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District Magistrate, Hapur, UP- 245208

विषय: IGRS complaint (40020421004864) के निस्तारण से सम्बंधित


आपको अवगत करािा है कक पपछली IGRS complaint (40020421004864) में कुलदीप

medical स्टोर जो Whole Sale के license के आिार पर retail (फुटकर) में allopathic medicine
बेचकर FSDA, UP की guidelines and rules का घोर उल्लंघि कर रहा है , के खिलाफ आपके
द्वारा काययवाही कक मांग की गई थी I लेककि सम्बंधित पवभाग द्वारा कुलदीप medical स्टोर (सभ
ु ाष
गेट/मनू तय के पास, पीपल के पेड़ के िज़दीक, बड़ा मोहल्ला, Ward No.-4/मीरा की रे ती वाली मैि रोड,
ु तेश्वर, तहसील – गढ़मक्
ु तेश्वर, जजला – हापड़
ु , उत्तर प्रदे श-245205) को जारी कारण बताओ
िोटटस से प्रकट हो रहा है कक:

1. No solid action has been taken. It seems that the action has been diluted, compromised,
favoured, and colluded with the owner of “Kuldeep Medical Store”. This was the principal
reason that the unreadable report was intentionally uploaded in the IGRS system previously.
The medical store is still in the operating condition.
2. There is no report on “Sale and purchase License numbers, GST Registration
number, no information regarding tax or billing”.
3. It is clear that the “Kuldeep Medical Store” is operating retail Medical Store through Whole
Sale License but in the report, it is specially shown and kept under doubt and in the ambiguous
condition while it is well-known that the mentioned medical store is operating by violating the
guidelines and rules of FSDA, UP. The words and language of the report is diluted. Hence, it is
quite clear that the intention of the investigation individuals is doubtful.
4. Knowing all the facts, the Whole Sale license could be dismissed permanently but no such
action was taken, instead of it, a soft notice was issued where the medical store owner can
defend it and can save himself easily and could continue his business as usual without any
hurdle and without following FSDA, UP’s guidelines (operating retailer’s medical store in the
name of Whole Sale License). The previous drug inspector Mr. Luv Kush Prasad gave clean chit
to Kuldeep Medical Store in his previous IGRS Report (40020421004864) because the drug
inspector was colluded with the owner of mentioned Medical Store. Hence, there is a need of
special team comprising of DM of Hapur/ADM of Hapur/SDM of Garhmukteshwar in the fresh
investigation to be conducted so that the strong bridge between the owner of the medical
store and the investigation team could be breached. In addition, there should be some
competent and high designation person necessarily in the investigation team from FSDA
Headquarter, Aliganj, Lucknow to make the investigation fair and transparent.

अतः आदरणीय जजलाधिकारी जी से पविती है कक Whole Sale मेडडससि के License के

आिार पर चलिे वाले ररटे ल - कुलदीप मेडडकल स्टोर की पि
ु ः fair and transparent investigation
by higher authorities including other department’s higher authorities (as suggested
above__Involvement of DM of Hapur/ADM of Hapur/SDM of Garhmukteshwar including
competent and high designation person from headquarter (FSDA, Aliganjl, Lucknow, UP) in the
investigation team) होिी चाटहए तथा फजी तरीके से मेडडकल स्टोर चलािे वाले मेडडकल स्टोर
संचालक पर भारतीय दं ड संटहता/कािि
ू सम्मत उधचत व ठोस/प्रभावी काययवाही होिी चाटहए जजससे इस
तरह के फजी ररटे ल मेडडकल स्टोर जो जिता के सलए ितरिाक हो सकते हैं, बंद हो सके और
ू ी िंिों पर लगाम लगे जा सके I

Thanks and Regards

Yours Sincerely


Satish Kumar (9455056465); Email:

Village – Sherpur, PS – Bahadurgarh, Tehsil – Garhmukteshwar, District – Hapur, UP

– 245208

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