5 -0.4
60300 160.6689 160.6697 160.6678 -0.8 1.1 0.6 60355 220.4404 220.4405 220.4390 -0.1 1.4 0.5
60301 180.6819 180.6824 180.6807 -0.5 1.2 0.0 60356 158.7043 158.7052 158.7034 -0.9 0.9 0.4
60302 189.0671 189.0675 189.0658 -0.4 1.3 -0.5 60357 168.1346 168.1352 168.1344 -0.6 0.2 0.7
60303 183.2441 183.2446 183.2420 -0.5 2.1 -0.4 60358 166.4956 166.4962 166.4954 -0.6 0.2 0.4
60304 164.6070 164.6076 164.6040 -0.6 3.1 0.3 60400 174.6058 174.6063 174.6025 -0.5 3.3 0.9
60305 167.5325 167.5332 167.5316 -0.7 0.9 0.8 60401 182.8620 182.8625 182.8589 -0.5 3.1 1.1
.....:1 60306 183.7156 183.7161 183.7150 -0.5 0.6 0.1 60402 213.2881 213.2883 213.2857 -0.2 2.4 0.1
60307 198.3555 198.3557 198.3550 -0.2 0.5 -0.4 60403 194.1568 194.1572 194.1539 -0.4 2.9 0.2
60308 198.5954 198.5957 198.5948 -0.3 0.7 -0.3 60404 211.7746 211.7750 211.7715 -0.4 3.2 0.1
60311 193.2554 193.2559 193.2550 -0.5 0.4 0.1 60405 216.4398 216.4401 216.4366 -0.3 3.2 -0.3
60312 201.9998 202.0000 201.9989 -0.2 0.9 -0.4 60406 210.4370 210.4373 210.4334 -0.3 3.6 0.4
60313 185.2895 185.2900 185.2873 -0.5 2.3 0.1 60450 197.0192 197.0196 197.0165 -0.4 2.7 1.0
60314 215.7090 215.7090 215.7090 0.0 0.0 -0.3 60451 228.0881 228.0880 228.0860 0.1 2.1 1.4
60315 224.0623 224.0621 224.0625 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 60452 224.7156 224.7156 224.7130 0.0 2.6 1.5
60316 217.9603 217.9602 217.9599 0.1 0.4 -0.6 60453 224.2912 224.2912 224.2886 0.0 2.7 1.2
60317 225.6245 225.6243 225.6244 0.2 0.1 -0.8 60454 220.6304 220.6305 220.6279 -0.1 2.5 0.8
60318 208.6451 208.6453 208.6441 -0.2 1.0 0.0 60455 219.4779 219.4781 219.4755 -0.2 2.4 -0.1
60319 205.9108 205.9110 205.9094 -0.2 1.4 0.1 60456 218.1020 218.1022 218.0995 -0.2 2.5 0.0
60320 216.9525 216.9526 216.9512 -0.1 1.3 -0.4 60457 198.1801 198.1806 198.1768 -0.5 3.3 0.8
* Residual from plane fitting function
The final elevations can then be determined without the correction for vertical
atmospheric refraction or the application of orthometric corrections.

6.4 Minimum Norm Quadratic Estimation of PVCN

Knowledge of variances and covariances of observations is crucial for obtaining the
best estimation of the adjusted elevations and their accuracies. The preliminary least squares
adjustment of the PVCN used an a priori weighting scheme based on a deterministic
estimation (from the known sources of errors) of the observations. This may have led to
an inappropriate distribution of weights in the least squares adjustment and hence a
distortion of the values of the final elevations and their error estimates. One such statistical
method that has been developed which uses an a posteriori determination of the variance-
covariance components for the identification of the most appropriate model of observation
errors, is the Minimum Norm Quadratic Estimation (MINQE) method [Chen et al...1990],

The PVCN has been subjected to the MINQE analysis in order to provide the best
possible estimation of the weight matrix components for a final adjustment and accuracy
evaluation of the networks. The MINQE analysis was performed by the University of
New Brunswick Engineering Surveys Research Group and is summarized below
[Chrzanowski, et al., 1993].

Two evaluations have been performed:

• one using all single line levellings as independent observations in the network is
used in the preliminary adjustment, and
• a second using mean values of the single (forward and backward) levellings.

In the :first case, the MINQE analysis utilizes discrepancies between individual
levellings of the same sections and loop misclosures. In the second analysis, only loop
misclosures could be used in the accuracy evaluation.

6.4.1 Evaluation Using Single One Way Levellings

The following error model (variance model), similiar to Equation (5.4), was used in
the evaluation,


where a and b are the unknown parameters describing the random and systematic
components of the one-way elevation difference, and
L is the length of the levelling sections in kilometres.

The MINQE estimation resulted in [Chrzanowski, et al., 1993],

a =0.56 ± 0.09 (mm2Jkrn) and
b = 0.14 ± 0.07 (mm2Jkrn2)
for one way levellings.

In comparison with the a priori estimation for one-way elevation differences

(Equation 5.6), the MINQE model shows smaller influence of random errors (0.56
compared to 0.77) and a good agreement in the systematic component (0.14 compared to

As can be expected, due to the similiarity between the a priori and MINQE
determined standard deviations, the least squares adjustment with the weights of
observations obtained from the MINQE evaluation yielded differences in adjusted heights
within the submillimetre range compared to the preliminary adjustment

6.4.2 Evaluation Using Mean Elevation Differences

The second analysis included mean values of the repeated levellings of each section. The
same error model (rlquation 6.3) as in the first analysis was used in the MINQE evaluation. The
analysis indicated that the error model was not correct because the value of b became statistically
insignificant Therefore, the MINQE analysis was repeated using the model containing only
parameter a (representing random errors) [Chrzanowski, et al., 1993],

G2 =aL (6.5)
which yielded a value for a of 0.59 for mean values of the leveling sections.

Since most of the levelling sections were observed twice (with some lines re-observed 3
times), the variance of the one way levelling could be approximated by:

~=2aL=1.18L. (6.6)

Thus, in comparison with the detenninistic variance model (Equation 5.6) the actual influence of
random errors seems to be larger than expected. On the other hand, the insignificance of the b

parameter in the MINQE model indicates that by taking the mean value of repeated levellings, the
influence of the systematic errors is canceled out This could be explained if the main source of the
systematic errors is an accumulation of sinking errors of the backward rod when waiting for the
instrument to move forward to the next set-up. The sinking of the rod would have to be about
0.036 mm at each set-up to give b = 0.13 over 10 set-ups (L=l .km) in Equation (6.3). This
amount is close to what was initially expected (0.03 mm at each setup) (Section 3.2.6).

The levelling network has been re-adjusted using the mean elevation differences and their
associated standard deviations (Equation 6.5). Table 6.5 shows differences in the adjusted heights
from the MINQE mean elevation differences adjustment in comparison with the preliminary

The differences are less than 1.5 mm. A comparison of the standard dev:iations of
the adjusted heights shows that the adjustment with the MINQE derived weights gives
standard deviations of up to 1.5 mm larger than originally expected.

The histogram of the standardized residuals (Figure 6.6) shows a small shift of the
mean (-0.02), as opposed to the preliminary adjustment (-0.27). This tends to bear out the
initial assumption that the preliminary adjustment contains the systematic effect of turning
plate sinking. It is necessary that the mean elevation differences with their associated
standard deviations determined from MINQE be used for the adjustment of the fmal
elevations for the PVCN.

Table 6.5
Comparison of Preliminary Adjusted Elevations and Mean MINQE Elevations

Preliminarv MINQE (mean 1 oar) Differences Preliminary MINQE (mean 1 oar) Differences
BM Elevation StdDev Elevation StdDev Elevation StdDev BM Elevation StdDev Elevation StdDev Elevation StdDev
(m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm)
60101 189.4841 0.0016 189.4847 0.0018 -0.6 -0.2 60163 141.2848 0.0020 141.2860 0.0023 -1.2 -0.3
60102 184.5825 0.0019 184.5832 0.0021 -0.7 -0.2 60164 163.2107 0.0020 163.2115 0.0023 -0.8 -0.3
60103 187.6866 0.0019 187.6875 0.0022 -0.9 -0.3 60165 169.3616 0.0021 169.3625 0.0023 -0.9 -0.2
60104 172.0514 0.0020 172.0522 0.0022 -0.8 -0.2 60166 166.5166 0.0022 166.5180 0.0025 -1.4 -0.3
60105 180.4891 0.0017 180.4900 0.0019 -0.9 -0.2 60200 161.9400 0.0017 161.9403 0.0019 -0.3 -0.2
60106 170.1078 0.0016 170.1086 0.0018 -0.8 -0.2 60201 167.6694 0.0017 167.6696 0.0019 -0.2 -0.2
60107 180.2845 0.0020 180.2845 0.0022 0.0 -0.2 60202 164.0588 0.0017 164.0590 0.0019 -0.2 -0.2
60108 176.5114 0.0019 176.5119 0.0021 -0.5 -0.2 60203 158.6279 0.0017 158.6278 0.0019 0.1 -0.2
60109 165.6779 0.0022 165.6793 0.0025 -1.4 -0.3 60204 166.5544 O.OOIS 166.5545 0.0017 -0.1 -0.2
60110 156.5558 0.0022 156.5572 0.0025 -1.4 -0.3 60205 189.3553 0.0014 189.3558 0.0016 -0.5 -0.2
60111 145.2664 0.0022 145.2680 0.0025 -1.6 -0.3 60206 155.2999 0.0019 155.3001 0.0021 -0.2 -0.2
60112 168.2277 0.0020 168.2283 0.0022 -0.6 -0.2 60207 154.5071 0.0018 154.5071 0.0020 0.0 -0.2
60113 160.0718 0.0020 160.0727 0.0022 -0.9 -0.2 60208 149.8531 0.0019 149.8536 0.0021 -0.5 -0.2
00 157.1676 0.0019 157.1686 0.0021 -1.0 -0.2 60209 168.4506 0.0018 168.4512 0.0020 -0.6 -0.2
..- 60114
60115 160.6638 0.0020 160.6649 0.0023 -1.1 -0.3 60210 163.7785 0.0017 163.7793 0.0019 -0.8 -0.2
60116 149.4463 0.0020 149.4475 0.0022 -1.2 -0.2 60211 156.6884 0.0018 156.6891 0.0020 -0.7 -0.2
60117 150.8693 0.0020 150.8706 0.0023 -1.3 -0.3 60212 148.9705 0.0019 148.9710 0.0021 -0.5 -0.2
60118 160.1742 0.0019 160.1754 0.0022 -1.2 -0.3 60213 152.3310 0.0019 152.3318 0.0021 -0.8 -0.2
60119 154.7177 0.0020 154.7188 0.0022 -1.1 -0.2 60214 160.5151 0.0018 160.5161 0.0021 -1.0 -0.3
60120 145.0010 0.0020 145.0021 0.0022 -1.1 -0.2 60215 150.8958 0.0018 150.8969 0.0020 -1.1 -0.2
60121 145.7111 0.0020 145.7124 0.0022 -1.3 -0.2 60216 149.5372 0.0018 149.5381 0.0020 -0.9 -0.2
60122 152.3210 0.0020 152.3220 0.0022 -1.0 -0.2 60217 153.9322 0.0018 153.9330 0.0020 -0.8 -0.2
60123 148.7786 0.0021 148.7799 0.0023 -1.3 -0.2 60218 140.7136 0.0020 140.7143 0.0022 -0.7 -0.2
60124 142.7059 0.0020 142.7068 0.0023 -0.9 -0.3 60219 145.8125 0.0019 145.8130 0.0022 -0.5 -0.3
60150 150.8480 0.0020 150.8495 0.0023 -1.5 -0.3 60220 147.0659 0.0019 147.0666 0.0022 -0.7 -0.3
60151 152.5398 0.0021 152.5417 0.0024 -1.9 -0.3 60221 148.2107 0.0019 148.2113 0.0022 -0.6 -0.3
60152 148.7421 0.0024 148.7429 0.0027 -0.8 -0.3 60250 154.8945 0.0020 154.8949 0.0023 -0.4 -0.3
60153 148.4260 0.0024 148.4266 0.0027 -0.6 -0.3 60251 159.0859 0.0019 159.0864 0.0021 -0.5 -0.2
60154 144.9495 0.0020 144.9509 0.0022 -L4 -0.2 60252 166.7402 0.0019 166.7406 0.0021 -0.4 -0.2
60156 145.9948 0.0020 145.9962 0.0023 -1.4 -0.3 60253 144.0407 0.0019 144.0411 0.0021 -0.4 -0.2
60157 138.9960 0.0022 138.9967 0.0025 -0.7 -0.3 60254 134.8247 0.001~ 134.8251 0.0022 -0.4 -0.3
60158 141.0982 0.0021 141.0992 0.0023 -l.o -0.2 60255 133.4997 0.0019 133.5005 0.0022 -0.8 -0.3
60160 151.8283 0.0021 151.8293 0.0023 -1.0 -0.2 60257 139.4653 0.0021 139.4662 0.0024 -0.9 -0.3
60161 136.4702 0.0020 136.4711 0.0023 -0.9 -0.3 60258 139.8608 0.0021 139.8617 0.0024 -0.9 -0.3
Table 6.5 (Continued)
Comparison of Preliminary Adjusted Elevations and Mean MINQE Elevations

