(Cô Vũ Mai Phương) Mục tiêu 9+ - Nâng cao kĩ năng xử lí câu hỏi Đọc điền (Phần 2)

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PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling cé. ‘TAL LIEU LUYEN THI THPT QUOC GIA NAM 2022 ff NANG CAO KI NANG XU LY CAU HOT DQC DIEN (P2) Bién sogn: Co Vai Thj Mai Phuong C6 Va Thj Mai Phuong Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks. Sir Isaac Newton, the English scientist and mathematician, was one of the most important figures of the 17th century scientific revolution. One of his greatest achievement was the discovery of the three laws of motion, (1) are still used today. But he also had a very unusual personality. Some people would say he was actually insane. His father died before he was born, and his mother soon remarried. The young Isaac hated his stepfather so much that he onee (2) to bum his house down - when his stepfather and mother were still inside! Fortunately he did not, and he went on to graduate from Cambridge without being thrown into prison, Isaac's first published work was a theory of light and color. When another scientist wrote a paper criticizing this theory, Isaac flew into an uncontrollable rage. The scientist (3) for the criticism was a man called Robert Hooke. He was head of the Royal Society, and one of the most respected scientists in the country. (4) , this made no difference to Isaac, who refused to speak to him for over a year. The simple fact was that Isaac found it impossible to have a calm discussion with anyone. As soon as someone said something that he disagreed with, he would lose his temper. For this reason he lived a large part of his life i scientists. It is unlikely that many of them complained. Question 1. B, who C. that D. they Question 2. B. frightened C. threatened D. warmed Question 3. A. responsible B. reasonable C. guilty D. attributable Question 4. A. Although B. However C. Despite D. What is more Question 5. A. another B. others Cone D. other Read the following text and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 6 to 10. England's remaining state nursery schools are being driven towards extinction by budget pressures and uncertainty over future government funding, according to a survey of the sector's financial (6) ___ A third of the maintained nursery schools - which offer pre-school provision through local authorities - said they were having to cut staff and services, including reducing opening hours, because of falling income and higher costs since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. "Maintained nursery schools during the pandemic were a lifeline for local families. They (7) open for the most vulnerable children and children of critical workers, often taking in children from (8). settings that closed,” said Beatrice Merrick, the chief executive of Early Education, (9) represents the sector. "Instead of this lifeline being supported, itis being put at risk by government failure to address their routine funding needs." The survey, by Early Education and the sector's leading unions, including Unison and the National Education Union, found nursery schools were losing an average of £76,000 in annual (10)_and having to spend an extra £8,000 in costs directly related to Covid-19. ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. Question 6. A. outcome B. consequence —_C. treatment D. position Question 7. A. continued B. kept C. maintained D. stayed Question 8. A. other B. others C. the other D. another Question 9. A. whom B. which C. that D. when Question 10, A. money B. income C. grant D. pension Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks. Development economics is the branch of economics that focuses on the special (11) problems faced (12) poor and underdeveloped countries. (13) classical economies, development economics studies the social and political factors that affect economic growth. It addresses the problem of the Third World debt and the role of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in continuing that debt with strict repayment rules. Scholars in the field have proposed that the best long term solution (14) to excuse much of the debt. Debtor nations also. must be helped to establish stable governments and self-sustaining economies. The goal is