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MATERIA Science ÁREA Ciencias Naturales

DOCENTE Carolina Franco Espinosa PERIODO I

Explain gaseous exchange. Describe the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood
and the air in the lungs.
Recognise and model the basic components of the circulatory sytem and know their functions.

1. The diagram represents the circulatory system

a. Write down THREE letters that show arteries

b. Write down ONE letter that shows capillaries
c. Write down TWO letters that show veins
d. Write down THREE letters that show vessels containing deoxygenated blood.

2. Respiration is a chemical reaction that happens inside cells.

a. Copy and complete the Word equation for respiration
Glucose+ ……………………. -- Carbon dioxide + ………………………….

b. This reaction is known as aerobic respiration. Explain why is described as “aerobic”

3. In each of these groups of statements, only one is correct. Choose the correct statement and write down its

a. A Every living cell respires

B Only animal cells respire
C The way in which plant cells respire is called photosynthesis

b. A Expired (breathed out) air is carbon dioxide

B Expired air contains more carbon dioxide tan inspired (BREATHED IN) air
C Expired air contains more oxygen tan inspired air

c. A Respiration means moving your muscles to draw ait into your lungs
B. Respiration means the difusión of gases between the air sacs and the blood
C Respiration means the reléase of energy from glucosa, inside cells.

3.The Diagram shows an air sac and a blood capillary

a. Copy the diagram . Label:
- Blood capillary
- The wall of the air sac

b. Draw two red blood cells in the correct place on your diagram
c. Draw an arrow to show the direction in which oxygen diffuses. Label your arrow O
d. Draw another arrow to show the direction in which carbon dioxide diffuses. Label your arrow C
e. The blood leaving the lungs in the capillary travels to another blood vessel and then to the heart. What are
the names of the blood vessel and the part of the heart it will enter first

4. Aerobic Respiration in Yeast Experiment . The report must include:

- Research question and Prediction
- Design your experiment so that you only test for one thing (FAIR TEST). Write the procedure and
materials you need. Make sure that you do the same things to all groups of objects being tested (What
will you keep the same and What Will you change) 2 points
- Record numerical data. Photo evidence of the progress of the experiment . 2 points
- Using your data write a few sentences how your experiment turned out and mention if your hypothesis
was supported or not. Use sources to give a Scientific explanation on your results. 2 points

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