Preliminarv MINQE (mean I par) Differences Preliminarv MINQE (mean I par) Differences
BM Elevation StdDev Elevation StdDev Elevation Std Dev BM Elevation StdDev Elevation Std Dev Elevation StdDev
(m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm)
60259 145.1001 0.0021 145.1011 0.0024 -1.0 -0.3 60321 222.9511 0.0017 222.9511 0.0019 0.0 -0.2
60260 136.1184 0.0023 136.1189 0.0026 -0.5 -0.3 60322 212.3023 0.0017 212.3023 0.0020 0.0 -0.3
60261 140.8819 0.0023 140.8824 0.0026 -0.5 -0.3 60323 210.2063 0.0017 210.2068 0.0020 -0.5 -0.3
60262 135.7282 0.0023 135.7290 0.0026 -0.8 -0.3 60350 175.5330 0.0019 175.5325 0.0021 0.5 -0.2
60263 151.9317 0.0024 151.9322 0.0027 -0.5 -0.3 60351 224.1697 0.0017 224.1692 0.0019 0.5 -0.2
60265 143.8606 0.0020 143.8613 0.0023 -0.7 -0.3 60352 252.7933 0.0018 252.7924 0.0020 0.9 -0.2
60266 135.5059 0.0023 135.5068 0.0026 -0.9 -0.3 60353 231.9863 0.0017 231.9863 0.0020 0.0 -0.3
60267 132.5944 0.0024 132.5949 0.0027 -0.5 -0.3 60354 232.9296 0.0017 232.9296 0.0019 0.0 -0.2
60300 160.6689 0.0015 160.6691 0.0017 -0.2 -0.2 60355 220.4404 0.0017 220.4406 0.0019 -0.2 -0.2
60301 180.6819 0.0015 180.6819 0.0017 0.0 -0.2 60356 158.7043 0.0015 158.7047 0.0017 -0.4 -0.2
60302 189.0671 0.0013 189.0675 0.0015 -0.4 -0.2 60357 168.1346 0.0019 168.1346 0.0021 0.0 -0.2
60303 183.2441 0.0013 183.2446 0.0015 -0.5 -0.2 60358 166.4956 0.0018 166.4958 0.0021 -0.2 -0.3
60304 164.6070 0.0014 164.6078 0.0015 -0.8 -0.1 60400 174.6058 0.0016 174.6063 0.0018 -0.5 -0.2
60305 167.5325 0.0015 167.5327 0.0017 -0.2 -0.2 60401 182.8620 0.0016 182.8625 0.0018 -0.5 -0.2
~ 60306 183.7156 0.0013 183.7160 0.0014 -0.4 -0.1 60402 213.2881 0.0019 213.2883 0.0021 -0.2 -0.2
60307 198.3555 0.0014 198.3559 0.0015 -0.4 -0.1 60403 194.1568 0.0017 194.1575 0.0019 -0.7 -0.2
60308 198.5954 0.0013 198.5959 0.0014 -0.5 -0.1 60404 211.7746 0.0019 211.7745 0.0022 0.1 -0.3
60311 193.2554 0.0009 193.2560 0.0011 -0.6 -0.2 60405 216.4398 0.0019 216.4397 0.0021 0.1 -0.2
60312 201.9998 0.0011 202.0000 0.0012 -0.2 -0.1 60406 210.4370 0.0020 210.4369 0.0022 0.1 -0.2
60313 185.2895 0.0014 185.2902 0.0015 -0.7 -0.1 60450 197.0192 0.0019 197.0199 0.0021 -0.7 -0.2
60314 215.7090 0.0000 215.7090 0.0000 0.0 0.0 60451 228.0881 0.0020 228.0876 0.0022 0.5 -0.2
60315 224.0623 0.0008 224.0626 0.0009 -0.3 -OJ 60452 224.7156 0.0020 224.7150 0.0022 0.6 -0.2
60316 217.9603 0.0010 217.9610 0.0011 -0.7 -0.1 60453 224.2912 0.0020 224.2907 0.0022 0.5 -0.2
60317 225.6245 0.0011 225.6247 0.0012 -0.2 -0.1 60454 220.6304 0.0020 220.6305 0.0022 -0.1 -0.2
60318 208.6451 0.0013 208.6453 0.0014 -0.2 -0.1 60455 219.4779 0.0019 219.4778 0.0021 0.1 -0.2
60319 205.9108 0.0015 205.9109 0.0017 -0.1 -0.2 60456 218.1020 0.0019 218.1020 0.0021 0.0 -0.2
60320 216.9525 0.0016 216.9525 0.0018 0.0 -0.2 60457 198.1801 0.0021 198.1802 0.0023 -0.1 -0.2




...... 80
E 60


-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Jo 0.5 ' 1 1.5 2 2.5

Figure 6.6
Histogram of Adjustment Using Mean Elevation
Differences and MINQE Determined Weights

6.5 Analysis of the Densifications, Elevation Transfers,

Tunnel Control and Breakthroughs
Analysis of the densification, elevation transfer and vertical tunnel control is
required to ensure accuracy requirements are achieved. The report describes the five
completed tunnel half sectors which form the A610 and A611 contracts and the first half
sectors of the A650 and A670 contracts (N15 through N35 and N40 to N45).

The densification at each service area had to be carried out a few days before the
elevation transfer to ensure stability of the monuments. Reconaissance was performed a
few days prior to the elevation transfer survey to ensure the densification and elevation
transfer is performed according to the design scheme. The design scheme allows for
reliability and accuracy. The transfer of elevations was performed using at least two

vertical distances for redundancy. The vertical distances were corrected for prism
calibration and atmospheric effects. The elevations and their associated accuracies from
densification and shaft transfer are shown on Table 6.6. The accuracy for densfication
(deep BM to shaft collar) ranges from 1.7 to 3.0 mm at the 99 percent level of confidence,
and the accuracy for shaft transfer (shaft collar to tunnel BM) ranges from 1.8 to 4.2 mm at
the 99 percent level of confidence. Both densification and shaft transfer are well within the
initial estimated accuracy as mentioned in Section 2.3, and compatible with the a priori
estimates given in Section 5.4.

The vertical tunnel control commenced after elevations were transferred to at least
three benchmarks in the tunnel From these three benchmarks, elevations were extended to
within 330 metres (1000') of the trailing gear of the TBM following the procedures
described in Section 5.4. Full variance-covariance information was propagated from the
PVCN, to densification swvey, elevation transfers, and finally through each tunnel-(Figure
6.7). This allows for the determination of the tunnel BM elevations using the correct
accuracy estimates. When control extension in the tunnel was required it included re-
surveying three existing BMs to ensure stability of the tunnel BMs. The accuracy of the
fmal tunnel BMs prior to breakthrough with the next shaft range from 5.4 mm to 10.8 mm
at the 99 percent level of confidence.

The vertical swvey error associated with the tunnel breakthrough was calculated as
the average difference between elevations of benchmarks determined during the tunnel
drive with common benchmarks from the elevation transfer accomplished at the next shaft.
In the A610 breakthrough (N15 to N20 half sector), the vertical breakthrough was
approximately -1.9 mm, in the A611 contract (N20 to N25 half sector), the vertical
breakthrough was calculated as -4.5 mm, in the A650 contract (N25 to N30 half sector),
the vertical breakthrough was determined to be -2.1 mm, in the A650 contract (N30 to N35
half sector), the vertical breakthrough was computed as -12.5 mm and in the A670 contract
(N40 to N45), the vertical breakthrough was 2.1 mm. All are well within the allowable
survey error for tunnel control of 108 mm. The largest breakthrough is A650 (N30 to
N35) which was explained by the upheave! in the invert causing BM unstability because of
long intervals between tunnel extensions.

