Writing Analysis Test1 Task1

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Is true learning one that explores liberal arts courses or just simply focus on a

specialized study of a single discipline? Some will argue that true learning should
not include courses that are not related to an individual's discipline, but i
believe for an individual to be truly learned liberal art courses should be offered
which includes a vast knowledge base.
Firstly, offering the liberal art courses will make students have a
broad knowledge base. Taking course outside their specialized discipline will allow
students encounter thoughts and ideas in literature. This will make such knowledge
less mundane to them; also, they can relate with their coevals on issues outside
their specialized field. For example, science attached students may have a
predilection towards artworks and pick up habits of visiting art galleries.
Furthermore, it will help make it clear to students that the
boundaries between various fields have been lowered with the effect of
modernization. What happens in a particular field has an effect on the other field.
For instance, before a project is developed by a science team, there has to be
knowledge of what the basic needs of the community are. Science projects have to
affect the citizens positively; thus, scientist should have understanding of social
behaviour of individuals through the liberal arts.
moverover education now-a-days has became highly job oriented
which leads the universitys to focus on studying specialized courses with out
teaching the morals. This affecting the education system so badly that the after
life of students faceing huge troubles and students are not loving the university
education . People getting unpassionate , intolarant , impatience , jobless etc.
which forces us to involve and create most of social and personal prolems and
In conclusion to be truly learned an individual should take
liberal art courses in respective of their specialized discipline. It helps the
individual create a vast knowledge base and if such programs are fixed into the
curriculum, it will help produce bold individuals rather than the wacky nerds that
singular specialized disciplines produce.

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