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Nurul Ika Herlina
Muh Kholiq
Gunadarma University,
Gunadarma University,

This research aims to analyze Morphological processes on the words containing
derivational affixes in Edgar Allan Poe’s The Black Cat. The method of this research is
descriptive qualitative. The researcher found 154 words that attached by derivational
affixes as the result of this research. They can be categorized based on part of speech
into four types: the first is derivational affixes producing noun. They have percentage
45%, with the suffixes-ence, -cy, -ty, -ity, -tion, -ation, -ion,-ment, -ure, -ness, -ent, -
ance ,-er, -or, and -ing. The second is derivational affixes producing verb. They
havepercentage 1%, with the suffix -en. The third is derivational affixes producing
adjective. They have percentage 17%, with the suffixes -al, -able, -ful, -y, -ish, -ent,-
less, -ing and -ous. The last is derivational affixes producing adverb. They have
percentage 37%, with the suffix –ly. The researcher also found the prefixes, they are
un-,in-,dis- and re-. The derivational affixes producing noun is the most frequently
appear in Edgar Allan Poe’s The Black Cat with a percentage of 45%.
Keywords: Derivational Affixes,Morphological Processes, Short Story

INTRODUCTION English as their official language and

Every knowledge must have scope second language, these make the people
of it study as well as language. easy to socialize and communicate with
Language is the way for us as human to each other. Besides that, in the field of
communicate with other people, to literature, English has played an
express our feelings also our emotions. important role. For the instance, there
The voice sounds which is speaking and are many literary works in English, the
the writing symbols are the way that we one of them is short story. Deals with
use and the words as their structure. All the importance of English, in addition
of those characteristics find in to their needs, many people also learn
linguistics. Each of languages have English to survive in this globalization.
differences rules in many ways As we know the important methods
however the branches of their to learn English are listening, speaking,
linguistics are broadly same. There are reading and writing. They have
a lot of languages in the world, the one relevance to each other with the aim to
of the most influential language in improve our English skills. Word is the
many fields is English. English is the main thing to improve and to know our
important language after the native English skills, the more words that we
language. know it will make our vocabulary be
English becomes the universal better.
language because many countries make


Learning about a foreign language process of derivational can change the
is a fundamentally that has problem in meaning and the part of speech of the
the vocabulary of the language. base. For the example, the affixation of
nonetheless, to claim a person who the suffix –ly to adjective fluent in
speak English frequently mention to order to derive the adverb fluently.
how well he speaks. To be allow to take Whereas, the inflectional different with
a part in the talk at least he has to know the derivational, the inflectional doesn’t
the key of words which are change the meaning and the part of
vocabularies used in it (Wallace, 1984, speech. Booij (2005, p. 112) also points
p. 9). Therefore, increasing our out the main difference between
vocabulary will make us understand the inflectional and derivational is in their
meaning of the word itself. In every functional, the derivational produces
word has the construction of the word, new lexeme and the inflection form
it discussed in the morphology. new forms of the same lexeme.
According to Samsuri (1988, p. 15) Therefore, the researcher is interested to
said that Morphology is the one part of conduct this topic because in
linguistics that learns about the derivational, from just one word it can
structure and formation of word. form new word with different meaning
Basically, the word is formed of the and also usually can change the part of
morpheme which defined as the speech of the word.
smallest meaningful unit in a language Based the brief statement above,
that cannot be separated and examined. the researcher is interested in analyzing
Morpheme that can stand alone by itself Morphological processes onthe words
as a word is called a free morpheme. In containing derivational affixes in Edgar
contrast to a bound morpheme, this Allan Poe’s The Black Cat
morpheme cannot stand alone as a
word, usually covered by prefixes and METHODOLOGY
suffixes. The formation of word has Research Design
basic functions that make the word The research design is process
which has concrete meaning can form a that used to collecting and analyzing the
new word by having a new concept and data to discover new fact or provide a
the lexeme which is the dictionary word better understanding of a topic.
that has abstract meaning is allowed to According to Creswell (2009, p. 3) said
exist in new class word. These that research design is plans and the
functions will react when a lexeme has processes for the research to detailed
a process of word formation. There are methods of data collection and
some types of word formation process, analysis.This research in realm of
an affixation is one of them. qualitative method. According to
Affixation is the morphological Bogdan and Taylor (in Moleong, 2006,
process by which a bound morpheme or p. 4) states “Qualitative method is used
an affix is attached to a root or steam as research procedures that resulted
creates either a different form of that descriptive data containing of spoken
word or new word with a different and written words and people behaviour
meaning. The affixation process in which can be observed”. The aim of
English can also be classified into two qualitative method is to provide a
types, they are derivational and complete and detailed description of
inflectional. Lieber (2009, p. 33) stated what has been observed (MacDonald &
that derivation is in fact the process of Headlam, 2008, p. 9).
attaching the base with prefixes or Because this research just
suffixes that form a new lexeme. The collects and analyzes the data, this