The determination of the final elevations of the BMs in the tunnel was accomplished
by a simultaneous adjustment using the connecting shaft transfers at both ends of the

Table 6.6
Densification and Shaft Transfer Elevations and Associated Standard Deviations

Service BM Description Elevation StdDev Service BM Description Elevation StdDev

Area (m) (m) Area (m) (m)
N15 90005 Densification 233.2480 0.0014 N25 90203 Densification 209.6506 0.0020
N15 90015 Densification 234.4272 0.0014 N25 90204 Densification 212.8297 0.0020
Nl5 90016 Densification 234.3860 0.0014 N25 90205 Densification 210.6644 0.0020
N15 90017 Densification 232.1646 0.0013 N25 90206 Densi fication 207.6301 0.0020
N15 90018 Densification 232.1356 0.0013 N25 90208 Densification 207.5936 0.0020
N15 90086 Taylor Hobson 233.8769 0.0013 N25 90259 Taylor Hobson 209.3044 0.0020
N15 90087 Taylor Hobson 233.7974 0.0013 N25 90261 Taylor Hobson 209.2749 0.0020
N15 90088 Taylor Hobson 235.6905 0.0014 N25 95218 Temporary 168.3988 0.0021
N15 95014 Temporary 163.0832 0.0015 N25 95219 Temporary 168.2849 0.0021
N15 95021 Temporary 163.0870 0.0015 N25 95220 Temporary 167.1595 0.0021
N15 95037 Temporary 164.4162 0.0015 N25 95221 Temporary 167.7087 0.0021
N15 95067 Tripod 164.5479 0.0015 N25 95222 Temporary 167.0296 0.0021
N15 95068 Tripod 164.4876 0.0015 N25 95223 Temporary 166.8729 0.0021
Tripod 164.8831 0.0015 N25 95253 Tripod 168.7803 0.0021
~ Nl5
70001 Tunnel 163.9512 0.0015 N25 95254 Tripod 168.9075 0.0021
Nl.5 70002 Tunnel 163.9848 0.0015 N25 70401 Tunnel 167.4706 0.0022
NIS 70003 Tunnel 164.0773 0.001.5 N25 70402 Tunnel 167.5410 0.0022
N20 90101 Denslficatlon 226.4871 0.0022 N25 70403 Tunnel 167.4052 0.0022
N20 90102 Densification 221.0828 0.0022 N30 90301 Densificntion 218.2947 0.0021
N20 90103 Denslficntion 222.2847 0.0022 N30 90302 Denslficntion 213 ..5769 0.0022
N20 90104 Denslficatlon 219.6897 0.0022 N30 90303 Denslfication 215.3011 0.0022
N20 9010.5 Dens Ification 220.0697 0.0022 N30 90306 Densification 215.2491 0.0022
N20 90165 Taylor Hobson 221.7706 0.0022 N30 90307 Dcnslncntinn 215.239.5 0.0022
N20 90166 Taylor Hobson 221.7822 0.0022 N30 90357 Taylor Hobson 216.9146 0.0022
N20 95109 Temporary 168.1553 0.0027 N30 90358 Taylor Hobson 216.1816 0.0022
N20 95110 Temporary 168.3436 0.0027 N30 95308 Temporary 162.0643 0.0022
N20 95111 Temporary 170.0414 0.0026 N30 95309 Tempornry 162.2822 0.0022
N20 95112 Temporary 170.0593 0.0026 N30 95310 Temporary 162.1157 0.0022
N20 95159 Tripod 168.7612 0.()024 N30 95311 Temporary 161.8377 0.0022
N20 95160 Tripod 168.7275 0.0024 N30 95353 Tripod, 162.6547 0.0022
N20 70201 Tunnel 168.1703 0.0027 N30 95354 Tripod 162.6487 0.0022
N20 70202 Tunnel 168.1297 0.0027 N30 70606 Timnel 161.7765 0.0024
N20 70204 . Tunnel 168.8308 0.0027 N30 70609 Timnel 161.3384 0.0024
N30 70612 Tunnel 161.0344 0.0024
Table 6.6 (Continued)
Densification and Shaft Transfer Elevations and Associated Standard Deviations

Service BM Description Elevation StdDev Service BM Description Elevation Std Dev

Area (m) (m) Area (m) (m)
N35 90404 Densification 211.5096 0.0014 N40 90569 Taylor Hobson 170.2725 0.0024
N35 90405 Densification 208.4369 0.0014 N40 90570 Taylor Hobson 170.3003 0.0024
N35 90406 Densification 204.7610 0.0014 N40 95511 Temporary 134.2701 0.0024
N35 90410 Densification 209.9686 0.0013 N40 95512 Temporary 135.1660 0.0024
N35 90411 Densification 209.8765 0.0013 N40 95513 Temporary 134.8683 0.0025
N35 90412 Densification 209.9382 0.0013 N40 95554 Tripod 135.3885 0.0025
N35 90413 Densification 209.9132 0.0013 N40 95555 Tripod 135.4413 0.0025
N35 90457 Taylor Hobson 211.6138 0.0014 N40 71001 Turmel 134.8611 0.0029
N35 90458 Taylor Hobson 211.5582 0.0015 N40 71002 Tunnel 134.4903 0.0029
N35 95406 Temporary 149.9567 0.0016 N40 71003 Tunnel 134.3764 0.0029
N35 95407 Temporary 149.9877 0.0016 N45 90601 Densification 168.3078 0.0023
N35 95408 Temporary 150.0994 0.0016 N45 90602 Densification 168.0470 0.0023
N35 95455 Tripod 150.8140 0.0016 N45 90603 Densification 166.8018 0.0023
00 N35 95456 Tripod 150.8230 0.0016 N45 90609 Densification 168.7054 0.0023
N35 70804 Tunnel 149.7823 0.0017 N45 90610 Densification 168.5458 0.0023
N35 70805 Tunnel 149.7786 0.0017 N45 90654 Taylor Hobson 170.3054 0.0023
N35 70806 Tunnel 149.5499 0.0017 N45 90655 Taylor Hobson 170.1395 0.0023
N40 90501 Densification 175.7569 0.0023 N45 95606 Temporary 118.9873 0.0024
N40 90502 Densification 177.1240 0.0023 N45 95607 Temporary 118.9179 0.0024
N40 90503 Densification 171.3043 0.0023 N45 95608 Temporary 119.1536 0.0024
N40 90508 Densification 168.3423 0.0023 N45 95655 Tripod 119.8325 0.0024 I
N40 90509 Densification 168.2535 0.0023 N45 95656 Triood 119.9218 0.0024 .
tunnel. The combined adjustment yields the highest vertical control for setting out the final

Tunnel Control


Figure 6.7
Schematic Diagram Showing Propogation of Full-Variance-Covariance
Infonnation from PVCN to Tunnel Control

6.6 Combined Adjustment and Final Elevations

The highest accuracy is achieved by adjusting tunnel benchmarks using elevations
transferred from the surface through shafts at each end of the tunnel drive. This will
increase the accuracy and reliabilty of the tunnel BMs for the final invert requirements.

The effect of the combined adjustment on the the elevations of the tunnel BMs
depend primarily on the accuracy of the tunnel breakthrough. The A610, A611, A650 and

A670 final elevations are compared to the elevations prior to breakthrough for BMs located
at 250m intervals along the tunnel are shown in Table 6.7.

Results of the analysis show an increase in accuracy of up to 6.1 mm at the 99

percent confidence level when connections to the surface are from two shaft transfers
(about 4.0 km apart). The maximum difference in elevation before and after the
breakthrough is 4.5 mm.

The combined adjustment ensures higher accuracy and reliability. Initial

investigation shows that the final invert accuracy can be increased to 6.5 mm at the 99
percent level of confidence for the completed tunnel BMs (estimated to be as low as 8 mm
at the 99 percent level of confidence for the tunnel furthest away from the West Campus),
however the elevations must be corrected for the effect of geoid undulations. ·This will
further hinder the accuracy of the fmal elevations. To minimize the influence of--geoid
undulations on the final invert a micro-geoid is needed

Table 6.7
Tunnel Elevations Before and After Breakthrough

Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation

Tunnel BM Location Before Std Dev After Std Dev Difference Tunnel BM Location Before Std Dev After Std Dev Difference
Contract (km) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) Contract (km) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm)
A610 70005 0.00 164.3147 0.0015 164.3153 0.0015 -0.6 A611 70247 2.00 168.8678 0.0030 168.8712 0.0022 -3.4
A610 70010 0.25 164.5501 0.0015 164.5508 0.0015 -0.7 A611 70252 2.25 168.8949 0.0030 168.8983 0.0022 -3.4
A610 70015 0.50 165.1486 0.0016 165.1494 0.0015 -0.8 A611 70257 2.50 168.5757 0.0030 168.5792 0.0022 -3.5
A610 70020 0.75 165.3530 0.0016 165.3539 0.0015 ·0.9 A611 70262 2.75 168.5743 0.0030 168.5780 0.0022 -3.7
A610 70025 1.00 165.7772 0.0016 165.7780 0.0016 -0.8 A611 70267 3.00 168.4580 0.0031 168.4618 0.0022 -3.8
A610 70030 1.25 166.1209 0.0017 166.1219 0.0016 -1.0 A611 70272 3.25 168.2118 0.0031 168.2158 0.0022 -4.0
A610 70036 1.50 166.5124 0.0017 166.5135 0.0016 -1.1 A611 70273 3.50 168.2695 0.0031 168.2735 0.0022 -4.0
A610 70041 1.75 166.7114 0.0018 166.7125 0.0016 -1.1 A611 70282 3.75 167.9725 0.0032 167.9770 0.0021 -4.5
A610 70046 2.00 167.0517 0.0018 167.0529 0.0016 -1.2 A650-l 70404 0.00 167.8514 0.0023 167.8513 0.0021 0.1
A610 70051 2.25 167.2755 0.0019 167.2767 0.0016 -1.2 A650-1 70409 0.25 167.7646 0.0023 167.7648 0.0021 -0.2
A610 70058 2.50 167.5227 0.0019 167.5241 0.0016 -1.4 A650-l 70414 0.50 167.3551 0.0023 167.3554 0.0022 -0.3
~ A610 70064 2.75 167.6576 0.0019 167.6591 0.0016 -1.5 A650-1 70419 0.75 167.1015 0.0023 167.1021 0.0022 -0.6
A610 70069 3.00 167.9523 0.0020 167.9538 0.0016 -1.5 A650-l 70424 1.00 166.7993 0.0024 166.8000 0.0022 -0.7
A610 70074 3.25 168.1475 0.0020 168.1491 0.0016 -1.6 A650-1 70429 1.25 166.4230 0.0024 166.4238 0.0022 -0.8
A610 70079 3.50 168.3008 0.0020 168.3024 0.0016 -1.6 A650-1 70434 1.50 166.5126 0.0024 166.5135 0.0022 -0.9
A610 70084 3.75 168.4448 0.0021 168.4465 0.0016 ·1.7 A650-1 70439 1.75 166.0257 0.0024 166.0269 0.0022 -1.2
A610 70089 4.00 168.6468 0.0021 168.6486 0.0016 -1.8 A650-l 70444 2.00 165.5305 0.0025 165.5319 0.0022 -1.4
A610 70091 4.25 168.7188 0.0021 168.7207 0.0016 -1.9 A650-1 70449 2.25 165.1679 0.0025 165.1694 0.0022 -1.5
A611 70207 0.00 169.2343 0.0027 169.2364 0.0022 -2.1 A650-l 70454 2.50 164.8916 0.0025 164.8933 0.0022 -1.7
A611 70212 0.25 168.5535 0.0028 168.5558 0.0022 ·2.3 A650-1 70459 2.75 164.2212 0.0025 164.2231 0.0022 -1.9
A611 70217 0.50 168.5964 0.0028 168.5988 0.0022 -2.4 A650-1 70464 3.00 163.8349 0.0026 163.8369 0.0022 ·2.0
A611 70222 0.15 168.6601 0.0028 168.6627 0.0022 -2.6 A650-1 70469 3.25 163.1607 0.0026 163.1629 0.0022 ·2.2
A611 70227 1.00 168.8302 0.0029 168.8329 0.0022 ·2.7 A650·1 70474 3.50 162.6853 0.0026 162.6876 0.0022 -2.3
A611 70232 1.25 168.8153 0.0029 168.8182 0.0022 ·2.9 A650-I 70479 3.75 162.2748 0.0027 162.2775 0.0022 ·2.7
A611 70237 1.50 168.8752 0.0029 168.8782 0.0022 -3.0 A650-I 70483 4.00 161.7708 0.0027 161.7737 0.0021 ·2.9
A611 70242 1.75 168.8678 0.0029 168.8710 0.0022 ·3.2
Table 6.7 (Continued)
Tunnel Elevations Before and After Breakthrough

Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation

Tunnel BM Location Before StdDev After Std Dev Difference Tunnel BM Location Before Std Dev After Std Dev Difference
Contract (km) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) Contract (km) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm)
A650-II 70613 0.00 160.8929 0.0024 160.8961 0.0023 -3.2 A670 71004 0.00 134.1903 0.0029 134.1891 0.0025 1.2
A650-II 70618 0.25 160.7297 0.0025 160.7334 0.0023 -3.7 A670 71010 0.25 133.3525 0.0029 133.3513 0.0025 1.2
A650-II 70623 0.50 160.0640 0.0025 160.0681 0.0023 -4.1 A670 71015 0.50 132.5629 0.0029 132.5617 0.0025 1.2
A650·11 70628 0.75 159.4702 0.0025 159.4746 0.0024 -4.4 A670 71020 0.75 131.6518 0.0030 131.6506 0.0025 1.2
A650-ll 70633 1.00 158.9062 0.0026 158.9108 0.0024 -4.6 A670 71025 1.00 130.5973 0.0030 130.5961 0.0025 1.2
A650-ll 70638 1.25 1.58.2650 0.0026 158.2699 0.0024 -4.9 A670 71030 1.25 129.6416 0.0030 129.6402 0.0025 1.4
A650-ll 70643 1.50 157.6718 0.0026 157.6771 0.0024 -5.3 A670 71035 1.50 128.6798 0.0030 128.6783 0.002.5 1.5
A6.50-II 70648 1.7.5 157.0379 0.0027 1.57.0437 0.0024 -5.8 A670 71040 1.75 127.8287 0.0030 127.8271 0.0025 1.6
A6.50-ll 70653 2.00 156.4134 0.0027 156.4195 0.0025 -6.1 A670 71045 2.00 126.807.5 0.0030 126.8061 0.0025 1.4
A650-ll 70658 2.25 155.6343 0.0028 155.6410 0.0025 -6.7 A670 71050 2.25 125.1839 0.0031 125.1822 0.0025 1.7
A650-ll 70663 2.50 155.2023 0.0029 155.2098 0.0025 -7.5 A670 71055 2.50 124.6733 0.0031 124.6716 0.0025 1.7
~ A650-ll 70668 2.75 154.4587 0.0029 154.4668 0.0025 -8.1 A670 71060 2.75 123.5862 0.0031 123.5844 0.0025 1.8
A650-ll 70673 3.00 153.4210 0.0029 153.4294 0.0025 -8.4 A670 71065 3.00 122.6796 0.0031 122.6778 0.0025 1.8
A650-ll 70679 3.25 152.7172 0.0030 152.7259 0.0025 -8.7 A670 71070 3.25 121.8198 0.0031 121.8179 0.0025 1.9
A650-ll 70684 3.50 151.8858 0.0030 151.8950 0.0025 -9.2 A670 71075 3.50 120.8437 0.0031 120.8416 0.0025 2.1
A650-11 70689 3.75 151.1591 0.0030 151.1686 0.0025 -9.5 A670 71080 3.75 119.8548 0.0031 119.8526 0.0025 2.2
A650-ll 70694 4.00 150.6251 0.0031 150.6359 0.0026 -10.8 A670 71084 4.00 119.1258 0.0032 119.1237 0.0025 2.1
A650-ll 70699 4.25 149.7943 0.0032 149.8068 0.0025 -12.5

The SSe is designed to be set out in a plane in space. The location of the plane
relative to the real world depends on numerous practical considerations such as geology,
politics and economics. From a geodetic engineering perspective, the location of the SSC
plane is detennined in relation to the reference ellipsoid while the orthometric heights are
referenced to the geoid. To ensure that the elevations are referenced to a plane in space,
careful consideration must be given for determining the geoid undulations N, which are the
separation between the ellipsoid and the geoid (Figure 7.1).

Figure 7.1
Relationship of SSe Plane, Ellipsoid and Geoid

The Global Positioning System (GPS) allows for ellipsoidal heights to be
determined quite accurately and economically. Geoid undulations can be estimated
throughout the sse Project by comparing ellipsoidal heights with those obtained from the
PVCN. The differences between the elevations obtained from the PVCN and those
obtained from GPS can be modelled by appropriate polynomials to obtain accurate geoid
undulations throughout the SSC Project. The design of an accurate GPS network and the
methodology of the least squares fitting of a polynomial to estimate the geoid undulations
necessary for sse tunnel construction and final invert positioning is presented.

7.1 Geoidal Network Design

Initial estimates of the geoidal heights in the sse Project area was determined using
existing control and its associated variance-covariance information, comprised of
orthometric heights and GPS heights. The trend of the geoid undulations in· the SSC
Project area was best fitted by a plane. This was determined to be sufficiently accurate for
construction of the tunnels, yet for fmal invert elevations, a more accurate model for the
geoidal trend was required. A preliminary investigation of the local geoid over the SSC
was determined by the UNB Engineering Surveys Research Group [Kuang and
Chrzanowski, 1992b]. A preanalysis was performed over 39 well spaced points to give a
well balanced representation of the geoid. Initial investigation suggested that the geoidal
heights can be expressed by the following:

Ni =hi- Hi= ao+al(~-Xo)+az{yi-Yo)+~(~-Xof+


where hi is the GPS height at one of the common points,

Hi is the orthometric height at the same point,
Xi and Yi are the plane coordinates of the common point, and
XQ and Yo are the origin of the area being modelled for geiod undulations (center of
the sse main collider ring.

The levelling accuracies determined from FGCC First-Order Class I (Equation 2.4)
and those for GPS derived heights, based on a previous GPS survey, were used, as
[Miles, et al, 1992]:


where S is the baseline distance.

Fitting a second order polynomial, suggests a micro-geoid can be detennined to an

accuracy of 5 mm at the standard level of confidence. At the 99 percent level of
confidence, the micro-geoid can thus be determined to an accuracy of 13 mm.

The Geoidal Modeling GPS Network was observed over six days between March 3
and March 12, 1993. Six Ashtech P-XII dual frequency p-code recievers were used. The
network comprised of 55 stations (as opposed to initially 39 due to the fact that the survey
was a multi-purpose survey) for which elevations were obtained from the PVCN. The
main design considerations for the geoidal network were strong geometry for the GPS
survey so short baselines were observed to minimize the effect of the distance dependent
component The final design of the geoidal network is shown in Figure 7 .2.

To ensure the compatibilty of the variance-covariance, the PVCN and the GPS
(geoid) network were readjusted by the author using the same minimally constrained point
(60005). The fmal adjusted ellipsoidal heights and preliminary orthometric heights and
their associated variance-covariances were used for the polynomial fitting of the geoid

7.~ Determination of the Model Through Least Squares

A model was developed from the 55 benchmarks using the least squares technique.
To ensure proper statistical propagation, the modeling software incorporated the variance-
covariance information from the PVCN and Geoid Network adjustments.

The author chose two polynomials for possibly modelling the geoid undulations, a
plane and a third-order polynomial. The results are shown on Table 7 .1. The plane does
not fit well with an a posteriori variance factor of 2fJ.97. and the largest residual of 33 mm.
A third-order polynomial was attempted of the form:

Ni = ~- If;.= ao+at(~-:xo}+&iYi-Yo}+~~-Xof+ (7.3)

a4~-XoXYi-Yo)+~Yi-Yof+Bt,{~-:xof+a7(~-:xof{Yi-Yo)+as(~-:xoXYi-Yof+&;(Yi-Yof .



e GPS Station aDd Jleocbmm:

Figure 7.2
GPS Network for Geoidal Modelling

Table 7.1
Results of Geoidal Models

Silmifcance of Parameters
Geoidal Model Coefficients Conf@ 95% 99% 95% 90% 80% 70% Largest Residual
(m) (m) (m)

aO= -27.1200 0.0344 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

N = a0+a1X+a2Y al = -3.043E-06 7.858E-07 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 0.0331
a2= 2.601E-05 8.530E-07 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

aO= -27.1500 0.0128 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

al = -2.451E-06 3.426E-07 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
N = aO+alX+a2Y+a3XX a2= 2.590E-05 3.668E-07 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 0.0148
+a4XY+a5YY+a7XXY a3= l.OSSE-10 2.473E-ll Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
a4= -8.811E-ll 3.598E-ll Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
aS= 1.777E-10 2.428E-ll Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
a7= 4.365E-15 2.700E-l5 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

aO= -27.1500 0.0128 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

al = -2.231E-06 4.945E-07 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
a2= 2.557E-05 6.308E-07 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
N = aO+a1X+a2Y+a3XX a3= 8.588E-ll 4.303E-ll Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
+a4XY+a5YY+a6XXX a4= -8.712E-11 3.595E-ll Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 0.0146
+a7XXY+a9YYY a5= l.836E-10 2.643E-ll Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
a6= -l.603E-15 2.700E-15 Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass
a7= 5.314E-15 2.947E-15 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
a9= l.684E-15 2.741E-l5 Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass

aO= -27.1500 0.0131 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

a1 = -2.242E-06 5.612E-07 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
a2= 2.556E-05 6.478E-07 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
N = aO+a1X+a2Y+a3XX a3= 8.587E-ll 4.353E-ll Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
+a4XY+a5YY+a6XXX a4= -8. 700E-ll 3.647E-ll Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 0.0147
+a8XYY+a7XXY+a9YYY a5= l.841E-10 2.946E-ll Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
a6= -l.592E-15 2.744E-15 Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass
a7= 5.318E-15 2.983E-15 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
a8= l.334E-16 3.227E-15 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail
a9= l.724E-15 2.934E-15 Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass

The a posteriori variance factor was 3.47 and the largest residual to 14.7 mm.
However, the coefficients, as failed at 70 percent confidence. It was removed and the a
posteriori variance factor was reduced to 3.39 and the largest residual to 14.6 mm. Two
other polynomials failed at 80 percent and removed. It was decided to go with the
polynomial with the least amount of coefficients. The final model is:

Ni =hi- Hi= ao+at(X:i-Xo)+~Yi-Yo)+a:J(X:i-Xof+ (7.4)


The a posteriori variance factor of 3.42 could be explained by deviations of geoid

undulations from the polynomial that are not modelled. The geoid undulations along the
collider track are shown on Figure 7.3. The maximum discrepancy between the plane
function and the third-order polynomial along the centerline is 4 em. This effect can be
seen in Figure 7 .4.

The accuracy of the model is 4.4 mm at the standard confidence level. An accuracy
of 5 mm (13 mm at 99 percent level of confidence) was initially estimated for a second
order polynomial by the UNB consultants. The fmal invert can then be estimated to an
accuracy range of 14 to 17 mm at the 99 percent level of confidence.


