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TRANSPORT Vocabulary Test

6. He has been waiting at the ______ stop for 20

1. Volvo will make a new ______ which will be able to minutes, but there weren’t any.
carry 25 cars.
A) train
A) transporter B) truck
B) van C) airplane
C) pick-up truck D) bus
D) bus

7. They are moving from their old apartment to a new

2. As they like traveling a lot, instead of buying a house, house. They are taking all their furniture with a
they bought a ______. ______.

A) caravan A) car
B) building B) lorry
C) car C) tanker
D) truck D) train

3. ______ is a vehicle bigger than a normal car and 8. A ______ is similar to bicycle, but it has engine which
smaller than a bus, which can carry 8-12 people. help itself to move more quickly than bicycle.

A) van A) horse
B) train B) motor-cycle
C) minibus C) car
D) truck D) bus

4. The ______ is filled with oil. 9. The ______ will arrive at Amsterdam railway station at
3:00 PM.
A) truck
B) jeep A) train
C) tanker B) plane
D) bus C) bus
D) truck

5. Our Construction Company has more than 100 ______

for transportation of doors and windows from one city 10. Fifty students and four teachers were traveling in a
to another. ______.

A) vans A) bus
B) buses B) van
C) trucks C) truck
D) jeeps D) taxi

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TRANSPORT Vocabulary Test

11. Bill Gates is very rich. He flies from the roof of her 13. The vehicle which is made to travel through rough
office to her house by a ______. road is a ______.

A) helicopter A) bus
B) plane B) sports car
C) ship C) jeep
D) boat D) convertible

12. The ______ arrived at the harbor today with 500 14. The vehicle whose roof can fold back or removed is a
people on its board. ______.

A) yacht A) bus
B) speedboat B) tanker
C) rowboat C) van
D) ferry D) convertible

15. ______ is a small fast boat with a powerful engine.

A) speedboat
B) ferry
C) ship
D) sailboat

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TRANSPORT Vocabulary Test

Answer Key:

1: A 9: A
2: A 10: A
3: C 11: A
4: C 12: D
5: C 13: C
6: D 14: D
7: B 15: A
8: B

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