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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6

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Nickel based catalysts for methane dry reforming:

Effect of supports on catalytic activity and stability

Cristina Pizzolitto a, Eva Pupulin a, Federica Menegazzo a, Elena Ghedini a,

Alessandro Di Michele b, Maurizio Mattarelli b, Giuseppe Cruciani c,
Michela Signoretto a,*
CATMAT Lab, Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, Ca’ Foscari University Venice and INSTM RU
of Venice, Via Torino 155, I-30172, Venezia Mestre, Italy
Department of Physics and Geology, University of Perugia, Via Pascoli 1, I-06123, Perugia, Italy
Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Via Saragat 1, I-44100, Ferrara, Italy

highlights graphical abstract

 Nickel-based catalysts were

investigated for Methane dry
reforming (MDR).
 Different supports (Ceria, zirconia,
alumina, silica, titania) were
 Silica and zirconia present
moderated activity due to the poor
support stability.
 Most promising results were ob-
tained with ceria and alumina-
based catalysts.
 Alumina catalyst has proved to be
the most stable towards MDR.

article info abstract

Article history: Methane dry reforming (MDR) is a promising process for syngas production through the
Received 13 May 2019 valorisation of two of the main Greenhouse gases. Despite the high endothermicity, it
Received in revised form should be carried out at low temperature to directly use the syngas for Fischer-Tropsch
27 August 2019 reaction and oxygenated chemical production. The catalyst plays a key role in this pro-
Accepted 4 September 2019 cess as it must encourage syngas formation by limiting coke deactivation. This work
Available online 4 October 2019 focusses the attention on the effect of different supports in the activity and stability of
nickel-based catalysts. In particular, MDR has been studied at relatively low temperature,
Keywords: 500  C, to deeply investigate how the support influences the reaction pathway. Ceria, zir-
Ni catalysts conia, alumina, silica and titania were considered and the morphological and structural
Methane dry reforming features of the materials were analysed via N2-physisorption, AAS, TPR, XRD, CO2-TPD, and
Catalysts' deactivation SEM techniques. Moreover, by analysing the spent catalysts, it was possible to identify the
Support effect causes of catalysts deactivation. Titania based catalyst is not active for MDR, while silica

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Signoretto).
0360-3199/© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28066 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6

and zirconia present moderated activity due to the poor support stability. Most promising
results are obtained with ceria and alumina-based catalysts; for these materials, 70-h re-
action was carried out and alumina catalyst has proved to be the most stable towards MDR
at low reaction temperature with a stable H2 yield of 25% .
© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction CH4 ¼ C þ H2 DH0 ¼ 74.9 kJ/mol (5)

