OF Jigjiga University

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Group Member ID

1. Tihitinaw Wubarege ………………………………………………...................R/4833/11

2. Fikadu Haymanot……………………………………................................R /1415/11

3.Melat Cheklu…………………………………………............................R/2454/1

4.Ljalem Mosse……………………………………………...............R/2167/11

5. Zemina Amare……………………………………………………..................R/3604/11

6. Bemisigana Tadess…………………………………………………………...........R/0877/11

7. Banichamlak

8. Chalitu Waquchala……………………………………………………………….R/1035/11

9.MasiahHussen ... ....... , . . . . . R/5102/11

Submited To Getahun

Submission Date: March 11 EC


Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................iii
1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................1
1.1. PROBELM DEFINITION.................................................................................................................2

1.2. TECHNIQUES FOR PARTICIPATORY ASSESSMENT..............................................................3

1.3. OBSERVATION..............................................................................................................................3
1.4 . FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSIONS...................................................................................................3

1.5 . DOCUMENT REVIEW.............................................................................................................3

1.6 .FACTORS FORTEENAGE PREGNANCY...................................................................................4
1.7. POOR ACADEMICAL ACHIVEMENT.........................................................................................4
1.8. PEER INFULENCE.........................................................................................................................4
1.9 LACK OF SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH INFORMATION....................................5
2. ANALAYSIS.........................................................................................................................................6
2.1. PROBLEM ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................6
Figure 2.1 Problem Tree..............................................................................................................................7
2.2 PRIMARY AND SECONDARY BENEFICIARIES........................................................................8
2.3 OBJECTIVE/ ANALYSIS................................................................................................................8
2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT...............................................................................9
3. THE PROJECT..................................................................................................................................10
3.1 THE GOAL OF THE PROJECT.....................................................................................................10
3.2. GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT.............................................................................10
3.3 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT..................................................................................10
3.4 OUTPUT OF THE PROJECT.........................................................................................................10
3.5 ACTIVITIES OF THE PROJECT...................................................................................................10
3.6 TARGET GROUP OF THE PROJECT...........................................................................................11
4. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN...............................................................................................................11

5. PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION...................................................................12
6. MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN OF THE PROJE...........................................................13
6.1 PROJECT MONITORING PLAN...................................................................................................13
6.2 PROJECT EVALUATION PLAN..................................................................................................13
7. PHASE OUT STRATEGY AND SUSTAINABILITY.........................................................................14
8. PROJECT BUDGET............................................................................................................................15

Executive Summary
Project title: minimizing the number of femals affected by teenage prgenacy and abortion of
in the case of, Jigjiga university students.
Goal: To decrease the number of teenage pregnancy and abortion among female students in
,Jigjiga university.
Purpose: To increase the academic performance of female students and reduce problem that
comes from pregnancy and abortion.
Component objectives: (1) To reduce teenage pregnancy and abortion of female students and its
(2) To improve the health status of female students,
(3) To formulate guiding manual for professionals to address consoling service.
Out puts: (1) Low number of female student vulnerable to pregnancy and abortion.
(2) The health status of female students will be at good level.
(3) Female student’s academically performance has been developed
Activities: Counseling and guidance service provided, prepare suitable counseling room, related
educational programs provided, training on how to use condom to prevent from the unsafe sex
problem and availability of material preparation.
Project area: The project will took place in Jigjiga university.
Project period / duration: The project will be accomplished within 10 month or student’s
school academic year.
Target population beneficiaries: The beneficiaries of the project are mainly female students in
Jigjiga university, health care providers both at public and private health sector organizations,
University of Jigjiga hospital, stakeholders of the Jigjiga university such as teachers, directors,
families of students and directors, Ngos and Go’s.
Total cost of the project: 54800(fifty four thousand and eight hundred birr). But we put reserve
money around 10% of the project.
Project funding organization: Jigjiga university, referral hospital, Jigjiga city administration
health care administrative.

Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood characterized by significant
physiological, psychological and social changes. However, adolescent girls suffer from a
disproportionate share of female pregnancy which is a universal public health problem that
affects maternal and child health. Adolescence pregnancy and childbearing is a global health and
economic challenge nowadays. Globally, about 8 Million adolescent girls give birth each year
(adolescent birth rate was 53 births per 1000 women). Babies born to adolescent mother account
for 11% of all births worldwide; 95% of these occur in developing countries.

