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Unit 6 Animals

What's in this unit?

► Topics: Nature, Culture

► Vocabulary: animals, animals' body parts, pets,
Millions of years ago, dinosaurs walked the Earth.
► Grammar: past simple (irregular verbs), Let's take a look a t some of the biggest,
comparative/superlative, strongest and fastest o f them ... _____
adverbs of manner
► Reading: Dinosaurs
► Listening dialogues, a monologue
► Speaking expressing concern/disbelief,
responding to situations,
asking questions
► Writing: a story Velociraptor was one of the
► Culture: Crow Brings the Daylight - An Inuit fastest and smartest of all
Myth the dinosaurs. It had wings
► CLiL: (Science) Mammals
like a bird, but couldn’t fly.
► Skills: reading (multiple choice, matching
headings to paragraphs), It was like a huge chicken,
speaking (dialogue completion), about 1 to 2 metres long, with a very
use of English (text completion,
sentence completion),
long tail. It was strong and could kill
listening (T/F statements), other animals with its sharp claws. This
writing (a note) made it a very dangerous
dinosaur, able to catch
animals that were much
Reading larger than itself!
Look at the pictures in the text. Which
o f the dinosaurs (A, B or C):
w as as heavy as ten elephants?
had a huge head?
had a long neck?
had a slim tail?
had w ings?
had feet that looked like a bird’s?
was a plant eater? T-Rex was one of the
biggest dinosaurs. It was
Listen and read to find out.
heavier than two
* elephants with a
Read the text. For each question, choose huge head and large
the right answer A, B or C. pointed teeth. It was
V elociraptors were sim ilar to birds l 12 metres long and about
because they 6 metres tall and weighed
A w ere as sm all as a chicken.
about 7 tons. It had tiny
arms, each with two
B had long claws.
fingers. Its feet looked like
C had w ings.
a bird’s. Its slim, pointed
T-R ex used its tail to tail helped it run very fast.
A point to its food. B eat fast. T-Rex was a very dangerous
C m ove quickly. meat-eating dinosaur that
S auropo seidon ate could eat up to 230 kilos of
A anim als. B plants. meat in one bite.
C tree trunks.
W hat’s in this unit?
In this unit Ss will explore the topics of nature,
environmental problems and environmental protection.
They will learn the past simple (irregular verbs),
comparatives and superlatives, and adverbs of manner.
They will also learn to write a story.

1 To introduce the topic; to listen and read

for specific information
• Direct Ss to the pictures and read out the phrases
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown words.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and find out if their
guesses were correct.
Answer Key
1 C 3 C 5 A 7 C
2 B 4 B 6 B

2 fjgjgty To read for specific information (multiple

• Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-3) and the
possible answers.
• Give Ss time to read the text and complete the
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers.
Answer Key
1 C (£. 3-5) 2 C (112-13) 3 B (£. 8-10)

To consolidate comprehension of a text 6 To consolidate information in a text
• Ask Ss to read the questions (1-3) and then give Ss Ask various Ss around the class to say two facts that
time to read the text again and find the answers. impressed them about each of the dinosaurs from the
• Check Ss’ answers. text.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 Velociraptor and T-rex Velociraptor was one o f the fastest dinosaurs. It was
2 It used its long neck to reach leaves on trees. able to kill animals bigger than itself.
3 It used its sharp claws. T-Rex ate over 200 kilos o f meat in one bite. It had
tiny arms but it was very dangerous.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
Sauroposeidon was very tall and as heavy as ten
words in the Check these words box in their
elephants. Its neck was as thick as a tree trunk.
dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.
Suggested Answer Key
7 ICT To write about a dinosaur
dinosaur (n): a prehistoric animal
million (n): a number equal to a thousand thousand • Give Ss time to collect information from the
wing (n): a body part with feathers that helps an Internet and use it to write a few sentences.
animal fly • Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read
chicken (n): a type o f bird (poultry) their sentences to the class.
sharp (adj): having the ability to cut • Alternatively, assign this task as HW and ask Ss to
claw (n): animal nail read their sentences in the next lesson.
catch (v): to trap an animal by hunting it Suggested Answer Key
weigh (v): to have a certain weight
Ankylosaurus was a plant eater. It weighed 3 t o 4 tons.
ton (n): a measurement o f weight equal to 2240 pounds
It was 7.5 to 10.5 metres long and 1 or 2 metres tall.
tiny (adj): very small
On the back o f its body it had thick plates o f bone
slim (adj): quite thin
similar to a crocodile. This protected it from other
pointed (adj): having a narrow end
animals. It also used its big, thick tail to fight o ff its
meat-eating (adj): living on the flesh o f animals
bite (n): the amount in one mouthful
meat eater (n): a creature that eats the flesh o f animals
neck (n): the part between the head and the shoulders 8 ICT To prepare a presentation
reach (v): to be able to touch sth • Ask Ss to work in groups and give them time to
leaf (n): the flat thin green part o f a plant collect information from the Internet.
giraffe (n): an African animal with a long neck • Ss use the information to prepare a presentation.
tree trunk (n): the main wooden body o f a tree • Ask various groups to give their presentations to
disappear (v): to vanish the class.
die out (phr v): when all o f one kind o f animal do not • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
survive give their presentations in the next lesson.
mystery (n): sth unknown or not understood
science (n): the study o f nature and natural things Suggested Answer Key
There are five main theories why dinosaurs disappeared
from the Earth.
To consolidate new vocabulary
1 A huge asteroid from space hit the Earth and the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. effects o f this wiped them out.
• Check Ss’ answers. 2 The climate changed from tropical to freezing
Answer Key (See overprinted answers) cold. The dinosaurs could not survive because it
was too cold for food to grow.
3 A series o f volcanoes erupted. The dust and ash
IJP To consolidate new vocabulary through from them was so thick the dinosaurs were not
able to breathe.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 4 A disease spread amongst the dinosaurs and killed
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. them all.
5 Other animals stole their food and ate their eggs.
Answer Key
fastest * slowest; huge * tiny; strong * weak; The most popular theory is the first one about the
sharp * blunt; heavier * lighter; slim * fat; largest * asteroid. There is a huge crater in the Gulf o f Mexico.
smallest; dangerous * harmless; thick * thin Scientists say it is from an asteroid that struck Earth
around the time the dinosaurs disappeared.
Read again and answer the questions.

1 W hich tw o dinosaurs d id n ’t eat plants?

2 How did S auroposeidon reach its food?
3 W hat did V e lo cira p to r use to kill other
anim als?

Sauroposeidon was the Vocabulary

Fill in: claws, arms, trunks, necks, bite, tail,

much as ten elephants! But 1 G iraffes have very long n e c k s to reach

it wasn’t dangerous. the leaves on the trees.
It wasn’t a meat eater. 2 Birds have got c la w s at the end of th e ir
Actually, it used its long feet.
neck to reach the leaves of 3 All birds have g o t w in g s they use fo r
tall trees. It was around flying.
thirty times larger than 4 M onkeys’ long a rm s help them sw ing
a giraffe, with a neck as from tree to tree.
thick as a tree trunk! 5 These trees have long stra ig h t tru n k s and
pointed leaves.
6 Look at th a t cat! S he’s chasing her own
7 C rocodiles can eat th e ir prey in one big
b ite .

Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more Match the adjectives in bold in the text
than 100 million years and w ith their opposites in the list.
suddenly they disappeared. The
reason they died out is one of the • thin • sm allest • weak • lighter • harmless
great mysteries of science. • blunt • fat • tiny • slowest

Tell the class tw o facts
about each dinosaur th a t impressed
you from the text.

jlCT| Collect information about
Ankylosaurus and w rite a few
sentences about it.