Drastic changes into the energy sector must be developed to

2CO ¼ C þ CO DH0 ¼ 172.4 kJ/mol (6)
observe the Paris Agreement stipulated in December 2015. The
aim of this pact, written below 195 countries, is to restrict the
CO2 þ 2H2 ¼ C þ 2H2O DH0 ¼ 90 kJ/mol (7)
increase of the average global temperature below 2  C above
pre-industrial levels [1]. In this contest, CO2 and CH4 are the
H2 þ CO ¼ H2O þ C DH0 ¼ 131.3 kJ/mol (8)
two main components that contribute to the Greenhouse
gases (GHGs) emissions, for 76% and 15.8% respectively [2].
Methane decomposition requires high reaction tempera-
Accordingly, capture, storage, and utilization of these gases
ture to occur, generally above 557  C, while the other re-
could be a proper solution to settle the problem [3]. For this
actions, being more exothermic, are developed mainly under
purpose, catalytic conversion of these gases into syngas,
700  C [7,8]. Wang et al. [9] reported that a temperature above
trough methane dry reforming (MDR, reaction 1), has attracted
850  C is required to achieve high conversion and to limit coke
much attention in recent years. Indeed, methane dry
deactivation. Nevertheless, the high-temperature condition
reforming combines the limitation of GHGs emission with the
involves a huge cost of heating and loss of energy efficiency. In
production of an important industrial resource [4].
fact, syngas is generally used in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis,
that works under 300  C. For this reason, this paper focuses
CH4 þ CO2 ¼ 2 CO þ 2H2 DH0 ¼ 247 kJ/mol (1) the attention on the evaluation of a catalyst able to work at the
low-temperature condition with high stability and activity. In
Syngas produced by this reaction has a H2/CO ratio close to
particular, supports for nickel-based catalysts have been
unit; this can be used to prepare acetic acid, dimethyl ether
studied. Nickel, indeed, is the most common non-noble metal
and oxo-alcohols. Moreover, by the addition of a Water Gas
used in reforming reaction; multiple reviews summarise the
Shift step, this ratio can be easily tuned to 2 and used in
effect of supports on nickel stability and activity for MDR but
Fischer-Tropsch and methanol synthesis. Nevertheless, the
all these works pay the attention to above 600  C reaction
applicability of this reaction at the industrial level is restricted
temperature [10e13]. Reducing reaction temperature should
due to the high endothermicity of the process. In comparison
be an important step to limit energy demand but also to
with methane steam reforming (MSR, reaction 2) and partial
reduce nickel sintering that is the main drawback of this
oxidation (PO, reaction 3), it requires a higher amount of en-
active phase. Therefore, ceria, zirconia, alumina, silica and
ergy to be activated due to the strong stability of CO2 molecule
titania [14e19] have been evaluated as support of nickel
(dissociation energy of COeO: 526 kJ/mol) [5].
catalyst. These materials are the most common supports in
catalysis and they own different properties such as surface
CH4 þ H2O ¼ 3H2 þ CO DH0 ¼ 206 kJ/mol (2)
area, acid-base features and redox ability. Moreover, they can
differently affect nickel's stability and reducibility. In this
CH4 þ ½ O2 ¼ 2H2 þ CO DH0 ¼ 36 kJ/mol (3)
work, all these properties have been evaluated via N2-phys-
isorption, TPR, XRD, CO2-TPD, and SEM techniques. Moreover,
In addition, the equilibrium of MDR process is controlled by
as reported by Jang et al. [10], carbon formation is not only
the simultaneous reaction of reverse water gas shift (RWGS,
connected with the operation condition, but it is strongly
reaction 4) that increases the conversion of CO2, decreasing
dependent on the type of catalyst. In fact, as reported by Seo
the H2 yield.
et al. [20], methane dry reforming reaction arise via two main
steps: decomposition of methane and CO2 dissociation. The
CO2 þ H2 ¼ CO þ H2O DH0 ¼ 36 kJ/mol (4)
first reaction takes place through the CH3 adsorption on the
top of Ni atom and it's generally favoured on the nickel step
For this reason, the catalyst has a strongly influence on
sites than on the nickel terraces. Therefore, small nickel
the efficiency of the process because it must activate re-
nanoparticles present more activity than the bigger one.
agents over the surface, limiting unwanted reactions.
Moreover, after the decomposition of CH4, carbon atoms are
Methane decomposition (reaction 5), CO disproportion (re-
left on the surface. To maintain high activity and stability of
action 6), hydrogenation of CO2 (reaction 7) and CO (reaction
the catalyst, oxidation of on carbon atoms is necessary and it
8) are the main reactions responsible for carbon formation
can happen by the interaction with atomic oxygen. The CO2
during MDR [6].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6 28067

