Week 7-9 Personal Goal Setting (SMART)

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Valenzuela City - Quezon City - Antipolo City - Pampanga - Cabanatuan

Veritas et Misericordia 2

Name: Andrea B. Autor Date: 10 – 07 – 20

Program: BSN Section: 2Y1 – 2


As a student, goals are imperative in forming personal success. One of the significant steps of a
person to achieve success is setting good goals. This will be advantageous for matured and well-
experienced individuals. Primarily, students nowadays are more knowledgeable on how to value time
management, build good communication among others, and appreciate values as regards professionalism.
Thus, you will be exposed to distinct goals known as SMART goals and how to practice those to increase
the likelihood of success.

Moreover, a goal is any objective that you would like to do or to set for yourself to become a
successful and better person. It may be a small goal like eating healthy food, going for a jog, taking a nap or
doing an assignment. Oftentimes, because of the demand, our goal becomes different and bigger after
achieving various goals. It may not always be easy in some cases but still, we need to endure and take it as
a challenge to learn and improve the new knowledge and experiences with regard to accomplishment.

In this module, we will review the special class of SMART goals and how you can strategically apply
to heighten your chances of success. It is important that we set our goals which are truly achievable or
otherwise it will disappoint and frustrate us when we did not meet our objectives. This is why goals should be

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. Enumerate the different components of SMART goals;
2. Use SMART components in creating personal goals.



In the document published by George T. Duran in 1981, who was then a consultant and director of
corporate planning for Washington Power Company, he introduced SMART goals as an instrument to
improve the likelihood of accomplishment. He crafted SMART as an acronym which means specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant and time bounded. These elements are necessary to come up with effective

Therefore, SMART stands for:

S – Specific

Being specific about the goal that you want to achieve is the primary concern of the first acronym. It
includes the answers to the common “w” questions:

 Who – In working with groups, the assignment of each member is crucial. Who are supposed to be
involved with the goal you want to achieve?
 What – Put it in your mind what exactly you want to achieve. It is essential to be specific and detailed
with what you want to accomplish.
 When – Set the time frame. It will be more detailed in T (time-bounded) but have an initial time frame
for the goal.


 Where – Whenever necessary, identify the location. It may not always be applicable but if needed,
you may include it here.
 Which – What are other requirements you need to fulfill to substantiate your goal. Possible obstacles
and challenges you may encounter may also be included. For example, you wanted to open a music
studio but you do not even a have a background or knowledge about music and musical instruments.
 Why – What is the rationale for the goal?

M – Measurable

What indicators are included to identify whether the goal has been achieved? It provides a method
to be able to measure your success and progress. If it is a long-term goal, it involves questions like ‘what are
the milestones to consider in accomplishing the tasks?’

A – Achievable

Always set goals which are attainable. Since we do not want to be discouraged, think about
measures to achieve the goal. Consider the tools and skills needed, and what it would take to achieve those.

R – Relevant

Focus on something that is appropriate and applicable. Set goals which are anchored to your broader
goals. For example, your broader goal is to take the examination on time; however, you also have a plan to
have a vacation on the same date. The goal that you set for a vacation is not relevant to the achievement of
your broader goal.

T – Time-bound

Lacking a realistic timing will most likely lead to unaccomplished goals; set deadlines and target
dates for your deliverables. Make sure that your goal can be accomplished within a period of time. Provide
milestones of achievement. What should be achieved a quarter or halfway the time? Providing time
constraints also creates a sense of urgency.


Activity 1. SMART Goal Worksheet. Presented is an example of making a SMART goal. Based on the
example and template, write your own SMART goals related to time management in school, healthy eating,
and saving. Answer the succeeding questions as your action plan to best attain your goals.


Goal: I want to have better grades in my subjects.

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

I want to get a I will go to my I will create a Getting good By the next term
grade of 90 or teacher and ask detailed daily and grades will help exams, I will be
above. My current for an advice on weekly schedule increase scoring high and
grade is 85. how to get a high and allocate employability in a get a 90 percent
grade. I will note enough time for highly competitive grade.
down the advice studying. I will job market.
and take follow my
measures to do instructor’s
better in my feedback about
studies. improved learning

1. Time Management in School


Goal: I want to be physically fit and healthy.

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

I want to Set myself a I will follow all This helps After 1 week of
manage my time the time me to do or practicing my
time management management finish my time
properly. everyday. that I set for things management
myself, especially schedule, I will
during online be able to
class. handle my time

This goal is important because:

This helps me to become a more mature and responsible student. _

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:

I handled my time properly.

Take Action!

Potential Obstacles Potential Solutions

procrastinating encourage my self,

Who are the people you will ask to help you?

None other than , myself only.

Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be taken to get you to your goal?

What? ExpectedCompletionDate Completed

Stop procrastinating and spending 1 week Yes.
my time to nonsense things.

2. Healthy Eating

Goal: I want to
have a healthier


Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

I want to achieve a I will set myself a I will prevent myself Having a healthier After following my
healthier lifestyle. more healthier meal from eating lifestyle may lessen daily meal plan, I will
plan every day. unhealthy foods and the percent of me be able to have a
focus on healthier getting illnesses. healthier lifestyle
foods. than before.

This goal is important because: Having a healthy lifestyle may lessen the chance to acquire other
diseases or illnesses.

The benefits of achieving this goal will be: This will keep me healthy and away from sickness.

Take Action!

Potential Obstacles Potential Solutions

Me being lazy to follow Encourage myself to
the daily meal plan. do the best for myself,

Who are the people you will ask to help you?

My parents and friends.
Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be taken to get you to your goal?

What? ExpectedCompletionDate Completed

Wake up early in the morning After approximately Yes.
and follow my daily meal plan. 1 month.
3. Saving
Goal: To help
myself save
more money.

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

To save money I will not buy things I will focus on what Helps me save After 1 week or 2,
that is not even is more necessary to money during will be able to save
necessary. buy. pandemic. money.


This goal is important because:
This will help me to focus on what’s more important, especially during pandemic.

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:

Helps me to save money for myself and expense it to important things.

Take Action!

Potential Obstacles Potential Solutions

Cheap and unnecessary Focus on my goal.
products on the internet.

Who are the people you will ask to help you?

My mother. She is best with budgeting and saving money.
Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be taken to get you to your goal?
What? ExpectedCompletionDate Completed
Not buying unnecessary products I 1 week or 2. Yes
see on the internet.

Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be taken to get you to your goal?

As a student, what do you think is the greatest challenge in making SMART goals? How is a SMART goal part of
creating a solution to the questions “what will you do” and “who will you be”?

As a student, I think the greatest challenge in making the SMART goals is the temptation to do our goals. We as a
teenager, it is not easy to not get bitten from the temptation especially if that would make ourself feel bett er.



Conzemius, A. et. al. (2006).The Power of SMART Goals to improve student learning.Solution Tree Press.
Scott, S.J. (2014). SMART Goals Made Simple. 10 Steps to master personal and career goals.
Createspace Independent Publishing.
SMART Goals 101: Goal Setting Examples, Templates & Tips. Retrieved May 3, 2018 from
The Essential Guide to Writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Retrieved May 4, 2018 from


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