Check these words ICTj In groups collect information

• dinosaur • million • wing • chicken about the possible theories why
• sharp • claw • catch • weigh • ton the dinosaurs died out. Prepare
• tiny • slim • pointed • meat-eating a presentation for the class.
• bite • meat eater • neck • reach
• leaf • giraffe • tree trunk • disappear
• die out • mystery • science

W orkbook p. 54
Animals Parts of animals
a) In pairs, list the animals under a) Label the body parts. Check in the Word list.
the headings. ^
• fu r • ta il • h ead • body • nose



PET (living in houses/gardens) shark

• neck • legs • horns • ears
D O M E S TIC (living on a farm)

W ILD (living in the wild) gazelle X v .-

AV 2

m onkey « H T ) e e p

• wings • feath ers • eyes

w olf



b) Listen and check, then say. W hat

are these animals in your language?
b) Which o f the animals in Ex. 3a has got:
c) Which o f the animals in Ex. 1a live:
on land? in the ocean? underground? 1 a long tail? 5 pointed ears?
2 long legs? 6 a small mouth?
‘j W rite the plurals o f the animals in Ex. 1a. 3 thin legs? 7 small eyes?
e le p h a n t - e le p h a n ts 4 a big nose? 8 a thick neck?
Answer Key
1 a) To present and categorise new lion
vocabulary 1 head 2 nose 3 fur 4 body 5 tail
• Direct Ss to the pictures and ask Ss to copy gazelle
the headings into their notebooks. 1 legs 2 horns 3 ears 4 neck
• Give Ss time to write the animals under the
headings and point out some may go in more
1 eyes 2 wings 3 feathers
than one category.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. piranha
1 mouth 2 scales
Answer Key
PET: tortoise, rabbit, (horse, tarantula)
DOMESTIC: sheep, horse b) To consolidate new vocabulary
WILD: kangaroo, elephant, dolphin, shark, monkey, Elicit answers to the questions from Ss around the
tarantula, bear, fox, wolf, tiger, worm, tortoise, rabbit class.
Answer Key
b) To consolidate new vocabulary
1 lion, parrot 5 gazelle
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check their 2 gazelle 6 gazelle, piranha
answers. 3 gazelle 7 parrot, piranha
• Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to 4 lion 8 lion
repeat chorally and/or individually.
• Then elicit the L1 equivalents for the animals
from Ss around the class.

Ss’ own answers

c) To classify animals
• Ask Ss to copy the headings into their
• Give Ss time to write the animals under the
headings and then check Ss’ answers on the
Answer Key
on land: elephant, kangaroo, monkey, sheep, horse,
tarantula, bear, fox, wolf, tiger, tortoise, rabbit
in the ocean: dolphin, shark
underground: worm

2 To practise plurals
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Revise quickly the rules of plurals with Ss.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.•

Answer Key
elephants sheep wolves
kangaroos horses tigers
dolphins tarantulas worms
sharks bears tortoises
monkeys foxes rabbits

3 a) To present new vocabulary

• Go through the list of words and explain/elicit
any unknown ones.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Ask Ss to check their answers in the Word List.
4 \Qsj2f To present new vocabulary s m m To practise prepositional phrases
• Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-8) and explain/ • Give Ss time to complete the task.
elicit the meanings of any unknown words in the • Tell Ss to copy these words with their
list. prepositions to the Prepositions Section in their
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences. notebooks and revise them as often as possible.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 lays 4 hunt 7 fly 1 on 2 in 3 in 4 on 5 in 6 for
2 hatch 5 digest 8 weighs
3 feeds 6 chew
9 m m To talk about your favourite animal
• Ask Ss to talk in closed pairs about their favourite
5 To present new vocabulary
animals and answer the questions in the rubric.
• Ask Ss to read the list of problems and the list of • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
ways to help. Explain/Elicit any unknown words. some pairs to report back to the class.
• Give Ss time to choose the correct words and
Suggested Answer Key
then check Ss’ answers.
My favourite animal is the panda. It’s got a big body
Answer Key like a bear and thick, black and white fur. Its legs are
1 habitats 4 endangered 7 Adopt short but they are thick and strong. Its feet have got
2 cut down 5 extinct 8 survive black claws. Its tail is small but it’s g ot a big nose. The
3 harms 6 protect panda is a very beautiful animal and it lives in China.

6 a) A|W To listen for specific information 10 To write about an animal

• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and think about • Give Ss time to collect information about the
what words they may hear on the recording. animal of their choice from Ex. 1a and write about
• Play the recording twice if necessary. Ss listen it, modelling their piece of writing on the text in
and complete the task. Ex. 8.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Ask various Ss around the class to present their
animal to the rest of the class.
Answer Key
• Alternatively, assign this task as HW.
1 A 2 A
Suggested Answer Key
Wolves belong to the dog family. They live in many
b) To describe animals
parts o f the world, including the USA, Canada and
• Ask various Ss around the class to describe parts o f Eurasia. They live in packs and they feed on
the animals. meat. They hunt deer, beaver, bison, wild boar and
• Tell Ss to use the useful vocabulary learnt in other animals. Their thick fur keeps them warm in cold
the unit. weather. They live for about eight years.
Suggested Answer Key
Dog B has got brown and white fur. It is white at the
front with white paws. It has got long ears and a
brown nose.
Cat B has got black, brown and white fur. It has got a
white face and paws and a black tail.

7 To practise adjectives
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and explain/elicit
the meanings of any unknown words in the list.
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 inexpensive 3 funny 5 friendly
2 quiet 4 dangerous 6 easy
ri Fill in: hunt, chew, lays, weighs, digest, fly, hatch, feeds. Fill in: friendly, dangerous,
inexpensive, quiet, funny, easy.

9 ) Did you Know?

...- - ........................
1 The platypus is one of the few mammals t h a t ............. eggs. Iperfect p © t
2 It takes about 60 days for loggerhead turtle eggs t o .............
3 A baby dolphin ................... on its m other’s milk for about
• Rabbits are
three months.
1 ).......
4 W o lv e s ................... for food in groups. keep; they don’t cost
5 Rabbits can’t ...................fruit easily so they eat grass. a lot.
6 African elephants have only four teeth to ................... their • Tortoises are very friendly
food with. and 2 ) ..................... They
7 An ostrich is a bird. It can run up to 40 miles per hour but it don’t make any noise.
can’t ..................... • Hamsters are 3 )
8 A blue w h a le much as 40 rhinos. watch and are very clean.
• Tarantulas are not 4 ) ...................but
you need to handle them with care.
Environment • Dogs are 5 ) ...................animals and
Choose the correct w ord can be the owner’s best companion.
MVETHB • Canaries are beautiful and
The problems
Animals lose their natural
ANIMALS 6 ) keep.

1) habitats/homes because
people 2) cut down/remove Choose the correct preposition.
trees. Visit national parks and
Pollution from oil and gas find out how people
3) harms/injures the there 6) protect/care
are birds but they can’t
environment. animal species.
fly. They live 1) in/on the ice of
Poachers kill animals for their 7) Adopt/Buy an animal Antarctica and 2) at/in the sea
meat, fur and horns. They like a tiger or a panda around it. They live 3) with/in big
cause animals to become and help it 8) survive/ groups and they feed 4) on/of fish.
4) endangered/dangerous escape. Their thick feathers keep them
or go 5) wild/extinct.
warm 5) at/in the cold water.
They live 6) for/at about
twenty years.
a) Listen
to someone C SPEAKING ' W hat is your
favourite animal? Why? W hat
tw o missing
does it look like? W here does
pets. Which of
it live? Tell your partner.
these is he
describing? ( w r it in g ) Collect information
about one o f the animals in
b) Describe Ex. 1a, then w rite a short
the other tw o paragraph about it. Use the
pets. te x t in Ex. 8 as a model.

W orkbook pp. 55, VB6

f e l l Grammar in use
lost her l a s t " v.
Hi, Paul, ^ s ,
r week. She d id n 't come ' b) W rite questions and answer
I heard about your pet
fo r dinner, so I put a notice them, as in the example.
dog. When did you
in the n e w s p a p e r ^
lose her?
1 W hy/m an and w om an/leave/
their village?
W hy d id the m an a n d
w om an leave th e ir village?
They w e n t to lo o k fo r fo o d .
2 W h a t/little b o y/m a ke /fo r his
•"' W hat for? >
She can't read!
3 W h a t/to y b ird /tu rn into?
4 W hat/the b ird /b rin g /fo r the
Past simple (irregular verbs) 5 W ho/the bird/find/w hen the
AFFIRMATIVE I, you, he, etc, saw a rabbit yesterday. famine ended?
NEGATIVE I, you, he, etc, didn't see a rabbit yesterday.
INTERROGATIVE Did I, you, he, etc, see a rabbit yesterday? Fill in the gaps w ith the verbs
SHORT Yes, L you, he, etc, did. from the list in the past simple.
ANSWERS No, I, you, he, etc, didn't.
• see • feel • get up
The past form s o f irregular verbs d o n 't end w ith -ed. They • not be • wear • w alk • go
have irregular forms.

see p. GR6 Last Saturday, 1 1 ) ..............................

at 6:00 am. I 2 ) the
Read the table. Find examples in the joke above. beach w ith my sister in her car. It
3 ) .................................very warm , so
Put the verbs in the list into the past simple. Then put I 4 ) jeans and a
them into the correct box. coat. We 5 ) .............................. down
to the sea and we 6 ) ...........................
• eat • fly • w ear • do • com e • play • d rink • leave
dolphins playing in the water. It was
• m ake • w atch • sing • go • dance • take • w rite
beautiful and I 7 ) ...............................
• becom e • try
very happy.
R egular Irregular