dissociation is the main route for oxygen formation; it is re- (Sigma Aldrich) aqueous solution in order to obtain 10 wt% of
ported that high basicity properties of the catalyst can guar- nickel on the material. After drying at 110  C for 18 h, calci-
antee a proper CO2 dissociation. Therefore, support has nation was carried out at 550  C in flowing air (30 mL/min) for
crucial importance in methane dry reforming reaction since it 4 h.
must interact strongly with nickel phase guaranteeing a good Samples are denoted as NiCe, NiZr, NiAl, NiSi and NiTi.
dispersion and preventing its sintering. Moreover, it must
have a good balance of acid-basic and redox properties to limit Characterizations
coke formation. For all these reasons, a deep analysis of spent
catalysts was carried out via SEM and Raman spectroscopy to Specific surface areas and pore size distributions were evalu-
correlate the catalysts deactivation with their features. For all ated from N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms at 196  C
these reasons, considering how temperature conditions can using a Tristal II Plus Micromeritics. Surface area was calcu-
affect catalytic properties, especially for thermal and me- lated using B.E.T. equation [22] while pore size distribution
chanical stability and redox ability, it was decided to carry out, was determined by the B.J.H. method [23], applied to the N2
for the first time, MDR reaction at 500  C in order to evaluate desorption branch of the isotherm.
and compare the activity of the most common supports (ceria, The metals amount was determined via atomic absorption
zirconia, alumina, silica and titania) at this low temperature spectroscopy (AAS) using a Perkin-Elmer Analyst 100. Prior to
condition. It is important to point out the relevance of the analysis, each sample was disintegrated in aqua regia
decrease the reaction temperature since it can be an energetic under reflux for 5 h.
solution for the direct use of syngas produced by MDR. The Temperature Programme Reduction (TPR) measure-
ments were carried out by placing the catalyst in a quartz
reactor heating in a reductive mixture flow (5% H2/Ar 40 mL/
Experimental min) at a heating rate of 10  C/min from 25 to 800  C. H2
consumption was monitoring by a Gow-Mac TCD detector.
Supports preparation X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analyses were carried out
by a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer equipped with a Si(Li)
Ceria support (denoted as Ce) was synthesized by precipita- solid state detector (SOL-X) and a sealed tube providing Cu Ka
tion of an aqueous solution of (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 (Sigma Aldrich) radiation. The quantitative phase analysis and crystal size
using urea. The solution was maintained at 100  C for 6 h. determination of the support and metal phases in the samples
After that, the precipitate was washed in boiling deionized were obtained by the Rietveld refinement method. The sam-
water and dried at 110  C for 18 h. Calcination was performed ples were reduced in H2 flow for 1 h at 550  C before the
at 550  C under air flow (30 mL/min) for 4 h. analysis.
Zirconia support (denoted as Zr) was synthesized by pre- Temperature programmed desorption using CO2 as probe
cipitation of an aqueous solution of ZrOCl28H2O (Sigma molecule (CO2-TPD) was carried out in the same lab-made
Aldrich) with NH3 at constant pH ¼ 8.5. The solution was aged equipment used for TPR. Samples were exposed to CO2 pul-
at 90  C for 20 h. The precipitate was washed and dried at ses of 0.7 mL each to obtain over saturation of the samples.
110  C for 18 h. Then zirconium hydroxide was calcined at After cleaning the surface with He flow (30 mL/min) for 0.5 h
550  C in flowing air (30 mL/min) for 3 h. at room temperature, samples were heated with a tempera-
A commercial g-alumina support (Condea) was used ture rate of 10  C/min from 25  C to 800  C in He flow
(denoted as Al). (30 mL/min).
Silica based support, a ordered mesoporous SBA-15 SEM images of fresh and used samples were obtained using
(denoted as Si) was synthesized following the procedure re- a Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopy LEO 1525,
ported by Ghedini et al. [21]. For the preparation of SBA-15, 8 g after metallization with graphite. The images were acquired
of Pluronic 123 were dissolved in an aqueous solution of HCl by Inlens detector while elemental composition was deter-
(Sigma Aldrich), then the silica precursor (TEOS, Aldrich, pu- mined using Bruker Quantax EDS.
rity 98%) was added dropwise. The system was aged at the Raman spectra were collected using a micro-Raman setup
same temperature for 20 h, then at 100  C for 48 h in a her- equipped with a solid state laser operating at l ¼ 532 nm,
metically sealed vessel. The solid was extensively washed whose power was reduced to less than 10 mW to decrease the
with distilled water and dried at 60  C for 18 h. Calcination step thermal effects on the sample. The Raman setup consists of
was performed at 500  C in flowing air (50 mL/min STP) for 6 h. iHR320 Triax Imaging Spectrometer (HORIBA Jobin Yvon)
Titania support (denoted as Ti) was prepared by precipi- coupled in an home-made configuration with a CM1 micro-
tation of aqueous solution of TiOSO4 xH2SO4 xH2O (Aldrich) scope purchased from the JRS Scientific Instruments
with NaOH (9 M) at constant pH of 5.5. The precipitate was (Switzerland). The microscope was equipped with a 20X long
aged at 60  C for 20 h, then repeatedly washed with distilled working distance objective with a numerical aperture,
water and finally dried at 110  C for 18 h. Calcination was N.A. ¼ 0.42, providing a lateral resolution of about 2 mm. The
carried out at 550  C in flowing air (30 mL/min) for 4 h. VV polarized Raman signal collected in back scattering
configuration was dispersed by a 600 grooves/mm grating and
Catalyst preparation acquired by a liquid nitrogen cooled CCD detector
(1024256pixels), allowing the simultaneous acquisition of
Nickel was introduced on the calcined sample via incipient the Raman shift in the 100e3500 cm 1 spectral range with a
wetness impregnation with a proper amount of Ni(NO3)2*6H2O resolution of about 10 cm1. Before comparing the vibrational
28068 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6

