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    Which Republic Act provides government assistance to students and teachers in private education?

a. RA 7836                  c. RA 6728
b. RA 7784                 d. RA 6675

2.    In the preamble of the CODE of ethics for Professional Teachers, which of the following teacher descriptions is included in the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers?

a. A. With satisfactory teaching performance

b. Passed the licensure exams for teachers
c. Duly licensed professional
d. Persons of dignity and reputation

3.    Which stage according to Erickson is the stage of trust and mistrust?

a. Young adulthood                c. Adolescence    

b. Early childhood                  d. Infancy

4.    In the history of education system, including  that of the Philippines, which system was first and last remained a partner of other
systems of education?
a. Formal  b. Non-formal c. Informal  d. Pre-school
5.    Who among the following subscribe to the theory that the good, the true and the beautiful are universally valid in all places at all
a.    Realists and idealists
b.    Realist and existentialists    
c.    Pragmatists and idealists
d.    Pragmatists and realists
6.    The 1987 Constitution mandates the state to encourage among others self-learning, independent and out-of-school study programs
particularly those that respond to community needs. Which is an off shoot of this mandate?

a. Institutionalization of early childhood care and development

b. Principal empowerment program
c. Multi-grade teaching
d. Practices of community-based learning

7.    Authors claim that education is given greater in the 1987 Philippine Constitution than in the past Constitution. Which article provision
on education is found only in the 1987 Constitution?

a. Support to teacher education

b. Provision on assigning the highest budget priority to education
c. The establishment of the integrated system of education
d. The creation of CHED

8.    According to Hurlock, studies of children’s play revealed that toy play reaches its peak during the

a. Middle childhood years                   

b. Early childhood years            
c. Babyhood
d. Late childhood

9.    In a DECS memorandum issued last 1998, the new name for multi-grade class is:

a. A.Friendly school      c. Paaralan ng bahay

b. School-of-the-future d. Escuela nueva

10. The student-centered curriculum belongs to which group of educators?

a. Reconstructionist-Essentialist
b. Progressivist, Perennialist   
c. Perennialist, Essentialist      
d. Progressivist, Reconstructionist
11. Daniel Goleman talks about emotional intelligence. Which of the following characterize a student with a high degree of emotional

a. Sensitive to points of view and feeling of others

b. Prodded by others
c. Obsessed with achieving at any cost
d. Unable to delay gratification

12. The history of curriculum development includes the hidden curriculum approach. Which is the content emphasis of the hidden

a. Students experiences and activities

b. Implicit processes and social norms
c. Student needs and interest
d. Introspection and choice

13. Teacher T is concerned with conceptual matters since reality is mental teacher T’s thinking is quite-

a. Realistic                  c. Existential
b. Pragmatic               d. Idealistic

14. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is reinforced by a classroom teacher who-

a. Asks open –ended questions

b. Encourages pupils to ask questions
c. Prescribes what pupils should do
d. Is open to suggestions

15. A number of researches found that the effects of maternal employment on children’s achievement are-

a. Hardly established         

b. Positive and negative         
c. Fully established    
d. Negative

16. Which one correctly describes the phenomenon of latchkey children?

a. They turn to empty homes after school either to sit by the television or to roam the streets
b. They are truant school children
c. They are engaged in child labor
d. They are engaged in child labor

17. Teacher Q regards the student as a spiritual entity and as part of the larger spiritual universe. To what philosophy does teacher Q

a. Idealism                 c. Realism

b. Existentialism           d. Pragmatism

18. The 1987 Constitution mandates the state to assign the highest budgetary priority to-

a. Health                    c. Social work

b. Education                d. Defense

19. Moral development in early childhood is characterized by-

a. Questioning rules
b. Willful disobedience of rules
c. Acting out of conviction
d. Acting without knowing why they do so

20. According to Piaget, by adolescence boys and girls must have reached what stage?
a. Concrete operations stage
b. Sensorimotor stage
c. Formal operations stage
d. Pre-operational stage