( speaking in pairs, ask and

answer questions about last
Saturday. Use the words
a) Read the Native American legend and put the verbs in below.
brackets into the past simple. Which are irregular?
• W hat • W here • When
■ I T 1* * t V - [ ' - 4 . 'W i • How • Who
Long ago in North America there was a terrible famine. A man and
a woman 1 ) .................(leave) their children in their village and • get up • go • wear • feel • do
2 ) .................(go) to look for food. The little boy 3 ) ..............(make) • go w ith • the w eather like
his sister a toy bird to help her forget how hungry she was, but the
toy bird 4 ) ........................ (turn into) a real bird and it 5 ) ................. A : W h a t tim e d id y o u g e t u p
la s t S a tu rd a y ?
(fly) away! The bird 6 ) .................. (return) later, carrying some
B : I g o t u p a t 8:30.
corn in its beak. The children 7 ) .................(eat) the corn and they
8) ................ (not/feel) hungry anymore. Every day, the bird
( w r it in g ^ W rite a short
9) .......(bring) corn until at last the famine 1 0 ).....................
paragraph about w h a t you did
(end). The bird 1 1 )................. (find) the children’s parents and
last Saturday. Use your
they 1 2 )..................(come) back home to the village.
answers from Ex. 5 to help you.
1 ^ ilj^ To present the past simple (irregular verbs)
• Explain that irregular verbs don’t take -ed in the Give Ss time to complete the text with the correct
past simple but they all change differently and Ss past simple form of the verbs and then check Ss’
must learn the forms. Refer Ss to the irregular answers.
verbs list at the back of their books and advise
Answer Key
them to study it and learn the irregular forms.
• Ask Ss to read the theory box. 1 got up 4 wore 7felt
• Elicit examples in the joke from Ss around the 2 went 5 walked
class. 3 wasn’t 6 saw
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
more Information. . m > To practise the past simple
Answer Key • Explain the task, read out the example and give
Examples in joke: heard, did you lose, lost, didn’t Ss time to complete it in pairs.
come, put • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.

2 W ® To practise the past simple Suggested Answer Key

• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. A: Where did you go?
• Check Ss’ answers. B: I went to the park.
A: What did you wear?
Answer Key B: I wore shorts and a T-shirt.
A: How did you feel?
Regular Irregular
B: I felt happy and relaxed.
ate, flew, wore, did, came,
played, watched, A: What did you do?
drank, left, made, sang, went,
danced, tried B: I played football in the park.
took, wrote, became
A: Who did you go with?
B: I went with my friends John and Paul.
3 a) To practise the past simple A: What was the weather like?
B: It was hot and sunny.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.•
6 To write a paragraph using the past
Answer Key
1 left (1) 7 ate (1)
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
2 went (1) 8 didn’t feel (1)
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
3 made (1) 9 brought (!)
4 turned into (R) 10 ended (R) Suggested Answer Key
5 flew (1) 11 found (1) Last Saturday, I went to the park. It was hot and sunny
6 returned (R) 12 came (1) and I wore shorts and a T-shirt. I played football in the
park with my friends John and Paul. I felt happy and
b) To practise the past simple relaxed.

• Explain the task and read out the example.

• Give Ss time to complete the task and then
check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
2 What did the little boy make for his sister? He
made her a toy bird.
3 What did the toy bird turn into? It turned into a real
4 What did the bird bring for the children? It brought
them some corn.
5 Who did the bird find when the famine ended? It
found their parents.
7 To present the comparative and superlative 9 To practise the superlative
• Ss close their books. Explain that we use the • Give Ss time to complete the sentences referring
comparative form to compare two people, to the table in Ex. 8 if necessary.
things, places, etc. We usually use than with • Check Ss’ answers.
comparative adjectives (e.g. Janet is taller than
A n sw er Key
Paul.). We use the superlative form to compare
one person, thing, place, etc. with an entire group 1 largest 4 most dangerous
2 tallest 5 heaviest
(e.g. Danny is the tallest boy in the class.).
• Explain that with one-syllable and two-syllable 3 best 6 most beautiful
adjectives, we form the comparative by adding
-er and the superlative by adding -est (e.g. long - 10 Ijjÿ To practise the comparative and
longer - longest). superlative
• Explain that with adjectives of more than two
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
syllables, we form the comparative with more and
• Check Ss’ answers.
the superlative with the most (e.g. expensive -
m ore expensive - the m o st expensive). A n sw er Key
• Explain that with some two-syllable adjectives, 1 heaviest 4 larger
such as clever, narrow, gentle, friendly, etc., we 2 longer 5 smallest
form the comparative and the superlative either 3 more dangerous
with -er/-est or with more/most (e.g. friendly -
friendlier - friendliest or friendly - m ore friendly -
the m ost friendly). 11 To practise making comparisons
• Explain that with one-syllable adjectives ending in • Ask a pair of Ss to read out the example and then
- e we add -r in the comparative and -st in the explain the task.
superlative form (e.g. simple - simpler - simplest). • Ss complete the task in pairs.
• Explain that with one-syllable adjectives ending • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
in a vowel + a consonant, we double the some pairs to make comparisons in front of the
consonant and add -er/-est (e.g. fat - fatter - rest of the class.
Suggested A n sw er Key
• Explain that with two-syllable adjectives ending
in - ly or -y, we change the -y to -i and add -er/- A: Ostriches are colourful.
est (e.g. happy - happier - happiest). B: Yes, but canaries are more colourful.
• Ss open their books. Ask Ss to read the theory A: Peacocks are the most colourful o f all.
and the joke. A: Tortoises are friendly.
• Elicit examples of the comparative and superlative B: Yes, but parrots are friendlier.
in the joke. A: Dogs are the friendliest o f all.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for
more information. A: Wolves are beautiful.
B: Yes, but lions are more beautiful.
Answer Key A: Tigers are the most beautiful o f all.
Examples in the joke: heavier, the best

12 To compare animals
8 To practise the comparative
• Explain the task, read out the example and give
• Give Ss time to complete the sentences referring Ss time to complete it.
to the table in Ex. 8 if necessary. • Ask various Ss to read their sentences to the class.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested A n sw er Key
A n sw er Key Tortoises are less dangerous than snakes.
1 bigger 4 more aggressive Rhinos are more aggressive than parrots.
2 more dangerous 5 heavier Dogs are funnier than platypuses.
3 stronger Dolphins are the most intelligent o f all.
Dogs are more expensive to keep than parrots.
Rhinos are the largest o f all.
Parrots are noisier than cats.

| f i j Complete the sentences using
the comparative or superlative
form o f the adjectives in the

The blue whale weighs about

170,000 kg. It is the 1 ) ......................
(heavy) creature in the world. Blue
whales are about 30 metres long -
tha t’s 2 ) ...................................... (long)
than a basketball court! But even
though they are very large, smaller
sea creatures like sharks are
3) .......................... (dangerous)
Comparative/Superlative to humans than the blue whale.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
Believe it or not, the huge blue
long longer (than) the longest of/in whale can’t swallow anything
short w ide w id e r (than) the w id e st of/in 4) ............................ (large) than
adjectives big bigger (than) the biggest of/in
a beach ball and it eats only
heavy heavier (than) the heaviest of/in
plankton - one of the 5 ) ...................
longer beautiful m ore beautiful the m ost beautiful (small) living things on Earth!
adjectives (than) o f/in
irregular good b etter the best
( speaking ) Make comparisons,
adjectives bad worse the w orst
as in the example.

1 sm all - c a t/ra b b it/a n t

Read the table. Find examples in the jokes above. A : C ats are sm all.
B : Yes, b u t ra b b its are
sm aller.
Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative. A : A n ts are the s m a lle s t o f all.
1 Elephants are ....................................... (big) than hippos. 2 colourful - o stric h /c a n a ry /
2 H ippos are ...................................................... (dangerous) peacock
than elephants. 3 frie n d ly - to rto is e /p a rro t/d o g
3 Elephants are ................................(strong) than hippos. 4 beautiful -w o lf/lio n /tig e r
4 H ippos are ........................................................(aggressive)
( w r it in g ) in three minutes,
than elephants.
w rite as many sentences about
5 Elephants a r e .................................. (heavy) than hippos.
the animals below as possible,
Put the adjectives in brackets into the superlative. using the adjectives in the list.
Use the comparative and the
1 T h e ....................................................... (large) creature on
superlative form.
Earth is the blue whale.
2 T h e ............................................. (tall) animal in the w orld • cat • dog • to rto ise
is the giraffe. > snake • platypus • rhino
3 I th in k d o gs are t h e ...................................... (good) pets. • dolphin • lion • parrot

4 The ................................................................... (dangerous) • quiet • dangerous • funny

snake in A frica is the black m am ba.
• large • intelligent • noisy
5 One of the w o rld ’s .................................................... (heavy) • aggressive • expensive
anim als is the A frican elephant.
6 T h e .............................................................. (beautiful) pet is C a ts are q u ie te r th an d og s.
probably a canary. T o rto is e s are the q u ie te s t o f all.

