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      Upon what shall a teacher base the evaluation of the learner’s scholarship
a.    Merit, learner’s scholarship 
b.    Merit, quality of performance
c.    Merit, attendance
d. Quality of performance, learner’s scholarship                                                                                           
152.      The following are some of what a professional teachers may NOT do EXCEPT:
a.   Accept remuneration from tutorials other than what is authorized for such service
b.   Make deductions from student’s scholastic ratings as a punishment
c.   Base the evaluation of the learner’s  work on merit and quality of academic performance
d.   Inflict corporal punishment an offending learners
153.      The value of education, deference to authority, and filial piety in the Philippines in an influenced of
a.    Taoist tradition        c. Buddhist tradition 
b.    Confucianist tradition         d. Hindu tradition
154.      Which statement regarding teacher’s ethical behavior is wrong?
a.    A teacher may not fall in love with his/her students
b.    Teachers shall support one another at all times when the best interest of the learners, the school, or the profession at stake
c.    A teachers may submit to the proper authorities any justifiable criticisms against an associate
d.    It is every teacher’s responsibility to seek correctives for any unprofessional and unethical conduct of any associate
155.      Which is the first and foremost concern of a teacher? The interest and welfare of:
a.    Learners        
b.    Colleagues             
c.    Parents             
d.    The teaching profession
156.      The ideal society in the context of Plato is one where:
a.    There is hope           c. Justice reigns   
b.    Love prevails            d. Faith matters
157.      The survivors of a shipwreck are now packed in a lifeboat which may capsize unless partly deloaded. Which of the following acts
will be morally justifiable?
a.  Pushing the young and old ones and leaving them behind to drown
b.  Trying to save everyone as much as possible
c.  Shooting some passengers and leaving them behind
d.  Doing nothing and waiting for the boat to capsize
158.      For the advocates of value clarification, values are
a.    Universal                c. Objective      
b.    Personal                 d. Unchanging
159.      With regard to business, which does the Code of Ethics NOT say about teachers?
a.   A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to debts loans and other financial matters
b.   No teachers shall be financially interested in any commercial venture involving textbooks and other school commodities where
he/she can exercise official influence
c.   no teacher shall act as agent of textbooks and other school commodities where he/she can exercise official influence
d.   a teacher may not engage in any kind of business
160.      The more consumeristics a person is, the more he/she gets attached to this material world, the farther he is from the universal
self, the more miserable he/she becomes. This is a teaching
a.    Confucianism                    c. Hinduism
b.    Taoism                   d. Buddhism
161.      Who believed that there should be less reliance on the school, and the world of work?
a.    Paolo Freire            c. Paul Goodman
b.    Ivan  Illich               d. Jean Paul Sartre
162.      Human dignity is inherent in every person. This means that
a.   The inner worth of a person depends on what he has
b.   The inner worth of a person depends on how he/she looks
c.   The inner worth of a person depends on what he can do
d.   The inner worth of a person is in him/her she looks
163.      Which of the following runs counter to the development of honesty and accountability?
a.    Being vigilant about weights and measures used in the markets
b.    Equal payment of government employee’s productivity pay
c.    Payment of just wages to workers and employees
d.    Transparent in operations of the barangay and other  organizations through public reporting
164.      Which are said to be our wellspring of excellence?
a.    Third largest English-speaking nation, tiger economy, inventor of people’s power revolution
b.    Tiger economy, superior human resources
c.    Tiger largest English-speaking nation, superior human resources, inventor of people’s power revolution
d.    Tiger economy, the inventor of people’s power revolution, superior, human resources
165.      Which among these goals for change was proposed by the moral Recovery Program?
a.    A sense of justice and outrage over its violation, a sense of national pride, a sense of seriousness
b.    A sense of national guide, a sense of seriousness, sense of common good
c.    A sense of national guide, a sense of seriousness, sense of national justice and outrage over its violation
d.    A sense of national guide, a sense of the common good, a sense of justice and outrage over its violation
166.      The code of ethics for teachers states that school officials shall encourage and attend to the professional growth of all teachers.