peaks, the background contribution due to luminescence,

Table 1 e Physical-chemical properties of nickel
particularly intense for NiZr, was modelled by a spline curve
supported samples (Surface area calculated via B.E.T.
and subtracted [24]. equation, Pore volume, Average pore diameter, Effective
amount of nickel determined via Atomic Adsorption,
Catalytic tests Nickel particle size calculated via Rietveld and NiO
particle size distribution calculated via EDX).
The catalytic tests were performed with a PID reference NiCe NiZr NiAl NiSi NiTi
reactor (Process Integral Development Eng&Tech) coupled to a 2
Surface Area (m /g) 94 53 150 342 30
gas-chromatograph (HP 6890) as reported in Scheme 1. Pore Volume (cm3/g) 0.15 0.17 0.32 0.49 0.06
Microactivity-Effi reactor is an automatic computerized high- Average pore 5.8 12.2 7.8 6.4 8.2
pressure catalytic reactor, which includes the valves and diameter (nm)
process layout inside a hot box to avoid possible condensation Effective Ni 8.5 8.3 7.5 10.0 8.0
of volatile products, while also preheating the reactants effi- amount (wt%)
Ni particle size (nm) 17 11 20
ciently. The catalyst, after calcination, is pelletized and
NiO particle size 13 ± 4 20 ± 4 17 ± 3 19 ± 3; 73 ± 12 17 ± 3
reduced into small pellets with an average size of 0.3e0.4 mm. distribution (nm)
The reactor is loaded with 150 mg of catalyst mixed with SiC
reaching 1 mL of catalytic bed. Reduction of the catalyst was
performed in situ under H2 flow (30 mL/min) for 1 h at 500  C. Indeed, in heterogeneous catalysts, high surface area, strong
After the reduction, catalytic surface was cleaned by flowing interaction between support and metals and active phase's
helium (180 mL/min) for 1 h. Catalytic tests were carried out at dispersion are important parameters that must be studied.
500  C for 18 and 70 h using CH4/CO2/He reagent mixture (5/5/ First, N2-physisorption was performed; B.E.T. specific surface
90) in a total flow of 200 mL/min. After the analysis, the area and pore size distribution are reported in Table 1 mean-
following data were calculated: while N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms and corresponding
BJH pore size distributions are presented in Fig. 1. All graphs
fH2 out
H2 Yield ð%Þ ¼ *100 (9) show type IV isotherms, according to IUPAC classification,
2 fCH4 in
although differences in surface area and pore volume are
clear. Silica based material (NiSi), which is a SBA-15, has, as
H2 =CO ¼ (10) expected, the highest surface area value; this can be agreed
fCO out
with the previous samples prepared by with the same syn-
thetic approach [25]. Indeed, this catalyst presents an H1
Results and discussions hysteresis loop, characteristic of mesoporous material with
high specific surface area and narrow pore size distribution.
Preliminary characterizations Moreover, others present an H3 type hysteresis, typical of
materials that don't have a well-defined structure with wider
Preliminary characterizations were carried out to evaluate the pore size distribution, as its visible in Fig. 1 (lower part).
morphological and structural properties of the materials. Alumina and ceria supports guarantee a good surface area,

Scheme 1 e Lab set-up.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6 28069

Fig. 2 e TPR profile of the catalysts.