W orkbook pp. 56-57 95


Across Cultures
Skills Work

Long ago, the Inuit lived in darkness in the North. Crow often
travelled between the South and the North and told them
about daylight in the South. Only the children liked his
“People can hunt for a longer time in the daylight!” one said.
“And they can see wild animals before they attack them,”
another added.
After he heard the children, the Inuit chief asked Crow to
bring them daylight. Crow flew for many miles. When he
reached the South he decided to rest in a tree by a river.
Suddenly a young girl appeared. She was the chief’s
daughter. Crow had an idea. He turned himself into a speck
of dust and jumped onto her coat.

Check these words

• Inuit • darkness • the North • daylight • the South
• hunt • attack • add • chief • turn into • speck o f dust
• hut • glowing box • whisper • repeat • drop • break
• last • to this day

Read the te x t and for each question (1-4)

choose the best answer (A, B or C).

The children liked hearing Crow talk about

A the people of the South.
B the pow er of daylight.
C his hunting adventures.

C row stopped at the river to

eaaing A d rink som e water. B take a break.
C see a young girl.
Look at the pictures. Which shows:
C row could
Inuit people fishing in darkness? A becom e invisible. B go back in tim e.
a cro w carrying a ball o f light? C change into another animal.
a boy holding a box? 4 The Inuit have darkness fo r six m onths
Read the title o f the story and the A they prefer to live in darkness fo r half the
first sentence in each paragraph. How do you year.
think the pictures are related to the story? B the ball o f daylight d o e sn ’t have pow er for
all the year.
Listen and read to find out.
C C row only visits them once A year.
n jjjy To introduce the topic through pictures
From p. 97(T), Ex. 3
and to listen and read for gist
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the Background inform ation
descriptions (1 -3). The Inuit are a group of culturally similar indigenous
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown words peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland,
and then give Ss time to match the pictures to the Canada, the United States and Russia. Traditional
descriptions. Inuit way of life was influenced by the harsh climate
• Check Ss’ answers. of the Arctic tundra. In the tundra, where Inuit
Answer Key communities are found, there are not many building
1 C 2 B 3 A
materials so, during winter, they built their houses
from blocks of snow. These houses are called
• Ask Ss to read the title of the story and the first "igloos". In the summer, when the snow melted, the
sentence in each paragraph and elicit Ss’ guesses Inuit lived in tent-like huts. Inuit people today live in
as to how the pictures are related to the story. the same community year-round, and live in homes
• Play the recording. built of other construction materials. On the waters of
• Ss listen, read and find out. the Arctic Ocean, small boats called “kayaks” were
Suggested Answer Key used for hunting, while larger boats called “umiaq”
transported people, dogs and supplies. Family and
I think the Inuit lived in a place where it was dark all
community are very important. The Inuktitut language
the time and a crow brought daylight so everyone
is still spoken in many areas of the Arctic.
could see.

2 ^ To read for specific information (multiple

choice) From p. 97(T), Ex. 6

• Ask Ss to read the text and the questions (1 -4) Suggested Answer Key
and the possible answers. The Inuit chief sent Crow to the South. Crow rested in
• Explain/Elicit any unknown words. a tree. Crow changed into a speck o f dust and
• Give Ss time to read the text and complete the jum ped onto a g irl’s coat. Crow got into the hut. Crow
task. saw a glowing box. Crow got into the boy’s ear. The
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. boy went outside with the ball. Crow changed back
Answer Key into a bird. Crow got the ball and flew to the North.
Crow dropped the ball and it broke into pieces. There
1 B (£. 2-6) 3 A (£. 12-13)
was light everywhere.
2 B (L 10) 4 B(Z. 29-30)

Answer Key
:A y $ To read for specific information reached = arrived at (v); appeared = showed up
(comprehension questions) (v/phr. v); carried = took (v); again = once more
• Ask Ss to read the questions (1 -4). (adv/phr); immediately = at once (adv/phr); last =
• Explain/Elicit any unknown words. remain (v)
• Give Ss time to read the text again and complete
e m To order events and summarise a story
the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers then ask various Ss to
Answer Key
summarise the myth.
1 In daylight, people can hunt for a longer time and
Answer Key (See overprinted answers)
they can see wild animals before they attack them.
2 He turned itself into a speck o f dust and jum ped Suggested Answer Key (See p. 96(T))
onto the g irl’s coat.
3 He wanted the boy’s father to open the box, give 7 < № } To listen for specific information
his son the ball and let him play with it outside. (T/F statements)
4 Because Crow’s ball o f daylight only lasts for six • Ask Ss to read the sentences (1 -3).
months. • Play the recording.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the • Ss listen and mark the statements accordingly.
words in the Check these words box in their • Check Ss’ answers.
dictionaries or in the Word List. Answer Key (See overprinted answers)
Suggested Answer Key
8 ICT To write a summary of an animal myth
Inuit (n): group o f people who live in the Arctic
darkness (n): absence o f light • Ask Ss to find an animal myth from their country
the North (phr): the upper part o f the world by researching on the Internet.
daylight (n): light from the sun • Give Ss time to collect information and write a
the South (phr): the lower part o f the world short summary of it.
hunt (v): to kill animals to eat • Ask various Ss to read their myth to the class.
attack (v): to try to hurt sb • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check
add (v): to say sth more Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
chief (n): the leader o f a tribe Suggested Answer Key
turn into (phr v): to change into sth else; transform The Iron Wolf of Lithuania
speck of dust (phr): a very tiny particle In 1323 CE, the Grand Duke Gediminas ruled the
hut (n): a small, wooden shelter country o f Lithuania. He was a brave fighter, a wise
glowing box (phr): a container that gives off light ruler, and a very good hunter. One day he was on a
whisper (v): to speak very quietly hunting trip. All day, he and his men chased a huge
repeat (v): to say sth again bison through woods and valleys, all the way to a
drop (v): to fall to the ground mountain. Near the mountain, two rivers met: the
break (v): to become separated into pieces or Neris and Vilnia. It was a beautiful place with a fine
fragments view.
last (v): to endure By now it was night, and Gediminas and his men were
to this day (phr): up until today tired. After feasting, they lay down to sleep. Immediately,
Gediminas began to dream. On top o f the mountain was
Background information (See p. 96(T))
a wolf, its head raised to the night sky. This wolf was of
iron! Its howling was so loud, it sounded like there were
To consolidate new vocabulary hundreds o f wolves!
Gediminas woke up. He knew the dream had a special
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
meaning. He told the wise man, Lizdeika, about it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
“The iron wolf symbolises a castle that you will build, ”
Answer Key (See overprinted answers) said Lizdeika, “and its loud howling shows that people
all over Europe will hear about Lithuania. ”
Gediminas ordered workers to build a castle on the
To identify synonymous words/phrases
mountain. Soon this castle became a city - the city o f
• Give Ss time to match the words in bold in the Vilnius. Just as Lizdeika said, Lithuania became a great
text to the synonyms in the list. power in Europe. Today, Vilnius is still the capital city
• Check Ss’ answers and then elicit the part of o f Lithuania, and the iron wolf is a very important
speech of each of the words in bold. symbol o f the country.
The girl carried him back to her hut. There, Crow
saw a glowing box on the floor. “ It’s got daylight
inside it,” he thought. He saw a little boy playing on
the floor. He jumped inside the boy’s ear and
whispered, “You want to play with a ball of daylight.”
The little boy started crying and repeated Crow’s
words. His father opened the box and gave him a
ball. Crow whispered again: “You want to go
outside.” The boy repeated his words so his father
took him outside to play. Crow jumped out of his ear
and became a bird again. Immediately, he took the
ball and flew back to the North.
When he arrived, Crow dropped the ball on the Match the words in bold to their synonyms.
ground. It broke into many pieces and there was • to o k • arrived at • remain
daylight everywhere. The Inuit were very happy! • once m ore • show ed up • at once
Crow told them that the ball would only last for six
months. Then he would have to go back to the South Speaking
and bring back a new ball. To this day, the Inuit have Put the events in the order they happened.
six months of darkness and six months of daylight Use them to give the class a summary of
each year. the myth.

Crow changed back into a bird.