to help them become trading partners with creditor nations. An important means to that end is to (15) the growth of a strong middle class. Some ways to do that include guaranteeing education for all, allowing free trade, and providing medical care, Governments must allow for elected representatives and independent court systems. Question 11, A. economy B. economize ©. economical D. economic Question 12, A. by B. down Gof D. for Question 13, A. Dislike B. Unlikely ©. Unlike D. Dissimilar Question 14, A. is B.are C.were D. was Question 15. A. encourage B. weaken C. discourage D. popularize Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks. Children in (16) Netherlands must be at least four years old to (17) primary education, Almost all 4-year-olds (99.3%) in the country indeed attend primary school, (18) this is not compulsory until children reach the age of 5. Primary school is free of charge. In most schools, children are grouped by age in mixed ability classes, with one teacher for all subjects. Primary school consists of 8 groups, thus schooling lasts for 8 years. During the first two years, which (19) kindergarten, children receive an average of 22 hours of education, during the last 6 years children receive an average of 25 hours per week. Schools are open 5 days a week, but children are free on Wednesday aftemoon, At the end of primary school, or in group 8, schools advise (20) secondary school choice. Most schools use a national test to support this advice, for instance the "Citotoets" a test developed by the Central Institute for Test development Question 16. A.an BO Ca D. the Question 17, A. run B. enter C. come D. afford Question 18, A. in spite B. due to C. despite D. although Question 19, A. is also calling —_B. is also called. also called D. is called also Question 20. A. for B. of Cat D.on ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAL PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling cé. HUONG DAN GIAI CHI TIET Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks. Sir Isaac Newton, the English scientist and mathematician, was one of the most important figures of the 17th century scientific revolution. One of his greatest achievement was the discovery of the three laws of motion, (1) are still used today. But he also had a very unusual personality. Some people would say he was actually insane. His father died before he was born, and his mother soon remarried. The young Isaac hated his stepfather so much that he once (2) to burn his house down - when his stepfather and mother were still inside! Fortunately he did not, and he went on to graduate from Cambridge without being thrown into prison. Isaac's first published work was a theory of light and color. When another scientist wrote a paper criticizing this theory, Isaac flew into an uncontrollable rage. The scientist (3) for the criticism was a man called Robert Hooke. He was head of the Royal Society, and one of the most respected scientists in the country. (4) , this made no difference to Isaac, who refused to speak to him for over a year. The simple fact was that Isaac found it impossible to have a calm discussion with anyone. As soon as someone said something that he disagreed with, he would lose his temper. For this reason he lived a large part of his life isolated from (5) scientists. It is unlikely that many of them complained. Question 1. WHIGH B. who C. that D. they Hudéng din giai Kién thire: dai tir quan hé Ta ding dai tir quan hé “which” thay thé cho danh tir chi vat “three laws of motion”. Ta khéng dung that, vi ‘that’ khéng di voi ménh dé quan hé c6 dau phay, One of his greatest achievement was the discovery of the three laws of motion, which are still used today. ‘Tam dich: Mdt trong nhimg thanb tyu 1én nhat ca dng 1a phat hign ra ba dinh ludt chuyén d6ng, van duge sir dung cho dén ngay nay. —+ Chon dap an A outed B. frightened C. threatened warned Question 2. Avs Hwéng din giai Kién thite: tin yung A. shout (): hét len B. frighten (v): lam hoang so C. threaten (v): de doa (threaten to do sth: doa kim gi) D. warn (v): canh bao (warn sb not to do sth: c’inh bio ai khéng Lam gi) The young Isaac hated his stepfather so much that he once threatened to burn his house down - when his stepfather and mother were still