According to the Code school officials can do this by:
a.  Giving them due recognition for meritorious performance by allowing them to participate in conferences and training programs
ecommending teachers for promotion
b.  Recommending teachers for promotion, organizing teachers in a professional organization
c.  Allowing them to participate  in conferences  and training programs
d.  Organizing teachers into a professional organization, giving them due recognition for meritorious performance and recommending
teachers for promotion
167.      Which thrust on value formation is intended to help the students identify and be aware of their values?
a.    Analysis                 c. Value inculcation    
b.    Value clarification   d. Moral development
168.      The idea that there should be less reliance on the school and greater use of education potential of the community and the world of
work is the essence of:
a.    Community-based education   
b.    Formal education
c.    Multi-grade teaching
d.    Mobile teaching
169.      It is said that the big drama development is played out in small scenes. Which one does not serve as a further explanation of this
a.   Ordinary things done by ordinary people are the solid building blocks on which a nation develops
b.   Details can make a significant difference
c.   Much of our personal development and progress of the nation depends on how extraordinary well we do the ordinary things
d.   Let us give attention to major things because they are the ones that matter
170.      Which of the following characteristics does not apply to Plato’s just society?
a.    The artists are creative
b.    The leaders are wise
c.    The soldiers are courageous
d.    The working class are temperant
171.      Martin Buber’s “ dialogic principle” requires as restructuring of society which can be achieved by:
a.   Communism which cannot tolerate multiplicity and freedom
b.   Fascism which cannot allow dialogue
c.   Democracy which requires centralistic political set up
d.   Democratic socialism which advocates a genuine dialogue life
172.      Which of the following statements about society is TRUE?
a.    Revolution produce the opposite of their goals
b.    Ethnic cleansing leads to social unanimity
c.    “ Social education “ leads to a mature society
d.    Cooperative education is a means to Social education?
173.      Which of the following statements defines ethics?
a.    The science of correct thinking
b.    The study of being a general
c.    The study of the nature of human knowledge
d.    The study of rightness or wrongness of human knowledge
174.      Which of the following dose not characterize fascism?
a.    A government of laws and not of men
b.    Rigid hierarchy and authority of single leader
c.    Militarist, nationalist and dictatorial regime
d.    It justifies any of its means by its end
175.      Which of the following is not Anarchism?
a.  Freedom and responsibility
b.  Social organization without hierarchy
c.  Extreme view of individual freedom
d.  Destruction of the state and its supporting institution
176.      In which of the following acts would you attribute responsibility?
a.  A barkeeper sells liquor to a minor not knowing he is an adult
b.  A barkeeper sells liquor to a minor not knowing it is illegal to do so
c.  A barkeeper sells liquor to a client not knowing it is contaminated with poison
d.  A barkeeper sells liquor not knowing it would cause the death of a diabetic person
177.      The values of the people are revealed in the following approaches, Except One
a.   When they are asked to choose freely among alternative
b.   When they act out what they choose but for a short while and not repeatedly
c.   When they act out what they choose
d.   When they are asked to choose among alternatives
178.      To attain harmony in society people  must rule their subjects with benevolence . whose teaching was this?
a.    Mohammad            c. Buddha 
b.    Kung-fu-zu             d. Lao Tzu
179.      The concept that school failed to encourage positive learning and were opposed to the production of independently-minded adults
was popularized by:
a.    Paolo Freire              c. Paul Goodman     
b.    John Dewey            d. Ivan Illich
180.      Which type of conscience is possessed by one who is extremely rigorous and is constantly afraid of committing evil?
