Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the learner(s) should be able to:

 describe the relationship of sucession and climax community

 predict the effect of changes in abiotic factors in ecosystem
 recognize the importance of ecological balance in the community

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Ecology and Ecosystem

Lesson: Succession and Climax Communities
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Projector, Netbook, Cartolina, Adhesive Tape
Images and Marker.
Reference: Experiencing Science 7 (An Activity-based Worktext Revised Edition)

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation

The teacher will ask students the to name forest that they’ve been through and
proceed by answering the following questions:

1. What did you experience upon visiting the forest that you mentioned?
2. Whats sums up the forest that you visited?
3. Have you noticed any interaction?
4. Do you have any idea how the forest you visited started before it became
what it is today? (Immediately proceed to the activity)

C. Activity

The learner will group into three and they will form a circle together with the
the activity sheet provided by the teacher.

The student will be given 10 minutes to perform the activity and 10 minutes
report their findings on the activity to the class ( 5 minutes per group).

After the reporting, the checking will proceed and counting the number of there

D. Abstraction
Define succession and social climax along with their relationship.

Present a detailed illustration how succession takes place together with the abiotic
factors involved.

Discuss the following acitivity that can lead to the destruction of ecological balance.

E. Application

On a A4 size bondpaper, the student will create a slogan that promotes ecological
balance based on the circumstances on the places that they live.

IV. Assessment

On a 1/4 sheet of bondpaper, the student will answer 5 item quiz and proceed by

V. Assignment

The student will define the vocabulary words below.


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