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Weekly Classroom Test Program

Syllabus for Classroom Weekly Test for Batch (E and G) Dated 29.07.2021
Indian Economy Module 1: Introduction to Economics Class Notes
1.A Basic Microeconomics
1.A.1 Central Problems of an Economy
1.A.2 Types of Economic Systems
1.A.3 Positive and Normative Economics
1.B.1 PPC and Concept of Opportunity Cost
1.B.2 Shifts in PPC
1.C.1 Concepts of Demand, Law of Demand, Factors affecting
Demand, Expansion, Contraction,
Increase and Decrease in Demand.
1.C.2 Concept of Supply, Factors Affecting Supply, Shift and
Movement along Supply Curve.
1.C.3 Concept of Equilibrium
1.D.1 Using Concept of Equilibrium to Explain Demand-pull and
Cost-push Inflation
1.D.2 Concept of Production, Production Function, Laws of
1.D.3 Definition of Revenue and Cost
1.E National Income Accounts
1.E.1 Concept of Economy and Economic Activities
1.E.2 Concept of GDP and GNP (at market price and factor cost).
Concept of GVA at Basic Price.
1.E.3 Income, Expenditure and Output Method
1.E.4 Concept of Operating Surplus and Mixed Income
1.E.6 Controversy of new method of Measurement of Growth.
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