a.    Scrupulous              c. Certain conscience
b.    Lax conscience        d. Certain conscience
181.      The following EXCEPT ONE are the strength of Filipino  character
a.    Pakikipagkapwa-tao  c. Frankness
b.    Family orientation    d. Joy of humor
182.      Which of the following is the Aristotlelian definition of happiness?
a.  One’s ultimate achievements in life
b.  A state made perfectly the aggregation of good things
c.  The satisfaction of all desires and the absence of pain
d.  The experience of the fulfillment of possibilities
183.      One of the following statements about passion is NOT TRUE?
a.   Passion does not affect voluntariness
b.   Passion may completely destroy freedom
c.   passion tends to blind the judgment of the intellect
d.   passion cannot affect freedom
184.      Which does not characterize a non-violent society?
a.    Solves problems in non-adversarial way
b.    Prefers indigenous ways of solving problems
c.    A passive society
d.    Solves problems in a non-confrontational way
185.      Which statement holds true of values clarification?
a.  Values are objective; no person has the right set of values to pass on to others
b.  It is meant to help students get at their own feelings, ideas, and belief’s; no person has the right set of values to pass on to others
c.  No person has the right set of values to pass on to others; values are independent of time
d.  Values are independent of time, place, and persons; meant to help students get at their own feelings and ideas
186.      Based on the Code of Ethics for teachers, which of the following may teachers Not do?
a.   Welcomes the opportunity to lead in barangay
b.   Studies and understands local customs and traditions
c.   Deducts points from students scholastic ratings as a form of punishment
d.   Attends church and worship of his choice joy and humor
187.      Which type of justice implies the duty of one individual to give another what he is due?
a.    International justice
b.    Distributive justice  
c.    Social justice
d.    Commutative justice
188.      It is said that our level of achievement is always lower than our level of aspiration. This suggests that:
a.   We should aim high           
b.   We should not be over ambitious
c.   We should think and act local
d.   We should set over aspirations because it is damaging if we cannot realize them
189.      John Dewey advocates which of the following?
a.   Something is true if it works
b.   Morality is for persons
c.   Everything in this world is tentative, a series of means and ends
d.   What is right or wrong depends on the situation
190.      Which is NOT the goal of true authority?
a.  To bring out the best in others
b.  To set the examples for others
c.  To coerce others to do what people in authority desire them to do
d.  To help, from and guide others
191.      In moral life, responsibility depends on one’s knowingly and freely doing an act.  In which of the following situations would you
attribute responsibility?
a.  A nurse administers a medicine despite strong doubts about it
b.  A four year old fires a loaded gun killing his own father
c.  A person unknowingly passes counterfeit money
d.  An insane person strikes someone’s head with a hammer
192.      “ Life is what you make it”. What you become is up to you. This thought comes  from the:
a.    Existentialist           c. Idealist
b.    Realist                            d. Philosophical analyst
193.      According to Plato, the good form of government is
a.    Oligarchy                c. emocracy  
b.    Aristocracy             d. Monarchy
194.      Which of the following ways of life refer to Taoism?
a.    Practice an all-embracing love 
b.    Practice the golden rule
c.    Love one another
d.    Be natural
195.       “ Without a vision, a people perish.” Says the Book of Proverbs. This shows how important a vision is. What does a vision Not do
to a person’s life?
a.   It guides him/her to follow the most efficient route
b.   It dilutes his/her attention
c.    It keeps him/her focused on one direction
d.    It keeps him/her inspired
196.      Which lie is the worst of all lies?
a.    An officious lie    c. A malicious lie   
b.    A material lie       d. A jocose lie
197.      Which of the following does not refer to existentialism?
a.    Each man shapes his own life and destiny
b.    Existence means self-choice and self-determination
c.    Existence means creativity and uniqueness
d.    Social existence means anarchy and violence
198.      Which is ethical for a teacher to do in a situation where she/he falls in love with a student or when a student falls in love with
his/her teacher?
a.  The teacher avoids that learner
b.  The teacher exercise discretion to avoid scandal and gossip and preferential treatment of that learned
c.  The teacher resigns from his/her teaching job
d.  The teacher advises the student to discontinue with  his/her studies
199.      Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of an ideal social principle?
a.  Restructure society to crates a union of communities
b.  Advocate direct life-relations between men and men
c.  De-emphasize centralization of power
d.  Advocate an ethics of manipulation
200.      If a ruler wants to maintain himself in power he must govern by moral power. Upon whose teaching is this based?
a.    Kung-fu-tzu            c. Buddha     
b.    Lao Tzu                  d. Mohammad

Answer Key:

151.     B
152.     C
153.     B
154.     A
155.     A
156.     C
157.     B
158.     B
159.     D
160.  C
161.  C
162.  A
163.  B
164.  A
165.  C
166.  A
167.  B
168.  A
169.  D
170.  D
171.  D
172.  C
173.  D
174.  A
175.  A
176.  C
177.  B
178.  D
179.  A
180.  A
181.  C
182.  C
183.  A
184.  C
185.  B
186.  C
187.  C
188.  A
189.  C
190.  C
191.  A
192.  A
193.  B
194.  D
195.  B
196.  D
197.  D
198.  B
199.  C
200.  C

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