According to EDHS2016, 13% of in Ethiopia began pregnant with their child bearing 10% had a
live birth, and 2% were pregnant with their child at the time of interview. Teenage pregnancy
and abortion is the biggest killer of young girls worldwide; 1,000,000 teenage girls die or suffer
serious injury, infection or disease due to pregnancy or childbirth every year.

Female pregnancy also has significant long-term social consequences for the adolescents, their
children, their families and their communities; it led adolescents to less educational attainment
and high school dropout, poor educational, poor health and poverty. The low levels of
contraceptive use lead to high levels of unintended pregnancy, the root cause of abortion. In
2008, 101 unintended pregnancies occurred per 1,000 women aged 15-44, and 42% of all
pregnancies were unintended. In 2005, one in three Ethiopian women had an unmet need for
contraception; that is, they were able to become pregnant, did not want a child soon or at all, and
were not using any method of contraception.


Female pregnancy now a day has been increasing from day to day this impact has been radically
engaged into different sub problems or impacts like educational, economical as well as social
lives of teenagers or young peoples. On the other hand, we have clear justification to be initiated
by our title of the project.

Our reason to choose working on this project is the number of pregnant female students has been
increasing from time to time, the number of female student are losing their education, and the
awareness about this issue is not worked well so as to prevent the above series issues we have
concluded to work on this project.

When we came to our first initiative idea the number of pregnant female students has been
increasing rapidly so that these students are losing their identity as well as their full confidence in
case of their pregnancy this drive the students to score a low grade classes at the end losing their
education status so that this all problems will result in psychological problems for the students
and end for this educational history.

When we came to the second problem number of female students are losing their education due
to their pregnancy it is not accepted according to our culture to have such kind of matter so that
they see it like the weakness of the family plus to that the girl will be neglected from the social as
well as students in her classmates so that it will drive so many consequence at last drop from

And the last one the awareness about this issue is not worked well all the above cases has been a
matter for our society is due to lack of awareness it’s just first step to eliminate this problem so
this issue have to be seen in a big glass so that, the consequence as well as the matter will be
solved consequentially within a short period of time.

Finally, the reason for electing this issue is in our country this is a project which is designed to
give awareness about this female pregnancy issue so that our project can contribute some use full
information’s to facilitate the starting project to an end.

Techniques for participator assessment that we have used to collect relevant data from the
teachers, students and clinics are our near stakeholders to address the needed information we
used questioner, recording, group discussions, interviews and review of different documents.

To get reliable information about the status of female student pregnancy and abortion in regarded
Jigjiga university. we used to see what are the problems which push them to have this unwanted
teenage sex and the site places of the school security.


To have information from the student we have set a group which contains four (4) girls and four
(4) boys consequently, we gave them their own time to discuss about the present problem and
what they thought the possible solution after that they discuss with us deeply about the problem


To having information about the cause and consequence of pregnancy and abortion among
students in Jigjiga university started from secondary source of data during the time of data
collection method.

Assessing the available data which is found in the area is the major step when we maximize our
project. Different information’s has taken their places to the strength the availability of the
solution after that selection of the useful data took the second step. In the accumulated
information there are articles, surveys, health status, and medical records which is related to
pregnancy. There is also participatory collection of data and also a volunteer person who knows
about related information took interview what is the role of the stakeholders in planning and
preparing to eliminate this problem.

Data analysis and participatory assessment are an image of our core flipping gets the same
information. This is useful for the identification of the problem clearly which is one step for the
solution there can be a probability of failority of the project due to scales of information as well
as wide range site and intervention cannot meet its level.

The awareness has been created a big gap that starting sex at early stages has its own
consequences that the applicable for the issue is not adapted in addition to this the usage of
contraceptive is not thought well which led a female pregnancy nationwide. Cultural impact also
path by gap as asking information about such kind of situations has been seen as fault.

Young people have poor knowledge according to such idea in case of the above
communicational gaps limited knowledge has been created is that the consequences raise the


Various factors contribute to these procedural problems. First of all the individual herself is the
main factor in addition to the sub-factors of the culture and lack of connection. The living status
of her family in other word poverty, lack of awareness about the consequence, peer pressure or
peer influence all this can be the factor for female pregnancy.


