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Lesson 12 - Review of Reported Speech (Part 3)

A. Reporting verb patterns
1. Complete the situation with say or tell in the correct form.
1. Anna ……………………. goodbye to me and left.
2. ……………………. us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time?
3. Don’t just stand there. ……………………. something!
4. I wonder where Sue is. She ……………………. she would be here at 8 o’clock.
5. Dan ……………………. me that he was bored with his job.
6. The doctor ……………………. that I should rest for at least a week.
7. Gary couldn’t help me. He ……………………. me to ask Chris.
8. Gary couldn’t help me. He ……………………. to ask Chris.
9. Don’t ……………………. anybody what I ……………………. It’s a secret between us.
10. ‘Did Kate ……………………. you happened?’ - ‘No, she didn’t ……………………. anything to me.’
2. Choose the correct words. In FOUR sentences, both answers are possible.
1. We told (you/ to you) that we couldn’t see you that evening.
2. The thief finally admitted (to stealing/ that he had stolen) the painting from the gallery.
3. Your representative said (my husband/ to my husband) that no payment would be taken.
4. The dentist suggested (that I should visit/ visiting) him more regularly.
5. The programme makers apologised (upsetting/ for upsetting) a lot of people.
6. Mario insisted (on buying/ that he should buy) dinner for me as a ’thank you’.
7. She complained to my manager (that I was lazy/ about my being lazy).
8. The school encouraged (its students/ to its students) to go to university.
3. The Anglian bus company wants to stop its service between Milchester and Little Wittering
village. An Anglian manager, Mr Budge, is at a meeting in the village. Report what is said.
1. ‘The service is losing money.’
Mr Budge explained that ..........................................................................................................................
2. ‘Please try to understand our position.’
He asked the villagers ...............................................................................................................................
3. ‘Lots of people use the buses.’
Mr Crane said that ....................................................................................................................................
4. ‘How can we get to town?’
Mrs Mnston asked ....................................................................................................................................
5. ‘Most people in the village have got a car.’
Mr Budge replied that ..............................................................................................................................
6. ‘You must keep quiet and listen, everyone!’
The chairman told everyone .....................................................................................................................
7. ‘What’s going to happen to the school bus?’
Mrs Davis asked ........................................................................................................................................
8. ‘It will continue to run.’
Mr Budge answered that ..........................................................................................................................

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9. ‘The village needs a bus service.’
Mr Rice said that .......................................................................................................................................
10. ‘Can you start your own service?’
Mr Budge wondered .................................................................................................................................
11. ‘Can everyone please protest to the government?’
Mr Hepplestone asked everyone ..............................................................................................................

4. Report the spoken words, using the verbs in brackets.

1. ‘OK, Dad. I did take £5 from your wallet, but it was to buy Mum a birthday card.’ (ADMIT)
The boy ......................................................................................................................................................
2. ‘Would you like me to open the windows?’ (OFFER)
The woman ...............................................................................................................................................
3. ‘In answer to your question, the club accepts members of all ages.’ (REPLY)
The assistant .............................................................................................................................................
4. ‘I really am the best electrician in the area.’ (CLAIM)
He ..............................................................................................................................................................
5. ‘Please try one of my cakes - they’re delicious. You will? Good.’ (PERSUADE)
My friend ...................................................................................................................................................
6. ‘We didn’t tell the reporter about the company’s financial problems.’ (ADMIT)
The managers ............................................................................................................................................

5. Complete the conversation with the verbs from the box.

agreed announced apologised encouraged

regretted said told thanked

Rashid Sorry I’m late. Have you seen the news yet?
Ben No. My dad called - he insisted on telling me all about his holiday. Why?
Rashid Well, you know there’s been a bit of trouble with the TV company I work for?
Ben The complaints about that really violent series, yeah.
Rashid The managing director called the whole company to a meeting after work and (1) …………………….
that he was going to resign this evening! He (2) ……………………. that he took full responsibility for
the problems, because he’d (3) ……………………. to show the series although he knew how violent
it was, so it was his fault.
Ben That’s amazing, isn’t it?
Rashid Yes, well, he’s a very honourable man. He (4) ……………………. for causing any difficulties for his
staff, you know, with reporters, and (5) ……………………. us all that he was very proud of the way
we had behaved over the last two weeks.
Ben Did anyone ask how he felt about leaving?
Rashid Yes, he said he (6) ……………………. having to make this decision, but it was the only one he could
make. Anyway, he (7) ……………………. us for supporting him, and (8) ……………………. us to stay on
and make the company a success.

