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FEBRUARY 2021 | VOLUME 23 | ISSUE 2 @Em_RockStars

Emergency Medicine Practice Evidence-Based Education • Practical Application


• What are the best risk

stratification tools for use
in the ED?
• Which imaging is best? Chest
x-ray or CT?
• What are the safest and most
effective antibiotic regimens
for the ED patient?
• Are there any adjunctive
therapies that will be helpful?

Matthew DeLaney, MD, FACEP,
Associate Professor, Assistant Residency Program
Director, Department of Emergency Medicine,
University of Alabama at Birmingham School of
Medicine, Birmingham, AL

Charles Khoury, MD, MSHA, FACEP Community-Acquired

Pneumonia in the
Associate Professor, Assistant Residency Program
Director, Department of Emergency Medicine,
University of Alabama at Birmingham School of
Medicine, Birmingham, AL
Emergency Department
Peer Reviewers n Abstract
As recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment, and disposition
Daniel J. Egan, MD
Harvard University Affiliated Emergency of patients with community-acquired pneumonia continue to
Medicine Residency, Massachusetts General evolve, this issue reviews the current evidence and guidelines
Hospital/Brigham and Women's Hospital, for managing these patients in the emergency department.
Boston, MA The various clinical decision aids are compared, as they assist
Benjamin Christian Renne, MD in determining the level of inpatient care required and allow
Critical Care Physician, Division of Trauma, for a greater proportion of patients to be treated successfully
Emergency Surgery, and Critical Care, as outpatients. A clinical pathway for emergency department
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
management delineates optimal antibiotic regimens based on
severity, comorbidities, and risk factors.
Prior to beginning this activity, please review
“CME Information” on page 22.

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This issue is eligible for 4 Infectious Disease CME credits. See page 22. EBMEDICINE.NET
Case Presentations
A 30-year-old man with no significant medical history presents to the ED with 2 days of fever, cough
productive of green sputum, and malaise…
• Examination reveals left-sided rhonchi that do not clear with cough.

• The patient has a heart rate of 105 beats/min and a temperature of 39.1°C. He is normotensive and has
a 95% oxygen saturation on room air.
• Labs show a WBC count of 17K, but are otherwise unremarkable. X-ray shows a left-sided retrocardiac
opacity concerning for pneumonia.
• The patient is clearly symptomatic, but he is asking to go home…

An 82-year-old woman with a history of mild COPD presents from an assisted living facility with 3
days of mild cough productive of yellow sputum…
• She reports no fever/chills, chest pain, shortness of breath, orthopnea, or paroxysmal nocturnal

dyspnea. Physical exam reveals normal vital signs and slightly diminished breath sounds in the right
lung fields.
• Labs, including lactic acid, are within normal limits, and x-ray shows a right-sided infiltrate consistent
with pneumonia.
• The patient’s daughter is concerned about the risk for an adverse outcome, but the patient says she
would like to return to her assisted living facility…

A 55-year-old man with a history of diabetes and chronic kidney disease presents with 3 days of
nonproductive cough, fever, and altered mental status…
• He is in moderate distress, is breathing with accessory muscles, and has rhonchi and rales in all lung

• The patient is febrile and has a heart rate of 130 beats/min. His initial blood pressure is 88/50 mm Hg
and is breathing at 26 breaths/min with room-air oxygen saturation at 88%.
• Labs show a WBC of 19K, a lactic acid of 4.2 mg/dL, and an anion gap of 22 mEq/L. X-ray shows
bilateral infiltrates concerning for multifocal pneumonia and a left-sided pleural effusion.
• Before you admit the patient, you need to determine whether he needs to be placed in the intensive
care unit...

n Introduction within the prior 3 months.3 This category was used to

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a relatively identify patients at risk for infection with multidrug-
common disease process resulting from acute resistant organisms, but it was found to be overly
infection of the lung parenchyma in patients who sensitive, which increased rates of inappropriate anti-
have not been hospitalized recently or had recent biotic use. Although patients with recent contact with
exposure to the healthcare system. CAP accounts for healthcare facilities are at increased risk for infection
the largest group of sepsis-triggering events and is with multidrug-resistant organisms, for most patients,
responsible for significant morbidity and mortality.1 this risk is small, and the overall prevalence is low.4
The American Thoracic Society (ATS)/Infectious Thus, the category of HCAP was omitted from the
Diseases Society of America (IDSA) guidelines 2016 ATS/IDSA guidelines.
describe 2 additional types of pneumonia: (1) The literature on hospital admission for pneumo-
hospital-acquired (nosocomial) pneumonia (HAP), nia suggests that approximately 1 in 5 patients with
pneumonia that occurs 48 hours or more after pneumonia are readmitted to the hospital within 30
admission to a healthcare facility that did not appear days of discharge.5 Given this data, it is imperative
to be present at the time of admission; and (2) that clinicians understand how to appropriately risk
ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), a type of stratify patients with pneumonia in order to provide
HAP that develops ≥48 hours after endotracheal them with the proper disposition (intensive care unit
intubation.2 [ICU], a medical floor, or home with oral antibiotic
The term healthcare-associated pneumonia treatment). Despite its broad impact, there is wide
(HCAP) was included in the 2005 ATS/IDSA guide- variation among emergency clinicians regarding the
lines. It referred to pneumonia acquired in healthcare diagnosis, treatment, risk stratification, and disposi-
facilities such as hemodialysis centers, nursing homes, tion of patients with CAP.6 This issue of Emergency
outpatient clinics, or during inpatient hospitalization Medicine Practice will review various aspects of the


diagnosis and management of CAP, including its epi- ics should not be required for all patients with con-
demiology, pathophysiology, prehospital care, emer- firmed COVID-19.7 Worldwide, there is variable ac-
gency department (ED) evaluation, utility of various cess to rapid COVID-19 tests, making differentiation
diagnostic studies, treatment modalities (including between CAP and COVID-19 even more challenging.
antibiotic options), and evidence-based disposition of In this situation, we recommend the use of antibiotics
patients. to cover bacterial pathogens according to the ATS/
IDSA guidelines, based on patient demographics,
treatment setting, and severity of illness.7
n Critical Appraisal of the Literature No clear evidence exists to guide the use of
A literature search was performed in PubMed using antibiotics in patients with confirmed COVID-19.
the terms community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), Theoretically, the pulmonary manifestations of
pneumonia, cough, and related terms. Given the COVID-19 should be strictly viral or related to a host-
extensive body of literature concerning CAP, the related immunologic response, yet Du et al reported
search focused on the presentation and management high rates of bacterial co-infection, with 27% of
of CAP in settings relevant to emergency practice, patients having Mycoplasma IgM antibodies and 34%
including ambulatory clinics and urgent care. Forty testing positive for Chlamydia.8 Retrospective data
systematic reviews from the Cochrane Database of from the initial New York COVID-19 surge showed
Systematic Reviews were relevant. We searched for lower rates of co-infection but also illustrated the
studies, specifically evaluating the risk stratification difficulty in differentiating between bacterial and viral
and management of CAP with a particular focus pathogens.9 In a review of patients admitted with
on patient-oriented outcomes. In addition to our COVID-19, Nori et al found that only 2% of patients
literature search, we reviewed available guidelines had a respiratory bacterial co-infection, while 70% of
from the American College of Emergency Physicians patients received at least 1 dose of antibiotics.10
(ACEP), IDSA, and ATS. COVID-19 has presented a dynamic, rapidly
changing clinical situation. When it comes to patients
n Community-Acquired Pneumonia in with possible CAP, emergency clinicians need to
the Era of COVID-19 consider the possibility of COVID-19. When available,
rapid testing may help confirm the presence of the
Prior to December 2019, any discussion of viral pathogen, but it does not rule out the possibility of a
pneumonia would have been limited, because the coexisting bacterial pathogen.
bulk of morbidity surrounding pneumonia involved
bacterial pathogens. However, in the subsequent
months, as COVID-19 has spread worldwide, n Epidemiology
presence of this novel viral pathogen must be CAP is the leading cause of infectious disease-
considered in any patient with possible CAP. In 2020, related death and the eighth most common cause
the co-chairs of the ATS/IDSA CAP guidelines issued of death in the United States.11 As expected,
a series of recommendations on the management of the rate of CAP increases with age. Of the many
CAP in the era of COVID-19.7 pathogens responsible for CAP, the most commonly
From a diagnostic standpoint, there are no identified bacterial cause is Streptococcus
historical or physical examination findings that can pneumoniae. Historically, S pneumoniae was thought
differentiate reliably between CAP and COVID-19. to be responsible for up to 90% of the cases of
Unfortunately, the utility of chest x-ray for patients pneumonia. More recently, the incidence of cases
with COVID-19 remains unclear. In an early case of S pneumoniae has decreased significantly, and
series of patients who were hospitalized with while it is still the most commonly isolated bacterial
COVID-19, 59% of patients had findings on x-ray that pathogen, it is now responsible for only 10% to
were consistent with pneumonia. When computed 15% of hospitalized cases of CAP.12 This decline is
tomography (CT) was used, 86% of patients had thought to be due largely to the development of the
abnormal findings.8 Conversely, in a review of more pneumococcal vaccine, as rates of S pneumoniae are
than 600 patients seen in an urgent care facility, notably higher in areas where there is not widespread
Weinstock et al found that the chest x-ray was normal use of this vaccine. While the pneumococcal
in approximately 58% of patients with COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to reduce rates of invasive
and only “mildly abnormal” in approximately 89% of pneumococcal pneumonia, it has not been shown to
cases.9 As with CAP in a patient with a high pretest reduce mortality.13
probability of having COVID-19, a normal chest x-ray Other common pathogens include Haemophilus
does not rule out an underlying pneumonia. influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Moraxella
In terms of treatment, Metlay et al recommend catarrhalis. Certain patient populations have a higher
empiric antibiotic coverage for patients with CAP incidence of particular pathogens, such as increased
without confirmed COVID-19, but state that antibiot- rates of P aeruginosa in patients with underlying lung


disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary even small numbers of microbes. In contrast,
disease. The incidence of atypical bacterial causes numerous or more virulent microbes often result in
of CAP, including Mycoplasma pneumoniae and the development of a large inflammatory response in
Chlamydophila pneumoniae is somewhat unclear, most patients. Although this response is essential to
but likely underreported. Patients with atypical clear the respiratory tract of microbes, it contributes
pathogens typically have a more benign disease directly to the development of more severe
course and may be less likely to seek medical care. symptoms and to lung injury.17
Current testing for atypical pathogens is suboptimal, The pathogens that cause pneumonia can be
making it difficult to quantify the true burden of transmitted from person to person by airborne drop-
disease. Pathogens such as Legionella pneumophila lets but may already be present in native oral and
may occur in geographic clusters related to specific nasal flora. The most common way that pathogens
exposures but are not typically seen in isolation in the reach the lower respiratory tract is by microaspiration.
general population. Viral causes include influenza, Hematogenous spread from a distant infected site
parainfluenza, adenovirus, and human respiratory may also result in pneumonia, but this is a much less
syncytial virus. Viruses cause approximately 20% likely cause.18
of cases of CAP, with a higher incidence seen year- Many conditions can predispose patients to the
round in children and in all patients during seasonal development of pneumonia. Specifically, chronic lung
influenza outbreaks.14 disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bron-
In a notable number of cases diagnosed as CAP, chiectasis), smoking, older age, and immunocom-
the etiology remains either unclear or is found to promise are significant risk factors.19 Some studies
be noninfectious. In an observational study of 259 have suggested that long-term use of medications,
patients who were hospitalized with a diagnosis of including proton-pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, and
CAP, Musher et al found a causative bacterium in antipsychotic agents may be linked to an increased
only 23.2% of cases. A viral pathogen was identified risk of pneumonia, but these studies have shown only
in 16.2% of cases, and 26.6% of patients were diag- observational associations that have not been dem-
nosed with a noninfectious syndrome. Despite exten- onstrated in any randomized controlled trials.20
sive testing, no cause for CAP was found in 45.9% of
patients.15 It can be nearly impossible to identify the
exact pathogens in a patient presenting to the ED n Differential Diagnosis
with CAP, and the available data suggest that this di- Given the broad range of disease severity, patients
agnostic uncertainty persists throughout the patient’s with CAP can present with a wide range of symptoms,
hospital course. and emergency clinicians must have a broad
differential when evaluating any patient who may
have CAP, because commonly reported symptoms
n Pathophysiology can often be caused by other more insidious medical
Pneumonia is an infectious process that results conditions. High-risk CAP mimics include congestive
from the infiltration of pathogens into the lung heart failure exacerbation, acute coronary syndromes,
parenchyma, provoking the production of intra- pulmonary embolism, neoplastic lesions, and
alveolar exudates. The development of pneumonia pulmonary abscess/empyema. Pulmonary embolism
requires that a pathogen reach the alveoli and that can be particularly easy to miss if there is pulmonary
host defenses are overwhelmed by either the micro- infarct resulting in a CAP-like radiographic infiltrate.
organism’s virulence or by the inoculum’s size. The Neoplasia should be suspected in a patient with CAP
introduction of a pathogen into the lower respiratory who does not improve with antimicrobials over weeks
tract is typically the result of aspiration from the or has other ominous constitutional signs.
upper respiratory tract. Although the outcome of a These disease processes should be ruled out
lower respiratory tract infection can depend on the clinically or diagnostically prior to the definitive
virulence of the organism, individuals may experience diagnosis of CAP. In some cases, a detailed history
a wide spectrum of severity due to the inflammatory and physical examination may be enough to rule out
response in the lung.16 these causes. In others, a more thorough work-up
Younger or healthier patients can typically mount including an electrocardiogram, laboratory testing,
an effective immune response when small numbers radiographs, and advanced imaging modalities may
of low-virulence microbes are deposited in the lungs. be merited.
Immune defenses include mucociliary clearance Lower-risk CAP mimics include uncomplicated
(often referred to as the mucociliary escalator), bronchitis, viral upper respiratory infections, and
antimicrobial proteins in airway surfactant, and minor asthma exacerbations. Although these
alveolar macrophages. Older patients, patients with conditions are generally not as severe as CAP, it is
underlying lung disease, and immunocompromised important to make an accurate diagnosis to prevent
patients may have a more difficult time clearing overtreatment with antibiotic therapy.


n Prehospital Care LR, 0.83.23 From a clinical standpoint, these signs and
In the prehospital setting, the application of supple- symptoms are most useful in making the diagnosis
mental oxygen to hypoxemic patients is the most of CAP when they present concurrently, as a
important intervention. Oxygenation includes supple- constellation of symptoms.
mentation by nasal cannula, face mask, or even posi- Diagnosing CAP in elderly patients can present
tive pressure ventilation. Intravenous (IV) access and a challenge, as classic features such as fever, cough,
fluid resuscitation are important but should not pre- and shortness of breath are present in only a minority
cede the correction of severe hypoxia. Early but judi- of elderly patients who are ultimately diagnosed
cious administration of crystalloid fluid is beneficial with pneumonia.24 Elderly patients are more likely
in patients with hypotension or other signs of shock. to present with atypical symptoms, including altered
Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, prehospital mental status and fatigue.
providers should use personal protective equipment Numerous studies have demonstrated limited
when encountering any patient with possible CAP. diagnostic efficacy of auscultation for pneumonia.
The presence of crackles on physical examination is
useful in making the diagnosis of CAP, but absence
n Emergency Department Evaluation of the finding cannot be relied upon for the exclusion
In the ED, initial stabilization includes ensuring that of the disease. In most studies, the positive LR of
the patient is protecting their airway. A thorough crackles is 1.6 to 2.7 for pneumonia, and decreased
history and physical examination will aid in ruling breath sounds have a LR of 2.6 and a negative LR
out other disease processes and will assist in the of 0.64. Studies have shown that the sign with the
diagnosis of pneumonia, though they will almost highest LR for pneumonia is egophony (8.6), followed
always require augmentation by laboratory studies by dullness to percussion (4.3).25 The diagnosis of
and imaging. Identification of sepsis related to pneumonia cannot be reliably confirmed or excluded
pneumonia is imperative and includes an assessment by the presence of absence of a particular finding on
of the patient’s vital signs and the clinical signs and physical examination; rather, the clinical examination
symptoms of severe sepsis and septic shock. can be very useful to the creation of a differential
The presence of fever, hypoxia, tachycardia, and diagnosis.26 For this reason, clinical decision rules
crackles on auscultation are suggestive of CAP. All 4 have incorporated the likelihood of CAP based on
variables are noted to be specific independent pre- multiple signs and symptoms. For more information
dictors of radiograph-proven pneumonia in a clinical on the use of clinical decision rules in diagnosis of
setting. In contrast, demographic information and CAP, see the “Using Severity and Risk Scoring
historical factors are less likely to provide predictive Systems for Treatment and Disposition” section,
information for the diagnosis of CAP. Although CAP beginning on page 8.
is more common in the elderly population, age, sex,
smoking history, and past medical history provide no
predictive information for a pneumonia diagnosis.21 n Diagnostic Studies
Although the classic history for CAP often Chest Radiography
includes the presence of productive cough, fever, Chest x-ray remains a hallmark of the diagnosis of
shortness of breath, and pleuritic chest pain, these CAP despite a fairly low sensitivity for detection.
signs do not help reliably confirm or rule out Chest x-ray is an important tool in the evaluation
an underlying pneumonia. The most frequently of patients with cough, shortness of breath, and
reported clinical symptom in patients with CAP is chest pain, and can assist with, but not exclude,
cough, which is observed in 80% to 90% of patients the diagnosis of CAP. Numerous studies have been
with the disease. Shortness of breath is also a performed to assess the utility of chest x-ray in the
frequently reported symptom and is found in 70% of diagnosis of CAP. Using CT as the gold standard,
patients.22 In patients confirmed to have CAP, sputum chest x-ray has moderate specificity (93%) but fairly
production and pleuritic pain are reported in roughly low sensitivity (range of 46%-77%).27 Based on these
50% of cases. sensitivities, the exclusive use of chest x-ray would
Despite the frequent presence of certain result in missing the diagnosis of CAP in one-third
symptoms in patients with CAP, the accuracy of the to one-half of presenting patients and should thus
history in the diagnosis of CAP remains a debated not be relied on heavily for exclusion of the disease
issue. Review of the major studies reveals the process. Despite low sensitivity, chest x-ray remains
predictive utility of 4 of the major symptoms: fever, a recommendation for all patients in whom CAP is
chills, cough, and night sweats. Likelihood ratios (LRs) suspected, and it can point the clinician to other
of these symptoms include: (1) fever: positive LR, 2.1; disease processes, including congestive heart failure,
negative LR, 0.7; (2) chills: positive LR, 1.7; negative malignancy, effusion, and pulmonary infarction.28
LR, 0.85; (3) cough: positive LR, 1.8; negative LR, Although portable single-view radiography—
0.31; and (4) night sweats: positive LR, 1.7; negative which often utilizes the single anterior-posterior