NiCe and NiZr, more NiO species have strong interaction with
the support while for NiSi and NiTi, there are lower interacting
species. For NiAl, it is quite difficult to identify a peak. In fact, a
broad peak starting from 300  C is visible. As reported by Ma
et al. [28], this behaviour can be assigned to well-dispersed
NiO species. Moreover, Ron-jun et al. reported that this
Fig. 1 e N2 physisorption isotherms (upper part) and BJH broad peak can be related to the formation of NiAl2O4 spinel
pore size distributions (lower part) for all the catalysts. due to the strong interaction of NiO and Al2O3 [29,30]. The
importance of TPR analysis is also associated with the reac-
tion temperature. In this work, catalytic tests were conducted
at 500  C. As can be seen in the TPR profiles, it is possible to
affirm that, in the reaction conditions, all nickel species
around 100 m2/g. On the other hand, the values of surface area should be reduced except for a small amount of NiTi. As a
for titania and zirconia are quite low. The effective amount of matter of fact, NiTi catalyst has two reduction peaks at 410  C
nickel was also determined via atomic adsorption analysis and 635  C. The latter is associated with nickel that strongly
and the results are reported in Table 1. As can be seen, NiCe, interacts with TiO2. Nevertheless, there is a lower intensive
NiZr, NiAl and NiTi present lower amount of nickel in com- peak which could be assigned to the small amount of unre-
parison with the nominal amount (10 wt%). duced nickel species.
TPR analysis were carried out to identify NiO reduction To further understand this fact, XRD analysis was per-
temperature and the interactions between NiO and supports. formed on the reduced samples to prove the efficiency of H2
Indeed, nickel has only one possible reduction stage, from reduction treatment performed before the reaction. Moreover,
Ni2þ to Ni0. Thus, different peaks in TPR analysis are associ- X-Ray diffraction measurements allow getting information
ated with different interactions between support and active regarding support and metal's crystal phase. Fig. 3 shows X-
phase [26]. As can be seen in TPR spectrums of all materials, Ray diffraction pattern for all the catalysts and the nickel
two nickel species are visible (Fig. 2). NiCe catalyst presents particle size determined via Rietveld analysis are reported in
two defined reduction peaks, at 250  C and 350  C associated the Table 1.
with nickel that weakly and strongly interacts with the sup- For NiSi, NiZr, and NiCe samples (Fig. 3), the occurrence of
port, respectively [27]. The behaviour of NiZr, NiSi and NiTi is nickel metal is clearly detectable from its most intense peaks
quite similar to ceria, despite the peaks appear at higher at 2q z 44,5 and 51,8 , associated respectively with (111) and
temperature. So, for all these catalysts, it is possible to affirm (200) Miller indexes of fcc nickel. However, no peak is detected
the existence of two reduced species which were weakly and at about 2q z 43,5 related to the NiO (200) phase (bunsenite).
strongly interacted with the support. In fact, the higher is the In conclusion, H2 reduction treatment at 500  C of NiSi, NiZr,
reduction temperature of nickel species, the stronger is the and NiCe samples allows to reduce all nickel oxide to in nickel
interaction with the support. However, the four mentioned metal making the active phase for the reaction. Regarding
catalysts are different in the relative area of the two peaks. NiCe catalyst, ceria peaks are visible at 2q z 28,5 33,1 47,5
Regarding NiCe and NiZr, the low-temperature peak is more 56,3 59,1 and 69,4 ; these are respectively associated to the
moderate than the one at high temperature; on the contrary, (111), (200), (220), (311), (222) and (400) of the fluorite type cubic
for NiSi and NiTi, the low temperature reduction peak is more phase. Concerning NiZr, both monoclinic and tetragonal
intense than the high temperature one. This suggests that for phases are present; peaks of m-ZrO2 are at 2q z 24,3 28
28070 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6

Fig. 3 e XRD pattern of reduced nickel supported catalysts.

