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Prestoza, Katherine Kaye E.


Module 1: Lesson 2-Seatwork#3

1. In a tabular form make a time on the Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology Society
from ancient period to the present time.

Ancient Period Aeolipile - 1st century ad

-Paper -3000 BC
-Shadoof -3000 BCE by the
Mesopotamians, 2000 BCE by
the ancient Egyptians, and later
by the Minoans, Chinese(c 1600
-Ancient wheel -1000-1500 years
- Antikythera mechanism - 1902

Middle ages - Gun Powder - 850 AD

- Heavy Plough -3rd and 4th century
- Spinning Wheel - 6th and 11th century AD.
- Mechanical Clock - 14th century
- Paper Money - 17th century AD

Modern ages - Compound Microscope - 17th century

- Telescope - 1609
- Jacquard Loom - 1800
- Engine – Powered Airplane - 1903
- Television - 1927
Filipino Inventions - Medical Incubator -1941
- Banana Catsup - 1942
- Erythromycin - 1949
- Mole Remover - 2000
- Electronic Jeepney (e- - 2003

2. Among the Filipino inventions mentioned in the lesson which do you like most?

Why? Medical Incubators without them it is less percent chance that a new born baby to survive. It
provides ideal temperature oxygen, humidity and light until their vitals are develop. Especially on pre
mature babies, it prevents them from getting sick.

This invention really caught my attention, it is hard to think something that could be useful to people.
Being an inventor means that you have to be creative and innovative
3. If you were an inventor, what would you invent? How will this invention make the world a better
place to live in?

- I would like to formulate a fruit medicine which contain just exactly the real component of a fruit with
no added chemicals on it. Because I find it hard to but fruits, mostly when you are busy, you don’t have
time to buy fruits at the market. And it is hassle, it requires a lot or work before even eating a fruit you
need to wash and peel them and slice them etc. So I wanted to invent new, a capsule that could help
people get the nutrients, vitamins and minerals exactly as they get on real fruit, it is also hassle free, but
yet nutritional.

4. How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools or technologies in terms of function?

I know that there are a lot of food supplements around the world, they both contain nutrients that
maintain a healthy body. It serves as a support and protection from illnesses, make our body active and
strong. This could also be our alternative nutrients when we don’t have enough on our daily foods.
However they contain lots of chemical than the nutrients. That may perhaps instead our body absorb
nutrients from it, it could be the start sicknesses. And too much intake could also harm your body. So I
wanted to change this so it could help people 100% for fast recovering or improvement of the body.

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