view—is frequently used, we have no evidence The clinical utility of these biomarkers remains
comparing the accuracy of this study compared to the somewhat unclear. Müller et al evaluated the
traditional 2 views (posterior-anterior and lateral) in use of PCT and CRP alongside traditional clinical
patients with possible CAP. features (fever, cough, sputum production, abnormal
chest auscultation, and dyspnea) and WBC count.
Computed Tomography When CRP and PCT were added to the traditional
CT of the chest is a much more sensitive test for examination findings, the area under the curve
pulmonary infiltrates (approaching 100%) than chest increased from 0.79 to 0.90. When used to identify
x-ray, but it is associated with increased radiation these patients, PCT and CRP were more accurate
exposure and cost.29 For this reason, chest x-ray than physical examination features but were not
remains the initial testing modality for patients in statistically superior to WBC count.34
whom there is suspicion for CAP. CT may be a useful As with WBC count, the diagnostic accuracy of
diagnostic tool for patients without pulmonary PCT and CRP is linked to the levels detected. When
infiltrate on chest x-ray but who present with applied to a subset of patients who have possible
complicating factors. Immunocompromised patients, CAP and an infiltrate on chest radiography, there
elderly patients, and patients with undifferentiated is great variability in how the tests perform. At low
sepsis or septic shock may particularly benefit from levels (>40 mg/L) CRP has a sensitivity of 90%, with a
further characterization with CT.30 specificity of only 17%. When >200 mg/L, the sensi-
tivity is 36% with a specificity of 91%. PCT performs
Ultrasound similarly, with a reported specificity of 39% at low
Ultrasound is another useful modality for the levels (>0.1 mcg/L) and a sensitivity of 90%. In a study
diagnosis of CAP.31 Meta-analysis of the use of lung of hospitalized patients, Self et al found that elevated
ultrasound has demonstrated a pooled sensitivity PCT levels correlated with an increased likelihood of
and sensitivity for the diagnosis of pneumonia of 94% an underlying bacterial infection. Despite this corre-
and 96%, respectively; pooled positive and negative lation, the authors were unable to identify a reliable
LRs were 16.8 and 0.07, respectively.32 However, threshold at which PCT could consistently differenti-
sensitivity and specificity depend greatly on the skill ate between viral and bacterial pathogens.35
level and experience of the sonographer. Because To date, the role of biomarkers in the workup
this test relies heavily on operator expertise, it is not of CAP remains unclear. In patients with markedly
an ideal first-line test for clinicians who are not trained elevated levels, clinicians may be able to confirm
in its use. the diagnosis; however, these patients likely have a
moderate to high pretest probability of disease, so it
Laboratory Testing is not clear that the addition of these biomarkers adds
Ideally, laboratory testing would be able to help meaningful clinical data.
differentiate between viral and bacterial pathogens Various studies have evaluated the role of PCT
and risk-stratify patients. Unfortunately tests such in making the decision to start or stop antibiotics in
as white blood cell count (WBC) and erythrocyte patients with CAP. In a prospective randomized con-
sedimentation rate (ESR) have erratic sensitivity trolled trial of ED patients with possible respiratory
and poor specificity, and do not appear to offer tract infections, patients were randomized to either
reliable diagnostic or prognostic information. While standard care or a PCT-guided algorithm using vary-
laboratory tests may identify other possible medical ing PCT thresholds. At <0.1 mcg/L, antibiotic use was
issues in terms of how CAP is diagnosed and strongly discouraged; at 0.1-0.25 mcg/L, antibiotic
managed, they have limited utility. use was discouraged; and at >0.25 mcg/L, antibiotic
use was encouraged. When the PCT algorithm was
Biomarkers applied, patients had lower rates of antibiotic use,
Over the past several decades, various biomarkers fewer antibiotic-related side effects, and no increase
have been used to evaluate patients with CAP. More in adverse events, including death or ICU admission,
recently, biomarkers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) compared to standard care.36
and procalcitonin (PCT) have been studied in patients A multicenter randomized controlled trial of
with suspected pneumonia. CRP is released primarily over 1500 patients compared the use of PCT-
from the liver in response to elevated inflammatory guided protocol to standard care in ED patients with
mediators generated by the body’s response to suspected lower respiratory tract infection in cases
pathogens. PCT is produced in the thyroid and where the clinician was “uncertain whether antibiotic
becomes detectable after 2 to 4 hours of infection. therapy was indicated.” There was no significant
Early studies across a wide variety of settings have difference in terms of the duration of antibiotic use or
reported that PCT is able to predict the presence of a the rate of adverse events within 30 days.37
bacterial infection and, when trended, can illustrate a The 2019 ATS/IDSA guidelines give a strong
response to antibiotics.33 recommendation, based on a moderate quality of


evidence, that patients with clinical and radiographic Blood Cultures
findings of CAP should be started on empiric anti- Blood cultures have a limited role in the diagnosis
biotics regardless of initial PCT results.38 Currently, and treatment of CAP because they have a low
despite more widespread use across a variety of set- sensitivity, a high rate of false-positives, and rarely
tings, PCT should not be part of the standard workup offer data that positively alters a patient’s clinical
of ED patients with suspected CAP. course. A prospective study of 414 patients with
CAP in an ED reported true-positive cultures in only
Mycoplasma pneumoniae Testing 7% of patients. Overall, blood cultures altered the
M pneumoniae accounts for approximately 5% treatment plan in only 3.6% of cases and, in most
to 15% of cases of CAP, with the highest rates instances, the data were used to narrow rather
occurring in children and young adults. Cases of than broaden antibiotic coverage (2.7% vs 1%).41 A
mycoplasma pneumonia typically occur during similar retrospective review of ED patients with CAP
winter months, are thought to be highly contagious, found a false-positive culture rate of 7.8% versus a
and can lead to clusters of outbreaks. Making the true-positive rate of only 3.4%. In patients with true
diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumonia can be a positives, the number needed to treat in terms of a
challenge, as patients typically have lower rates of blood culture changing the treatment plan was 250.42
abnormal pulmonary findings on examination and Prior to 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Med-
chest radiography. IgM and IgG antibody titers icaid Services and the Joint Commission mandated
and PCR testing are available, but may not have that patients should have 2 sets of blood cultures
meaningful clinical impact, as patients have a high obtained prior to starting antibiotics. Given the low
rate of asymptomatic carriage. In a study of healthy diagnostic yield of such testing, this requirement is no
volunteers, 13.5% of patients without symptoms were longer a core measure of quality. The 2019 ATS/IDSA
found to harbor M pneumoniae in the oropharynx guidelines strongly recommend that blood cultures
during the season of peak mycoplasma pneumonia should not be obtained for any outpatients, and
prevalence. Overall incidence of M pneumoniae they give a conditional recommendation that blood
detection in healthy volunteers was approximately cultures should not be routinely ordered for inpatients
5%.39 Given that mycoplasma pneumonia typically with CAP. As with antigen testing, blood cultures are
has a benign disease course and rarely results in still recommended for hospitalized patients with se-
hospitalization or significant morbidity, there is little vere CAP and also for patients who have been or are
clinical imperative for providers to use this test when being treated for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
evaluating patients. aureus (MRSA) or P aeruginosa, and for patients who
have been hospitalized and given IV antibiotics within
Urine Antigen Testing the past 90 days. Rather than empirically ordering
Urine antigen testing is available for both S pneu- blood cultures on all patients with CAP, clinicians
moniae and L pneumophila. Initial studies reported should first try to risk stratify patients for the potential
test characteristics that were comparable to those for drug-resistant pathogens.38
seen with blood and sputum cultures, though the
clinical impact of this testing remains somewhat Sputum Cultures
unclear. In a trial of 194 patients who were hospital- The diagnostic performance of sputum cultures
ized with CAP, Falguera et al randomized patients to is variable. Gram staining and culture of sputum
either empiric treatment based on available guide- may be positive in 80% of cases of pneumococcal
lines or targeted therapy based on the results of urine pneumonia, with much lower rates seen with other
antigen testing. Antigen testing influenced antibiotic pathogens.43 From a practical standpoint, sputum
choice in 28.4% of patients; however, despite this cultures are difficult to obtain and rarely affect
additional data, there was no difference between the patient management. In a prospective analysis of
groups in terms of overall treatment cost, exposure 116 immunocompetent patients with CAP, Ewig et
to broad-spectrum antibiotics, or the incidence of al found that sputum cultures could be obtained in
adverse events.40 only 36% of patients. Even when obtained, 69% were
The 2019 ATS/IDSA guidelines do not recom- not obtained until at least a day after admission and
mend routine testing for pneumococcal antigen other the samples were “microscopically valid” in only 50%
than in cases of severe pneumonia; however, this is a of cases. In terms of diagnostic yield, 50% of the
conditional recommendation based on a low overall cultures showed mixed flora, with only 20% having an
quality of evidence. Similarly, patients should not be isolated positive Gram stain. Culture results changed
tested routinely for Legionella antigen other than in the treatment course in only 1 patient who had failed
cases of severe CAP or unless there is an elevated to clinically respond to initial antibiotic therapy.44
clinical concern based on recent outbreaks.38 In the 2019 guidelines, the ATS/IDSA
recommended against obtaining sputum cultures in
outpatients. For inpatients, the authors acknowledge


the overall low quality of evidence but recommend considered safe for discharge. If the patient has any
that sputum cultures be used in cases of severe CAP of these characteristics, the clinician then proceeds to
and for patients in whom there is concern for MRSA step 2, which involves a scoring system incorporating
or P aeruginosa. Sputum cultures should also be age, chronic medical conditions, laboratory features,
considered in patients who have been hospitalized and radiographic findings. Based on the results of
and given IV antibiotics during the previous 90 days. step 2, patients are categorized as being at low risk
The authors acknowledge that previously published (class II or class III), moderate risk (class IV), or high
risk factors for MRSA and P aeruginosa largely show risk (class V), with recommendations ranging from
weak associations and suggest that for patients with outpatient care to observation or inpatient admission.
these risk factors, negative sputum cultures may help (See Figure 1, page 9.)
clinicians de-escalate therapy.38 In general, for the
vast majority of patients with CAP in the ED, there is Comparison of CURB-65 and Pneumonia Severity
almost no role for routine sputum cultures.44 Index Scores
Both the CURB-65 and the PSI scores have reliable
Viral Respiratory Panel sensitivity in identifying high-risk patients, but CURB-
Recently, viral respiratory panels have been 65 is more specific (74.6% vs 52.2%). One possible
developed that, using a variety of techniques, can explanation for the lower specificity of the PSI is its
help identify various viral pathogens, with rapid inclusion of comorbidities. With PSI, otherwise well-
turnaround time. In terms of accuracy, most of the appearing patients with comorbid conditions may
commercially available tests can reliably identify viral have an elevated score without increased mortality.
pathogens, most frequently respiratory syncytial Conversely, when using CURB-65, consider the
virus, but the clinical utility of these panels remains presence of significant underlying medical conditions
unproven. In a randomized controlled trial comparing when evaluating a patient, as the score does not
viral respiratory panels to usual care, May et al incorporate these elements.48
found that the viral respiratory panels identified a In a prospective study of over 3000 patients,
viral pathogen in 55% of cases, yet there was no Aujesky et al found that, when compared to CURB-
statistically significant difference in antibiotic use 65, PSI more accurately predicted mortality and was
between the 2 groups.45 Similarly, the widespread able to categorize a larger subset of patients as low
use of rapid testing for influenza has been shown to risk.49 Subsequent studies have found consistently
reliably identify cases of influenza and is endorsed by that PSI can be used to identify patients who can be
the ATS/IDSA; nonetheless, it has not been shown to treated as outpatients, without any increase in the
have an impact on patient-oriented outcomes. rate of mortality or adverse events.50 In their 2019
guidelines, the ATS/IDSA conditionally recommend
n Using Severity and Risk Scoring the PSI score over CURB-65, but emphasized that any
Systems for Treatment and scoring system should be used in conjunction with
clinical judgment.38
Treatment choices depend largely on whether the
patient is being admitted or discharged. Scoring
systems have been developed to risk stratify patients Table 1. CURB-65 Scoring46
in terms of their disposition. The 2 most common Symptom Points
validated decision instruments are the CURB-65 score
Confusion 1
and the pneumonia severity index (PSI).46,47
Urea: BUN >19 mg/dL (>7 mmol/L) 1
CURB-65 Score Respiratory rate ≥30 breaths/min 1
CURB-65 uses a 5-point scoring system. Patients with
Systolic BP <90 mm Hg or diastolic BP ≤60 mm Hg 1
scores of 0 or 1 are safe for discharge; patients with
Age ≥65 years 1
a score of 2 can be observed or admitted; patients
with scores ≥3 should be admitted; if the score is ≥3, Total ______
possibly to the ICU. (See Table 1.)
Score Risk Disposition
Pneumonia Severity Index 0 or 1 1.5% mortality Outpatient care
The pneumonia severity index (PSI) requires a 2-step
2 9.2% mortality Inpatient versus observation admission
process. In step 1, clinicians attempt to determine
≥3 22% mortality Inpatient admission; consider ICU
whether patients are considered to be at low risk, or admission with score of 4 or 5
“class I.” If the patient is aged <50 years and has no
significant chronic medical conditions or abnormal Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; ICU,
vital signs, they can be categorized as class I and are intensive care unit.