31,55 34,2 40,8 44,9 45,5 49,4 54,0 55,4 while those of t- profile and Table 2 reports the number of basic sites, calcu-
ZrO2 are at 2q z 30,2 35,5 and 50,3 . As far as NiSi sample, lated by the integration of the desorption peaks. Wierzberg
mesoporous SBA-15 silica does not exhibit any peak in the et al. [32] divide the desorption curves into three different
XRD pattern of Fig. 3 due to the amorphous nature of the pore regions, associated respectively with weak (50e250  C), me-
walls. The mesopore order has been checked by low angle dium (300e600  C) and strong (600e800  C) basic sites. For
XRD, the relevant pattern is provided in supporting informa- NiCe, NiZr, and NiSi, three clear regions are visible; in partic-
tion (Fig. S1). ular, for NiCe the number of weak sites is the highest among
Samples NiTi and NiAl show a different behaviour in which the samples. Regarding NiAl, the second and last region are
the nickel metal phase is absent or below the XRD detection merged and indistinguishable. This gives high basicity to the
limit whereas it only occurs in oxide forms. The NiTi sample system; indeed, as reported in Table 2, it's the most basic one.
contains both the rutile and anatase TiO2 polymorphs while Ni Finally, for NiTi sample, only small pronounced peaks of weak
occurs in bunsenite (NiO) and in the ilmenite-type phase and medium basic sites are visible, making it the least basic
NiTiO3 [31]. Sample NiAl exhibits broad peaks associated to sample.
the poor crystalline g -Al2O3 phase which might mask some
minor occurrence of metal nickel. On the other hand, NiO Catalytic tests
peaks are clearly visible. As suggested by Ron-jun et al., The
possible formation of a spinel phase NiAl2O4 has been checked As previously stated, MDR is a promising process for syngas
by adding the NiAl2O4 crystal structure model in the Rietveld production due to its possible combination with acetic acid,
refinement. The profile fit does not support the occurrence of a dimethyl ether, and oxo-alcohols production and Fischer-
NiAl2O4 spinel phase. However, considering that the structure Tropsch synthesis. It has been reported that conducting
of g-Al2O3 can be described as a cubic defect spinel type in MDR at low reaction temperatures could help to develop an
which the oxygen atoms are arranged in a cubic close packing energetically advantageous system [33]. For this reason, cat-
and Al atoms occupy the octahedral and tetrahedral sites, it alytic tests were conducted at 500  C for 18 h. The activity and
cannot be ruled out that some Al3þ ions in the tetrahedral site stability of the catalysts in terms of hydrogen yield and carbon
of g-Al2O3 was replaced by Ni2þ ions. monoxide yield are presented in Fig. 6. The materials can be
SEM analysis of fresh catalysts after calcination were car- divided into three different groups: completely not active
ried out to understand the morphological feature of the ma- catalyst such as NiTi, materials that can be deactivated in time
terials and the Images are reported in Fig. 4. For all the such as NiZr and NiSi and the most active and stable catalysts
catalysts, a homogeneous distribution of NiO is visible while such as NiCe and NiAl. As was mentioned, NiTi doesn't show
for NiTi sample, the agglomeration of NiO nanoparticles is any kind of activity which is related to having the lowest CO2
evident. Furthermore, The NiO particle size was calculated adsorption property and lowest surface area. Moreover, as
and reported in Table 1. It is also perceived that NiSi has a analysed by XRD, it seems that the reduction step doesn't
double distribution of NiO nanoparticles, 19 ± 3 and 73 ± 12 nm allow to reduce NiO in its active form due to the incorporation
respectively. of part of the nickel inside the titania lattice. Moreover, SEM
CO2-TPD technique was carried out to evaluate surface image shows high amount of agglomerated nickel. Therefore,
basicity of the materials and to study the capacity of adsorp- no further investigation was carried out for NiTi catalyst. NiZr
tion of one of the MDR reagent. Fig. 5 presents the CO2-TPD and NiSi present quite similar behavior. They have a moderate
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6 28071

Fig. 4 e SEM images of fresh catalysts at 50.00Kx (left) and 250.00 KX (right) and NiO particle size distribution.