21. Ruth dances well. She can figure out how something works or how to fix something that is broken, without asking for help. Based on
Garden’s theory of multiple intelligence under what intelligence is she strong?

a. Musical                  
b. Logical-mathematical
c. Spatial intelligence
d. Kinesthetic intelligence

22. Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention regular homework, and respect for legitimate authority?

a. Reconstructionist        c. Essetialist
b. Perennialist               d. Progressivist

23. Which developmental task is expected of the adolescent according to havughurst?

a. Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates of both sexes
b. Skilled games
c. Getting started in an occupation
d. Learning to get along with age-mates

24. Mr. Roy wants his pupils to be creative. Which of the following will he REFRAIN from doing?

a. Heighten the student’s sense of unusual

b. Develops students’ ability to recognize and analyze problems and relationships
c. Encourage sustained attention in an area of interest
d. Develop solely skill mastery

25. The creation of Student’s Loan Fund to give equal opportunity to all persons who desire to pursue higher education  is the essence

a. RA 6014                 c. RA 6655   

b. RA  7836                 d. RA 7784

26. In his/her teaching, Teacher D moves from particular instances to tentative generalizations that are Subjected to further verification .
Teacher D  engages  himself/herself in:

a.  Intuition                  
b. Inductive logic
c. Deductive logic  
d. Philosophical analysis

27. Which of the correct statement of emotional intelligence is based on Daniel Goleman’s theory?

a. Emotional intelligence is feeling approximately and effectively

b. Emotional intelligence id being nice to people
c. Emotional intelligence is giving free rein to feeling
d. Emotional intelligence changes less considerably than IQ through life.

28. Which of the following is not a subject-centered curriculum?

a. Perennialist                c. Values-centered    

b. Back-to-basics     d. Subject area

29. Which program is assisted financially by the World Bank and OECF and is meant for the improvement of elementary education in the
SRA provinces?
a. Program for Decentralized Education   
b. First Elementary Education Project   
c. Kinesthetic intelligence
d. Second Elementary Education Project

30. Mr. Z, A fifty-five year old American citizen, even though very educationally qualified to be president an educational institution in third
country cannot be appointed as President because: He_____

a. Does not belong to a religious group 

b. Is nearing retirement         
c. Is not Filipino Citizen    
d. Is not an official of a corporation

31. Which of the following is not a hazard to the mastery of developmental tasks?

a. Unfavorable social judgment

b. Bypassing of stage of development as a result of failure to master the tasks for that stage of development
c. Crisis when individuals pass from on stage to another
d. Inappropriate or impossible expectations

32. Teacher U emphasizes to her students the importance of deep personal reflection on one’s commitments and choices. Teacher U
subscribes to which Philosophy?

a. Realism                   c. Existentialism       

b. Idealism                  d.  Pragmatism

33. The constitutional provision on language has the following aims, Except:

a.    To make Filipino the national language and medium of instruction and official communication
b.    To make  the regional  dialect  as auxiliary media of instructions in regional schools
c.    To make Filipino the sole  medium of instruction
d.    To maintain  English as a second language
34. Which periods in the life span of an individual are characterized by growth spurt?

a. Early childhood and adolescence  

b. Prenatal period and early childhood
c. Early childhood 
d. Pre-natal and puberty

35. The introduction of non-formal education in line with the Constitutional Provision on:

a. Protection of teachers
b. Promoting the rights of all citizens to make quality education accessible to all
c. Optional religious instructions
d. Promoting the rights of all citizens to quality education at all levels

36. Teacher X is often times frustrated. The students in her class hardly volunteer to recite and to do other learning-related task. This is a
proof of the Filipino’s:

a. Sense of humor       
b. Lack of resourcefulness
c. Lack of reflection
d. Passivity and lack of initiative