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B. Mix
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. Maria said last Saturday that she ……….. her mother in hospital the day before.
A. had visited B. visited C. was visiting
2. Mike said yesterday that he ……….. us as soon as he had any news.
A. calls B. will call C. would call
3. The doctor told me that I ……….. drink less coffee.
A. shall B. should C. to
4. Jenna said the other day that she _______ to your party this evening.
A. comes B. had come C. is coming
5. ‘Are you and I both in the team for Saturday?’ - ‘Yes, Lewis said he’d selected both of ……….. ’
A. us B. you C. we
6. When I called the cinema the other day, they said all the tickets had sold out ………..
A. the day before B. the next day C. yesterday.
7. The receptionist asked us if ……….. upgrade to a better room.
A. we like to B. would we like to C. we would like to
8. My mum wanted to know which restaurant ……….. go to for Sunday lunch.
A. we want to B. we want C. do we want to
9. I asked that man where ……….., but he doesn’t know the city.
A. is the nearest metro B. was the nearest metro C. the nearest metro was
10. Your sister wants to know where ……….. her football boots.
A. you put B. did you put C. do you put
11. Salima asked us why ……….. to the club recently.
A. we didn’t go B. we hadn’t been C. we weren’t
12. The general ordered his soldiers ………..
A. not to shoot B. not shoot C. to not shoot
13. ‘Will you stay for supper?’ → She asked ……….. for supper.
A. if I stayed B. me stay C. me to stay
14. There are signs warning ……….. the city centre this weekend.
A. drivers avoid B. drivers to avoid C. avoid drivers
15. The shop assistant advised ……….. the following day.
A. me to come back B. me come back C. me coming back
16. The presenter told ……….. the show was over.
A. to her guests that B. her guests that C. that
17. The woman at the front ……….. we could use the back entrance.
A. said us B. said to C. said
18. The gym instructor suggested that ……….. do forty minutes a day at first.
A. me to B. I should C. me doing
19. The managing director thanked all his staff ……….. him during the crisis.
A. for supporting B. for support C. to support
20. I was very tired when I got home, so Pete offered ……….. dinner.
A. me to cook B. to cook C. cooking

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2. John had a row with his girlfriend, Julie. His friend Mark tried to help them get back together
and talked to Julie for John. Complete the conversation Mark had later with John.
Mark Julie, John’s asked me to talk to you.
Julie I don’t want to speak to him
Mark Look Julie, John’s really upset.
Julie I’m upset too.
Mark Will you just let me tell you his side of the story?
Julie I’m not interested. He promised to meet me at the restaurant, but he didn’t turn up. I don’t want
to see him again.
Mark But Julie, his car had broken down.
Julie So? I had my phone with me.
Mark But that’s the point. He tried to phone, but he couldn’t get through.
Julie I don’t believe he tried.
Mark Yes, he did. His phone wasn’t working, so he came to my flat and borrowed mine. Take a look at
my recent calls.
Julie OK, I’ll talk to him. Listen, I’m going to be late for work. I’ll meet him at six o’clock in the square.
Mark Thanks, Julie. He’ll be really happy. And I promise he’ll be there.
John What did Julie say?
Mark She said she (1) ……………………………………………………..
John Well, what did she say when you told her I was really upset?
Mark She said she (2) …………………………………………….. too, so I asked her to let me explain your side of the
story. She said she (3) ………………………………………………….. You (4) ……………………………………………………..
to meet her at the restaurant, but you (5) …………………………………………………….. She said that she (6)
…………………………………………………….. again.
John Did you explain about the car?
Mark Yes, and she said she (7) ………………………………………………..……….. her phone with her. So I explained
you couldn’t get through, but she said she (8) ……………………………………..………………………….. you (9)
………………………………………………….. Then I told her that you (10) ……………………………………………………..
to my flat and that you (11) ………………………………………….………………….. my phone. I asked her if she
(12) ……………………………………………………………..….. at my recent calls. She did and she said she (13)
………………………………………………….. to you. Then she said she (14) …………………………………………………..
late for work, so we had to stop talking. You have to meet her in the square at six o’clock.
John Thanks, Mark. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me.
Mark That’s OK. Just don’t be late this evening.
3. Choose the correct words. In FIVE places, both answers are possible.
Mum Alan, how many times has your father told you (1. to not spend / not to spend) ages on the land
line? That’s what your mobile is for.
Alan Sorry, Mum, but that was a reporter from the local newspaper. She phoned me.
Mum Oh, what did she want?
Alan She wanted to know how I (2. was feeling / am feeling) after winning the regional final of the
Junior Musician of the Year competition.
Mum Oh, I see.