research is also part of the descriptive Data is the material or object
method. Freankel and Wallen (1993, p. which can be words, numbers,
23) stated that descriptive method is a descriptions or observations that have
method for explaining, analysing, and collected and will be analyzed. The data
classifying things using different in this research is all of the words that
techniques, surveys, interviews, are attached by derivational affixes
questioners, observations, and texts. In found in Edgar Allan Poe’s The Black
addition, Etna Widodo and Mukhtar Catthat have 14 pages and was
(2000) defined most of descriptive published in 1843.
method are not designed to test the
hypothesis but rather to describe Technique of Collecting Data
phenomena, variables or circumstances. Technique of collecting data is
As regards to the statement above, the the procedure to collect the data or
data of this research not to explain the information which related to the
testing of hypothesis neither the problems of the research. The data that
correlation, in other words it will be has been collecting must be valid, so
explained according to a phenomenon the conclusion drawn by researcher can
or a nature of situation which exists in also be valid.In the qualitative research,
the research. The problems of this the data cannot be expressed in number
research are solved with systematic and including this research, the data in this
accurate description deal with the facts research are not in number but in the
and characteristics of research data as form of words.
the purpose of this method. By using The researcher collects the data by
descriptive qualitative method, the doing some steps as follow:
researcher would like to collect, 1. FindingEdgar Allan Poe’s The Black
classify, and analyze Morphological Catin PDF version
processes onthe words containing 2. Reading all the contents of Edgar
derivational affixes in Edgar Allan Allan Poe’s The Black Cat
Poe’s The Black Cat. 3. Marking all the word which are
contain English derivational affixes
Source of Data by underline those words
Source of data is the original 4. Listing the data that have been
sources which the data comes from. marked which are contains English
The researcher used primary and derivational affixes
secondary data as the sources of data in
this research. The primary data is the Technique of Analyzing Data
data which is directly collected by the Technique of analyzing data is
researcher him or herself. The primary procedure to process the data into
data in this research took from a short information so that the data are easy to
story. Meanwhile, the secondary data is understand and useful which can be
the data collected or produce by used to draw conclusions. This research
someone else but another one wanted to only focus to analyzeMorphological
utilize the data. The researcher took the processes onthe words containing
secondary data of this research to derivational affixes in Edgar Allan
support primary data, they are from Poe’s The Black Cat, and the analysis
several books related with morphology will be drawn descriptively.
and some graduating papers which the The researcher analyzed the data by
analysis topic have same or close with using some steps as follows:
this research.