.S! -26.9
:g -27
West Campus
::::> s21.1
~~ -27.2

0 -27.3



6 18 30 42

Figure 7.3
Geoid Separation Along the Main Collider Tunnel

w r---------------------------------------------~


West Campus


-W ~----~--------------------------------------~
6 18 30 42

Figure 7.4
Effect of Discrepancy Between Plane and Third Order Polynomial


Upon the completion of the analysis of the first five tunnel half-sectors, certain
conclusions can be drawn. Recommendations for the vertical positioning of the final invert
are stated to ensure that the necessary accuracy is achieved.

8.1 Conclusions
The developed standards, specifications and procedures have ensured that the
necessary accuracy requirements were achieved. The development of the standards,
specifications and procedures required a thorough pre-analysis of all random and
systematic errors, including instrument and turning plate sinking and rebound, vertical
atmospheric refraction, tidal accelerations and orthometric corrections. Simulations·ofthe
estimated magnitude of the errors were determined using existing data, and their influences
on the SSC plane were pre-analyzed. It was concluded that the effect of tidal accelerations
causes a slight tilt of the sse plane which is arbitrarily chosen in space, and therefore, this
can be ignored.

The Primary Vertical Control Network was analyzed by section closures, loop
closures and a minimally constrained adjustment which yielded a vertical accuracy of 5.4
mm at the 99 percent level of confidence as opposed to the initial estimate of 7.0 mm. The
MINQE analysis of the variance-covariance components helped in determining an
appropriate weighting scheme. Using the mean elevation differences, instead of the single-
run elevation differences, minimized the effect of sinking of the turning plate and therefore
mean elevation differences were used in the final adjustment

Post-analysis of the influence of orthometric corrections concluded that by ignoring

the corrections, a slight tilt of the sse plane results, and therefore the orthometric
correction can be safely ignored without adversely affecting the accuracy of the elevations.
Analysis of the effect of the vertical atmospheric refraction concluded that refraction also
causes a tilt of the collider plane and again can be safely ignored. Second-order effects
were within the noise level of the thermistor data.

Developed procedures for densification of vertical control from the PVCN to the
service areas, elevation transfer and tunnel control surveys ensured that the highest

accuracy has been achieved. Adjustments of the first five tunnel half sectors conf'mn the
high accuracy. The breakthrough errors of the first five tunnels are well within the allowed
tolerance and ranged from -12.5 mm to 2.1 mm. The largest breakthrough error (-12.5
mm) was explained by the upheaval of the invert The highest accuracy for the vertical
tunnel control was achieved by adjusting each half-sector with connections from both shaft

The combination of GPS and precise levelling has been successfully used in the
modelling of the geoid undulations in the area of the sse Project Geoid undulations have
been determined to an accuracy of 13 mm at the 99 percent level of confidence.

The design and analysis of the vertical control was analyzed and it is estimated that
the benchmarks in the tunnel can then be detennined only to an accuracy range of 14 to 17
mm (depending on its location around the main collider ring) at the 99 percent levei of
confidence. This is larger than the allowable final invert accuracy invert of 6.25 mm.

8.2 Recommendations
Changes for design requirements of the final invert should be accomplished to
accommodate the possible accuracy of the final invert elevations (17 mm at the 99 percent
level of confidence).

To ensure the final invert is properly constructed, it is suggested that a stability

analysis of the PVCN deep benchmarks be performed. The stability analysis should
include all benchmarks around the main collider ring. The use of the Iterative Weighted
Similiarity Transformation (IWST), developed by the Engineering Surveys Research
Group will give a good depiction of the stability of the benchmarks.

Verification surveys should be performed on regular basis in the tunnel. This is

especially important when upheaval is suspected or long periods pass between tunnel
extensions. When movement of the tunnel benchmarks is suspected, overlapping of at
least six existing BMs instead of three should be performed when tunnel extensions are

Balazs, E., and G. Young (1982). Corrections Applied by the National Geodetic Survey
to Precise Levelling Observations, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NOS 34,
U.S. Department of Commerce, Rockville, Maryland, 12pp.

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Appendix A

Section Closur€s of the PVCN

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (nun) (mm)
60002 60152 -0.56093 0.8537 0.81 2.38
60152 60002 0.56174 0.8545

60002 60153 -0.87741 0.0745 0.09 0.77

60153 60002 0.87732 0.0745

60266 60003 1.55904 1.1452 1.34 2.81

60003 60266 -1.55770 1.1606

60003 60267 -4.46976 0.5568 0.68 1.89

60267 60003 4.46908 0.5570

64551 60004 12.14571 1.0669 0.06 2.70

60004 64551 -12.14565 1.0688

60004 64552 -2.22599 0.4869 0.47 1.76

64552 60004 2.22552 0.4889

60005 60322 1.29131 0.7996 0.16 2.30

60322 60005 -1.29115 0.8225

()0405 60006 -6.92861 1.1812 0.87 2.86

60006 60405 6.92774 1.3971

60007 60150 -2.33054 0.4555 0.40 1;69

60150 60007 2.33094 0.5724

60008 60120 -2.89507 0.6592 0.30 2.07

60120 60008 2.89477 0.6690

60206 60011 0.99329 0.5010 1.11 1.78

60011 60206 -0.99218 0.5066

60013 60318 -6.00913 0.3758 0.32 1.53

60318 60013 6.00881 0.3760

60014 60108 -7.02113 0.6671 0.05 2.08

60108 60014 7.02117 0.6683

60016 60205 5.40466 1.2905 1.76 3.01

60205 60016 -5.40290 1.2916

60029 60017 8.36891 1.0719 0.63 2.70

60017 60029 -8.36828 1.0727

From To ElevDiff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60017 60106 -3.05359 1.9157 3.64 3.80
60106 60017 3.04995 1.9333

60018 60019 -1.53900 0.2645 0.76 1.27

60019 60018 1.53976 0.2686

60018 64151 -6.21101 1.0289 1.73 2.64

64151 60018 6.21274 1.0671

60019 60020 -5.84476 1.0112 1.84 2.62

60020 60019 5.84659 1.0423

60021 60020 0.63044 0.1135 0.41 0.83

60020 60021 -0.63003 0.1145

60021 60022 -3.00096 0.5273 0.98 1.83

60022 60021 3.00194 0.5520

60023 60022 1.13223 0.2164 0.51 1.15

60022 60023 -1.13172 0.2209

64146 60023 8.42530 1.7057 2.02 3.54

60023 64146 -8.42328 1.7967

60024 60315 -2.25610 0.8563 2.90** 2.38

60315 60024 2.25900 0.8631

60025 60122 6.50344 1.0140 0.04 2.62

60122 60025 -6.50340 1.0420

60026 60120 -1.11848 0.1580 0.07 0.98

60120 60026 1.11855 0.1595

60027 60219 -2.96655 0.5745 1.67 1.92

60219 60027 2.96823 0.5794

60253 60028 13.08923 0.9200 0.60 2.48

60028 60253 -13.08863 0.9238

60114 60029 7.62481 1.7366 0.77 3.58

60029 60114 -7.62404 1.7438

60030 60114 -6.97005 1.7800 1.94 3.63

60114 60030 6.96811 1.7822

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60030 60564 -7.71670 1.6309 3.32 3.45
60564 60030 7.72002 1.6346

60101 60105 -8.99422 1.3809 1.85 3.13

60105 60101 8.99607 1.3945

60101 60538 9.41966 1.0889 0.33 2.73

60538 60101 -9.41932 1.0894

60101 64611 -0.31914 0.5704 0.18 1.91

64611 60101 0.31897 0.5739

60101 64612 -0.43353 0.9315 2.05 2.50

64612 60101 0.43148 0.9325

60102 60103 3.10463 1.6562 1.78 3.48

60103 60102 -3.10286 1.6591

60542 60102 -1.86258 2.1405 2.95 4.06

60102 60542 1.85963 2.1481

64615 60102 -0.24912 0.1521 -0.02 0.68

60102 64615 0.24925 0.1524 -0.14
64615 60102 -0.24894 0.1526 0.16

64616 60103 -0.98222 0.0563 0.35 0.77

60103 64616 0.98187 0.0714

60104 60164 -8.84062 0.6154 0.17 1.99

60164 60104 8.84079 0.6352

60104 64100 0.40508 0.0154 0.05 0.77

64100 60104 -0.40504 0.0224

60104 64616 16.61747 1.4681 0.01 3.24

64616 60104 -16.61748 1.4701

60105 60539 -3.12412 1.6038 1.07 3.41

60539 60105 3.12519 1.6054

60541 60105 0.06135 1.4699 0.02 3.24

60105 60541 -0.06133 1.4785

60106 60539 7.25674 1.4475 0.22 3.21

60539 60106 -7.25696 1.4533

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60106 64659 -7.97263 2.6727 0.69 4.67
64659 60106 7.97194 2.6901

60108 60107 3.77412 1.6166 2.63 3.43

60107 60108 -3.77149 1.6233

60107 60542 6.15904 1.4346 1.34 3.20

60542 60107 -6.15770 1.4349

60108 60112 -8.28305 2.7408 0.67 4.75

60112 60108 8.28371 2.7688

60540 60108 4.80462 1.9456 0.18 3.83

60108 60540 -4.80480 1.9665

60109 60110 -9.12172 0.7138 0.66 2.16

60110 60109 9.12239 0.7186

60109 64104 0.62804 0.0386 0.03 0.77

64104 60109 -0.62807 0.0446

60111 60110 11.29012 1.4217 1.60 3.18

60110 60111 -11.28852 1.4344

60571 60111 -14.21635 1.0228 0.65 2.63

60111 60571 14.21701 1.0292

60111 60601 17.82071 1.7175 0.42 3.56

60601 60111 -17.82113 1.7611

60115 60112 7.56519 1.8416 3.02 3.71

60112 60115 -7.56217 1.8547

60114 60113 2.90420 1.2643 0.37 2.97

60113 60114 -2.90383 1.2796

60563 60113 5.24343 1.7548 0.92 3.60

60113 60563 -5.24251 1.7722

60115 60116 -11.21672 1.5732 1.29 3.38

60116 60115 11.21801 1.5964

60117 60116 -1.42341 0.7871 -0.40 1.61

60116 60117 1.42323 0.7900 -0.22
60117 60116 -1.42239 0.7922 0.62

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60116 60561 11.64642 1.9024 1.31 3.78
60561 60116 -11.64511 1.9156

60116 64109 -2.16249 1.9702 0.19 3.86

64109 60116 2.16268 1.9858

60150 60117 0.02225 0.4894 -0.60 1.24

60150 60117 -0.02125 0.4907 0.39
60117 60150 -0.02143 0.4908 0.21

60558 60118 5.70799 1.4337 0.15 3.20

60118 60558 -5.70814 1.4384
60559 60118 9.65369 2.5173 0.77 4.50
60118 60559 -9.65446 2.5221