inside! ‘Tam dich: Issac le nho ghét bé dugng d&n néi dng ting de doa dét nha — trong lée bé dugng va me ctia ng van cén dang 6 bén trong. — Chon dap an C Question 3. [Mileesponsible B. reasonable C. guilty D. attributable ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cuing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. Huéng dan gi Kién thite: tir vung A. responsible (adj): chu tréch nhigm (be responsible for sth) B, reasonable (adj): vita phai, hop li C. guilty (adj): ¢6 ti (be guilty of sth) D. attributable (adj): c6 thé quy cho (be attributable to sth) The scientist responsible for the criticism was a man called Robert Hooke. ‘Tym djeh: Nha khoa hge ma chi trich dng duge goi la Robert Hooke. — Chon dip an A Question 4. A. Although ‘3. However C. Despite D. What is more Hung din gi A, Although + ménh dé: mac di B. However: tuy nhién (phia sau cé dau phay) C. Despite + Noun/V-ing: mie di D. What's more: hon nifa (pha sau e6 déu phdy) However, this made no difference to Isaac, who refused to speak to him for over a year ‘Tam dich: Tuy vay, diéu nay ching ¢6 ¥ nghia gi véi Isaac, dng tir chdi ndi chuyén véi Robert hon mot nam, — Chon dap an B Question 5. A. another 'B. others: C.one ‘1D. other: Huéng dan giai Kién thire: tir vung A. another + N (s6 it): mét vat/ nguéi khae B. others: nhiing ngudi khéc; nhing vat khde (di minh) C. one: mot ngudi nao 46, mét (ngudi, vat...) D. other + N (s6 nhiéu): vavingudi khac For this reason he lived a large part of his life isolated from (30) other scientists, ‘Tam deh: Vi ly do nay, éng da séng phan lin cuge doi ctia minh biét lap voi cae nha khoa hoc khéc, — Chon dap an D Djeh bai Tsaac Newton, nha khoa hoc va nha toan hgc ngudi Anh, li mét trong nhiing nhan vat quan trong nhat cita cude cach mang khoa hoc thé ky 17. Mot trong nhiing thanh tyu lon nhat ciia ng la phat hign ra ba dinh luat chuyén dong ma vin duge str dung cho dén ngay nay. Nhung 6ng cing c6 mét tinh cach rat khde thurng. Mot sé ngudi sé ndi rng dng bj dién. Cha 6ng mat trude khi Gng duge sinh ra, va me Gng s6m tai hon. Chang trai tré Isaac rat ghét cha dugng ctia minh dén mite da timg doa dét nha - khi ma cha duong va me 6ng van con 6 bén trong! May man thay, ong khong lam vay, va Gng van c6 thé tigp tuc hoc tap dé t6t nghigp dai hoc Cambridge ma khéng bj téng vao ti. Céng trinh dau tién duge xuat ban bdi Isaac 1a ly thuyét vé anh sang va mau sic. Khi m6t nha khoa hoc Khac viét m6t bai béo chi trich ly thuyét nay, Isaac da ndi con thinh ng khéng thé kiém sodt dugc. Nha khoa hge chi trich 6ng cé tén 1a Robert Hooke, Ong li ngudi dimg diu Higp hoi Hoang gia, va 1a mot ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAL PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. trong nhimg nha khoa hoc duge kinh trong nhat trong nuéc. Tuy nhién, dieu nay ching cé nghia ly gi v6i Issac, va Ong di khéng néi chuyén v6i Robert trong hon mot nam Sq that don gin la Isaac cam thay minh kh6ng thé ¢6 mot cudc thao lun binh tinh véi bat ky ai. Ngay ci khi ai dé noi digu gi dé ma dng khong déng J, Ong dy sé mat binh tinh. Vi ly do nay, dng di song phan én cuge disi cia minh bigt lap véi cdc nha khoa hoc khac. Khéng chic iu ngudi trong sé ho da phan nan, Read the following text and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 6 to 10. England's remaining state nursery schools are being driven towards extinction by budget pressures and uncertainty over future government funding, according to a survey of the sector's financial (6)___ A third of the maintained nursery schools - which offer pre-school provision through local authorities - said they were having to cut staff and services, including reducing opening hours, because of falling income and higher costs since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. "Maintained nursery schools during the pandemic were a lifeline for local families. They (7) open for the most vulnerable children and children of critical workers, often taking in children from (8) settings that closed," said Beatrice Merrick, the chief executive of Early Education, (9) represents the sector. "Instead of this lifeline being supported, it is being put at risk by government failure to address their routine funding needs." The survey, by Early Education and the sector's leading