1. Reading all the contents of Edgar of 1% found in the short story is-en.
Allan Poe’s The Black Catfrom page The derivational affixes that make
3 until 14. adjective found in the short story are -
2. Finding and listing all the word that al, -able, -ful, -y, -ish, -ent,-less, -ing
are contain English derivational and -ous. All of them have 17% of the
affixes percentage and the derivational affixes
3. Making table to describes English that form adverb get percentage of 37%
derivational affixes of words in found in the short story is -ly. The
Edgar Allan Poe’s The Black Cat researcher also found prefixes un-, in-,
4. Classifying the roots and bases in dis- and re- which attached with the
Edgar Allan Poe’s The Black suffixes that produce new word and
Catdepend on their part of speech change the part of speech.
5. Making diagram to shows the Based on the description, It can
percentage of derivational affixes be seen the derivational affixes that
found in Edgar Allan Poe’s The most frequently appear in Edgar Allan
Black Cat Poe’s The Black Catis derivational
6. Giving the brief analysis of the data affixes producing noun with a
which have been selected randomly percentage of 45%.


Based on the research analysis, From data finding of the
the researcher found many English research, the derivational affixes that
derivational affixes that appear inEdgar has found by researcher in Edgar Allan
Allan Poe’s The Black Cat. After that, Poe’s The Black Catcan be categorized
the researcher tries to analyze based on part of speech into four types,
Morphological processes onthe words they are: derivational affixes producing
containing derivational affixes in Edgar noun, derivational affixes producing
Allan Poe’s The Black Catas the verb, derivational affixes producing
objective of this research. adjective and derivational affixes
The data of this research was taken producing adverb. In this part, the
from page 3 to 14 of the short story. the researcher will analyzeMorphological
researcher found 154 words that processes onthe words containing
attached by derivational affixes inEdgar derivational affixes in Edgar Allan
Allan Poe’s The Black Cat. The table of Poe’s The Black Cat.
the words which are contain Here are the examples of
derivational affixes is presented in the derivation affixes found in the short
appendix to make it easier. The story.
researcher has found the data of this
research, it will be shown as follow Noun affixes
(Figur3 1). 1. From my infancy, I was noted for
From the diagram above, the researcher the docility and humanity of my
has classified derivational affixes based disposition. (data 1, page 3)
on the part of speech. The derivational Based on the sentence, there is a word
affixes that produce noun found by infancy.infancy has two part, the root
researcher in Edgar Allan Poe’s The and the suffix. The root of infancy is
Black Catare -ence, -cy, -ty, -ity, -tion, - infant which belongs to adjective
ation, -ion,-ment, -ure, -ness, -ent, - category, and the -cy is suffix. infancy
ance ,-er, -or, and -ing. They have 45% (noun): infant (adjective) + -cy is
of the percentage. The derivational derivation suffix that indicate noun
affixes that create verb get a percentage affix. Because the suffix –cy attached


after the root of word infant, it makes Based on the sentence, there is a
the part of speech change from word logical.logical has two part, the
adjective to be noun. root and the suffix. The root of logical
2. She lost no opportunity of procuring is logic which belongs to noun
those of the most agreeable kind. category, and the -al is suffix. Logical
(data 2, page 4) (adjective): logic (noun) + -al is
From the sentence above, there is a word derivation suffix that indicate adjective
derivation suffix that indicate noun affix. Because the suffix –al attached
affix. Because the suffix –ity added after the root of word logic, it makes
after the root of word opportune, it the part of speech change from noun to
makes the part of speech change from be adjective.
adjective to be noun. 2. There is something in the unselfish
3. At length, I even offered her and self-sacrificing love of a brute.
personal violence. (data 3, page 4) (data 2, page 3)
Based on the sentence, there is a From the sentence above, there
word violence.Violence has two part, is a word unselfish.unselfish consists of
the root and the suffix. The root of three part, the root, the prefix and the
violence is violent which belongs to suffix. The root of unselfish is self
adjective category, and the -ence is which belongs to noun category, and
suffix. violence (noun): violent the prefix is un- while the suffix is -
(adjective) + -ence is derivation suffix ish.unselfish (adjective): un- + self
that indicate noun affix. Because the (noun) + -ish is derivation suffix that
suffix -ence attached after the root of indicate adjective affix. Because the
word violent, it makes the part of suffix –ish added after the root of word
speech change from adjective to be self, it makes the part of speech change
noun. from noun to be adjective and then the
Verb affixes prefix un-added before the base selfish
But to-morrow I die, and to- makes the meaning change into
day I would unburden my negative.
soul. (datum 1, page 3) 3. I grew, day by day, more moody,
From the sentence above, there more irritable, more regardless of
is a word unburden.unburden consists the feelings of others. (data 3, page
of three part, the root, the prefix and the 4)
suffix. The root of unburden is burd Based on the sentence, there is a
which belongs to noun category, and word moody. Moody has two part, the
the prefix is un- while the suffix is - root and the suffix. The root of moody
en.Unburden (verb): un- + burd (noun) is mood which belongs to noun
+ -en is derivation suffix that indicate category, and the –y is suffix. Moody
verb affix. Because the suffix –en (adjective): mood (noun) + -y is
added after the root of word burd, it derivation suffix that indicate adjective
makes the part of speech change from affix. Because the suffix –y attached
noun to be verb and then the prefix un- after the root of word mood, it makes
added before the base burden makes the the part of speech change from noun to
meaning change into negative. be adjective.