60564 60118 3.75442 1.7942 1.68 3.65

60118 60564 -3.75609 1.7985

60122 60119 2.39709 1.7176 0.35 3.56

60119 60122 -2.39674 1.7222

60544 60119 5.10170 1.3624 0.70 3.10

60119 60544 -5.10240 1.3702

60558 60119 0.25048 1.7465 1.20 3.59

60119 60558 -0.25168 1.7481

60543 60120 4.54478 1.5457 0.01 3.34

60120 60543 -4.54479 1.5481

60544 60120 -4.61634 1.6862 2.80 3.52

60120 60544 4.61354 1.6864

60120 64114 -2.26740 0.8978 0.11 2.45

64114 60120 2.26729 0.9004

60121 60154 -0.76116 0.9460 0.45 2.52

60154 60121 0.76161 0.9469

60562 60121 -5.95036 2.0822 0.74 4.00

60121 60562 5.94962 2.0877

60121 60580 -1.07443 1.8496 4.00* 3.72

60580 60121 1.07843 1.8513

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Oosure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
64111 60121 -0.15643 0.0300 0.18 0.77
60121 64111 0.15625 0.0305

60545 60122 -2.35794 1.4876 0.60 3.27

60122 60545 2.35854 1.4879

64117 60122 6.52801 0.7815 0.84 2.27

60122 64117 -6.52717 0.7836

64119 60123 -0.34157 0.0243 0.12 0.77

60123 64119 0.34169 0.0246

64120 60123 2.43652 0.9501 0.03 2.53

60123 64120 -2.43654 0.9503

60124 60158 -1.60750 0.6851 0.76 2.11

60158 60124 1.60826 0.6853

60124 64114 0.02811 0.0385 0.39 0.77

64114 60124 -0.02773 0.0397

64108 60150 -0.23217 0.0258 0.01 0.77

60150 64108 0.23218 0.0445

60151 64106 3.42412 1.8014 1.06 3.66

64106 60151 -3.42306 1.8127

60151 64108 -1.46097 1.6099 2.53 3.42

64108 60151 1.45844 1.6176

60572 60152 5.55496 1.9169 1.47 3.80

60152 60572 -5.55348 1.9189

60153 60604 -4.90508 2.1731 2.06 4.10

60604 60153 4.90714 2.1770

60154 64112 1.27718 0.0552 0.16 0.77

64112 60154 -1.27701 0.0558

60156 60163 -4.71026 1.9978 1.60 3.90

60163 60156 4.70866 2.0081

64112 60156 -0.23140 0.8688 0.43 2.40

60156 64112 0.23183 0.8726

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60157 60605 3.12248 1.8142 2.35 3.67
60605 60157 -3.12013 1.8263

60157 60606 -0.46901 1.5435 1.65 3.34

60606 60157 0.47066 1.5453

60157 60609 -21.55445 1.7208 1.90 3.56

60609 60157 21.55635 1.7330

60158 64115 0.03448 0.0156 0.02 0.77

64115 60158 -0.03447 0.0157

60159 64150 9.95360 0.697 1.04 2.13

64150 60159 -9.95255 0.701

60160 60546 -7.98975 1.2525 0.20 2.96

60546 60160 7.98955 1.2535

60160 64117 -6.03449 1.7499 0.97 3.60

64117 60160 6.03546 1.7718

60546 60161 -7.36822 2.4128 0.76 4.38

60161 60546 7.36898 2.4157

60161 60547 3.04668 1.8850 2.49 .3.• 7.6

60547 60161 -3.04419 1.8901

60161 64115 4.66237 2.1334 1.48 4.06

64115 60161 -4.66385 2.1499

60163 60547 -1.76827 1.5113 0.55 3.30

60547 60163 1.76882 1.5184

60611 60163 -0.88847 1.4794 0.08 3.26

60163 60611 0.88839 1.4983

64113 60163 -4.52090 1.4831 0.15 3.26

60163 64113 4.52104 1.4867

64500 60164 -5.64523 1.2361 0.76 2.93

60164 64500 5.64599 1.2476

64101 60165 2.20025 1.4649 1.52 3.24

60165 64101 -2.19873 1.5202

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60165 64500 -0.50525 0.0948 0.15 0.77
64500 60165 0.50540 0.0962

60166 64102 -1.67865 0.8471 0.99 2.37

64102 60166 1.67965 0.8506

60166 64104 -0.21066 0.5305 0.14 1.84

64104 60166 0.21052 0.5307

60200 60201 5.72941 0.9467 0.12 2.52

60201 60200 -5.72929 0.9504

60200 60300 -1.27122 1.9937 0.32 3.89

60300 60200 1.27090 2.0530

60202 60201 3.61009 0.9346 0.97 2.50

60201 60202 -3.61106 0.9383

60203 60202 5.42975 2.4041 1.51 4.37

60202 60203 -5.43126 2.4046

60202 60553 -11.36163 1.7102 2.59 3.55

60553 60202 11.35904 1.7111

60556 60203 -0.78338 1.9622 1.80 3.85

60203 60556 0.78518 1.9674

60549 60204 -10.10153 1.8170 0.39 3.68

60204 60549 10.10192 1.8323

60204 60550 7.91853 1.5575 0.10 3.36

60550 60204 -7.91843 1.5634

60551 60204 8.33712 2.3167 4.08 4.27

60204 60551 -8.33304 2.3293

60204 60556 -7.14337 1.8468 1.03 3.71

60556 60204 7.14234 1.8507

60205 60302 -0.28819 0.6386 0.14 2.03

60302 60205 0.28833 0.6672

60205 60549 -12.70179 2.2505 -2.28 2.97

60549 60205 12.69716 2.2588 2.34
60549 60205 12.69957 2.2565 -0.06

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60206 64134 11.60035 0.8178 2.23 2.32
64134 60206 -11.59812 0.8179

60206 64135 0.37990 0.1083 0.24 0.81

64135 60206 -0.38014 0.1088

60553 60207 1.80831 1.9783 0.76 3.87

60207 60553 -1.80755 2.0297

60207 64133 -8.51890 2.8267 2.09 4.84

64133 60207 8.51681 2.8365

64135 60207 -1.17229 0.9644 0.84 2.55

60207 64135 1.17313 0.9670

60212 60208 0.88258 2.5627 0.49 4.55

60208 60212 -0.88306 2.5698

60208 64132 -5.48923 1.1356 0.77 2.79

64132 60208 5.48845 1.1403

64133 60208 3.86274 1.5336 1.81 3.32

60208 64133 -3.86455 1.5417

60209 60210 -4.67188 0.9454 0.40 2.52

60210 60209 4.67228 0.9497

60548 60209 25.56951 1.7630 2.39 3.61

60209 60548 -25.56711 1.7683

60210 60551 -5.56265 2.5168 2.67 4.50

60551 60210 5.55998 2.5387

60210 60552 -3.57918 1.5391 1.16 3.33

60552 60210 3.58034 1.5403

60214 60211 -3.82677 2.1582 0.22 4.09

60211 60214 3.82655 2.1887

60211 60552 3.50938 1.8175 1.28 3.68

60552 60211 -3.50810 1.8205

60211 60567 -6.61963 1.9490 0.57 3.84

60567 60211 6.62020 1.9615

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60212 60213 3.36304 2.8391 2.31 4.86
60213 60212 -3.36073 2.8476

60212 60567 1.09539 2.1824 0.53 4.11

60567 60212 -1.09593 2.1904

60220 60213 5.26439 1.8498 0.48 3.72

60213 60220 -5.26392 1.8516

60566 60213 3.30722 1.9956 -0.98 2.75

60213 60566 -3.30506 1.9970 1.18
60213 60566 -3.30644 1.9983 -0.20

60557 60214 11.59862 2.7879 1.18 4.80

60214 60557 -11.59979 2.7960

60566 60214 11.49169 2.0458 1.00 3.95

60214 60566 -11.49069 2.0482

60548 60215 8.01196 1.8238 2.51 3.69

60215 60548 -8.01447 1.8267

60215 64654 3.84196 1.4078 0.75 3.16

64654 60215 -3.84271 1.4135

64655 60215 -0.22658 0.5071 1.03 1.79

60215 64655 0.22761 0.5447

60217 60216 -4.39538 0.8483 0.50 2.37

60216 60217 4.39488 0.8489

64653 60216 -0.56743 1.5534 0.23 3.35

60216 64653 0.56766 1.5546

60557 60217 5.01619 2.6110 0.96 4.60

60217 60557 -5.01523 2.6168

60217 60560 7.17937 2.3774 1.21 4.34

60560 60217 -7.17816 2.3833

60217 64122 -3.11321 1.7612 1.11 3.61

64122 60217 3.11210 1.7624

60265 60218 -3.14681 0.5428 0.45 1.86

60218 60265 3.14727 0.5466

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60218 64650 -3.40807 1.1420 0.70 2.80
64650 60218 3.40877 1.1482

60220 60219 -1.25313 0.6970 0.51 2.13

60219 60220 1.25365 0.7152

64130 60219 5.37695 2.4033 -2.75 3.42

60219 64130 -5.37335 2.4037 0.85
60219 64130 -5.37079 2.4039 3.41
64130 60219 5.37571 2.4053 -1.51

60220 64129 2.64501 0.1811 0.31 1.05

64129 60220 -2.64531 0.1845

60221 60257 -8.74462 2.1377 1.78 4.06

60257 60221 8.74640 2.1398

60221 60259 -3.10886 2.1390 1.65 4.06

60259 60221 3.11051 2.1427

60221 64129 1.50039 0.1219 0.00 0.86

64129 60221 -1.50039 0.1220

60554 60250 -9.44009 2.6318 0.17 4.63

60250 60554 9.44026 2.6332

60250 93022 -18.82047 1.7495 1.96 3.60

93022 60250 18.82242 1.7815

60252 60251 -7.65482 2.2316 0.45 4.17

60251 60252 7.65437 2.2333

60251 60555 -10.23455 2.0330 0.90 3.94

60555 60251 10.23545 2.0389

60251 60565 -2.36890 1.7123 0.82 3.55

60565 60251 2.36808 1.7440

60252 64134 0.15907 0.0883 0.11 0.77

64134 60252 -0.15896 0.0883

60254 60253 9.21613 0.6212 0.04 2.00

60253 60254 -9.21609 0.6232

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60565 60253 -12.67748 1.8460 0.03 3.71
60253 60565 12.67750 1.8465

64131 60253 -4.42545 0.7487 1.45 2.21

60253 64131 4.42690 0.7565

60254 60255 -1.32463 1.1223 1.06 2.78

60255 60254 1.32569 1.1250

60255 64130 6.93821 0.4290 0.22 1.64

64130 60255 -6.93843 0.4330

60258 60257 -0.39533 2.3594 0.09 4.32

60257 60258 0.39525 2.3703

60590 60258 9.26397 1.5772 0.39 3.38

60258 60590 -9.26358 1.5820

64128 60258 -6.01257 2.3762 1.50 4.34

60258 64128 6.01407 2.3859

60616 60259 7.97280 1.9767 0.56 3.87

60259 60616 -7.97224 1.9822

64128 60259 -0.77503 0.0582 0.10 0.77

60259 64128 0.77513 0.0694

60262 60260 0.39071 0.9864 1.92 2.58

60260 60262 -0.38879 0.9886

60260 64127 4.03728 0.7410 1.16 2.20

64127 60260 -4.03844 0.7423

60260 64128 9.75815 2.2373 3.66 4.18

64128 60260 -9.75449 2.2412

64126 60261 -0.46840 0.2488 0.19 1.23

60261 64126 0.46822 0.2500

60261 64127 -0.72538 0.4377 0.17 1.66

64127 60261 0.72521 0.4383

60617 60262 -2.64006 1.2290 0.08 2.92

60262 60617 2.63998 1.2308

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60263 60612 -1.50728 2.4219 3.10 4.39
60612 60263 1.51037 2.4244