Females which is the victim of this problem which had been seen on elementary level, but most
of them has been up to university’s, but lack of awareness about those issues related to the
problem. The rest of them have no educational record which is found mainly in small places
which has not the facility to have educational opportunity which shows most of the percent took
place with them. The response behinds that are knowledge about sex, contraceptive, birth,
abortion is not present.


Females have a big influence of their friends as their age is not appropriate to commit such kind
of mistake. In the interview 5 students 3 of them has tell that they have made sex in case of their
friend interest which point out that peer pressure play a role on committing the mistake. A recent
report has showed that adolescent’s age treated for 39-79% of abortion related complications. In
2008, about 3 million females had unsafe abortions in developing countries (WHO, 2011)reports
“unsafe abortion: Global and regional estimate of the incidence unsafe abortion associated
mortality in 2008”

Females has to get the appropriate education regarding to sexual and reproductive issue before
the age they have to suffer plus creating awareness on the place where female societies has been
dominating which goes one step for the solution of the problem.



As the end of the assessment each and every information will be analyzed and interpreted to
determine what are the cause and consequences of the identified problem and link them in two
effective cause and effect relationship. If the problem is understood well the project can met its
goal without any obstacle. This technique is used to state the data and identify the problem. A
problem is a specific any negative situation which affect the normal degree of a person or a

group as well as a community. Causes are factors which affect the community organization,
household, or an individual person causes can be related to the variation of attitude behavior or
known ideas. There are two major types of causes: - 1. Underlying cause and 2. Root cause

1. UNDERLYING CAUSE: These are easily visible for any one if the process of problem
identification started. What is the cause for increased pregnancy rate among females, so that the
possible reason is lack of awareness to use contraceptive shortages of condom availability and
the education level of the female after identifying all this we pass to what could be the root cause
for the problem which is listed above and root cause will be started.

2. ROOT CAUSE: Core analyzing problem identification root cause are the best explanation
for the problem the root cause for the pregnancy of the women is the backward cultural tradition
which is viewing it like sexually as a taboo. so that to find the possible solution we have to focus
on the root cause as it is core analyzing problem. The main problem that our project needs to
address is “reducing female pregnancy and abortion among female students particularly in
Jigjiga university”

Figure 2.1 Problem Tree
Problem tree

Sexual Increased Anxiety High

Related Drop Out From Weak Family
Transmitted Of Stress Increased Stigmatization
Infections School Increased Relationship
Disease Diseases &
Increase HIV /AIDS Has
Been Spread

Psychological Increase of social

Physical Problem Increased Problems Increased problems
Stakeholder has been affecting the problem in both directly and indirectly which is identified by
the chosen group members with the collaboration of different bodies. This stakeholders are
categorize into two:- 1.primary and 2. Secondary

1. PRIMARY: Those who are the victim.

2. SECONDARY: Those who are affected indirectly.

Any volunteer participants involved in the issue that the project design team intends to address
are considered to be stakeholders. There are also main stakeholders at the process of our project.

In our project the primary stakeholders are families, teachers, students, and health center. This
part of the group is the primary effect from the problem and also the primary beneficiary. The
secondary stakeholder means the people who are at the second stage to affect by the problem and
also secondary beneficiary from one advantage, so in the project the secondary stakeholder are
communities, school policies and the government. Stakeholders may change over the course of
the project and analysis can be required at late stage of the implementation but they have a great
role to the success of the project.


Problem analysis is the basement for the analysis of the project. Object analysis of this project is
the inverse of the problem analysis discussed earlier. Cause and effect relationship has been
indicated in the problem tree. The main purpose of the project is to decrease at maximum peak of
our effort the consequence of female pregnancy and abortion among female students in Jigjiga
university. The objective of this project is to solve the problem of economical, psychological,
social and educational impact of female students.
Figure 2.2. Objective tree

Objective tree

Normal Health Status Self Confidence Improvement

Redacting Infection HIV/AIDS Decrease Redact

STDs Control Anxiety Stress

Psychological Problem
Physical Problem Solution

Low stigmatization Drop Out From Peer Relation

and discrimination Education

Decrease Social Problems


Environmental assessment is the positive and negative environmental impact of the project. The
use of environmental impact assessment is when decision is made environmental. Impact should
be underestimating to continue project a pre-determined environment outcome will result in the
account to environmental values in their decision and to justify those decision in light of detailed
environmental outcome but, rather they require full attention. In each and every set of work.
Generally, this project doesn’t influence environment.