An online calculator for the CURB-65 Patients were categorized into 3 groups:
score is available at: (1) admitted to the ICU from the ED; (2) admitted to the wards but moved to the ICU within 72
pneumonia-severity hours due to deterioration; or (3) discharged from
the ED, but admitted to the ICU within 72 hours
due to deterioration. The ICU patients initially
An online calculator for the PSI score is admitted directly to the ICU had an in-hospital
available at: mortality of 29.5% compared to 42.7% for those initially admitted to the wards and 61.2% for those
pneumonia-severity-index-cap initially discharged home. It is not unexpected that
patients ultimately requiring critical care who were
appropriately triaged to the ICU had lower mortality;
Intensive Care Unit Admission likewise, overall costs were significantly lower in
When admitting a patient with CAP to the hospital, the patients who were admitted to the ICU initially.
the need for ICU level of care must be considered. While the authors did not have a formal approach
A 2018 Canadian study prospectively evaluated 657 to risk stratification, their findings emphasize the
patients with suspected infection who were admitted importance of placing patients into the appropriate
to the ICU within 72 hours of ED presentation. level of care from the ED.51

Figure 1. Pneumonia Severity Index47

Step 1 Step 2: Assign patient to risk class II-V based on points

Is ≥1 of the following characteristics assigned
present? Finding Points
• Age >50 years
• Neoplastic disease
• Congestive heart failure • Men Age (yr)
• Cerebrovascular disease • Women Age (yr)-10
• Renal disease YES
Nursing Home Resident 10
• Liver disease
• Altered mental status Coexisting Illness
• Pulse ≥125 beats/min • Neoplastic disease 30
• Respiratory rate ≥30 breaths/min
• Liver disease 20
• Systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg
• Temperature <35°C or ≥40°C • Congestive heart failure 10
• Cerebrovascular disease 10
NO • Renal disease 10
Physical Examination Findings
• Altered mental status 20
Assign patient to risk class I
• Respiratory rate ≥30 breaths/min 20
• Systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg 20
• Temperature <35°C or ≥40°C 15

Points assignment corresponds to the • Pulse ≥125 beats/min 10

following risk classes: ≤70 class II, 71-90 Laboratory and Radiographic Findings
class III, 91-130 class IV, >130 class V • Arterial pH <7.35 30
• BUN ≥30 mg/dL (11 mmol/L) 20
• Sodium <130 mmol/L 20

Score/Class Risk Disposition • Glucose ≥250 mg/dL (14 mmol/L) 10

≤70, class II Low Outpatient care • Hematocrit <30% 10

71-90, class III Low Outpatient versus observation admission PaO2 <60 mm Hg or oxygen saturation <90% 10
on pulse oximetry
91-130, class IV Moderate Inpatient admission
Pleural effusion 10
>130, class V High Inpatient admission
Total _________

Abbreviations: BUN, blood urea nitrogen; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen, arterial.


SMART-COP and ATS/IDSA Criteria Studies comparing these major and minor
SMART-COP is a scoring system that can be used to criteria to SMART-COP have been mixed. In 2009,
predict a patient’s need for ICU admission. (See Table Brown et al reported that the major/minor criteria
2.) In a study of 862 patients with CAP, Charles et al outperformed other models,54 but in 2011 Chalmers
found that the SMART-COP score was significantly et al reported a similar performance between the
more sensitive (92.3%) and specific (62.3%) compared 2 scores.55 SMART-COP may be more difficult to
with the sensitivities of PSI class IV and V (73.6%) calculate in the ED, as it requires albumin, PaO2, and
and CURB-65 group 3 (38.5%).52 In a subsequent blood pH, tests that may not be necessary or readily
validation study, SMART-COP outperformed (positive/ available during the patient’s initial visit; moreover,
negative LR, 2.6/0.15) both CURB 65 (2.1/0.64) and PSI quantification of the delivered FiO2 by any method
(1.5/0.53) in predicting the need for ICU admission.53 other than mechanical ventilation is notoriously
The 2019 ATS/IDSA guidelines list major and imprecise. The authors of the ATS/IDSA guidelines
minor criteria for ICU admission, and recommend cite ease of use of the major/minor criteria as the
ICU admission for any patient who has 1 or more rationale behind their recommendation of these
major criteria.38 (See Table 3.) For patients who do criteria over other scoring systems.
not require vasopressors or mechanical ventilation, While the evidence behind any particular tool
the authors recommend that a combination of clinical is mixed and the guidelines support some clinician
judgment and any of the findings noted in Table 3 variability, clinicians should use one of these tools
(minor criteria) be used to determine the need for ICU for all patients with CAP. The key to risk stratification
admission. seems to be to first consider the decision to admit
A 2012 meta-analysis found that using 1 major or discharge and then subsequently to consider the
or 3 minor criteria resulted in a pooled sensitivity need for ICU admission.
of 84% and specificity of 78% for predicting ICU
admission.53 An online calculator for the SMART-COP
score is available at:
Table 2. SMART-COP Score for Pneumonia
Factor Points Table 3. 2007 IDSA/ATS Criteria for
Systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg 2 Defining Severe Community-Acquired
Multilobar chest x-ray involvement 1 Pneumonia
Albumin <3.5 g/dL 1 Validated definition includes either 1 major criterion or ≥3 minor
Respiratory rate age-adjusted cutoffs 1 • Minor Criteria
• Age ≤50 years: ≥25 breaths/min l
Respiratory rate ≥30 breaths/min
• Age > 50 years: ≥30 breaths/min l
PaO2/FiO2 ratio ≤250
Tachycardia ≥125 beats/min 1 l
Multilobar infiltrates
Confusion (new onset) 1
Uremia (blood urea nitrogen level ≥20 mg/dL)
Oxygen low 1 l
Leukopenia* (white blood cell count <4000 cells/mcL)
• Age ≤50 years: PaO2 <70 mm Hg l
Thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100,000/mcL)
(or SaO2 ≤93% or P/F ratio <333) l
Hypothermia (core temperature <36ºC)
• Age >50 years: PaO2 <60 mm Hg l
Hypotension requiring aggressive fluid resuscitation
(or SaO2 ≤90% or P/F ratio <250)
• Major Criteria
Arterial pH <7.35 2
Septic shock with need for vasopressors
Total score ________ l
Respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation

SMART-COP Risk Group Risk* *Due to infection alone (ie, not chemotherapy induced).
Score Abbreviations: ATS, American Thoracic Society; FiO2, fraction of inspired
oxygen; IDSA, Infectious Diseases Society of America; PaO2, arterial
0-2 Low Minimal oxygen pressure.
3-4 Moderate 1 in 8 Reprinted with permission of the American Thoracic Society. Copyright ©
5-6 High: consider ICU admission 1 in 3 2021 American Thoracic Society. All rights reserved. Metlay JP, Waterer
GW, Long AC, et al. 2019. Diagnosis and treatment of adults with
≥7 Very high: consider ICU admission 2 in 3 community-acquired pneumonia. An official clinical practice guideline
of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of
*Risk for patient requiring intensive respiratory or vasopressor support. America. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen, Volume 200, Issue 7, pages 45-67. The American Journal of Respiratory
arterial; P/F ratio, PaO2/fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) ratio; SaO2, and Critical Care Medicine is an official journal of the American
arterial oxygen saturation. Thoracic Society.