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Alan Yeah, she said she (3. has been / had been) at the competition and she thought that (4. I’d
performed/I performed) really well. She asked when (5. was I going/I was going) to the national
final, so I told (6. her / to her) that I might not go because I (7. can’t / couldn’t) afford to go to
Mum What did she say?
Alan She said that the local newspaper (8. will / would) sponsor me if money was a problem. She invited
me (9. going / to go) to the office tomorrow and have my photo taken for the paper. I said (10. I’m
not / I wasn’t) sure, you know, I said (11. her/to her) that I (12. had only done it / only did it) for a
laugh. But then she told me what a good opportunity (13. was it / it was) and she tried to persuade
me (14. to go / going) to the final.
Mum What did you say?
Alan I told her I’d see her (15. the next day / tomorrow) at her office, of course!

4. Two old friends, Carol and Alex met in the street one morning. Report what they said to each
other. Report what they said to each other, using the correct reported speech verb forms.
Alex Hi Carol. How are you?
Carol I’m really happy. I’ve started a new job and I’m having a great time there. The work is interesting
and the people are very friendly.
Alex What’s the job?
Carol I’m doing market research. I love it.
Alex I’m pleased for you. Listen, I have to go, but we can meet soon. It’ll be nice to have a long chat
about things.
Carol Yes, I haven’t seen you for ages. How about next week?
Alex We can’t meet next week because I’m going to be away. I won’t be back until Friday.
Carol Well, I’ll give you a ring on Saturday.
Alex Great. I’ll wait for you to call me.
Carol said that she (1) …………………………... really happy. She said that she (2) …………………………... a new
job and that she (3) …………………………... a great time there. She said that the work (4) ……………………………...
interesting and that the people (5) ……………………………... very friendly.
Carol said that she (6) ……………………………... market research and she (7) ……………………………... it. Alex
said that he (8) ……………………………... pleased for her. He said that he (9) ……………………………... but that they
(10) ……………………………... soon. He said that it (11) ……………………………... nice to have a long chat about
things. Carol said that she (12) ……………………………... Alex for ages.
Alex said that they (12) ……………………………... next week because he (13) ……………………………... away. He
said that he (15) ……………………………... back until Friday. Carol said she (16) ……………………………... him a ring
on Saturday. Alex said he (17) ……………………………... for her to call him.

5. FIVE of the sentences below contain a mistake, correct them. Tick (✓) the correct sentences.
The police officer asked me where did you work. ............................
The doctor told that I should have an X-ray as soon as possible. ............................
He phoned me last week and asked what I had been doing this morning. ............................
He admitted to leaving a cigarette burning in an ashtray, which caused the fire. ............................
That woman wanted to know where the nearest toilets. ............................
Our teacher said that the Hundred Years’ War lasted more than 100 years. ............................
We can’t go into the theatre yet - they told us to not. ............................
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6. Complete the rewritten story about an argument between neighbours, using the correct re-
ported speech forms.
My neighbour was having a party and the music was very loud. I said ‘Please turn the music down. It’s
causing me a problem. I can’t sleep because of it.’ He said ‘Shut up!’ I said ‘Don’t be so unpleasant. And
please don’t make so much noise.’ He said ‘I’m not going to turn it down.’ I said ‘I’ll call the police.’ He said
‘I don’t care. Go away.’ I phoned the police and said ‘Please come.’ They knocked on his door and said
‘Don’t disturb the neighbours.’ He smiled and said ‘I don’t want to upset anyone.’ He turned the music
down and I went to sleep. I’m not going to talk to him again.
My neighbour was having a party and the music was very loud. I asked (1) ………………………………………. the
music down. I told (2) ………………………………………. me a problem. I said (3) ……………………….………………….
because of it. He told (4) ………………………………………. I told (5) ………………………………………. so unpleasant.
Again, I asked (6) ………………………………………. so much noise. He told (7) ………………………………………. it down.
So I told (8) ………………………………...………. the police. He said (9) ………………...………………………. He told (10)
……………………………………….... I phoned the police and asked (11) ……………………..…………………. They knocked
on his door and asked (12) ………..…………………………... the neighbours. He smiled and said (13) ……….…………
……………………………. to upset anyone. He turned the music down and I went to sleep. I’m not going to talk
to him again.
7. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word in brackets.
Use TWO to FIVE words in your answer.
1. Gwyneth said: ‘Would you like to join our team in the quiz competition?’ (invited)
Gwyneth ……………………………………………………………….. their team in the quiz competition.
2. ‘Don’t run in the school corridors,’ the head teacher told us. (ordered)
The head teacher ……………………………………………………………….. in the school corridor.
3. ‘I’m really sorry that I didn’t remember your birthday,’ Jennie told her sister. (remembering)
Jennie ……………………………………………………………….. her sister’s birthday.
4. ‘My advice is that you shouldn’t give up your job yet,’ Dad told me. (to)
Dad ……………………………………………………………….. give up my job yet.
5. Our manager said to us, ‘I’m going to pay for everyone’s lunch and that’s final.’ (insisted)
Our manager ……………………………………………………………….. for everyone’s lunch.
6. ‘John, please don’t ride that motorbike again,’ said his father. (begged)
John’s father ……………………………………………………………….. ride that motorbike again.
8. Alex describes a road accident in Uzbekistan. Choose the correct options, noting that TWO
might be right.
They (1. warned / explained / advised) us not to make the journey at night from Tashkent to Samarkand.
The road would not be well lit, and at times there would be heavy traffic as lorries carried goods across
the country. But Trevor insisted (2. to travel / on travelling / that we travel), and he (3. suggested /
offered / persuaded) me to go with him. He didn’t have his driving license with him, and I refused (4. to
drive / driving / that I drive) all night, so we hired a taxi and a driver who needed the money. Around two
in the morning, we hit a cow that was trying to cross the road. A group of villagers came out to see what
had happened. At first the driver denied (5. hitting / that he had hit / to hit) the cow, but in the end he
(6. admitted / agreed / advised) that it was our fault. The police arrived, and we were blamed (7. for
causing / to cause / causing) the accident. Trever, of course, (8. objected / blamed / accused) me of
hiring the worst driver in Tashkent!
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9. Colin said all the things below during a Tuesday at work a week ago. Correct the reports if
they’re wrong. If they’re right, put a tick (✓).
I haven’t slept long enough! I might catch the bus if I run! When do I have to see the boss? I hadn’t ex-
pected to give a presentation! I’ll do more preparation next time. I forgot to go to the gym yesterday! I’m
sorry I spilled the coffee! I don’t want to pay for everyone’s biscuits! You’ve done well to become a senior
manager, Sally! I should finish my report before leaving! There’s more to life than work!
1. He said he hasn’t slept enough. ......................................
2. He said he might catch the bus if he ran. ......................................
3. He asked when he has to see the boss. ......................................
4. He said he hadn’t expected to give a presentation. ......................................
5. He said he will do more preparation next time. ......................................
6. He said he had forgotten to go to the gym yesterday. ......................................
7. He apologised for spilling the coffee. ......................................
8. He objected on paying for everyone’s biscuits. ......................................
9. He congratulated Sally to becoming a senior manager. ......................................
10. He said he should finish his report before leaving. ......................................
11. He said there is more to life than work. ......................................