The goal of the project is to reduce the number of pregnancy abortion among female students in
Jigjiga university town. In addition, to this the main purpose is to minimize the number of female
student which is the victim of the pregnancy and abortion.


The perpose of the project is to reduce the number of femel students that drop out from their
education. This process is done by the effort of the academicals staff members Increase their
participation and address the affirmative action through different perspective.


Major components of objective are listed below:-

1. Address health care for the female students.

2. Reduce the number of pregnancy and abortion.
3. Give educational guidance and counseling interview play a great role regarding to know
what kind of improvement has done.


As it is stated in the log frame matrix there are two related outputs such as :-

1. To reduce teenage pregnancy and abortion among female students in Jigjiga

2. The academicals performances of female students in Jigjiga university have to be
change through different counseling and guidance 3
Decreas the noumber of femal students that drop out from their education


There are different activities which is done like facilitating, implementing the project.

1. Delivering counseling and guidance room

2. Material preparation
3. Selecting participant
4. Education training
5. Usage of condom
6. Manual preparation
7. Comments from students
8. Suggestion from directors
9. Formulating rules/regulation
10. Observation interview


 Jigjiga university student association.
 Case managers.
 NGOs or Charity organization.
 Both private and public sector.
 Jigjiga university female students.
 Children in relation to NGOs.

The framed project plan has to be the activity of implement to see how the frame is effective or
not during the practice. There are many activities to be implementing to achieve good project plan
success. The implementation took place with different tool which play a great role regard doing to
met its first plan object work break down structure, logical sequence activity, activity description
are the tools used to the project implementation.

The implementation of the project has been made using different tools the logical sequence of
activity. The sequences of the activities are listed according to the order which is done on the
project process from starting up to the end. Educational training took the first step of the work
breakdown structure as the first is creating base mental awareness about the issue through mental
advice the educational obstacle in the pregnancy issue as well as the abortion case have to be
briefly stated to create real imagination cure.

After the first step manual preparation took place which is the map guidance for the project
process as well as for the material preparation one step ahead these materials are useful to create
diagrammatical image for the education training and also easy description for the issue. Then,
selecting participant or stakeholders which play a great for facilitating different things as well as
rich in idea conception. The group has to tell all the possible matter to final possible solution after
that delivering counseling and guidance in room and the teachers how to use condom and to
practice safe sex and observation. Interview took the step to have well information about the
process with the selected group members how to use condom effectively after all this comments
will be collect from the students at last or finally receiving the suggestion from the director what
kind of change has been made comparing to the past situation what kind of status has been made
in the project site.


The project implementation process should be controlled by our head office through two-way
communication with the reports following up ward and having horizontal relation with partner
organizations like UNICEF and Hope for children to share knowledge about the project and get
advice. The reports to the general manager and he receive reports from the directors and field
coordinator and they obtain the information from the branch managers who are directly involving
with the community members at Jigjiga university as well. In addition to these training providers
and lower employees will report their day to day activities orally to their respective supervisors.
Finally, the report will reach to women youth and children affairs at Jigjiga university and the
regional of education as well. Above all our project implementation and the final outcomes will be
report to your agency as a great contributor to its success. And we will have the progress
monitoring evaluating report to our main donors particular to your organizations. The project will
implement through belief structurally arranged power relationship such as vertical or hierarchical
and horizontal power relations with decentralized sub units to accomplish our project objective.
The operational power relation with partner organizations will be temporary which is terminating
after the program is phase out. But the horizontal relation with school directors, health care
institution, the community committees. And the power relationship in the project organization
might be changed based on the achievement of the practitioner’s performance in the process of
project implementation.


Monitoring plan is useful for collecting analysis, editing as well as interpretation of the data for
the project management this monitoring plan designed in project development. Some of the
formats for monitoring plan are baseline value, expected result and tools.

Monitoring play a great role for the project evaluation but, evaluation has a deep analysis
composing to monitoring in order to meet the mean goal. Monitoring and analysis need a most
focus of the project with deep and complex progress in order it have to be non- complex but, easy
to understand project manager is intended to indicate the area to be monitor or evaluate.
Stakeholders and project team members play the role for the monitoring the project and also
project design improvement.