37. The tendency to emphasize so much on school beautification to the detriment of pupil’s performance illustrated the:

a. Filipino’s sense of humor

b. Filipino’s lack of reflection
c. Filipino’s love for “ Porma” at the expense of substance
d. Filipino’s lack of seriousness

38. A president  body  to study Philippines education created by virtue of Executive Order No. 46 during the incumbency of DECS
secretary Andrew Gonzales  with an aim to study Philippine Education is the:
a. Presidential Commission on Educational Reform
b. Philippine Commission to Survey Philippine Education
c. Survey to outcomes of elementary Education
d. Commission on Philippine Education

39. Which is a danger signal of adolescent mal-adjustment?

a. Inappropriate body-build
b. Irresponsibility as shown in neglect  of studies in favor of having a good time
c. Attraction to the opposite sex
d. Prolonged treatment  as children

40. To democratize access to secondary education, public secondary education was made free. In whose presidency was this

a. Ferdinand Marcos     c. Corazon Aquino

b. Joseph Estrada          d. Fidel Ramos

41. Which is not a characteristic of democratic discipline?

a. Child obeys blindly

b. Child understands the meaning of rules
c. Child is given punishment  us related to the misdeed
d. Child has opportunity to express his/her opinion

42. The three A’s of happiness according to Hurlock are:

a. Adjustments, affection, altruism 

b. Attitude, ability, adjustment
c. Acceptance, affection, and achievement
d. Affection, ability, attitude

43. Babyhood is often referred to as a “ Critical period” in the development of personality because:

a. At this time the foundations are laid upon which the adult personality structure will be built
b. Changes in the personality pattern take place
c. The brain grows and develops at such an accelerated rate during babyhood
d. At this time the baby is exposed to many hazards both physical and psychological

44. Who among the following stressed the processes of experiences and problem solving?

a. Plato                      c. Dewey 

b. Hegel                     d. Aristotle

45. Teacher L believes that creation of knowledge in by way of the learners’ interaction with their environment. Teacher L is more of:

a. An idealist               c. An existentialis
b. A pragmatist            d. A realist

46. To reach out clientele who cannot be in the classroom for one reason or another, which of the following was established

a. Non-formal education
b. Informal education    
c. Pre-school education
d. formal education

47. The encouragement of self-learning, independent, and out-of-school study programs as stated in the 1987 constitution has given rise

a. The implementation of open universities and distance learning programs

b. Institutionalization of early childhood care and development
c. The conduct of NEAT and NSAT
d. The clamor for a Grade VII

48. Which of the following statement on developmental tasks is wrong?

a. Failure to master developmental tasks at a certain developmental stage has far reaching consequences in a person’s
b. The mastery of development tasks is a result of physical maturation, societal pressure and individual’s aspiration
c. There are essential skills expected to be acquired  and mastered in each developmental stage
d. Retirees are not expected to work on mastering certain develop mental tasks

49. The 1987 Philippines Constitution states the following, Except:

a. The official languages of the Philippines are Filipino and English

b. The national language of the Philippines is Filipino
c. Filipino is the Tagalog of the Tagalog –speaking provinces
d. The government shall initiate and sustain the use of Filipino as a medium of      official communication and as a language
of instruction in the education system

50. Which among the following has been said to play an irreplaceable role in the education of the young?

a. Community                 c. Church  

b. School                         d. Home

Answer Key:
1.     C
2.     D
3.     D
4.     A
5.     D
6.     D
7.     B
8.     D
9.     B
10.  C
11.  A
12.  B
13.  D
14.  C
15.  A
16.  A
17.  B
18.  B
19.  D
20.  C
21.  D
22.  B
23.  A
24.  D
25.  A
26.  B
27.  A
28.  C
29.  A
30.  C
31.  C
32.  C
33.  C
34.  A
35.  B
36.  D
37.  C
38.  A
39.  B
40.  C
41.  A
42.  C
43.  A
44.  C
45.  D
46.  A
47.  A
48.  D
49.  A
50.  D

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