activity at the beginning of the reaction since hydrogen yield is ratio. As reported in the introduction part, one is the sto-
15% for NiSi and 14% for NiZr. Moreover, they are gradually chiometric ratio of MDR; nevertheless, different reactions
deactivated and reach the hydrogen yield of 4% and 5% after such as reverse water gas shift, CO disproportion and CH4
18 h, respectively. However, NiCe and NiAl catalysts are the decomposition can be involved. Fig. 7 reports the H2/CO trends
most active catalysts. for NiCe, 28% of hydrogen yield is on time of steam for all the catalysts.
registered in the first hours, getting to 22% after 18 h of reac- As it is visible, H2/CO ratio is lower than 1 for all the sam-
tion. On the contrary, NiAl remains stable during 18 h reaction ples. This fact is ascribed to the reaction temperature. Water
with constantly 20% of hydrogen yield. For all the samples, CO gas shift, in fact, is an exothermic reaction thus it is favoured
yield values are higher than H2 yield values nevertheless, the at low temperature. Therefore, it can compete with methane
CO and H2 trends are comparable. dry reforming at 500  C, consuming CO and decreasing H2/CO
Another important parameter that must be evaluated to ratio. At the same time, at the beginning of reaction, NiCe
understand the grade of deactivation of the catalysts is H2/CO catalyst presents a value next to the unit that gradually
28072 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6

Fig. 7 e H2/CO evolution for 18 h at 500  C for NiCe, NiZr,

NiAl and NiSi.

Fig. 5 e CO2-TPD profiles of nickel supported catalysts.

has a partially free surface whereas NiSi's surface is

completely covered by carbon nanotubes. The same trend is
decreases to 0,6 during 18 h. This fact gives a clear indication visible for the third group. NiCe and NiAl have a completely
to of how reaction pathway changes during the time of different effect in terms of carbon formation. NiAl is covered
stream. The same trend is observed for NiZr catalyst. For NiSi, by nanotubes meanwhile for NiCe, sporadic whisker carbons
small changes is are observed, from 0,7 to 0,4 meanwhile only are present.
for NiAl catalyst, a constant ratio is preserved. Raman spectra of used catalysts are reported in Fig. 9
which confirms this trend. At frequency below 1000 cm1 all
Characterisation of used catalysts the spectra show the peaks related to the oxide supports while
the peaks related to the carbon deposits are in the frequency
SEM, EDX and Raman spectroscopy were carried out on the range of 1350e2900 cm1. D, G, 2D and CH stretching peaks
used samples to understand the reasons of catalytic behav- appear at about 1350 cm1, 1580 cm1, 2700 cm1 and
iour. SEM images of used catalysts are reported in the left 2900 cm1, respectively [34]. These contributions are pre-
section of Fig. 8 and EDX images and Carbon mapping of the sented in all the samples with similar shapes, apart from NiTi
same materials are presented in the right section of Fig. 8. As sample where the broad asymmetric peak at 1500 cm1 in-
can be seen, NiTi has a completely free surface, with no car- dicates that the deposit has an amorphous nature. In the
bon formation. This can be agreed with catalytic test, in which others, the relative intensity of the different bands can give
no hydrogen production was obtained. However, the second further information on the catalytic process. In particular, it is
group of catalysts were gradually deactivated during the time. evident that the intensity of the carbon peaks is much higher
SEM images of NiZr and NiSi after 18 h of reaction are in the spectra of Si and Al based catalysts which is in agree-
completely different in cooperation with the first group. NiZr ment with the SEM images. Moreover, for these catalysts, it is

Table 2 e Distribution of basic sites for nickel supported catalysts.

Weak basic sites (mmol/g) Medium basic sites (mmol/g) Strong basic sites (mmol/g) Total basicity (mmol/g)
NiCe 102 88 51 242
NiZr 8 74 50 133
NiAl 8 132 91 231
NiSi 10 89 96 196
NiTi 28 48 27 103

Fig. 6 e H2 yield (section a) and CO yield (section b) evolution for 18 h of reaction at 500  C for all the reduced catalysts.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6 28073

Fig. 8 e SEM (left) and EDX (right) analysis of spent catalysts.

also possible to observe the significant contribution of the CH

vibration, potentially associated with the residual hydrocar-
bon compounds. The high intensity of the D band with respect
the G band (ID/IG > 1, for all the samples with the exception of
NiTi) indicates that the deposits is mainly in the form of
nanocarbon or highly defective multi walled carbon nano-
tubes [35].