FEBRUARY 2021 • 10 ©2021 EB MEDICINE

n Treatment For patients with nonsevere CAP with recent hos-
Inpatient Treatment pitalization (≥2 days in the last 90 days), parenteral
The current guidelines use 2 risk stratification branch antibiotic administration, and locally validated risk
points to determine appropriate antibiotic therapy. factors for MRSA and/or P aeruginosa, cultures should
First, patients are categorized as having severe or be obtained, but patients do not need to be empiri-
nonsevere pneumonia. (See Table 3, page 10.) cally treated for MRSA and/or P aeruginosa, pending
Severe pneumonia is defined as having at least 1 results of these tests.
major criterion or at least 3 minor criteria. Following
this delineation, patients are treated based on the Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia
presence or absence of risk factors for MRSA and In contrast to patients with nonsevere pneumonia,
P aeruginosa.38 patients with severe CAP and risk factors for MRSA
and/or P aeruginosa should be given empiric
Nonsevere Community-Acquired Pneumonia coverage for these respective pathogens pending
For cases of nonsevere CAP without additional risk culture results.38 The drug resistance in pneumonia
factors, 2 treatment regimens are given a strong (DRIP) score is a prospectively validated tool that can
recommendation:38 be used to risk stratify patients in terms of their risk
1. Combination therapy with a beta-lactam for having drug-resistant pathogens.56 When applied
• Ampicillin + sulbactam 1.5-3 g IV every 6 hours to ED patients admitted with CAP, a DRIP score of
• Cefotaxime 1-2 g IV every 8 hours ≥4 had a sensitivity of 70.6% and a specificity 82.3%
• Ceftriaxone 1-2 g IV daily for identifying drug-resistant pathogens. When
• Ceftaroline 600 mg IV every 12 hours compared to traditional HCAP criteria, the DRIP score
PLUS resulted in a 38% decrease in unnecessary broad-
• Macrolide spectrum antibiotic use.57
l Azithromycin 500 mg orally or IV daily or
clarithromycin 500 mg orally twice daily An online calculator for the DRIP score is
OR available at:
• Doxycycline, 100 mg orally or IV twice daily
(if QTC prolongation is a consideration or if pneumonia-drip-score
patient is unable to take fluoroquinolones or
macrolides [conditional recommendation])
2. Monotherapy with a respiratory fluoroquinolone The 2019 guidelines38 call for continued use
• Levofloxacin 750 mg orally or IV, daily of macrolides for inpatients, while the use of these
• Moxifloxacin 400 mg orally or IV, daily agents in outpatients has been curtailed due to
increasing resistance to S pneumoniae worldwide.
For patients with nonsevere CAP who have previ- This recommendation seems to come largely from
ously had a respiratory isolation of MRSA and/or P retrospective data showing an association between
aeruginosa, the guidelines suggest obtaining blood the use of macrolide therapy and reduced rates of
and sputum cultures and treating the patient empiri- mortality. In a 2014 meta-analysis, Sligl et al reported
cally for the respective previous isolation until the an 18% relative and 3% absolute reduction in mortality
culture data result. when hospitalized patients were treated with regimens
ATS/IDSA guidelines regarding inpatient manage- that contained macrolides.58 While resistance for S
ment recommend 2 potential treatment options for pneumoniae is increasing, macrolides are still effective
patients with previous MRSA isolation:38 against most atypical pathogens, which may explain
• Vancomycin 15 mg/kg IV every 12 hours; some of this associated mortality benefit.
adjust based on levels
• Linezolid 600 mg IV every 12 hours Outpatient Treatment
The overall quality of evidence evaluating ideal
For patients with history of previous P aeruginosa outpatient antibiotic choice is poor. In 2014, a
isolation, the following regimens are recommended Cochrane meta-analysis evaluated 11 trials including
by the guidelines:38 over 3000 patients and concluded, “there were not
• Piperacillin-tazobactam 4.5 g IV every 6 hours enough trials to compare the effects of different
• Cefepime 2 g IV every 8 hours antibiotics for pneumonia acquired and treated in the
• Ceftazidime 2 g IV every 8 hours (consider community.”59 The authors of the 2019 ATS/IDSA
local resistance) CAP guidelines took a broader look at the available
• Imipenem 500 mg IV every 6 hours data and reviewed studies involving inpatients who
• Meropenem 1 g IV every 8 hours were treated with oral antibiotics, based on the
• Aztreonam 2 g IV every 8 hours theory that the majority of inpatients typically suffer
from similar pathogens.38 Due in part to the inclusion


of this inpatient data, there were some notable 1. Combination therapy
changes in the updated guidelines in terms of first- • Amoxicillin/clavulanate
line antibiotic choice. l 500 mg/125 mg orally 3 times daily
Due to increasing rates of macrolide-resistant l 875 mg/125 mg orally 2 times daily
pneumococcus, these agents are now recommended l 2000 mg/125 mg orally 2 times daily
only in areas where known resistance is <25%. OR
Worldwide incidence of macrolide resistance varies • Cephalosporin
widely, but recent studies in North America have l Cefpodoxime 200 mg orally 2 times daily
shown widespread resistance rates >30%, making l Cefuroxime 500 mg orally 2 times daily
macrolides a poor choice for a large number of PLUS
clinicians.60 • Macrolide
The recommendation for the use of high- l Azithromycin 500 mg orally on the first
dose amoxicillin (1 g orally 3 times per day) comes day, then 250 mg orally daily
from a handful of inpatient studies that showed l Clarithromycin 500 mg orally 2 times daily
similar outcomes when comparing amoxicillin to or extended-release 1000 mg orally once
various fluoroquinolones.61 One potential limitation daily
of amoxicillin is that it does not cover atypical 2. Monotherapy
pathogens sufficiently. Despite this limitation, the • Doxycycline 100 mg orally 2 times daily
ATS/IDSA authors based their recommendation OR
on the handful of studies showing the efficacy of • Respiratory fluoroquinolone
amoxicillin even with this likely lack of coverage for l Levofloxacin 750 mg orally daily
atypical pathogens.62 Similarly, the overall quality l Moxifloxacin 400 mg orally daily
of evidence behind the use of doxycycline is limited l Gemifloxacin 320 mg orally daily
to mostly small studies of inpatients receiving IV
formulations.63 The ATS/IDSA authors recognize this Antibiotic Duration
limited base of evidence, yet still recommend the use There is limited evidence to identify an ideal duration
of doxycycline as a first-line agent based largely on its of antibiotic therapy, but recent studies have
“broad spectrum of action.”38 suggested that abbreviated courses are both safe
Unfortunately, there are no studies evaluating the and effective. Dunbar et al found no difference in
effect of these new recommendations. In terms of outcomes when comparing 5 days of levofloxacin 750
potential monotherapy per these recommendations, mg daily to a 10-day course of levofloxacin 500 mg
we are left with using amoxicillin and under-treating daily.64 In a meta-analysis, Tansarli et al found that
atypical pathogens, using a macrolide and risking patients who took <6 days of antibiotics had fewer
inadequate treatment of Streptococcus, or using adverse events and lower reported mortality when
doxycycline, which has largely theoretical efficacy. compared with patients who took antibiotics for >7
Without prospective data, it would be reasonable to days.65 Recent guidelines recommend a minimum
use a combination of amoxicillin and a macrolide to of 5 days of antibiotic therapy even if the patient is
ensure adequate coverage, leaving doxycycline as improving clinically.38
the only potential monotherapy.
For healthy outpatient adults without risk factors Antitussives
for drug-resistant organisms, the following treatment Treatment of cough in patients with pneumonia is
regimens are recommended:38 somewhat controversial, as many of the proposed
• Amoxicillin 1 g orally 3 times daily treatments are relatively ineffective and can
OR have side effects. Because the cough is typically
• Doxycycline 100 mg orally 2 times daily self-limited, treatment aimed at the underlying
OR pneumonia is successful in the majority of cases.66
• A macrolide (only in areas with pneumococcal Specific treatments for cough include centrally
resistance to macrolides <25%) active antitussive agents (opioid and nonopioid),
l Azithromycin 500 mg orally on the first peripherally acting antitussive agents (benzonatate),
day, then 250 mg orally daily inhaled glucocorticoids, and inhaled bronchodilators.
l Clarithromycin 500 mg orally 2 times Codeine has been used extensively in the treatment
daily or clarithromycin extended release of cough, often in combination with other agents, but
1000 mg orally daily it has not been found to have a statistically significant
effect on cough suppression.67 Although morphine
For outpatients with comorbidities (chronic has proven somewhat more effective, it is not
heart, lung, liver, or renal disease; diabetes mellitus; recommended for routine treatment of cough, given
alcoholism; malignancy; or asplenia) either of the its side-effect profile and its addictive properties.
following 2 regimens are recommended: Benzonatate, a peripherally acting antitussive, acts

FEBRUARY 2021 • 12 ©2021 EB MEDICINE

by anesthetizing stretch receptors in the lungs. Its For children, less emphasis is placed on scoring
efficacy has not been proven, but it is often used systems or decision aids to determine disposition.
as an alternative to opioids. Studies on antitussive The IDSA recommends hospitalization for patients
agents, inhaled glucocorticoids, and inhaled with any of the following findings:
bronchodilators have shown limited, if any, effect on • Children and infants who have moderate to
cough from pneumonia.68 severe CAP, as defined by several factors,
Given the lack of efficacy of antitussives, patient including respiratory distress and hypoxemia
education and effective discharge instructions are (sustained saturation of peripheral oxygen [SpO2]
very important in the treatment of CAP. Patients <90% at sea level)
should be counseled that the majority of antitussive • Age <3-6 months
treatments are often ineffective and that cough • The presence of a pathogen with increased
in pneumonia is usually self-limited and improves virulence, such as S aureus
with resolution of pneumonia. Patients should be • Clinician concern about careful observation at
advised to return to the ED if they are unable to home or ability to comply with therapy
control their secretions or if their cough is causing
shortness of breath. If the patient is prescribed a More recent studies have attempted to identify
opioid antitussive, they should be counseled on pediatric patients with CAP who may benefit
the side effects and risks, which include respiratory from hospitalization. A prospective cohort study
depression. evaluated the ability of various examination and
diagnostic findings to identify children who were at
increased risk for needing major medical intervention
n Special Populations (including supplemental oxygen, supplemental fluid,
Pediatric Patients respiratory support, intensive care, or treatment for
There are several important differences between adult complications during admission). The presence of
and pediatric patients regarding the diagnosis and both retractions and hypoxemia were associated
management of CAP. Viral pathogens are a common with increased rates of medical interventions, with a
cause of pneumonia in pediatric patients, specifically specificity of 94% and a positive LR of 6.4; however,
in children younger than 2 years, with rates of viral these findings had a sensitivity of only 40%, which
pathogens decreasing as children age. Recent IDSA limits their use in terms of identifying patients who
guidelines emphasize the high rate of viral pathogens are at low risk for needing a major intervention.
and encourage the use of viral testing in an effort to Laboratory findings including CRP and WBC were
limit unnecessary antibiotic use; however, rapid viral not able to reliably identify at-risk patients, while the
testing is not widely available in most EDs, nor has presence of multifocal radiographic changes was
its use been shown to improve patient outcomes. S weakly associated with an increased rate of medical
pneumoniae is the most common bacterial pathogen, interventions.70
yet the overall incidence continues to decrease, as In cases of suspected bacterial pneumonia,
pneumococcal immunization is used broadly. amoxicillin is the recommended first-line therapy for
From a diagnostic standpoint, physical previously healthy immunized children. S pneumoniae is
examination findings and diagnostic studies have the most common invasive bacterial pathogen seen in
limitations similar to those in the adult population children and is generally susceptible to amoxicillin. For
(poor sensitivity, poor specificity, and inability to school-aged children, the rate of atypical pathogens such
differentiate between bacterial and viral causes). A as M pneumoniae increases. If there is high suspicion for
2017 systematic review found that classic vital sign atypical CAP, current guidelines recommend treating with
abnormalities such as fever and tachypnea did not macrolides rather than amoxicillin.
reliably help make the diagnosis of pneumonia. For children who are hospitalized with CAP,
(Fever >37.5°C [LR range, 1.7-1.8]: sensitivity, 80%- ampicillin or penicillin G are the recommended first-
92%; specificity, 47%-54%; tachypnea (respiratory line agents for otherwise healthy, fully immunized
rate >40 breaths/min; LR, 1.5 [95% confidence patients. For unimmunized patients, patients with
interval (CI), 1.3-1.7]: sensitivity, 79%; specificity, life-threatening infection, or in areas with known
51%.) Other examination findings, including abnormal penicillin-resistant pneumococcus, a third-generation
lung auscultation, were not strongly associated cephalosporin should be used. If S aureus is a
with the presence of pneumonia. Increased work of suspected pathogen, patients should be treated with
breathing (grunting, flaring, retractions) were weakly vancomycin or clindamycin.71
associated with the diagnosis of CAP (+LR, 2.1; 95%
CI, 1.6-2.7). The presence or absence of moderate
hypoxemia (oxygen saturation ≤96%) had more
diagnostic accuracy than any other finding (+LR, 2.8;
95% CI, 2.1-3.6; -LR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.32-0.67).69


