Assignment No. 2 (Oblicon)

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Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1156-1162

Define the following:

1. Obligation
2. Quasi-contract
3. Compliance in good faith
4. Wrong
5. Solutio indebiti

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 2 Nature and Effect of Obligations Article 1163-1178

Define the following:

1. Generic or indeterminate thing

2. Personal right
3. Legal delay or default
4. Fortuitous event
5. Diligence of a good father of a family

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 3 Different Kinds of Obligations Article 1179-1192

Define the following:

1. Condition
2. Civil loss
3. Reciprocal obligations
4. Pure obligation
5. Potestative condition

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 3 Different Kinds of Obligations Article 1193-1198

Define the following:

1. Obligation with a period

2. Period
3. Indefinite period

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 3 Different Kinds of Obligations Article 1199-1206

Define the following:

1. Alternative obligation
2. Facultative obligation
3. Conjunctive obligation

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 3 Different Kinds of Obligations Article 1207- 1222

Define the following:

1. Joint obligation
2. Solidary obligation
3. Active solidarity
4. Joint indivisible obligation
5. Solidary divisible obligation-

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 3 Different Kinds of Obligations Article 1223-1225

Define the following:

1. Divisible obligation
2. Indivisible obligation
3. Legal indivisibility

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 3 Different Kinds of Obligations Article 1226-1230

Define the following:

1. Obligation with a penal clause

2. Penal clause
3. Joint penal clause

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 4 Extinguishment of Obligations Article 1232-1261

Define the following:

1. Payment
2. Dation in payment
3. Application of payment
4. Payment by cession
5. Consignation

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 4 Extinguishment of Obligations Article 1262- 1269

Define the following:

1. Legal impossibility
2. Loss of thing
3. Difficulty of performance

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 4 Extinguishment of Obligations Article 1270-1274
Define the following:

1. Condonation or remission of debt-

2. In officious remission

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 4 Extinguishment of Obligations Article 1275-1277

Define the following:

1. Confusion
2. Merger

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 4 Extinguishment of Obligations Article 1278- 1290

Define the following:

1. Compensation
2. Legal compensation
3. Facultative compensation

Explain and answer the following:

Chapter 4 Extinguishment of Obligations Article 1291-1304
Define the following:

1. Novation
2. Mixed novation
3. Expromission
4. Delegacion

Explain and answer the following:

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