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1. Which of the following can be classified as International terrorism?

A. Bombing of Weena bus in Bansalan Davao Sur
B. Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda bombing activities
C. NPA’s bombing of Cell sites
D. Abu Sayyaf perpetrated terrorist activities

2. Which of the following is considered the worst terrorist attack in the history of the United States of
A. Attacked of two suicide bombers in the USS Cole while refueling in the Yemeni port of Aden
B. Bombing of Pan American Flight 103 over Scotland in 1988 killing 259 passengers and crew
C. A 4,800 pound truck bomb exploded in front of the AP Murrah Federal Bldg. in Oklahoma City
D. September 11, 2001 crashing of two planes to the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New

3. A radical environmentalist, anarchist and terrorist popularly known as the Unabomber:

A. Theodore Kaczynski C. Adolf Hitler
B. Osama bin Laden D. Sadam Hussein

4. One who make arrangements for killing and injuring physically, economically, and psychologically the
members or non-members:
A. Corruptee C. Enforcer
B. Corrupter D. Politician

5. The following are the elements of terrorism, except:

A. It is criminal in nature C. Government sponsored
B. Targets are typically symbolic D. Actions are always aggressive and often violent

6. One who employs acts of terror in a systematic program to obtain what he desires.
A. Criminal C. Enforcer
B. Kidnapper D. Terrorist

7. It is a secret criminal society in Italy.

A. CIA C. Mafia
B. KGB D. Al Qaeda

8. Refers to the practices, tactics, and strategies that government, militaries, and other groups adopt in
order to fight terrorism.
A. Counter insurgency C. Counter intelligence
B. Counter terrorism D. Interpol

9. Examples of counter terrorist units are: USA – Delta Force; Malaysia VAT 69; United Kingdom – British 22 nd
SAS and the Philippines –
A. Special Action Force C. ISAFP
B. Davao Death Squad D. EOD

10. Refers to a public official, usually not members of the organization family, who can wield influence on
behalf of the organization’s interest.
A. Corruptee C. Boss
B. Corrupter D. Enforcer
11. What is the penalty for a person found guilty of the crime of terrorism?
A. 12 years and I day to 20 years of imprisonment
B. 40 years of imprisonment and the benefit of parole
C. 40 years of imprisonment without the benefit of parole
D. 12 years and I day to 40 years without the benefit of parole

12. Which of the following terrorist activities is classified as International terrorism?

A. NPA’s bombing of Transco towers in Mindanao
B. Abu Sayyaf perpetrated terrorist admitted bombings
C. Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda initiated bombings
D. Bombing of Davao International Airport

13. The following are methods used by terrorist, except:

A. Arson C. Weapons of mass destruction
B. Explosives and bombs D. none of these

14. Which of the following motivates terrorism?

A. Dissatisfaction with religious system or policy
B. Dissatisfaction of political system or policy
C. Frustration from inability to change it through acceptable nonviolent means
D. All of these

15. Is one who employs acts of terror in a systematic program to obtain what he desires?
A. Insane C. Terrorist
B. Criminal D. Arsonist

16. Which of the following is the reason why the CPP NPA is not categorized as Organized crime Group?
A. They are terrorist dedicated to political change
B. They are fully armed and a threat to national security
C. They have representative in congress
D. They are loved and idolized by other sector of society

17. The following are the best source of illegal profit where the organized crime group gains, except:
A. Alcohol C. Gambling
B. Illegal drugs D. none of these

18. A terrorist method which holds their victims hostage until certain demands are met.
A. Extortion C. Kidnappings
B. Hijackings D. Bombing

19. This is also called computer-based terrorism which involves the sabotaging of computer information
A. Wiretapping C. Cyber-terrorism
B. Counterterrorism D. Nuclear attacks

20. Which of the following is an order issued by Pres. GMA defining the approach and institutional
mechanism for the government’s comprehensive program on combating transnational crime?
A. EO 264 C. EO 265
B. PD 448 D. RA 9372
21. The American General and the first foreigner to be kidnapped by the Red Brigades Terrorists.
A. Gen. Valentine Strasser C. Gen. Cohen Powell
B. Brig. Gen. James Lee Dozier D. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon

22. Initiated the civil war in Sierra Leon under Foday Sankoh which caused the deaths of tens of thousands
and displaced more than two million people because of the nine year conflict
A. Al-Ittihad al-Islami C. Alliance of Democratic Forces
B. Harkat-ul-Mujahideen D. Revolutionary United Front

23. The group that operates in mostly Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, known as the army of the
ethnic Hutu-dominated Rwandan regime that carried out genocide of 500,000 or more Tutsis and
regime opponents in 1994.
A. Army for the Liberation of Rwanda C. Turkish Hizballah and Jerusalem Warriors
B. Libyan Islamic Fighting Group D. Islamic Army of Aden