unions, including Unison and the National Education Union, found nursery schools were losing an average of £76,000 in annual (10) __and having to spend an extra £8,000 in costs directly related to Covid-19, Question 6. A. outcome B. consequence _C. treatment ‘D. position Huéng dn giai A. outcome (n): két qua B. consequence (n): hau qua C. treatment (n); cach dieu tri D. position (n): tinh hinh ‘Tam dich: England's remaining state nursery schools are being driven towards extinction by budget pressures and uncertainty over future government funding, according to a survey of the sector's financial position. (Cac trong mau gido céng cén Iai ¢ Anh dang dan bién mat boi ap Ive ngan sach va ngudn vén khéng chic chan cia chinh phu, theo mét cudc khao sat vé tinh hinh tai chinh cua nganh.) — Chon dap an D Question 7. A. continued B. kept C. maintained ‘D. stayed Huéng din giai A. continued + to V: tiép tye B. kept + V-ing: gitt C. maintained: duy tri D. stayed + adj: gitr trong trang thai gi ‘Tam deh: They stayed open for the most vulnerable children and children of critical workers... (Ching mé eta cho da sé nhiing tré em dé bj tén thong va con cia nhiing lao dng trong yéu...) — Chon dap an D Question 8. A. other B. others Hwéng dan giai the other D. another A. other + N (s6 nhiéu): khac 8B. others: nhimg cai khae CC. the other: cdi edn Iai D. another + N (dém duge sé it): mot edi khae Phia sau chd can dién 1a danh tir s6 nhiéu ‘settings’, nén ta sé ding other. ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAL PHUGNG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. ‘Tam deh: "Maintained nursery schools during the pandemic were a lifeline for local families. They stayed open for the most vulnerable children and children of critical workers, often taking in children from other settings that closed,"... (“Duy tri trdng mau gido trong dai dich chinh la day ciru sinh cho nhiing gia dinh dja phuong. Ching mo cira cho da sé nhimg tré em dé bj tn thuong va con cia nhiing lao dng trong , thurong nhan tré em tir nhing noi da déng cita,”....) — Chon dap an A Question 9. whom 8. which C. that when Hwéng dan giai Ta ding dai tir quan hé ‘which’ dé thay cho danh tir chi vat “Early Education” 6 phia trude. Vi c6 dau phay, nén ta khéng ding that, ‘Tam dich: "Maintained nursery schools during the pandemic were a lifeline for local families. They stayed open for the most vulnerable children and children of critical workers, often taking in children from other settings that closed," said Beatrice Merrick, the chief executive of Early Education, which represents the sector. (“Duy tri trudng mau gido trong dai dich chinh 1a day ctu sinh cho nhiing gia dinh dja phuong. Ching mé cita cho da sé nhiing tré em dé bj tén thong va con cita nhing lao dng trong yéu, thudng nhjn tré em tir nhing noi da dong cita.”, Beatrice Merrick, gidm déc diéu hinh cia Early Education, dai dign cho nginh, di néi.) — Chon dap an B Question 10, 8. ineome C. grant Huéng dan giai A. money D. pension A. money (n): tién B. ineome (n): thu nhap C. grant (n): tién tro cap D. pension (n): Iwong hu ‘Tam dich: The survey, by Early Education and the sector's leading unions, including Unison and the National Education Union, found nursery schools were losing an average of £76,000 in annual income and having to spend an extra £2,000 in costs directly related to Covid-19. (Cuge khio sat, thye hign bi Early Edueation va cong doan dau nginh, bao gdm Unison va Cong doan gido due quée gia, thay ring tung mau gido di mat trung binh 76,000 bang Anh trong thu nhp hang nim va phai tn thém chi phi 8,000 bang Anh vi Covid-19.) — Chon dap in B DICH BAI: England's remaining state nursery schools are being driven towards extinction by budget pressures and uncertainty over _ future government funding, according to a survey of the sector's financial position, A third of the maintained nursery schools - which offer pre- school provision through local authorities - said they were having to cut staff and services, including reducing opening hours, because of falling income and higher costs since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. "Maintained nursery schools during the pandemic were a lifeline for Cée truéng miu gido cOng cdn Iai 6 Anh dang dan bién mat béi ap lyre ngan sach va ngudn von khéng. chic chan ctia chinh phi, theo mét cugc khao sat 8 tinh hinh ti chinh eta nganh. 