Adjective Affixes Adverb Affixes

1. Some intellect more calm, more 1. In the meantime the cat slowly
logical, and far less excitable than recovered. (data 1, page 5)
my own (data 1, page 3) From the sentence above, there
is a word slowly.Slowly consists of two


part, the root and the suffix. The root of three part, the root and the suffixes. The
slowly is slow which belongs to root of occasionally is occasion which
adjective category, and the -ly is suffix. belongs to noun category, and the -al
Slowly (adverb): slow (adjective) + -ly and -ly are suffixes. occasionally
is derivation suffix that indicate adverb (adverb): occasion (noun) + -al + -ly.
affix. Because the suffix -ly added Because the suffix –al attached after the
after the root of word slow, it makes the root of word occasion, it makes the part
part of speech change from adjective to of speech change from noun to be
be adverb. adjective and then the suffix
2. I permitted it to do so: occasionally –ly which indicated as adverb
stooping and patting it as I affixattached to the base occasional, it
proceeded. (data 2, page 8) changes again the part of speech from
Based on the sentence, there is a adjective to be adverb.
word occasionally.occasionally has

Derivational Affixes
Verb Affixes
Adjective Affixes [PERCENTAGE]

Noun Affixes
Adverb Affixes

Noun Affixes Adverb Affixes Adjective Affixes Verb Affixes

Figure 1 Derivational Affixes


CONCLUSION AND Black Cat, the researcher concludes
SUGGESTION that derivational affixes producing
Conclusion noun is the most frequently appear in
In this research, the the short story with a percentage of
researcher analyzes Morphological 45%.
processes onthe words containing
derivational affixes in Edgar Allan Suggestion
Poe’s The Black Cat. Before The researcher focuses to
analyzing the morphological analyze Morphological processes
processes, the researcher finds out onthe words containing derivational
the data which needed in this affixes in Edgar Allan Poe’s The
research, that is the word which Black CatThe researcher gives
attached by derivational affixes suggestions to further researchers
inEdgar Allan Poe’s The Black Cat. interesting to conduct a research
All of them have presented in the aboutderivational affixes and
chapter 4. inflectional affixes. The further
Based on the data findings, researchers can compare between the
the researcher has classified the morphological processes on
words which attached by derivational derivational affixes and inflectional
affixes according to their part of affixes. The source data of this
speech into four types. The first type research used a short story, the data
is derivational affixes producing findings will be more numerous and
noun which get percentage of 45%, varied if the further researchers used
they are -ence, -cy, -ty, -ity, -tion, - a novel or some sources data. The
ation, -ion, -ment, -ure, -ness, -ent, - researcher also suggests to further
ance,-er, -or, and -ing. The second researchers to used better technique,
type is derivational affixes producing so the further researchers will be
verb that have 1%, the researcher easier when they collecting and
only found the suffix -en that appear analysing the data.
in the short story. The third type is
derivational affixes producing REFERENCES
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