64527 60263 0.32354 1.5532 2.67 3.35

60263 64527 -0.32087 1.5560

64003 60265 -6.37960 0.3458 0.28 1.47

60265 64003 6.37989 0.3469

60590 60266 4.91034 1.9062 0.63 3.79

60266 60590 -4.90970 1.9587

60267 60615 -13.32606 1.4604 3.67** 3.23

60615 60267 13.32974 1.4627

60300 64005 4.27187 1.3912 0.59 3.14

64005 60300 -4.27128 1.3964

64139 60300 2.95891 1.0165 0.26 2.62

60300 64139 -2.95865 1.0177

60300 64600 6.44086 1.4291 0.94 3.19

64600 60300 -6.44181 1.4305

60550 60301 6.20924 1.7181 2.47 3.56

60301 60550 -6.20677 1.7195

64601 60301 0.16599 1.6860 2.05 3.52

60301 64601 -0.16803 1.7016

60301 64603 -0.18250 1.5357 1.95 3.33

64603 60301 0.18445 1.5381

60302 60525 4.53070 1.2071 0.91 2.89

60525 60302 -4.52979 1.2078

60302 64604 -3.66795 0.4420 0.84 1.67

64604 60302 3.66879 0.4423

64605 60302 10.22447 1.4376 0.44 3.20

60302 64605 -10.22403 1.4471

60303 60313 2.04476 2.0129 0.60 3.91

60313 60303 -2.04416 2.0457

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60529 60303 -6.97155 1.3345 0.87 3.07
60303 60529 6.97242 1.3679

60303 64606 -10.95173 1.6832 1.26 3.51

64606 60303 10.95299 1.6839

64608 60303 15.46323 1.8094 0.55 3.67

60303 64608 -15.46268 1.8422

60313 60304 -20.68200 1.5442 0.83 3.34

60304 60313 20.68283 1.5529

60304 64608 3.17383 0.0940 0.63 0.77

64608 60304 -3.17446 0.0940

60304 93015 6.88991 0.7188 0.27 2.17

93015 60304 -6.89018 0.7261

60306 60305 -16.18153 2.3911 3.60 4.35

60305 60306 16.18513 2.4440

60305 60356 -8.82871 1.3942 0.52 3.14

60356 60305 8.82818 1.4020

60306 60524 7.20430 1.7505 1.31 3.60

60524 60306 -7.20300 1.7585

64142 60306 9.12234 0.7525 0.00 2.22

60306 64142 -9.12233 0.7550

64144 60306 2.84815 1.9545 2.16 3.84

60306 64144 -2.84598 1.9705

60307 60524 -7.43696 1.5160 0.44 3.30

60524 60307 7.43652 1.5219

60307 60530 -7.64461 1.1036 1.55 2.75

60530 60308 7.88406 0.5841
60308 60307 -0.24100 1.6825

60308 60525 -4.99770 1.3155 0.54 3.04

60525 60308 4.99824 1.3236

60526 60308 -5.46979 1.3634 1.54 3.10

60308 60526 5.46825 1.3692

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (krn) (mm) (mm)
64144 60311 12.38744 1.7562 0.14 3.60
60311 64144 -12.38730 1.7991

60311 64146 0.11542 0.0161 0.09 0.77

64146 60311 -0.11551 0.0161

64147 60311 -7.69531 1.0849 1.39 2.72

60311 64147 7.69671 1.0893

60526 60312 -2.06432 1.7287 0.35 3.57

60312 60526 2.06467 1.7320

60528 60312 22.16023 1.9147 0.67 3.80

60312 60528 .:.22.16090 1.9217

64149 60312 -1.24144 2.0955 1.96 4.01

60312 64149 1.24340 2.0960

60313 60531 18.32182 2.3182 1.03 4.27

60531 60313 -18.32079 2.3545

64150 60314 8.42231 1.1168 0.19 2.77

60314 64150 -8.42212 1.1247

64151 60314 7.97765 1.1801 0.84 2.02

60314 64151 -7.97911 1.1815 -0.61
60314 64151 -7.97872 1.1836 -0.23

64152 60314 -8.33915 1.4514 3.53* 3.22

60314 64152 8.34268 1.4817

60316 60315 6.10354 1.2750 2.26 2.99

60315 60316 -6.10128 1.3002

64152 60315 0.01275 0.0248 0.32 0.77

60315 64152 -0.01243 0.0288

60315 64153 3.72809 0.6844 0.25 2.11

64153 60315 -3.72834 0.6846

60317 60316 -7.66409 2.6174 0.26 4.61

60316 60317 7.66383 2.6184

60521 60316 24.62976 1.7600 0.49 3.61

60316 60521 -24.62927 1.7711

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Oosure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60318 60317 16.97816 1.5828 1.43 3.39
60317 60318 -16.97959 1.5838

60317 64156 -0.19356 0.0245 0.04 0.77

64156 60317 0.19352 0.0245

64155 60318 -0.39995 0.0265 -0.57 0.61

60318 64155 0.39908 0.0330 0.29
64155 60318 -0.39932 0.0334 0.05
60318 64155 0.39915 0.0382 0.22

60501 60319 -3.31988 1.7087 0.63 3.55

60319 60501 3.32051 1.7088

64154 60319 13.18264 1.7006 0.93 3.54

60319 64154 -13.18357 1.7009

60320 60503 -16.62852 1.7827 0.28 3.64

60503 60320 16.62880 1.7842

60320 64161 8.08973 1.2466 1.19 2.95

64161 60320 -8.08854 1.2474

64164 60320 -5.73429 1.6110 2.55 3.42

60320 64164 5.73683 1.6526

60354 60321 -9.97782 1.0542 1.67 2.68

60321 60354 9.97949 1.0692

60321 60355 -2.50982 1.0705 1.51 2.70

60355 60321 2.51133 1.0796

60321 64164 -0.26330 0.0418 0.05 0.55

64164 60321 0.26347 0.0435 -0.12
64164 60321 0.26327 0.0497 0.08

60322 60355 8.13850 1.2147 0.82 2.90

60355 60322 -8.13768 1.2280

60322 64165 -2.14519 0.7882 1.45 2.28

64165 60322 2.14664 0.7966

60323 60502 -29.96074 1.6772 1.37 3.51

60502 60323 29.96212 1.6911

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60323 64165 -0.04946 0.0122 -0.07 0.66
60323 64165 -0.04934 0.0239 0.05
60323 64165 -0.04928 0.0266 0.14
64165 60323 0.04949 0.0400 -0.08
60323 64165 -0.04939 0.0401 0.00

60569 60350 -9.47330 2.2857 1.14 4.23

60350 60569 9.47443 2.2874

60600 60350 25.89564 2.5999 3.53 4.59

60350 60600 -25.89211 2.6078

60513 60351 -5.34304 1.2754 0.59 2.99

60351 60513 5.34363 1.2801

60351 60514 -8.77592 1.5406 3.56 3.33

60514 60351 8.77947 1.5693

60352 60510 1.02953 1.5921 1.59 3.40

60510 60352 -1.02794 1.5985

60352 60511 -10.02531 1.6936 0.70 3.53

60511 60352 10.02461 1.7134

60516 60352 11.50729 1.6393 0.95 3.46

60352 60516 -11.50824 1.6442

60517 60353 3.94568 1.5921 1.16 3.40

60353 60517 -3.94685 1.5938

64163 60353 -0.43945 0.0235 0.06 0.77

60353 64163 0.43951 0.0309
60354 64163 -0.50362 0.3782 0.34 1.54
64163 60354 0.50396 0.3891

64005 60356 -6.23657 1.1864 1.21 2.86

60356 64005 6.23536 1.1878

60357 60568 12.79525 2.1190 1.04 4.04

60568 60357 -12.79628 2.2032

64553 60357 -0.75657 0.0575 0.08 0.77

60357 64553 0.75665 0.0577

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
93023 60357 -1.95903 0.3326 0.61 1.44
60357 93023 1.95964 0.3348

60358 64551 -0.28588 0.0162 0.09 0.77

64551 60358 0.28579 0.0179

60358 93021 -22.38647 1.3869 1.17 3.13

93021 60358 22.38764 1.9862

60400 60503 25.72014 1.8525 1.95 3.72

60503 60400 -25.71820 1.8822

60400 64662 2.85011 0.5142 0.42 1.81

64662 60400 -2.84968 0.5145 -

64663 60400 -1.19580 0.0688 0.49 0.54

60400 64663 1.19586 0.0680 0.27
60400 64663 1.19657 0.0695 0.27

60504 60401 -8.76203 1.3659 2.24 3.11

60401 60504 8.76427 1.3662

60401 60537 5.81494 1.9396 1.05 3.83

60537 60401 -5.81390 1.9444

60401 64665 -2.32382 0.3504 0.47 1.48

64665 60401 2.32336 0.3561

60402 64168 0.04062 0.0174 0.08 0.77

64168 60402 -0.04054 0.0182

64169 60402 -4.94420 0.6331 0.44 2.02

60402 64169 4.94375 0.6332

60403 60536 14.38532 1.9069 1.18 3.79

60536 60403 -14.38650 1.9124

60537 60403 5.47964 1.7462 0.78 3.59

60403 60537 -5.48042 1.7616

60403 60538 4.74650 1.4178 0.28 3.18

60538 60403 -4.74622 1.4192

60404 60405 4.66542 1.3391 0.17 3.07

60405 60404 -4.66525 1.3568

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist aosure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60535 60404 15.31365 1.8379 1.76 3.70
60404 60535 -15.31189 1.8647

64172 60405 5.05226 1.3890 0.38 3.14

60405 64172 -5.05264 1.3905

60405 64173 0.32820 0.0191 0.03 0.77

64173 60405 -0.32823 0.0191

60457 60406 12.25665 1.9159 0.60 3.80

60406 60457 -12.25605 1.9719

60406 64174 0.43427 0.0304 0.09 0.77

64174 60406 -0.43418 0.0307 -

64007 60450 5.14027 1.6801 0.60 3.51

60450 64007 -5.13967 1.6822

60450 64575 0.25262 0.0106 0.04 0.77

64575 60450 -0.25257 0.0120

60508 60451 -19.51252 2.1647 0.89 4.09

60451 60508 19.51342 2.1719

64578 60451 2.16201 0.8110 1.38 2.31

60451 64578 -2.16339 0.8249

60453 60452 0.42499 1.6746 1.60 3.50

60452 60453 -0.42340 1.6890

64578 60452 -1.20996 1.3014 0.80 3.02

60452 64578 1.20915 1.3066

60507 60453 -0.26276 1.5565 0.23 3.35

60453 60507 0.26253 1.5630

60506 60454 0.14984 1.7811 2.14 3.63

60454 60506 -0.14770 1.7901 '