Crow changed into a speck o f dust and
Answer the questions. jum ped onto the g irl’s coat.
1 W hat did the Inuit children th in k was c 1 The Inuit ch ie f sent C row to the South.
good a bout daylight? D 4 Crow got into the hut.
2 How did C row m anage to enter the hut? E 6 C row got into the b o y ’s ear.
3 W hy did Crow w hisper into the b o y ’s ear? F 11 There was light everywhere.
4 W hy do the Inuit have only six m onths of G 5 C row saw a glow ing box.
daylig h t, a cco rd in g to the story?
H 170| C row dro p p e d the ball and it broke into
Vocabulary pieces.
I 9 C row got the ball and flew to the North.
Complete the sentences. Use: rest, repeat,
J 2 C row rested in a tree.
attack, turned, whispered, dropped, bring.
K 7 The boy w ent outside w ith the ball.
1 Bears can a tta c k people if they feel
2 C ould you b rin g me m y coat, please? It’s
a bit cold. Listen to an announcement and mark
3 He w as very tire d so he d ecided to re s t the sentences T (True) or F (False).
fo r a w hile before going on.
1 The com petition ends on 12th May. T
4 In the fairytale, the fro g tu rn e d into a
2 All students are p a rticip a tin g . F
3 The tea ch e r describes the
5 “ D on’t w orry. E veryth in g ’s fin e ,” Mum
c o m p e titio n rules. F
w h is p e re d in the b o y ’s ear.
6 “ Please re p e a t these w o rd s after me,
the teach e r said.
|ICTj Find an animal myth from your country.
7 He d ro p p e d the glass on the flo o r and it 8
broke. W rite a short summary o f it. Tell the class.
Listening skills
In a minute, w rite down as many lip ii a) Read the rubric. Then read the questions and possible
pets as you can think of. Compare ~ " answers. Underline the key words. W hat do you think
your list w ith your partner's. each recording is about?

You are going to hear two recordings. Questions 1-3 refer

Multiple matching
to Recording 1. Questions 4-6 refer to Recording 2. For each
question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
Read the rubric and the
lists. Then do the listening task.
Recording 1
You are going to hear a 1 Tiddles g o t to London by
conversation at a pet shop.
A car B taxi C train
Match the animals (A-E) to the
people (1-4). One animal is extra. 2 How did the c a ts ’ hom e co n ta ct Mr Jones?
A They found his details on the animal.
PEOPLE A N IM A LS B They got in touch w ith P addington S tation.
C Mr Jones telephoned them .
1 Bob A goldfish
2 Ann B dog 3 The conversation takes place
3 M ark C cat A in a c a ts ’ home.
4 Kate D ham ster B in a radio studio.
C at a railw ay station.
E rabbit

Recording 2
El Have you got a pet? Tell your
partner about it. If not, which 4 The man was in the w ater fo r

o f the pets in Ex. 2 w ould you A 15 hours. B 20 hours. C 150 hours.

like to have? Why? 5 The man could not reach the inflatable boat because
A they dropped it in the w rong place.
Multiple choice B he d id n ’t know how to swim .
Preparing for the task C the w eather co n d itio n s were bad.

W m Read the question stem and the 6 This recording is about

choices (A-C). Which is the A w hat to do in a shark attack.
correct answer? B how som eone had a lucky escape.
C w hy sw im m ing lessons are im portant.
The conversation takes place
A at the v e t’s.
b) Do the listening task.
B in the superm arket.
C at J o s h ’s house.
Pronunciation: Counting syllables
Pete: Hi, Josh! H o w ’s y o u r n ew p u p p y?
a) Read the examples.
Josh: H e ’s fine, thanks. H e h a d h is
y e a rly in je c tio n s ye s te rd a y . N o w I ’m
To • ny 2 syllables
lo o k in g fo r a s h a m p o o th e ve t
Aus • tra • li • an -> 4 syllables
re c o m m e n d e d - G lossy C oat - he
^ — (diphthong)
s a id the s u p e rm a rk e t se lls it .
Steve (e at the end o f word) -*■ 1 syllable
P ete: I t ’s on th is s h e lf r ig h t here.
Josh: Oh, thanks. W hy d o n ’t you co m e
ro u n d to m v house to n ig h t a n d see b) Listen to the words. Count the syllables.
h im ?
P ete: Yes, OK, g re a t! • elephant • bear • to rto is e • feather • tig e r • parrot
• kangaroo • m onkey • tarantula

98 > W orkbook p. 58
To brainstorm for vocabulary 5 a) vftijSF To prepare for a listening task
(multiple choice)
• Give Ss a one-minute time limit and ask them to
think of as many pets as they can within the • Ask Ss to read the rubric and the questions
allotted time. and the possible answers and underline the
• Ss then compare their lists with their partner. key words.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class. • Elicit what Ss think the recording is about.
Suggested A n sw er Key A n sw er Key
cat, dog, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, parrot, canary, Key w ords: got to London by car, taxi, train, how
budgie, tortoise, mouse, goldfish, horse, turtle cats’ home contact M r Jones, details on the animal,
Paddington Station, telephoned, conversation takes
j ÿ f To listen for specific information (multiple place, cat’s home, radio station, railway station, man
matching) in water, 15 hours, 20 hours, 150 hours, could not
reach inflatable, wrong place, didn’t know how to
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and the lists. swim, weather, bad, recording about, what do shark
• Play the recording. Ss listen and match the attack, lucky escape, swimming lessons important
people to the animals.
• Check Ss’ answers. Suggested A n sw er Key
I think Recording 1 is about a man who lost his cat
A n sw er Key
and then got it back.
1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A I think Recording 2 is about a man who had an
accident at sea.
To talk about pets
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and then talk in closed b) m m To listen for specific information
pairs about the pets they have or would like to (multiple choice)
have. • Play the recording. Ss listen and choose the
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the correct answers.
class. • Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested A n sw er Key A n sw er Key
I ’ve got a pet canary. It’s got yellow feathers, a small 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 B
beak and sharp claws. It eats bird seed and lives in a
cage on my balcony. It’s got a sweet voice and sings
6 a) To learn to count syllables
all day long.
I would like to have a hamster. They are very clean Read out the examples and explain that syllables
animals and easy to take care of. They are also great are the distinct sounds that make up a word.
fun. I love to watch hamsters running around in their
cage and doing tricks on their wheel.
b) To count syllables
Play the recording with pauses and elicit Ss how
m To prepare for a listening task (multiple
many syllables each word has.
A n sw er Key
• The underlined phrases of the audioscript in Ex. 4
help Ss to understand that it is always useful to pay elephant - 3 parrot - 2
attention to the key vocabulary and paraphrases bear - 1 kangaroo - 3
when doing a listening task. tortoise - 2 monkey - 2
• Ask Ss to read the question stem and the options feather - 2 tarantula - 4
(A-C) and then choose the correct answer. tiger - 2
• Check Ss’ answer.
A n sw er Key
a) To complete a dialogue Greet B. Ask B -«Tell what happened.
Ask Ss to read the dialogue and write an about B’s accident.-
appropriate word in each of the gaps (1-8). Express concern. /
Answer Key Ask how it ^ryTeW how it happened.
1 your 3 up 5 and 7 down
Ask what B did. —^»Respond.
2 of 4 did 6 my 8 my
Express disbelief. —»-Tell A what happened
in the end.
b) To listen for confirmation
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
Play the recording. Ss listen and read and check
some Ss to act out their dialogue in front of the class.
their answers.
Suggested Answer Key
A: Hi Jimmy! How did you hurt your leg?
IgjF To replace phrases in a dialogue for
B: I fell off a ladder.
expressing concern and disbelief with
A: That’s shocking! How did you do that?
appropriate substitutes
B: I tried to rescue my parrot. It escaped from its cage
Direct Ss to the underlined phrases in the dialogue and flew up onto the roof. It didn’t want to come
and elicit other appropriate ones from the language down.
box from Ss around the class. A: What did you do?
Suggested Answer Key B: I got a ladder and climbed up to get him. I had him
in my hands when my foot slipped a n d ...
Oh my goodness! = That’s shocking!
A: Oh no! You can’t be serious!
Don’t tell me! = I don’t believe it!
B: We both fell down. I broke my leg, but my parrot
flew back into his cage!
To role play a dialogue
Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity 6 To set the scene
around the class. • Read the Study Skills box.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
To tell a story using prompts
Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the headline and read the
prompts. 1 Sunday 4 sunny 7 scared
• Ss work in pairs and tell each other the news story 2 zoo 5 jum per 8 giraffe
using the prompts. 3 family 6 skirt 9 walked
• Monitor the activity around the class and help
where necessary. 7 To develop speaking skills
• Ask some Ss to tell the story to the class. • Explain the task and go through the cards
explaining any unknown words.
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to work in closed pairs and take turns to
A teenager tried to rescue his pet parrot, but he was ask and answer questions using the information
hurt when he fell off a ladder. The parrot escaped on the cards.
from its cage and flew up onto the roof o f the house. • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
The teenager got a ladder and climbed up to the roof. some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.
He had the parrot in his hands when his foot slipped
Suggested Answer Key
and he fell o ff the ladder. He hit the ground and broke
his leg. The parrot flew straight back into its cage! A: What’s Vince’s last name?
B: Kelly.
A: How old is he?
To act out a dialogue
B: He’s 18.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out a dialogue A: Where is he from?
using the prompts in Ex. 4 and the dialogue in B: Bristol.
Ex. 1 as a model. Ss can also use useful phrases A: What pet has he got?
from Ex. 2. B: He’s got a snake.
• Write this diagram on the board for Ss to follow. A: Where does the snake live?
B: It lives in a heated glass cage.
A: What does his snake eat?
B: It eats worms, insects and fish.
Speaking skills
Everyday English W ork in pairs. Imagine you are the teenager
Expressing concern/disbelief in the story. Answer your friend's questions
H J| a) Complete the dialogue. and explain w h a t happened. Act out a
dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 1b. Use
phrases from the language boxes.
Luke: Hi Bill! H ow did you hurt 1 ) ...............
Bill: I fell out 2 ) ...............a tree.
Luke: Oh my g o o d n e s s ! H ow did th a t Describe a picture
happen? When we describe a picture, we describe the
place (where), the time (when), the weather,
Bill: The n e ig h b o u r’s dog chased m y cat
the people, their clothes and their feelings.
3 ) ............... a tree. Then it got stu ck
up there.
Luke: W hat 4 ) do? Look at the picture. Use the words
Bill: Lgot a ladder 5 ) .............. clim bed up to complete the description.
to get her. I had her in 6 ) ..............
• giraffe • skirt • Sunday
arm s when a branch broke and ...
• sunny • ju m p e r • fam ily
Luke: Oh no! D on’t tell m e!
• scared • w alked • zoo
Bill: You guessed it. We both fell
7 ) .................. I sprained 8 ) ..........
w rist but the c a t’s fine!
Last 1 ) ................................ Amy went to the
2 ) .............................with her 3)
It was a warm 4 ) ............................... day. Amy
b) Listen and check your answers.
looked great in her white 5 ) ...............................
and blue 6 ) ................................. Amy was a little
m m Replace the underlined phrases in the
7 ) ............................. of some of the big animals,
dialogue w ith ones from the language
but when she saw a tall 8 ) ...................... , she
smiled and 9 ) ..............................right up to it.
Expressing concern Expressing d is b e lie f