The two project monitoring processes are physical progress and monitoring the financial progress.
Physical progress need to address the right plan for the schedule time of the project. On the other
hand the financial progress it dells on comparing actual expenditure against the financial plan as


Project evaluation plan is the process of deep underestimation of the project how the project done,
what was the past plan, what is done at the current time? , what mistake has been committed?,
what should be avoided? And, what should be added is the main question during evaluation.

The most useful site of evaluation is during the end of the project. An evaluation indicate which
group need the right address of the plans stakeholders which participate on the project people who
need to get involved in the project what kind of relation do the activity and the outcome of the
project. Generally, evaluation aimed which objective achieved what kind of examine has to be
attempt comparing to the project. Both summative and process evaluation took place to the
implementation of the day to day activity the process evaluation has done by the team of the
project, stakeholders, and coordinators.

1. What activity met its goal?

2. Plan met its goal?
3. Does the targeted population benefited?
4. How the monitoring systems benefit the project?
5. What performance is not done without allocate budget?


1. Can objective components to be achieve?

2. Which activity achieved in the designed way?
3. What kind of impact does the project occurs?
4. What objective was designed to implement?


We know that our project is time and resource limited. Hence, the management unit of the
organization will carry the idea of phase out and sustainability from the very beginning of the
project. To do this, the project manager’s coordinator and other concerned bodies and stakeholders
will identify and indicate community members who will take over the project after our project’s
life span is over with the community of Jigjiga university. The project of our organization has
been paving the way for all members of Jigjiga university community including families,
concerned government bodies, teachers and also those individuals who have better income. All
these groups and individuals are made to take part in identifying and prioritizing all of the
potential problems and decide which problems to intervene first. Not only this, they are also active
participants of the planning of strategies to alleviate the identified problems by considering the
available resources within and outside the community. I need all the above mentioned members of
Jigjiga community are made to be active participants of the process of carrying out
(implementing) the proposed plan (strategy) to sustainable resolving the problem of females in the
university. All these efforts of our organization are believed to make the habitants of the university
have a sense of ownership and carry the project even in the absence of our organization.
The strategies employed in our project to alleviate the problem of females in this kuniversity are
intended to ensure sustainability by themselves. Our plan is to create awareness on the
consequence of female pregnancy and abortion among students in the case of Jigjiga university
and be free from any form of exploitation including labor and sexual exploitation can help to
sustainability and tackle the problem. We will establish a committee of model families,
representative from school and the females, youth and women affairs. This committee is
responsible to help those families who do not show the necessary progress and find it hard to send
their children to school fulfilling all the necessary materials. Such families are entitled and forced
by the principals of the committee to work hard to change this situation given the support such as
skill training and financial support by this committee.

To implement the project plan and to achieve its objectives, we need 9,000,000 birr. This money is
to be effectively utilized to carry all the activated that the aimed to resolve the problem of Jigjiga
university. The money is to be collected from different sources such as UNICEF (4,000,000birr)
Hope for children (2,000,000birr) USAID (2,00,000birr). The remain expected to be covered by
your organization which is accounts about 1,000,000birr. This budget is to be raised and utilized
for three years. About 2 million birr will be used to build new classrooms in the community
schools to save the shortage of teaching room that may result due to the joining of these students.
To ensure self-sufficiency of families and enable them to send their children to school, a total
amount of 2 million birr will be given in the form of credit so that they can engage themselves in
different income generating activities. And about 1 million birr will be spent to provide some skill
training to parents of these categories of children. On the other hand, we will use about 2 million
birr to provide treatment for female students. About 1.2 million birr is also needed to pay the
salary of our employees. Since there is a problem of environmental sanitation in Jigjiga university
which is creating health problems to the children 800,000 birr is budgeted to create clean and
conduct the evaluation of the project.
CSA, author. Ethiopia demographic and health survey 2011. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and
Calverton, Maryland, USA: 2012.

Reproductive health service utilization and associated factors among adolescents in Jigjiga
university, East in Ethiopia. BMC health services research. 2013;13:294.

WHO,author. Programming for adolescent health and development. Report of

HO/UNFPA/UNICEF study group on programming for adolescents health. Geneva: WHO;1999

WHO, author. Risk and protective factors affecting adolescent reproductive health in developing
countries: an analysis of adolescent sexual and reproductive health literature from around the

WHO world health organization. (2014) adolescent pregnancy. Fact sheet

WHO , unsafe abortion: global and regional estimates of the incidence of unsafe abortion and

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