Risk of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms influenza, the authors based their recommendations
Historically, patients who have frequent or recent on observational studies showing an association
interactions with the healthcare system were between the use of oseltamivir and a reduced
thought to have an increased risk of developing mortality in patients who are hospitalized with
pneumonia from multidrug-resistant organisms and influenza.76 For the outpatient setting, the guideline
were categorized as having healthcare-associated authors38 recommend using oseltamivir despite a
pneumonia (HCAP). In a meta-analysis including over patient’s duration of symptoms, citing a paper by
24,000 patients, Chalmers et al found no increase Dobson et al77 that reported a decreased rate of
in the incidence of multidrug-resistant organisms lower respiratory complications in patients with
in patients with HCAP compared with patients with influenza (but not necessarily pneumonia) who were
CAP,72 and updated guidelines have moved away treated with antivirals. This recommendation for fairly
from this classification. Instead, the latest guidelines widespread use of antivirals closely mirrors the 2018
classify nosocomial pneumonia as either hospital- IDSA guideline on seasonal influenza, which similarly
acquired pneumonia or ventilator-associated advocated for the use of these medications.78
pneumonia.2 There are several potential issues with these
recommendations. First, none of the studies cited
n Controversies and Cutting Edge specifically evaluated patients who have both
While antibiotics remain the mainstay of treatment pneumonia and influenza. The authors asserted that,
for CAP, more recent data have evaluated the use of given the reported benefits of oseltamivir in patients
adjunctive medications. with isolated influenza, patients with influenza and
CAP would similarly benefit from an aggressive
Corticosteroids use of antiviral agents. While this may prove to be
The 2019 ATS/IDSA guidelines recommend using true, the evidence behind this recommendation is
corticosteroids for CAP and refractory septic lacking. A second issue with these recommendations
shock but recommend against the routine use of involves the ongoing debate regarding the efficacy
corticosteroids in all other cases.38 The authors and tolerability of oseltamivir. While multiple large
commented that while no study has shown excess meta-analyses and systematic reviews concluded that
mortality in CAP patients who have received oseltamivir can reduce symptoms and downstream
corticosteroids, the overall risk for adverse events complications, most of these publications have
outweighs any potential benefits. significant methodologic limitations that call into
Despite these recommendations, the available question the reported efficacy of these agents.79
literature regarding the role of corticosteroids Clinicians should weigh ATS/IDSA guidelines calling
suggests that the balance between potential harm for widespread use of oseltamivir, due to the limited
and potential benefit may be more subtle. In cases quality of available evidence.80
of nonsevere CAP, multiple studies have shown an
improvement in outcomes that may be clinically Novel Antibiotics
significant, including lower rates of mechanical Omadacycline, a tetracycline derivative, and
ventilation and decreased inpatient lengths of stay.73 lefamulin, a semisynthetic pleuromutilin antibiotic,
Conversely, multiple studies have shown increased are 2 newer agents that have demonstrated efficacy
rates of hyperglycemia and secondary infection in against common pathogens seen in CAP. Both agents
patients who are given corticosteroids.74 In cases of were shown to be noninferior to moxifloxacin using
severe CAP, the available evidence supporting the study protocols that started with IV formulations
use of corticosteroids seems to be more clear, with before transitioning to oral dosing.81,82 Though these
a reported number needed to treat of 17 to prevent drug company-sponsored studies suggested that
1 death, though in this same subset of patients, the these novel agents would be reasonable first-line
reported number needed to harm is 11. While this agents for CAP, they offered no evidence to suggest
number needed to treat is greater than the reported that these drugs would improve patient-oriented
number needed to harm, the relative risks of harm outcomes compared to the current approach. Given
(largely in the form of hyperglycemia) may be justified the current data, these drugs appear to be, at best,
by the potential mortality benefit.75 expensive replacements for current tools, and they
should not be used routinely to treat CAP.
Influenza, Antiviral Agents, and Community-
Acquired Pneumonia
Based on low-quality evidence, the ATS/IDSA
guidelines advocate for the use of oseltamivir in all
patients with CAP who test positive for influenza.
Despite the lack of studies specifically assessing
the use of antiviral agents in patients with CAP and

FEBRUARY 2021 • 14 ©2021 EB MEDICINE

Risk Management Pitfalls for Community-Acquired
Pneumonia in the Emergency Department

1. “I knew she had pneumonia, but she looked 6. “I just gave him a dose of IV antibiotics to
fine; I didn’t think she was septic.” Sepsis is get things started.” For patients who are able
an often-missed diagnosis in the ED and results to tolerate oral intake, there are essentially no
in increased mortality. Frequent reassessment data to suggest that patients need a dose of IV
of patients and re-evaluation of vital signs, antibiotics prior to discharge from the ED.83
particularly the respiratory rate, can help avoid
the underdiagnosis of sepsis. 7. “He was a normal 40-year-old, I thought he’d
be fine on the floor.” When admitting a patient
2. “I thought the tachycardia and hypoxemia with CAP, emergency clinicians need to consider
were due to the pneumonia.” When CAP is not the likelihood that the patient will need invasive
the most likely diagnosis, consider using clinical respiratory or vasopressor support. Clinical
decision tools such as the PERC rule (www. scores such as SMART-COP can help risk stratify and patients with CAP and predict the need for an
Wells criteria ( ICU level of care.
pulmonary-embolism) to evaluate for pulmonary
embolism. Patients with atypical signs and 8. “Is it really that bad to give a short course of
symptoms of CAP (sudden onset of shortness moxifloxacin?” While commonly prescribed and
of breath; multiple risk factors for pulmonary recommended, fluoroquinolones have several
embolism) or with findings on imaging that could FDA black box warnings and should be used with
be consistent with pulmonary infarctions should caution. Patients taking quinolones are thought
be evaluated further. to have an increased risk of tendon rupture,
neuropathy, and aortic aneurysm/dissection.
3. “Azithromycin seemed like a good choice for Clinicians should consider the risk for these
her.” The choice of antibiotic therapy should complications in all patients before using these
be made in coordination with the most up-to- agents.84
date recommendations. The choice of antibiotic
therapy varies, depending on treatment as an 9. “I was sure she had pneumonia, but the x-ray
outpatient, inpatient, or ICU, and the local and was normal.” Chest radiography is beneficial
community biogram. in the diagnosis of CAP but cannot rule out the
disease process. Chest x-ray should be used in
4. “The boy had been coughing for a week; conjunction with a thorough history and complete
it seemed like he would benefit from clinical picture to make the diagnosis. If a patient
antibiotics.” Pediatric patients with respiratory has a high pretest probability of CAP and a
complaints have a high rate of viral pathogens. negative chest x-ray, it would be reasonable to
Existing IDSA guidelines recommend the use either treat for presumed pneumonia or obtain
of available viral testing to curtail inappropriate further imaging, such as CT or ultrasound.
antibiotic use in this patient population.
10. “He looked good, but the M pneumoniae
5. “Would you send a 70-year-old patient test was positive, so it must be walking
home with pneumonia?” Scoring systems pneumonia.” Cases of mycoplasma or atypical
that incorporate age or medical comorbidities pneumonia can have a variable and often less
may increase the patient’s score while not severe presentation. The rate of asymptomatic
accurately reflecting the actual risk to the patient. M pneumoniae carriage can be as high as 5%,
Emergency clinicians should consider the resulting in a significant rate of false positives
influence that age and other historical elements when patients are tested.
have in the development of these scores and
use these in conjunction with their overall clinical
impression to avoid overestimating the patient’s
actual risk of adverse event.


Case Conclusions
The 30-year-old man with no significant medical history who presented with 2 days of fever, cough
productive of green sputum, and malaise…

You noted that the patient was otherwise well-appearing, and he did not have any risk factors for drug-
resistant organisms or any other significant medical comorbidities. You prescribed amoxicillin 1 g orally,
3 times daily for 5 days. The patient called back to the ED and said he had improved clinically and was
essentially asymptomatic by day 3. He was encouraged to complete his 5-day course of antibiotics.

The 82-year-old woman from an assisted living facility with a history of mild COPD who presented
with 3 days of mild cough productive of yellow sputum…

Although she had a mild, productive cough, the patient was overall well-appearing and had a PSI score of
82. You discussed with her the potential risks and benefits of inpatient versus outpatient treatment, and she
stated very clearly that she wanted to go back to her assisted living facility. Given her history of COPD, you
prescribed her amoxicillin/clavulanate 875/125 mg orally twice daily and doxycycline 100 mg orally twice
daily for 5 days. The patient returned home and had an uneventful recovery.