• Oh my goodness! • D o n ’t tell me! Asking questions

• H ow awful! • I d o n ’t believe it!
Urld W ork in pairs.
• T h a t’s shocking! • You c a n ’t be serious!
Student A: Look at Card A.
Student B: Look at Card B and ask Student A
In pairs, take roles and read the dialogue
J aloud.
Student A: Answer the questions.

IK Hi W ork in pairs. Read the newspaper

headline. Then tell each other the story,
using the prompts. V in ce ’s pet
Name: Vince Kelly
Teenager hurt in parrot rescue Age: 18
C ~ _ — -------

• tried to rescue pet parrot City: Bristol

• hurt when he fell o ff a ladder Pet: snake
. parrot escaped from its cage - flew up onto roof
Lives in: heated glass
. teenager got ladder - climbed up to roof
• had the parrot in his hands
• foo t slipped - fell o ff ladder Food: worms, insects,
• broke his leg - parrot flew back into its cage fish
Writing A story

A Cold Nijht Fright

Setting the scene b y Serena W est
We start a story by setting the scene. In order to do
One night, Jane and her dog Frankie were in the
so, we imagine we are looking at a picture and
describing the place (where), the time (when), the living room by the fire. It was freezing cold outdoors
weather, the people involved (who), their clothes, but Jane was warm in her jumper. Suddenly, there was
their activities, and their feelings. a strange noise outside.
Jane looked out of the window but there was
U l i Look at the picture and read the paragraph. nothing but snow. She put on her coat and went to
Answer the questions. the door. Frankie followed her. They were in the
garden when they heard the noise again. It was much
louder this time.
One morning Jessica was Terrified, Jane went to
utside collecting her post. It the back of the house. The next
as warm and she was lightly moment, some snow fell off
ressed. The weather made her the roof! Frankie ran up to it
el happy. It was a perfect day
barking furiously. Jane felt
>r horse-riding.
relieved. It wasn't a burglar -
only the snow!

1 W here and when did the sto ry happen? b) How similar is the w ay Serena sets the
scene to your answer in Ex. 2?
2 W hat was the w eather like?
3 W ho are the main characters?
Sequence words
4 W hat did they do?
5 How did they feel?

Look at the picture in the story in Ex. 3. Use

I We use and, so, after that, then, next, when,
etc to show the sequence of events.

the notes to w rite sentences setting the

M Choose the correct words.

• Jane • her dog, Frankie • living room Jane had a really busy day yesterday. 1) After th at/
• late last night • w anted to send an email First, she took the dog out for a walk. 2) Then/
• relaxed • ju m p e r • co ld o utside When she bought a jumper. 3) Finally/After that she
• heard a noise from outside had lunch with her friend, Molly.

Model analysis © Peter went to the library to return some books

a) Read the rubric, then the model. 4) after/and then he went to the gym to exercise.

a Your English teacher asked you to write a story.

Your story must start with the sentence: One
When he 5) finally/after came back home he was
very tired so he went to bed.

night, Jane and her dog Frankie were in the

living room by the fire. Your story must include:
• a garden. • snow Complete w ith: scared, surprised, exhausted.
Write your story (60-100 words).
1 We w e r e .......................... after the six-hour
drive home.
W hich paragraph(s):
2 He looked at the snake and froze. He felt
1 ends the story & p e o p le ’s feelings?
2 sets the scene?
3 I opened the do o r only to find out a big
3 present the events in the order they box w ith my name on and a pup p y in it. I
happened? f e l t .............................
To analyse how to set the scene to start
a story
• Read the Study Skills box. Ask Ss to look at the
picture and read the paragraph.
• Allow Ss enough time to answer the questions.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 One morning, outside 4 collect post
2 warm 5 happy
3 Jessica

2 m m To practice setting the scene of a story

• Explain the task and allow Ss enough time to
complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Late last night, Jane and her dog Frankie were in the
living room. It was cold outside but Jane was warm in
her thick jumper. She was on her computer because
she wanted to send an email. She felt relaxed.
Suddenly, she heard a noise from outside.

3 a) To analyse a rubric/model
• Ask Ss to read the rubric aloud and pay special
attention to the underlined words.
• Ask Ss to read the questions and the model.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 C 2 A 3 B

b) To compare your answer to a model

Elicit Ss’ answers from around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

4 To practice using sequence words

• Read out the theory box about sequence words.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 First 3 After 5 finally
2 Then 4 and

5 To practice using adjectives to describe

• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 exhausted 2 scared 3 surprised

• Ask Ss to use the Checklist to check their work for
6a) To present and practise adverbs of mistakes and then ask various Ss to read their
manner stories to the class.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
• Ask Ss to read the theory box.
read out their stories in the next lesson.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
it. Suggested Answer Key
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section Dolphin to the Rescue!
for more information. Last summer Andrew went to Hawaii for a holiday
• Check Ss’ answers. with his friends. The weather was hot and sunny. One
Answer Key morning he decided to go surfing. He felt really
excited. He put on his shorts, got his board and went
1 slowly 3 loudly 5 sadly
happily to the beach.
2 beautifully 4 angrily 6 hard
Andrew ran into the sea and swam out. Suddenly, he
felt a pain in his leg. He couldn’t move! He didn’t
b) To identify adverbs of manner know what to do. He was terrified. He slipped under
the water. Suddenly, he saw a grey head in the water.
• Give Ss to read the story again and elicit
It was a dolphin!
answers from various Ss around the class.
The dolphin swam up to Andrew and he quickly got
• Check Ss’ answers.
on its back. Finally, the dolphin took him safety to the
Answer Key shore. Andrew felt so relieved as he watched it swim
furiously away.

7 Aljt?) To analyse a rubric and predict the

content of a story
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and look at the picture.
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
The story is about a boy on holiday with his friends.
Maybe he had a problem on his surfboard.

8 To prepare for a writing task

• Ask Ss to listen to the recording.
• Ss make notes while listening.
• Ask some Ss to read their answers aloud to the
• Write the events on the board in the correct order
so Ss can check their answers.
Answer Key
1 Andrew went to the beach.
2 He ran into the sea and swam out.
3 He felt a pain in his leg.
4 He couldn’t move.
5 He saw a dolphin.
6 The dolphin swam up to him and Andrew got on
his back.
7 The dolphin took Andrew to the shore.