24. The breakaway faction of the communist party perceive to have been engaging in some terrorist
activities such as extortions like collection of revolutionary taxes and in some cases killings.
A. Abu Sayyaf Group C. Al-Qaeda Foundation (Philippines)
B. The New People’s Army D. Alex Boncayao Brigade

25. Assassination motivated by beliefs the intended victim is impairing the principle of the assassin and his
A. Ideological causes C. Economic causes
B. Revolutionary causes D. Psychological causes

26. The killing of President Morales of Bolivia in 1872 is attributed to which of the following causes?
A. Personal causes C. Psychological causes
B. Mercenary causes D. Revolutionary causes

27. The adversary holds a hostage in order to obtain concessions from the government and/or for money.
Which of the following method of action is used?
A. Kidnapping C. Blackmail
B. Threats D. Physical assault

28. Which of the following causes of assassination motivated John Wilkes Booth and his confederates to
assassinate President Lincoln?
A. Revolutionary C. Psychological
B. Economic D. Ideological

29. The protective force should always try to operate in such a manner that any attempted attack will have
the smallest possible chance to succeed. Which of the following concept is true?
A. Protection is surprise proof C. Absolute protection is seldom possible
B. Absolute protection is always possible D. Absolute protection is never possible

30. It refers to the basic cause of assassination whereby assassins committed it for monetary reward.
A. Missionary causes C. Ideological causes
B. Mercenary causes D. Personal causes

31. Refers to the theory that all governments are evil.

A. Philosophy of anarchism C. Philosophy of atheism
B. Philosophy of communism D. Philosophy of unionism
32. Which of the following units may contain such evidence as memory imposed images on rollers, usage
logs and network identification?
B. Printer D. Digital camera

33. A valuable method of documenting the crime scene that is use in ascertaining the facts of the case.
A. Examination C. Photograph
B. Sketch D. Interview

34. It is used to ascertain if the theory of the case is substantiated by what the crime scene operative
A. Interview C. Sketch
B. Examination D. Photograph

35. It documents the overall view and items of evidence in the crime scene.
A. Sketch C. Crime scene preservation
B. Photograph D. Investigation report

36. Which of the following method demonstrates the layout of the crime scene; identify the exact position
of the evidence within the crime scene?
A. Sketch C. Investigation Report
B. Photograph D. Affidavit of witness

37. Otherwise known as the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001.

A. RA 6969 C. RA 6981
B. RA 4200 D. RA 9160

38. Who among the following bears the responsibility to develop cyberspace security awareness and
training program?
A. Government C. Home users
B. Hackers D. Private Corporations

39. It refers to a small device that can include computing, telephone, fax, paging, networking and additional
features like memory, disk drives, PC Cards slots and modem.
A. Digital camera C. Central Processing Unit
B. Scientific Calculator D. Personal Digital Assistant

40. It refers to a sealed box with disks coated with a substance used to store data magnetically.
A. Digital camera C. Software
B. Hard drives D. Hardware

41. A digital device for recording images and video accompanied by storage device and conversion
hardware for transferring images and video.
A. Central processing unit C. Digital camera
B. Electronic data processing D. Video camera recorder

42. It include the systematic use of physical violence, either actual or threatened against noncombatants to
create a climate of fear and cause some religious, political or social change:
A. Kidnapping C. Extremism
B. Insurgency D. Terrorism
43. The following are groups declared as domestic terrorist by the Human Security Act, except:
A. CPP-NPA C. Al-Qaeda
B. Abu Sayyaf Bandit Group D. Religious extremist

44. A criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization developed and devoted primarily to the
pursuit of profits through illegal means.
A. Kidnapping C. Organized Crime
B. Terrorism D. Syndicate

45. The mafia’s code of secrecy, and informal, unwritten code of organized crime, which demand silence
and loyalty, among other things, of family members.–
A. Omerta C. Honor Code
B. Code of silence D. Secrecy

46. It refers to terrorism that initiates, or threatens to initiate, the exploitation of or attack on information
A. Comp terrorism C. Cyber terrorism
B. Enviroterrorism D. Technological terrorism

47. Otherwise known as the Human Security Act of 2007.

A. RA 1700 C. RA 6975
B. RA 9372 D. RA 9732

48. It includes the systematic use of physical violence either actual or threatened against noncombatants to
create a climate of fear and cause some religious political or social change.
A. Kidnapping C. Extremism
B. Insurgency D. Terrorism

49. This is a term used to describe the relationship a hostage can build with their kidnapper.
A. Stock room syndrome C. Stockholm syndrome
B. Attraction syndrome D. Proximity syndrome

50. Syndicates involved in kidnapping usually have modus operandi in their operation, this involves the
following stages, except:
A. spotting C. risk analysis and target selection
B. surveillance D. targeting

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