As previously reported, NiTi catalyst, prepared in this way,

does not present any kind of activity for methane dry
reforming reaction. This behaviour can be ascribed to several
factors such as the low surface area and the irregular disper-
sion of Ni nanoparticles. Indeed, as was seen in the SEM im-
ages, nickel oxide agglomeration is visible. Moreover, in
Fig. 9 e Room temperature Raman spectra of used catalysts accordance with XRD technique, a part of nickel is incorpo-
upon 532 nm excitation. rated inside titania's lattice so it is inactive for the reaction.
28074 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6

Considering the activity of other catalysts, it is possible to stable activity in time. These data agree with literature results.
divide the materials into two groups, NiSieNiZr and Zhang et al. carried out catalytic test at 750  C using NiO
NiAleNiCe, respectively. Nevertheless, it cannot be consid- deposited over SiO2 demonstrating that the initial high ac-
ered the same if the attention is paid to selectivity. In this tivity is due to the large surface area and the high metal
contest, it is useful to look at H2/CO ratio, reported in Fig. 7. For dispersion [37]; as highlighted in current work, this material
NiSi and NiAl, the ratio remains almost constant during the gradually deactivated due to the low metal-support interac-
measurement whereas for NiCe and NiZr there is a gradual tion and the small support stability. Considering NiZr and
drop of the ratio, indicating a progressive increase of CO and NiCe catalysts, small number of nanotubes are formed during
decrease of H2. Therefore, the reaction pathway involved for the reaction. Despite the activity of NiCe is constant in time,
the catalysts is different. According to CO2-TPD, NiSi and NiAl NiZr is gradually deactivated during the 18 h of reaction.
are the catalysts with the stronger basic sites. As reported by Nevertheless, deactivation of the catalyst is not connected
Das et al. [36], excessive surface basicity lead to the catalyst with carbon coke deposition. As it is obvious in the SEM image
deactivation by carbon formation. In fact, excess amount of of used sample in Fig. 8, sintering of nickel nanoparticle over
CO, generated by CO2 dissociation, can favour Boudouard re- zirconia support is the main reason of catalyst deactivation.
action (reaction 6) generating filamentous carbon. For these As reported by Rezaei et al., introduction of promoters such as
catalysts, indeed, a huge amount of filamentous coke is visible CeO2, La2O3 and K2O is needed to improve the metal-support
by SEM and Raman spectroscopy of used catalysts. Moreover, interaction and as consequence the activity of NieZrO2 ma-
as was demonstrated in Fig. 7, the continuous consume of CO terial [38].
allows to keep the H2/CO ratio constant. At the same time, After determining the stability of all catalysts during18 h,
NiAl catalyst maintains a stable catalytic activity over time, 70-h reaction tests were carried out for NiCe and NiAl as the
indicating that filamentous coke does not cause deactivation. most active and stable catalysts. The hydrogen yield trend
As was previously reported, whisker carbon leaves the surface along the 70 h of reaction is presented in Fig. 10. Despite NiAl
free for reagent access. In the case of NiSi, the strong surface catalyst presents a lower activity at the beginning of reaction
carbon coating is also accompanied by a collapse of the sup- than NiCe, it is stable for all the time of stream. On the
port structure as it is visible from SEM image of used NiSi. The contrary, NiCe was gradually deactivated during the first 30 h
limited stability of the SBA-15 has not allowed to maintain a of reaction and levelled out at 10% hydrogen yield. SEM
analysis of used NiCe catalyst after 70 h reaction was carried
out and the images are reported in Fig. 11. In comparisomon
with the SEM of the same used catalyst after 18 h of reaction,
the formation of carbon nanotubes is evident which explain
the decrease in hydrogen yield after the first hours of
In conclusion, NiAl seems the most stable catalyst among
the studied materials. For this catalyst, the interactions be-
tween metal and support are strong, as demonstrated by XRD
and H2-TPR analysis. As was reported by Shang et al. [39], the
formation of strong interactions between nickel and alumina
makes the catalyst not so active as the metal form but at the
same time, they preserve nickel surface from sintering and
cause a good dispersion of the active phase. This can be
Fig. 10 e H2 yield evolution for 70 h of reaction at 500  C for agreed with the results reported in Fig. 10; indeed, NiAl ac-
NiCe and NiAl reduced catalysts. tivity is not so high as NiCe but it is constant during 70 h of

Fig. 11 e SEM image of used NiCe catalyst after 70 h of reaction.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 2 8 0 6 5 e2 8 0 7 6 28075


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