The 55-year-old man with a history of diabetes and chronic kidney disease who presented with 3 days
of nonproductive cough, fever, and altered mental status…
You determined that this patient needed to be treated as an inpatient. He was initially hypotensive, but was

normotensive after 3 L of lactated Ringer’s solution. You judged that he would benefit from admission to the
ICU, but the intensivist on call thought that he was suitable for a floor bed. Based on the presence of 3 mi-
nor ATS/IDSA criteria, you raised concern that he would deteriorate, and the intensivist accepted him to the
ICU. Due to the patient’s presentation and comorbidities, you treated him with broad-spectrum antibiotics.

n Summary a 5-day course of antibiotics and have them be

CAP is a common pathology seen across a wide reassessed if they are not improving by the end
range of patient populations. From a diagnostic of their prescription.
standpoint, recent innovations such as procalcitonin • Use available risk stratification tools to identify
and viral panel testing show some promise, but patients who can be safely treated as outpatients.
are not ready for widespread use. Tools such as Compared to the CURB-65, the PSI has been
the PSI and CURB-65 scores can be used to risk shown to identify a larger subset of patients who
stratify patients and have been shown to effectively can safely undergo outpatient treatment.
permit the treatment of a larger subset of patients • Do not order routine follow-up imaging for
as outpatients. ATS/IDSA major/minor criteria and patients after completion of their antibiotic
SMART-COP have both been used to help identify therapy. The recent ATS/IDSA guidelines
patients who are likely to need an ICU level of care. recommend against follow-up imaging unless
Macrolide monotherapy for CAP is no longer there is a suspicion for underlying malignancy.
recommended as a first-line outpatient agent in • Other than testing for influenza when clinically
most geographic areas, due to increasing rates of indicated, do not routinely order viral testing
resistance. Recent guidelines have emphasized the panels. While viral panel testing may help identify
use of blood and sputum cultures for patients who specific underlying pathogens, these tests often
have an increased risk for MRSA and P aeruginosa carry a significant cost and have not been shown
infection, in an effort to balance the risk posed by to reliably improve patient outcomes.
these pathogens and the risks posed by the overuse • Do not overestimate the risk of underlying drug-
of broad-spectrum antibiotics. resistant organisms. Previous guidelines called
for the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in
patients who were at risk for developing drug-
n Time- And Cost-Effective Strategies resistant organisms. For patients with nonsevere
• For patients who show signs of improvement, CAP, the updated guidelines call for blood and
limit antibiotic use to 5 days. Previous studies sputum cultures but discourage the empiric use
suggest that patients who take longer courses of broad-spectrum antibiotics pending the results
of antibiotics have similar rates of clinical cure, of culture data.
yet have a higher incidence of adverse events.
It would be reasonable to start all patients on

FEBRUARY 2021 • 16 ©2021 EB MEDICINE

n References Rev. 2008(1):CD000422. (Systematic review)
14. de Roux A, Marcos MA, Garcia E, et al. Viral community-ac-
Evidence-based medicine requires a critical appraisal quired pneumonia in nonimmunocompromised adults. Chest.
of the literature based upon study methodology and 2004;125(4):1343-1351. (Prospective; 338 patients)
number of subjects. Not all references are equally 15. Musher DM, Roig IL, Cazares G, et al. Can an etiologic agent
robust. The findings of a large, prospective, random- be identified in adults who are hospitalized for community-
ized, and blinded trial should carry more weight than acquired pneumonia: results of a one-year study. J Infect.
a case report. 2013;67(1):11-18. (Retrospective; 259 patients)
To help the reader judge the strength of each refer- 16. Alcón A, Fàbregas N, Torres A. Pathophysiology of pneumonia.
Clin Chest Med. 2005;26(1):39-46. (Review)
ence, pertinent information about the study, such as the
17. Mizgerd JP. Acute lower respiratory tract infection. N Engl J
type of study and the number of patients in the study is Med. 2008;358(7):716-727. (Review)
included in bold type following the references, where 18. Wunderink RG, Waterer GW. Community-acquired pneumonia:
available. The most informative references cited in this pathophysiology and host factors with focus on possible new
paper, as determined by the authors, are noted by an approaches to management of lower respiratory tract infec-
asterisk (*) next to the number of the reference. tions. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2004;18(4):743. (Review)
19. Almirall J, Bolíbar I, Balanzó X, et al. Risk factors for community-
1. Mayr FB, Yende S, Angus DC. Epidemiology of severe sepsis. acquired pneumonia in adults: a population-based case-control
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2. Kalil AC, Metersky ML, Klompas M, et al. Management of 280 patients)
adults with hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneu- 20. Gulmez SE, Holm A, Frederiksen H, et al. Use of proton pump
monia: 2016 clinical practice guidelines by the Infectious Dis- inhibitors and the risk of community-acquired pneumonia:
eases Society of America and the American Thoracic Society. a population-based case-control study. Arch Intern Med.
Clin Infect Dis. 2016;63(5):e61-e111. (Guideline) 2007;167(9):950-955. (Case-control study; 49,460 patients)
3. Roch A, Thomas G, Hraiech S, et al. Hospital-acquired, 21.* Moore M, Stuart B, Little P, et al. Predictors of pneumonia
healthcare-associated and ventilator-associated pneumonia. In: in lower respiratory tract infections: 3C prospective cough
Cohen J, Powderly WG, Opal SM, eds. Infectious Diseases. 4th complication cohort study. Eur Respir J. 2017;50(5):1700434.
ed. Elsevier; 2017:258-262. (Textbook) (Prospective; 28,883 patients)
4. Seymann GB, Di Francesco L, Sharpe B, et al. The HCAP gap: DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00434-2017
differences between self-reported practice patterns and pub- 22. Spiteri MA, Cook DG, Clarke SW. Reliability of eliciting physical
lished guidelines for health care-associated pneumonia. Clin signs in examination of the chest. Lancet 1988;1(8590):873-875.
Infect Dis. 2009;49(12):1868-1874. (Survey; 855 participants) (Prospective; 24 physicians)
5. Dharmarajan K, Hsieh AF, Lin Z, et al. Diagnoses and timing of 23. Rosh AJ, Newman DH. Evidence-based emergency medicine/
30-day readmissions after hospitalization for heart failure, acute rational clinical examination abstract. Diagnosing pneumonia
myocardial infarction, or pneumonia. JAMA. 2013;309(4):355- by medical history and physical examination. Ann Emerg Med.
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gency department providers do not rely on the pneumonia term care facility. A prospective study of outcome. Arch Intern
severity index to determine the initial site of treatment for pa- Med. 1996;156(20):2365-2370. (Prospective; 108 patients)
tients with pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2009;49(10):e100-e108. 25. Gennis P, Gallagher J, Falvo C, et al. Clinical criteria for the
(Retrospective; 1306 patients) detection of pneumonia in adults: guidelines for ordering chest
7. Metlay JP, Waterer GW. Treatment of community-acquired roentgenograms in the emergency department. J Emerg Med.
pneumonia during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 1989;7(3):263-268. (Retrospective; 308 patients)
pandemic. Ann Intern Med. 2020;173(4):304-305. (Letter to 26. Metlay JP, Kapoor WN, Fine MJ. Does this patient have
the editor) community-acquired pneumonia? Diagnosing pneumonia by
8. Du Y, Tu L, Zhu P, et al. Clinical features of 85 fatal cases of CO- history and physical examination. JAMA. 1997;278(17):1440-
VID-19 from Wuhan. A retrospective observational study. Am 1445. (Review)
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85 patients) dance of chest x-ray and computed tomography for detec-
9. Weinstock MB, Echenique A, Russell JW, et al. Chest x-ray tion of pulmonary opacities in ED patients: implications for
findings in 636 ambulatory patients with COVID-19 presenting diagnosing pneumonia. Am J Emerg Med. 2013;31(2):401-405.
to an urgent care center: a normal chest x-ray is no guarantee. (Prospective; 3423 patients)
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spective review; 636 patients) acquired pneumonia. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(6):543-551.
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City pandemic surge. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2020:1-5. management of chest infections: current status. Clin Infect Dis.
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12.* Jain S, Self WH, Wunderink RG, et al. Community-acquired 2009;36(3):266-270. (Retrospective; 1057 patients)
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DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1500245 pneumonia in the ED. Am J Emerg Med. 2014;32(2):115-118.
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ing pneumococcal infection in adults. Cochrane Database Syst 32. Chavez MA, Shams N, Ellington LE, et al. Lung ultrasound for


Clinical Pathway for Emergency Department Management
of Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Patient presents with high probability of having CAP

Calculate PSI score; see page 9 or go to (Class I)

Score, Class Risk Disposition

≤70, class II Low Outpatient care
71-90, class III Low Outpatient versus observation admission
91-130, class IV Moderate Inpatient admission
>130, class IV High Inpatient admission

Outpatient treatment Inpatient treatment

Evaluate for CAP major/minor criteria (see Table 3, page 10)

Significant comorbidities present?
(Class II)


0 major or <3 minor criteria 1 major or ≥3 minor criteria

Use Rx1 (see page 19) Use Rx2 (see page 19)

Admit to floor Admit to ICU

Use Rx3 pending

culture results YES Risk factors* for MRSA/ Previous MRSA/Pseudomonas Risk factors* for MRSA/
(see page 19) Pseudomonas aeruginosa? NO aeruginosa isolation? Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
NO (Class III) (Class III) (Class III)
Use Rx3
(see page 19) YES NO YES

*Risk factors include recent hospitalization with parenteral antibiotics and locally
Use Rx4 Use Rx5 Use Rx4
validated risk factors for MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
(see page (see page (see page
Abbreviations: CAP, community-acquired pneumonia; ICU, intensive care unit; MRSA,
19) 19) 19)
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; PSI, pneumonia severity index.

Class of Evidence Definitions

Each action in the clinical pathways section of Emergency Medicine Practice receives a score based on the following definitions.