60507 60454 -3.92456 1.5948 0.39 3.40

60454 60507 3.92417 1.5974

60455 60505 7.57817 2.1532 2.90 4.08

60505 60455 -7.57527 2.1673

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60455 60533 -0.35708 2.5564 0.11 4.54
60533 60455 0.35696 2.5968

64170 60455 0.13760 0.0162 0.04 0.77

60455 64170 -0.13764 0.0186

60456 64169 0.12986 0.05

64169 60456 -0.13000 0.08
64169 60456 -0.12988 0.03

60456 64170 1.23836 0.8065 0.09 2.31

64170 60456 -1.23845 0.8318

64175 60457 0.05635 0.0187 0.14 0.77

60457 64175 -0.05621 0.0193

60501 64160 14.40352 1.8622 2.13 3.73

64160 60501 -14.40139 1.8696

64665 60502 -0.29416 1.1147 0.82 2.76

60502 64665 0.29335 1.1421

60504 64167 19.88019 1.8046 0.34 3.66

64167 60504 -19.87985 1.8559

60506 64575 -23.20770 1.5683 2.94 3.37

64575 60506 23.21065 1.5748

60508 60509 -3.42370 1.6722 1.20 3.50

60509 60508 3.42490 1.6765

60509 60510 9.64443 1.7861 0.46 3.64

60510 60509 -9.64489 1.8028

60511 60512 11.33573 1.7301 1.19 3.57

60512 60511 -11.33692 1.7361

60512 60513 -24.59031 2.1097 2.29 4.03

60513 60512 24.59259 2.1099

60515 60514 -16.62862 2.1424 1.97 4.07

60514 60515 16.63059 2.1551

64006 60515 3.24084 1.8298 0.58 3.69

60515 64006 -3.24026 1.8304

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (rum) (rum)
60516 60517 -13.24614 1.6193 0.45 3.43
60517 60516 13.24570 1.6213

60519 64147 3.61786 0.6263 0.80 2.01

64147 60519 -3.61867 0.6278

64148 60519 -0.84393 0.7893 0.01 2.28

60519 64148 0.84392 0.7904

64150 60519 -9.95256 0.6972 1.05 2.13

60519 64150 9.95360 0.7018

60528 60529 10.37728 2.3190 2.89 4.27

60529 60528 -10.37439 2.3382

64154 60531 10.88401 2.0113 3.71 3.91

60531 64154 -10.88772 2.0137

60533 64172 -7.73298 1.0193 0.30 2.63

64172 60533 7.73268 1.0214

60534 64001 11.77713 2.5650 0.99 4.55

64001 60534 -11.77613 2.5692

64176 60534 -23.20627 1.9149 2.93 1~80

60534 64176 23.20334 1.9210
60535 60536 12.08147 1.4126 2.44 3.17
60536 60535 -12.07903 1.4135
60540 60541 8.72272 2.3828 1.98 4.34
60541 60540 -8.72074 2.3833
60543 64111 5.41215 1.1185 0.96 2.77
64111 60543 -5.41119 1.1202
60545 64118 -7.83041 1.5859 3.21 3.39
64118 60545 7.83361 1.5860
64553 60554 -4.55740 2.1799 0.86 4.11
60554 64553 4.55655 2.3294

60555 93022 -12.77648 1.6166 1.92 3.43

93022 60555 12.77840 1.6187

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60560 60559 -10.59058 1.9988 1.60 3.90
60559 60560 10.59219 2.0003

60580 60561 16.45754 1.7824 2.24 3.64

60561 60580 -16.45530 1.7851

60563 60562 -3.16878 2.0415 0.49 3.95

60562 60563 3.16829 2.0483

60568 60569 4.07841 2.3002 1.63 4.25

60569 60568 -4.07678 2.3199

64612 60570 1.12220 1.5727 1.75 3.37

60570 64612 -1.12395 1.5735

64614 60570 5.94860 1.1482 0.14 2.81

60570 64614 -5.94875 1.1504

60571 64106 -3.51968 1.8207 0.45 3.68

64106 60571 3.52013 1.8616
60572 60602 14.18363 2.0601 0.49 3.97
60602 60572 -14.18412 2.0611

60572 93055 -1.94961 0.0490 0.14 0.77

93055 60572 1.94975 0.0492
60600 64142 24.95669 2.5270 3.23 4.51
64142 60600 -24.95346 2.5272
60602 60601 5.71502 1.8727 0.05 3.75
60601 60602 -5.71506 1.8766
60605 60604 1.40379 1.5823 3.43* 3.39
60604 60605 -1.40036 1.6289
60606 60607 -1.44914 1.4836 0.99 3.26
60607 60606 1.44814 1.4892
60607 60608 12.69855 2.2179 4.12 4.15
60608 60607 -12.69443 2.2208

60608 64108 1.30719 1.8152 1.92 3.68

64108 60608 -1.30527 1.8275

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
60610 60609 0.22207 1.4951 2.39 3.28
60609 60610 -0.22446 1.4958

60610 60611 24.95789 1.5938 3.13 3.40

60611 60610 -24.95475 1.5969

60613 60612 6.01247 2.0180 2.65 3.92

60612 60613 -6.00981 2.0258

60614 60613 7.93959 1.8341 0.83 3.70

60613 60614 -7.93876 1.8588

60614 60615 -17.20896 1.3213 0.10 3.05

60615 60614 17.20907 1.3312
64126 60616 -4.22255 1.7124 1.02 3.55
60616 64126 4.22153 1.7455
64126 60617 -2.98358 1.1885 1.07 2.87
60617 64126 2.98252 1.1913
64100 64001 11.22633 0.8690 0.12 2.40
64001 64100 -11.22646 0.8790
1.30 3.76 I
64202 64002 -0.39572 0.0223 0.08 0.77
64002 64202 0.39564 0.0226
64003 64121 2.77353 1.7969 1.73 3.65
64121 64003 -2.77180 1.8200
64525 64003 3.76421 1.5635 0.16 3.36
64003 64525 -3.76438 1.5711
64153 64006 0.99222 1.6235 1.68 3.44
64006 64153 -0.99054 1.6807

64006 64156 -3.34872 1.1178 1.63 2.77

64156 64006 3.35036 1.1295
64166 64007 3.81275 0.7789 0.26 2.26
64007 64166 -3.81250 0.7876

From To ElevDiff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
64008 64656 -14.64775 2.5476 0.31 4.53
64656 64008 14.64744 2.5902
64008 64657 1.12200 1.8542 2.02 3.72
64657 64008 -1.11999 1.8552

64102 64101 2.32577 2.1163 2.59 4.04

64101 64102 -2.32318 2.1175

64110 64109 -0.06384 0.6718 0.70 2.09

64109 64110 0.06454 0.6739
64202 64110 4.07243 1.5250 0.67 3.31 .
64110 64202 -4.07309 1.5253
64119 64118 -2.27228 0.6910 0.27 2.12
64118 64119 2.27254 0.6917
64121 64120 -6.67034 0.8179 0.27 2.32
64120 64121 6.67060 0.8197
64650 64122 13.51506 0.9345 0.21 2.50
64122 64650 -13.51485 0.9356
64131 64132 -4.10223 1.8247 1.17 3.69
64132 64131 4.10340 1.8270
64139 93021 -13.60036 2.0682 1.80 3.98
93021 64139 13.60216 2.0752
64149 64148 -5.06478 1.0126 0.11 2.62
64148 64149 5.06489 1.0207
64154 64155 16.31690 1.0221 0.23 2.63
64155 64154 -16.31667 1.0235
64160 64161 1.40742 0.5953 0.39 1.95
64161 64160 -1.40703 0.6104
64666 64166 7.49104 0.7073 0.58 2.15
64166 64666 -7.49046 0.7589
64168 64167 -1.82429 0.7043 0.12 2.14
64167 64168 1.82417 0.7112

From To ElevDiff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
64173 64174 -5.89661 0.9509 0.01 2.53
64174 64173 5.89663 0.9552
64176 64175 3.01135 0.8357 0.10 2.35
64175 64176 -3.01125 0.8360

93056 64525 -18.40858 2.4696 3.81 4.44

64525 93056 18.41239 2.4729

93056 64527 -13.27879 1.9445 1.56 3.83

64527 93056 13.28034 1.9557

64552 93023 -6.03541 1.4018 0.12 3.15 .

93023 64552 6.03553 1.4023

64575 64576 7.46146 1.6468 0.49 3.47

64576 64575 -7.46194 1.6547
64577 64576 -1.45328 1.4228 2.45 3.18
64576 64577 1.45083 1.4378
64578 64577 -19.74079 1.8470 1.54 3.71
64577 64578 19.73926 1.8864
64601 64600 -13.40404 1.7426 0.35 3;59
64600 64601 13.40369 1.7478
64604 64603 -4.89864 1.4738 0.05 3.25
64603 64604 4.89860 1.4819

64605 64606 -6.55288 1.5725 0.70 3.37

64606 64605 6.55218 1.5982
64610 64611 1.98490 1.5744 2.48 3.38
64611 64610 -1.98242 1.5961
64610 93015 -15.68387 1.9372 1.41 3.82
93015 64610 15.68528 1.9814
64615 64614 -0.60560 1.0764 0.26 2.71
64614 64615 0.60587 1.0783
64653 64654 4.63458 1.6697 1.00 3.50
64654 64653 -4.63357 1.7085

From To Elev Diff Section Section Allowed Section
Dist Closure Closure
(m) (km) (mm) (mm)
64655 64656 0.99639 1.3830 1.57 3.13
64656 64655 -0.99482 1.3833
64658 64657 -3.44888 1.2549 0.80 2.96
64657 64658 3.44968 1.2572

64658 64659 -9.20043 1.5350 0.27 3.33

64659 64658 9.20070 1.5356

64659 93015 9.36220 0.6139 0.12 1.99

93015 64659 -9.36208 0.6404

64661 64660 -1.05069 1.5406 0.88 3.33 .

64660 64661 1.05157 1.5538
64660 93015 -0.04476 1.4419 0.61 3.21
93015 64660 0.04537 1.4441
64661 64662 4.86408 1.5655 0.74 3.37
64662 64661 -4.86334 1.6465

64663 64664 4.82557 1.1375 0.32 2.80

64664 64663 -4.82589 1.1410

64665 64664 0.08942 0.8051 0.19 2.30

64664 64665 -0.08924 G.8053

64665 64666 0.03673 1.7181 0.06 3.56

64666 64665 -0.03679 1.7225

* Outside PB/MK derived tolerance, but within FGCC Frrst-Order Class I

** Outside PB/MK derived tolerance, but within FGCC Frrst-Order Class II


Name: Peter William DeKrom

Place and Date of Birth: Montreal, Quebec - November 7, 1965

Permanent Address:
8161 S. Poplar Way, Apt 101
Englewood, Colorado

Universities Attended:
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Surveying), 1990
University of New Brunswick

Geodetic Aspects, Design Considerations and Surface
Control Implementations at the Superconducting Super Collider
Greg L. Robinson, Peter W. DeKrom and W.J. Trevor Greening
Presented at the Seventh International FIG Symposium
on Deformation Surveys, Banff, Alberta, 1993

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