9 To write a story
• Give Ss time to write their story using their
answers from Ex. 8 and phrases from the Useful
Language box.
• Remind Ss to use the plan and the story skeleton
to help them. Ss can use the story in Ex. 3a as a

101 (T)
Adverbs of manner g see p, GR6 Useful Language
Setting the scene
• Last summer/year etc my family and I ...
• One day/morning, etc I w a s...
• Suddenly, we saw ...
• After that,/Next,/Then,...
• l/He, etc started (screaming, shouting
• We were relieved/happy/sad, etc ...
• It was the most exciting/frightening, etc
experience of my life.
V^jji a) Use the adverbs formed from the words in brackets to
J complete the gaps.

Karen and Anna walked 1 ) ........................... (slow) through the

market. Karen stopped to look at something. It was a music box.
When she opened the lid, a figure of a bird inside started singing
ip »
(Para 1) set the scene (time, place,
2 ) ........................... (beautiful). Suddenly, Karen heard Anna people, activity, etc)
shout 3 ) .......................... (loud). She looked up and saw Anna (Para 2) events in the order they
holding a young boy’s arm. “ He grabbed my bag!” she said happened & main event
4 ) .......................... (angry). The boy looked up 5 ) ............................
(Para 3) what happened in the end;
(sad) and tried 6 ) ........................... (hard) not to cry. “ I’m sorry!”
people's feelings
he said. “ I thought you were my mum!”

b) Find an adverb of manner in Serena's story.

Last summer ... . The weather
One morning he decided ... . He put
Writing on ... . Suddenly he f e l t ... . He was
■■■ ■ He slipped u n d e r... . Suddenly
Read the rubric and look at the picture. W hat do you
he saw ... . The dolphin swam
think the story is about?
Andrew f e l t . ...

An English-language magazine invites

readers to send in stories about their
personal experiences. The story must
start with the words: Last summer
Andrew went to Hawaii for a
holiday with his friends. Your story
£7 i Checklist
must include: When you finish your piece of writing,
• an animal check it for the following:
• a beach
• Does you story include all the points in
Write your story (60-100 words).
the rubric?
• Is the sequence of events clear?
• Does the story contain the correct
Listen to the story and list the events in the order
they happened.
• Is there a variety of adjectives and
tfOHI Use the events to w rite your story. Use language from the • Are there any spelling or grammar
Useful language box. Follow the plan. mistakes?

g W orkbook p. 60 101
Which of these
animals can you
see in the pictures?

• polar bear
• spiny anteater
• elephant

Mammals are warm-blooded animals. They have fur or hair. They feed their
babies on their own milk. Most mammals have teeth. They live on land,
underground or in the ocean and they are very intelligent. Some mammals can fly.

Some mammals like the whale, the hippo, the rhino and the elephant give birth to live
young. Other mammals like the kangaroo and the koala bear carry their young in
a pouch. A few mammals like the spiny anteater lay eggs. ~~+

Mammals that eat meat are called carnivores. Carnivores include

lions, tigers, seals, and polar bears. Mammals that eat only plants
are called herbivores. Some herbivores are cows, elephants,
V and giraffes. Mammals that eat both meat and plants
\ are called omnivores. Humans are omnivores. /

u n e c K erle se w o r a s

• warm-blooded • fur • feed • land

• underground • ocean • intelligent
• give birth to • live • carry • pouch
• lay an egg • carnivores • include
• herbivores • omnivores

Correct the words/phrases in bold.

1 Lions are cold-blooded anim als.

W hat do these animals
have in common? 2 Som e m am m als like kangaroos lay eggs.
3 G iraffes carry their young in a pouch.
Listen and read to find out.
4 H erbivores eat only meat.
5 G iraffes are carnivores.
Read the te x t and match the 6 C arnivores eat m eat and plants.
headings to the paragraphs.
One heading is extra.
I Tell the class five things th a t characterise
A Three kinds o f m am m als mammals.

В Eating habits II
C D escription and h abitat ICT[ In groups of four collect information about reptiles.

D Lifestyle Use headings similar to those in the te x t in Ex. 2. Prepare

a PowerPoint presentation for the class or a poster.

m To identify animals !SP To consolidate new vocabulary
Ask Ss to read the list of animals and then look at • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
the pictures and identify which ones they show. • Check Ss’ answers.
Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key
Answer Key 1 warm-blooded 4 Carnivores
polar bear F lion 1 2 spiny anteaters 5 herbivores
spiny anteate; H seal G 3 The kangaroo and 6 Omnivores
hippo A rhino C the koala bear
koala D giraffe В *
whale J cow E
5 і Щ. To consolidate information in a
Ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest of the
! ! $ To listen and read for specific information
class five things that characterise mammals.
• Read the rubric aloud.
Suggested Answer Key
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out.
• Check Ss’ answers. Mammals are warm-blooded animals. They have hair
or fur. They feed their babies milk. Some give birth to
Answer Key live young and others lay eggs. Most mammals have
They are all mammals. teeth.

3 Aij5$> To match headings to paragraphs 6 ICT To give a presentation on reptiles

• Ask Ss to read the headings (A-D) and give Ss • Ask Ss to work in groups of four.
time to read the text again and complete the task. • Give Ss time to collect information about reptiles
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss should justify their answers. from the Internet.
• Ask Ss to prepare a PowerPoint presentation or a
Answer Key
poster and present it to the class using similar
1 C (Mammals a re ... They liv e ...) headings as in Ex. 3.
2 A (give birth to young, carry their young, lay eggs) • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
3 B (carnivores, herbivores, omnivores) give their presentations in the next lesson.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the Suggested Answer Key
words in the Check these words box in their
dictionaries or look them up in the Word List.
Reptiles are cold-blooded creatures. They have scales
Suggested Answer Key on their bodies. They have four legs or no legs e.g.
warm-blooded (adj): having body temperature which snakes. They have ear holes instead of ears. Almost all
is above the temperature o f the surroundings reptiles lay eggs. Reptiles that give birth to live young are
fur (n): thick animal hair boas, vipers, garter snakes, skinks (a type o f lizard) and
feed (v): to give food to Jackson’s chameleons.
land (n): the solid part o f Earth’s surface Habitat
underground (n): below the surface of the ground Lizards and snakes live anywhere from deserts to
ocean (n): the salt water that covers the main parts o f rainforests. They can live on land, underground or in
the Earth trees. Some snakes live in water. Turtles live in the sea,
intelligent (adj): clever but tortoises are land animals. They dig deep holes in
give birth to (phr): to have a baby the earth to escape from the cold in winter. Crocodiles
live (adj): living and alligators live in water. Crocodiles sometimes live
carry (v): to have with oneself in salt water; alligators prefer freshwater habitats like
pouch (n): a pocket in the body swamps and lakes.
lay an egg (phr): to produce an egg from out o f the
body Eating habits
carnivore (n): meat eater Snakes are carnivores and can swallow their prey.
include (v): to have sth as one o f the parts o f sth Lizards are mainly herbivores but they can eat insects
herbivore (n): plant eater and sometimes other lizards! Turtles and tortoises are
omnivore (n): meat and plant eater mainly herbivores and insectivores; sea turtles’ diet
also includes seafood. Crocodiles and alligators are

1 To consolidate vocabulary from the unit 7 To practise past simple irregular forms
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 fur 3 thin 5 pointed 1 took 3 didn’t go 5 became
2 tail 4 feathers 2 didn’t lose 4 find

2 To consolidate vocabulary from the unit 8 nitS) To practise the comparative and
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 horse 3 legs 5 bear Answer Key
2 scales 4 canary 1 friendlier/more friendly 3 funnier 5 bigger
2 quietest 4 best
3 To consolidate vocabulary from the unit
Gram m ar in Focus
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. J P To consolidate grammar structures learnt
in the unit
Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
1 chew 3 wild 5 dangerous
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 lays 4 harm
Answer Key
IJ y To consolidate prepositional phrases 1 Tom’s 4 in
from the unit 2 never 5 didn’t have
3 is eating 6 brought
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 for 2 on 3 in 4 on 5 for

m To consolidate everyday English

expressions/exchanges learnt in the unit
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 Oh my goodness 3 Look out
2 You can’t be serious 4 Don’t tell me

6 To practise the past simple

• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 T-rex weighed more than two elephants.
2 Some dinosaurs didn’t eat meat.
3 Velociraptors caught animals larger than
4 Many dinosaurs weren’t dangerous.
5 Did velociraptors have wings?

Progress Check
Vocabulary Grammar
Choose the correct item. W rite the sentences in the past simple.