1/3 nhing truong mau gido cén Iai - cung cap dich vu non théng qua chinh quyén dia phuong - néi ring ho phai cit gidm nhdn vién va dich vy, bao gm giam gid mé cita, vi giam thu nhap va chi phi ting cao Ké tir khi dai dich Covid-19 bung phat. “Duy tri trudng miu gido trong dai dich chinh 1a day eitu nh cho nhing gia dinh dja phuong. Ching mo cira cho da s6 nhiing tré em dé bi ton thuong va ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAL PHUGNG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. local families. They stayed open for the most vulnerable children and children of critical workers, often taking in children from other settings that closed," said Beatrice Merrick, the chief executive of Early Education, which represents the sector. "Instead of this lifeline being supported, it is being put at risk by government failure to address their routine funding needs." The survey, by Early Education and the sector's leading unions, including Unison and the National Education Union, found nursery schools were losing an average of £76,000 in con ctia nhimg lao déng trong yeu, thuéng nhin tré em tir nhiing noi di dong cita.”, Beatrice Merrick, gidm déc diéu hanh cua Early Education, dai dign cho nganh, da néi, “Thay vi ung hd sgi day ciru sinh nay, né dang gp rii ro do that bai cua chinh pho trong viée giai quyét nhu cau nguén, vén thudng xuyén.” Cude khdo sat, thyc hién bai Early Education va céng doan dau nganh, bao gm. Unison va Cong doan gido duc quéc gia, thy ring trudng miu giio di mat trung binh 76,000 bang ‘Anh trong thu nhp hang nm va phai t6n thém chi phi 8,000 bang Anh vi Covid-19, annual income and having to spend an extra £8,000 in costs directly related to Covid-19. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks. Development economics is the branch of economics that focuses on the special (11) problems faced (12) poor and underdeveloped countries. (13) classical economies, development economics studies the social and political factors that affect economic growth. It addresses the problem of the Third World debt and the role of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in continuing that debt with strict repayment rules. Scholars in the field have proposed that the best long term solution (14) to excuse much of the debt. Debtor nations also must be helped to establish stable governments and self-sustaining economies. ‘The goal is to help them become trading partners with creditor nations. An important means to that end is to (15) the growth of a strong middle class. Some ways to do that include guaranteeing education for all, allowing free trade, and providing medical care. Governments must allow for elected representatives and independent court systems. Question 11. A. economy B. economize C. economical D. economic Huéng din giai Kién thite vé tir vung A. economy (1): kinh té B. economize (v): tiét kigm C. economical (a): tiét kigm D. economic (a): kinh té Ta can dién m6t tinh tir bd sung nghia cho danh tir "problem" —> dap an D phi hop vé nghia ‘Thong (in: Development economics is the branch of economies that focuses on the special economic problems faced by poor and underdeveloped countries. Kinh té hoc phat trién la m6t nhanh cua kinh té hoc tap trung vao cdc van dé kinh té dic biét nude nghéo va kém phat trién phai déi mat, — Chon dap an D B. down Cf D. for Question 12. AUB ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. Kién thite vé gidi ti Ta co cum ‘be faced by sb/sth: ai phai d6i mat vai cai gi” ‘Thong tin: Development economies is the branch of economics that focuses on the special economic problems faced by poor and underdeveloped countries. Tam dich: Kinh té hoc phat trién la m6t nhanh cua kinh té hoc tp trung vao céc van dé kinh té dic biét ma cde nuée nghéo va kém phat trién phai d6i mat. — Chon dap an A Question 13. A. Dislike B. Unlikely ©. Unlike D. Dissimilar Huéng din giai Kién thire vé tir vung A. Dislike (v): kh6ng thich, ghét B. Unlikely (a): khong cé kha nang C. Unlike (gidi tit): khong giéng véi_—_D. Dissimilar (a): khong giéng Chi c6 dap An C 6 thé dimg dau cau > dap an C ding ‘Thong tin: Unlike classical economics, development economics studies the social