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Selection tool – use this to select and move clips around the timeline
Track select tool – Select every clip to the right of the selection
Track select back – Select every clip to the left of the selection
Ripple edit tool - Ripple Edit is a trim tool used to trim a clip and “ripple” the rest of the clips in the
timeline. This effectively will close the gap between the two edit points instantly at the point where
you make the edit.
- Hold alt and you can move clips one frame at a time.
- Shift + alt = move 5 frames at a time
Rolling edit tool - Rolling Edit is another trim tool used for fine-tuning and adjustments. However,
instead of trimming a clip and rippling the rest of the timeline, you perform a Rolling Edit by moving
the edit point either forwards or backwards in the sequence. Basically, the Rolling Edit moves the Out
point of the first clip and the In point of the second clip at the same time, allowing you to adjust both
clips with one move.
- Click and hold ripple edit to select tool
- Good for using with ‘match on action’
- Tip: Cut to the next clip half way through the action, you don’t need to show every action
Rate stretch tool - The Rate Stretch tool will help you either speed up or slow down clips in your
Slip/slide tool - The Slip tool “slips” the clip’s source In and Out point, but doesn’t move it on the
While using the Slip tool, the program monitor shows you the frame before and after the clip, and
gives you a live preview of the source In and Out points, with a source timecode included, as well.
This is helpful if you’re looking to make some tiny frame-by-frame adjustments, but you don’t want
to mess up your whole timeline.
*NOTE – you can’t use this tool if there are no clip handles*
Pen tool – Used to draw in track automation on the timeline

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