1 Bears have got fu r/w in g s. 1 T-Rex w eighs m ore than tw o elephants.

2 The lion in the zoo had a long tail/nose.
2 Som e dinosaurs don’t e a t meat.
3 G azelles have got b ig/thin legs.
4 B irds have got s c ales /fe ath ers.
3 V elocirapto rs catch anim als larger than
5 Foxes have got thin/pointed ears. th e m se lve s.....................................................
Find the odd one out. 4 M any dinosaurs a re n ’t dangerous.
1 horse - fo x - w o lf - lion
5 Do ve lo cira p to rs have w ings?
2 tail - horns - ears - scales
3 m outh - legs - nose - eye (5x4=20)
4 sheep - ra b b it - canary - tig e r Underline the correct item.
5 shark - bear - d o lphin - piranha 1 I ta k e /to o k my dog fo r a w alk yesterday.
2 Luckily, the tiger lost/didn’t lose its habitat.
Choose the correct item.
3 We didn’t g o /d o n ’t go to the vet today.
1 E lephants only have fo u r teeth to c h e w /
4 Did the w olves found/find any food?
digest th e ir food.
5 Dinosaurs becam e/becom e extinct millions
2 The platypus is a mammal, but it hatches/
of years ago.
lays eggs. (5x2=10)

3 We have to p ro te c t q u ie t/w ild anim als Put the adjectives in brackets into the
from poachers. comparative or the superlative.
4 Pollution can harm /save the environm ent.
1 Turtles are ...........................................
5 D on’t be frig h te n e d o f my dog - he isn ’t (friendly) than tarantulas.
d angerous/friendly.
(5x2=10) 2 Fish are the ........................................
Choose the correct preposition. (quiet) pet to keep.
3 Ham sters a r e .......................................
1 Penguins can live fo r/in a bout 20 years.
(funny) pets than rabbits.
2 A baby dolp h in only feeds o n /w ith its
4 W h a t’s the ...........................................
m o th e r’s milk.
(good) pet fo r a child?
3 Elephants live a t/in groups.
5 Blue w hales a r e ..................................
4 Penguins live o n /a t the ice of A nta rctica. (big) than elephants. (5x2=10)
5 W olves hunt o f/fo r th e ir food.

Everyday English
Fill in: Look out - You can't be serious - Don't
tell me - Oh my goodness.
Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets,
1 A: Ryan fell o ff a ladder yesterday. choose the correct word or fill in the gap.
B: .......................... ! Is he OK? 1 G izm o i s .......................(Tom) pet ham ster.
2 A: My aunt has got 17 cats. 2 Jackie n ever/so m etim es w alks her dog.
Her brother alw ays does it fo r her.
B: .......................... ! T h a t’s to o many!
3 The c a t ........................(eat) her dinner now.
3 A: ..........................! That branch is broken.
4 O ur ra bbit liv e s ..... the garden.
B: Thanks. I d id n ’t see that. 5 Paul ........................... (not/have) a pet
4 A: G uess w hat happened today? when he was seven.
B: ................ ! Y our p a rrot escaped again. 6 This m orning K elly’s c a t .................. (bring)
(4x5=20) her his to y m ouse.
Reading Use of English
[M u ltip le m a tch in g ] [T e x t co m p le tio n ]

K l Read the announcements below. For each S 3 Read the text. Complete the gaps w ith the
announcement (1-4), choose the right ' appropriate expressions (1-3) by circling A, B
sentence and w rite the appropriate letter or C.
(A, B, C, D or E) in the table. One sentence is
j~T~| Please Clean up a fte r your Dog

|~2] Please Do N ot Feed Our Anim als

This w ee k , all w eek

All P et Food H alf Price

[~4~| W atch for Wild Anim als

Drive Slow ly

A You can see th is sign in a shop.

B This sign asks people fo r help.
C You can see th is sign in a park.
D This sign tells people to be careful
E You can see th is sign in a zoo.

P Speaking
1 A buy
2 A with
3 A to com e
B bought
B at
B com ing
C will buy
C on
c com e

[D ia lo g u e c o m p le tio n ]
S 3 Complete the dialogues 1-3 w ith
[T/F statem ents
appropriate responses by circling the
appropriate letter (A, B or C).
W W ffili You are going to hear an
1 X: H ow was your visit to the zoo? announcement twice. Decide which
Y: ......................................................... statements (1-3) are T (true) and which are
A I w ent on foot. F (false).
B Great. Thanks!
C Yes, it was. 1 The park has both w ild and
do m e stic anim als.
2 X: Can I see it, please?
2 Som e of the w ild anim als are
Y: .........................................................................
free to w alk around the park.
A I’m sorry but I c a n ’t.
3 The speaker invites people to
B Yes, I’d love to.
help take care of the anim als.
C Sure! Here you are.

3 X: W hat does your new pup p y look like?

Y: .........................................................................
X: Ju st like my c o u s in ’s.
A It’s lovely.
B It’s g o t a brow n coat and a long tail.
C It looks good, thanks.

104 sW orkbook p. 62
{JJy To read for specific information (multiple
• Ask Ss to read the announcements (1-4) and the
sentences (A-E).
• Give Ss time to match the announcements to the
sentences and then check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 C 2 E 3 A 4 D

To complete dialogues
• Ask Ss to read the exchanges (1-3) and the
possible answers (A-C) for each one.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 B (asking about an experience)
2 C (asking to be given something)
3 B (asking about a p e t’s appearance)

To complete a text
• Ask Ss to look at the gaps and think about what
type of word is missing from each one.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 B (past simple - yesterday)
2 A (description)
3 C (bare infinitive after modal)

m To listen for specific information

(T/F statements)
• Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-3) and then play
the recording.
• Ss listen and complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 T 2 F 3 F
1 To match headings to paragraphs
• Ask Ss to look at the headings (A-D) and then give
them time to read the text and complete the task.
• Explain/Elicit any unknown words.
• Check Ss’ answers.
A n sw er Key
1 C 2 D 3 A

Background inform ation

The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth's
oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic in the
north to Antarctica in the south, bounded by Asia and
Australia in the west, and the Americas in the east. At
165,25 million km2 the Pacific Ocean covers about
46% of the Earth's water surface and about one-third
of its total surface area, making it larger than all of the
Earth's land area combined.
The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's
oceanic divisions. It is bounded by Asia - including
India, after which the ocean is named - on the north,
on the west by Africa, on the east by Australia, and on
the south by Antarctica. The Indian Ocean covers
about 20% of the Earth's water surface and an area
of 73,556,000 km2.

2 To complete sentences
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answer.
A n sw er Key
1 How old is 4 enjoys reading
2 could play 5 do not usually take
3 is shopping

3 To write a note
• Ask Ss to read the rubric and then brainstorm for
ideas for each of the bullet points.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and tell them
they can look at W riting B ank 2 for a model and
useful language.
• Check Ss' answers.
A n sw er Key
Rover is being sick so I ’m taking him to the vet.
I should be back by 4 pm but I can’t do the shopping.
I can do it tomorrow though.

Check your progress

Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the unit by
ticking the boxes according to how competent they feel
for each of the listed activities.

' ... .


Reading Use of English

[M a tc h in g headings to paragraphs] [Sentence co m p le tio n

Read the te x t and match the paragraphs to Complete the second sentence using the
the headings. There is one heading you do words in brackets so th a t it is grammatically
not need. correct. Do not change the order o f the
words given. Use up to four words to
1 complete each sentence.
The Giant Coconut Crab, or Robber Crab, is neither
1 (old/be) your pet?
the most beautiful nor the most common creature but
....................................................... your pet?
it is a very big one. In fact, the Coconut Crab can
2 W hen Liam was seven he (can/play) the
grow up to two metres in length and weigh over four
kilogrammes and is the largest crab on land.
W hen Liam was seven he ........................
......................................................the piano.
The Giant Coconut Crab is a terrestrial species of the
3 Mum (shop) at the mall; Jane is with her.
marine hermit crab. Scientists believe it slowly
Mum ..............................................................
adapted to living on land. Now, it cannot swim and
at the mall; Jane is w ith her.
quickly drowns if covered in water. Its habitat is the
4 Denis (enjoy/read) about anim als.
islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Denis ................................. about anim als.
5 Fred and Greg (n o t/u su ally/take) the bus
Adult coconut crabs mostly eat fruits, nuts, and
to college.
seeds, as well as dead animals. They also climb trees
Fred and Greg .............................................
and open coconuts and this is where they get their
.....................................the bus to college.
name from. People hunt them for their meat and in
some areas there are no more of them. Writing
Read the rubric and brainstorm for ideas
under the headings. Then do the task.

Your English roommate has asked you to buy

some things from the supermarket, but you had
to take your dog to the vet. Leave him/her
a note (50-100 words). In your note:
explain what's wrong with the dog.
say what time you'll be back,
suggest doing the shopping tomorrow.

k p. 63

Now I can do th ese in English and I can do these tasks

talk about animals [ ; multiple matching (reading) [ matching headings to

describe animals [__ j dialogue completion paragraphs (reading)
express concern/disbelief (speaking)
respond to situations [__ text completion (use of English) sentence completion
ask questions [ ___] □ (use of English)
write a story T/F statements (listening) Q writing (a note) l |


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