and political factors that affect economic growth. It addresses the problem of the Third World debt and the role of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in continuing that debt with strict repayment rules. Tam dich: Khéng giéng nhu kinh té hoc cé dién, kinh té hoc phat trién nghién ciru cdc yéu té xa hoi va chinh tri anh hudng dén tng truéng kinh té. No giai quyét van dé ng ctia Thé gidi thir ba va vai tro cu Ngan hang Thé gidi va Quy Tién t6 Quéc té trong vige tiép tue khoan ng d6 voi cae quy tae tra ng nghiém ngat. — Chon dap an C Question 14. is B. are C. were D. was Huéng dan giai Kién thite vé chia dong tir Chi ngir cia ménh dé la “the best long term solution” 1a sé it nén ta phai chia déng tir & sé it Trong edu dang chia 6 thi hign tai nén ta ding thi hign tai don. ‘Phéng tin: Scholars in the field have proposed that the best long term solution is to excuse much of the debt. Tam dich: Céc he gia trong linh vyc nay da dé xuat ring giai phap dai han tét nhat la mién nhiéu ng. — Chon dap an A Question 15. [eneourage B. weaken C. discourage D. popularize Huéng din giai Kién thire vé tir vung A. encourage (v): khuyén khich B. weaken (v): lam suy yéu C. discourage (v): Im nan chi D. popularize (v): phé bién hod ‘ThOng tin: An important means to that end is to encourage the growth of a strong middle class. Some ways to do that include guaranteeing education for all, allowing free trade, and providing medical care. Governments must allow for elected representatives and independent court systems. ‘Tam dich: Mét phuong tign quan trong dé dat duge myc dich d6 1a khuyén khich sy phat trién ctia mot ting lép tung luu manh mé. Mét sé cach dé lam diéu dé bao gém dam bao gido due cho tat cd moi ngudi, cho phép thuong mai ty do va cung ep dich vy chim séc y té. Cac chinh phit phai cdp phép cho cdc dai dign din cir va hé théng tda dn déc lap. — Chon dip an A ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. DICH BAI BOC Development econor the branch of economies that focuses on the special economic problems faced by poor and underdeveloped countries. Unlike development economies studies the social and political factors that affect economic growth. It addresses the problem of the Third World debt and the role of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in continuing that debt with strict repayment rules. Scholars in the field have proposed that the best long term solution is to excuse much of the debt. Debtor nations also must be helped to establish stable governments and self-sustaining economies. The goal is to help them become trading partners with creditor nations. An important means to that end is to encourage the growth of a strong middle class. Some ways to do that include guaranteeing education for all, allowing free trade, and providing medical care. Governments must allow for elected representatives and independent court systems. sis classical Kinh té hoc phat trién la mét nhanh cita kinh té hoe tap trung vao cdc van dé kinh té dic biét ma céc nuéc nghéo va kém phat trién phai d6i mat. Khong gidng nhu kinh té hoc cé kinh té hoc phat trién nghién ctru cae yéu t6 xa héi va chinh tr anh. huéng dén tang trudng kinh té. Né giai quyét van dé ng cia Thé gidi thir ba va vai trd cia Ngan hing Thé gidi va Quy Tién té Quéc té trong viée tiép tue khoan ng dé véi cée quy tie tra ng nghiém ngat. Cac hoe gid trong linh vue nay da dé xuat ring gi: phap dai han t6t nhat la mién nhieu ng, Cac quéc gia mic ng cing phai duge gitip d5 dé thanh lap cae chinh phi dn dinh va cae nén kinh té ty duy tri, Muc dich 1a gitp ho tra thanh d6i tae thong mai véi cde quée gia ch ng. Mét phuong tign quan trong dé dat duge mye dich dé 1a khuyén khich su phat trién cla mét ting Iép trung hu manh mé. M6t sé cach dé thytc hién bao gom dam_ bao gido duc cho tat cd moi ngudi, cho phép thuong mai ty do va cung cap dich vy cham sée y té, Cac chinh phii phai cap phép cho cae dai dién. dan cir va hé théng tda dn doc lap. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks. Children in 16) Netherlands must be at least four years old to (17) primary education. Almost all 4-year-olds (99.3%) in the country indeed attend primary school, (18) this is not compulsory until children reach the age of 5. Primary school is free of charge. In most schools, children are grouped by age in mixed ability classes, with one teacher for all subjects. Primary school consists of 8 groups, thus schooling lasts for 8 years. During the first two years, which (19) kindergarten, children receive an average of 22 hours of education, during the last 6 years children receive an average of 25 hours per week. Schools are open 5 days a week, but children are free on Wednesday afternoon, At the end of primary school, or in group 8, schools advise (20) secondary school choice. Most schools use a national test to support this advice, for instance the "Citotoets" a test developed by the Central Institute for Test development Question 16. A. an Bo ome Huéng din giai Kién thite vé mao tir Mao tir "the" dimg true tén quée gia Netherlands ‘Thong tin: Children in the Netherlands must be at least four years old to enter primary education. ‘Tam dich: Tré em 6 Ha Lan phai tir bon tudi tro lén mai — Chon dip an D Beenter Question 17, A.run luge vao hye tiéu hoe. C. come D. afford ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAL PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. Huéng dan giai Kién thire vé tir vung A. run (v): chay, diéu hanh B. enter (v): vao, gia nhap C. come (v): dén D. afford (v): dii kha nang chi tra ‘Xét vé nghia ta chon dap an B ‘Thdng tin: Children in the Netherlands must be at least four years old to enter primary education, Tam dich: Tré em 6 Ha Lan phai tir bén tudi tré 1én méi duoc vao hoc tiéu hoc. — Chon dap in B Question 18. A. in spite B. due to C. despite ‘D. although Huéng dan Kién thite vé lign tir |A. in spite of + N/v-ing: mae dit B. due to +N: bai vi C. despite + N/V-ing: mac dit D. although + clause: mae dit Sau tir can dién 1a mot ménh dé nén dap an D ding ‘Thong tin: Almost all 4-year-olds (99.3%) in the country indeed attend primary school, although this, is not compulsory until children reach the age of. Tam dich: Hau hét tat ca tré 4 tudi (99.3%) trén ca nude déu thye sy di hoc tiéu hoc, mac di digu nay khéng bat budc cho dén khi tré lén 5 tudi. — Chon dip an D Question 19. A. isalso calling BURSISSANd = C-. also called D. is called also Huwéng din Kién thie vé chia d6ng tir Chit ngir la “the first two years” ( 2 nim dau tién) khOng thy hign duge hanh dng “call” (goi), nén ta sé ding bj dong Céng thire: be + (adv }+ PIL ‘Thong tin: During the first two years, which is also called kindergarten, children receive an average of 22 hours of education, during the last 6 years children receive an average of 25 hours per week. ‘Tam djeh: Trong hai nam dau, con duge goi la mau gido, tré em duge giéo due trung binh 22 gid, trong 6 nim cudi tré duge hoc trung binh 25 gid méi tuan, — Chon dip in B Question 20. A. for B.of Cat Doon Huéng dan giai Kién thite vé gidi tir Ta cé cau tri S + advise + somebody + on + something... ‘ThOng tin: At the end of primary school, or in group 8, schools advi ‘Tam djch: Vao cui cp tiéu hoc, hoa trong nhém 8, cdc trudng tw — Chon dap an D condary school choice. Iya chon truég trung hoc. ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAL PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO SMPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mdi ngay cling c6. DICH BAI: Tré em 6 Ha Lan phai tir bon tudi tro lén moi duge vao hoc tiéu hoc. Hau hét tat ca tré em 4 tudi (99,3%) trong ea nude thye su di hoc tiéu hge, mae dit diéu nay khong bat bude cho dén khi tré Ién 5 tudi. Giéo duc 6 bac tiéu hoc 1a mién phi. Trong hau hét cdc truéng hoc, tré em duge phan nhom theo d6 tudi trong cae lép nang lye hén hgp, voi mét gido vién cho tat ca cdc mén hoc. Trudng tiéu hoc gdm 8 nhém, nhu vay thoi gian hoc cua trudng kéo dai 8 nam. Trong hai nam dau, edn duge goi la mu gido, tré em duge gido duc trung binh 22 gid, trong 6 nam cudi tré duge hoc trung binh 25 gid méi tan. Truéng hoc mo. ctra 5 ngay m6t tuan, nhung tré em duge nghi vao chiéu thir Tu. Vao cudi cap tiéu hoc, hodc trong nhhom 8, cae trudng tu van vé Iya chon trung trung hoe. Hau hét cdc trudng sit dung mét bai kiém tra quéc gia dé hd trg Idi khuyén nay, vi dy: "Citotoets", mGt bai kiém tra do Vign Nghién ciru Phat trién Trung wong dura ra ‘Dang ki KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG

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