10. Read the conversation between a student and her tutor, then complete the email below it
with one word in each gap.
Tutor Jess, could you come into my office, please?
Jess Of course.
Tutor Thanks. Jess, I’ve just read your essay, and it’s excellent.
Jess Thanks. That’s really good news!
Tutor Well, actually, it isn’t. Tell me, Jess, did you write that essay yourself?
Jess Of course I did.
Tutor Well, there’s a problem. I received an essay from another student in the group yesterday, and
your essay is almost identical to that one.
Jess I don’t understand. How is that possible?
Tutor Well, did you discuss it with other students?
Jess Yes, three or four of us worked on it together. You always say to us: ‘Don’t struggle on your
own; talk to other students.’
Tutor True, that could explain similarities, but your two essays are identical. I’m going to send the two
essays to the Head of Department tomorrow.
Jess What will happen?
Tutor This is the first time this situation has happened, so the Head of Department might just give
you a warning. But you really must be more careful in the future, Jess. You shouldn’t work too
closely with others when you’re writing essays. The department really can’t have problems like

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Subject: Problem at uni

I’m just writing to tell you about a really awful thing that has happened at university. This morning my
history tutor asked me to go into his office. When I got in, he said that he (1) …………………………….. just read
my latest essay and that it (2) …………………………….. excellent. I said that was good news, but then he said
that it (3) …………………………….. and he asked me (4) …………………………….. I’d written the essay myself. I told
him I had, but then he said that there was a problem. He said that he had received an essay from another
student in the group the day (5) …………………………….., and that (6) …………………………….. essay was almost
identical to that one. I (7) …………………………….. how that was possible, and he wanted to (8)
…………………………….. whether I had discussed it with other students. I told him that three or four of us had
(9) …………………………….. on it together - he always advises us (10) …………………………….. to struggle on our
own, and to talk to other students. Anyway, he said that (11) …………………………….. explain similarities but
that (12) …………………………….. essays were identical. He said he was going to send the two essays to the
Head of Department the (13) …………………………….. day. I asked him what (14) …………………………….. happen
and he said that as it was the first time the situation (15) ……………………..………….. happened, the Head of
Department (16) ……………………………….... just give (17) ………………………………...…….. a warning. He (18)
……………………………….. me to be more careful in future, and (19) ……………………...……….. me not to work too
closely with others when I (20) …………………………….. writing essays because the department couldn’t have
problems like that. I simply can’t understand what happened...

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