Class I Class II
• Always acceptable, safe • Safe, acceptable Class III Indeterminate
• Definitely useful • Probably useful • May be acceptable • Continuing area of research
• Proven in both efficacy and effectiveness • Possibly useful • No recommendations until further
Level of Evidence: • Considered optional or alternative research
Level of Evidence: • Generally higher levels of evidence treatments
• One or more large prospective studies • Nonrandomized or retrospective stud- Level of Evidence:
are present (with rare exceptions) ies: historic, cohort, or case control Level of Evidence: • Evidence not available
• High-quality meta-analyses studies • Generally lower or intermediate levels • Higher studies in progress
• Study results consistently positive and • Less robust randomized controlled trials of evidence • Results inconsistent, contradictory
compelling • Results consistently positive • Case series, animal studies, • Results not compelling
consensus panels
• Occasionally positive results

This clinical pathway is intended to supplement, rather than substitute for, professional judgment and may be changed depending upon a patient’s individual
needs. Failure to comply with this pathway does not represent a breach of the standard of care.
Copyright © 2021 EB Medicine. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any format without written consent of EB Medicine.

FEBRUARY 2021 • 18 ©2021 EB MEDICINE

the diagnosis of pneumonia in adults: a systematic review and ment of adults with community-acquired pneumonia. An official
meta-analysis. Respir Res. 2014;15(1):50. (Systematic review; clinical practice guideline of the American Thoracic Society and
1172 patients) Infectious Diseases Society of America. Am J Respir Crit Care
33. Shaddock EJ. How and when to use common biomarkers Med. 2019;200(7):e45-e67. (Guideline)
in community-acquired pneumonia. Pneumonia (Nathan). DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201908-1581ST
2016;8:17. (Review) 39. Foshaug M, Vandbakk-Rüther M, Skaare D, et al. Mycoplasma
34. Müller B, Harbarth S, Stolz D, et al. Diagnostic and prognostic pneumoniae detection causes excess antibiotic use in norwe-
accuracy of clinical and laboratory parameters in community- gian general practice: a retrospective case-control study. Br J
acquired pneumonia. BMC Infect Dis. 2007;7:10. (Prospective; Gen Pract. 2015;65(631):e82-e88. (Retrospective case control;
545 patients) 414 patients)
35. Self WH, Wunderink RG, Jain S, et al. Procalcitonin as a marker 40. Falguera M, Ruiz-González A, Schoenenberger JA, et al.
of etiology in adults hospitalized with community-acquired Prospective, randomised study to compare empirical treatment
pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2018;66(10):1640-1641. (Prospec- versus targeted treatment on the basis of the urine antigen
tive; 1735 patients) results in hospitalised patients with community-acquired pneu-
monia. Thorax. 2010;65(2):101-106. (Prospective randomized;
36. Schuetz P, Christ-Crain M, Thomann R, et al. Effect of procalci-
194 patients)
tonin-based guidelines vs standard guidelines on antibiotic use
in lower respiratory tract infections: the PROHOSP randomized 41. Kennedy M, Bates DW, Wright SB, et al. Do emergency depart-
controlled trial. JAMA. 2009;302(10):1059-1066. (Prospective ment blood cultures change practice in patients with pneumo-
randomized controlled; 1359 patients) nia? Ann Emerg Med. 2005;46(5):393-400. (Prospective; 3926
37. Huang DT, Yealy DM, Filbin MR, et al. Procalcitonin-guided
use of antibiotics for lower respiratory tract infection. N Engl J 42. Benenson RS, Kepner AM, Pyle DN 2nd, et al. Selective use of
Med. 2018;379(3):236-249. (Prospective randomized; 1656 blood cultures in emergency department pneumonia patients.
patients) J Emerg Med. 2007;33(1):1-8. (Retrospective; 684 patients)
38.* Metlay JP, Waterer GW, Long AC, et al. Diagnosis and treat- 43. Musher DM, Montoya R, Wanahita A. Diagnostic value of

Antibiotic Regimens for Community-Acquired Pneumonia38

Rx 1: Rx 3:
• Amoxicillin 1 g orally 3 times daily (Class II) or 1. Combination therapy (Class I)
• Doxycycline 100 mg orally 2 times daily (Class III) or • One of the following beta-lactams (IV)
• A macrolide (azithromycin 500 mg orally on the first day, then l Ampicillin + sulbactam 1.5-3 g every 6 hours

250 mg orally daily; or clarithromycin 500 mg orally 2 times daily or l Cefotaxime 1-2 g every 8 hours
clarithromycin extended release 1000 mg orally daily) only in areas l Ceftriaxone 1-2 g daily
with pneumococcal resistance to macrolides <25% (Class II) l Ceftaroline 600 mg every 12 hours
Rx 2: • Macrolide
1. Combination therapy (oral) (Class III) l Azithromycin 500 mg orally or IV daily

• Amoxicillin/clavulanate: l Clarithromycin 500 mg orally 2 times daily

l 500 mg/125 mg 3 times daily  OR
l 875 mg/125 mg 2 times daily  2. Monotherapy with a respiratory fluoroquinolone (Class I)
l 2000 mg/125 mg 2 times daily • Levofloxacin 750 mg orally or IV daily
or • Moxifloxacin 400 mg orally or IV daily
• Cephalosporin (cefpodoxime 200 mg 2 times daily or
cefuroxime 500 mg 2 times daily) Rx 4:
PLUS • Previous MRSA isolation (Class I)
• One of 2 macrolides  l Vancomycin 15 mg/kg every 12 hours, adjust based on levels

l Azithromycin 500 mg on the first day then 250 mg daily or l Linezolid 600 mg every 12 hours
l Clarithromycin 500 mg 2 times daily or extended release • Previous evidence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Class I)
1000 mg 1 time daily l Piperacillin-tazobactam 4.5 g every 6 hours
OR l Cefepime 2 g every 8 hours
2. Respiratory fluoroquinolone (oral) (Class II) l Ceftazidime 2 g every 8 hours
• Levofloxacin 750 mg daily l Imipenem 500 mg every 6 hours
• Moxifloxacin 400 mg daily  l Meropenem 1 g every 8 hours
• Gemifloxacin 320 mg daily l Aztreonam 2 g every 8 hours

Rx 5:
1. Combination therapy (Class II)
• One of the following beta-lactams (IV)
l Ampicillin + sulbactam 1.5-3 g every 6 hours 

l Cefotaxime 1-2 g every 8 hours 

l Ceftriaxone 1-2 g daily 
l Ceftaroline 600 mg every 12 hours 
• Azithromycin 500 mg IV daily
For class of evidence definitions, see page 18. 2. Beta-lactam plus 1 of 2 respiratory fluoroquinolones (IV) (Class II)
Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; MRSA, methicillin-resistant • Levofloxacin 750 mg daily
Staphylococcus aureus. • Moxifloxacin 400 mg daily


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84. Pasternak B, Inghammar M, Svanström H. Fluoroquinolone
use and risk of aortic aneurysm and dissection: Nationwide c. 40-year-old man who has received IV
cohort study. BMJ. 2018;360:k678. (Historical cohort; 360,088 antibiotics within the past 90 days
patients) d. 60-year-old man being admitted for non-
severe CAP

n CME Questions 5. 2019 ATS/IDSA guidelines support routine

Current subscribers receive CME credit testing for which viral pathogen in patients
absolutely free by completing the with possible CAP?
following test. Each issue includes 4 AMA a. Influenza
PRA Category 1 CreditsTM, 4 ACEP b. Rhinovirus
Category I credits, 4 AAP Prescribed c. Adenovirus
credits, or 4 AOA Category 2-A or 2-B credits. d. Coronavirus
Online testing is available for current and archived
issues. To receive your free CME credits for this 6. Which of the following clinical scoring systems
issue, scan the QR code below with your should be used to risk stratify patients with
smartphone or visit CAP to determine the need for admission
versus outpatient management?
b. Pneumonia severity index (PSI)
c. qSOFA
d. ATS/IDSA major/minor criteria

7. Which tool can be used to identify patients

1. The most commonly identified bacterial cause who may need to be admitted to an ICU?
of CAP in the United States is: a. PSI
a. Staphylococcus aureus b. SIRS criteria
b. Streptococcus pneumoniae c. CURB-65
c. Pseudomonas aeruginosa d. ATS/IDSA major/minor criteria
d. Haemophilus influenzae


8. In an otherwise healthy adult male with CAP, CME Information
no comorbidities, and without risk factors Date of Original Release: February 1, 2021. Date of
most recent review: January 10, 2021. Termination date:
for drug-resistant organisms, which antibiotic February 1, 2024.
regimen would be the most appropriate initial Accreditation: EB Medicine is accredited by the
treatment, according to the 2019 ATS/IDSA Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to
provide continuing medical education for physicians. This activity has
guidelines? been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation
a. Amoxicillin 1 g 3 times daily for 5 days requirements and policies of the ACCME.
b. Amoxicillin/clavulanate 875 mg/125 mg twice Credit Designation: EB Medicine designates this enduring material for a
maximum of 4 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim
daily for 10 days only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the
c. Levofloxacin 750 mg daily for 7 days activity.
d. Azithromycin 500 mg on the first day, then Specialty CME: Included as part of the 4 credits, this CME activity is
eligible for 4 Infectious Disease CME credits.
250 mg daily ACEP Accreditation: Emergency Medicine Practice is approved by
the American College of Emergency Physicians for 48 hours of ACEP
9. The IDSA recommends hospitalization for Category I credit per annual subscription.
AAFP Accreditation: This Enduring Material activity, Emergency
pediatric patients with CAP and which of the Medicine Practice, has been reviewed and is acceptable for credit by
following findings? the American Academy of Family Physicians. Term of approval begins
a. Children and infants who have moderate to 07/01/2020. Term of approval is for one year from this date. Physicians
should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their par-
severe CAP, as defined by several factors, ticipation in the activity. Approved for 4 AAFP Prescribed credits..
including respiratory distress and hypoxemia AOA Accreditation: Emergency Medicine Practice is eligible for 4
b. Infants aged <3 to 6 months Category 2-A or 2-B credit hours per issue by the American Osteopathic
c. The presence of a pathogen with increased Needs Assessment: The need for this educational activity was determined
virulence, such as Staphylococcus aureus by a survey of medical staff, including the editorial board of this publica-
d. All of the above tion; review of morbidity and mortality data from the CDC, AHA, NCHS,
an ACEP; and evaluation of prior activities for emergency physicians.
Target Audience: This enduring material is designed for emergency
10. Corticosteroids should be used routinely in medicine physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and
which of the following cases? residents.
a. Outpatient CAP in an otherwise healthy Goals: Upon completion of this activity, you should be able to: (1)
demonstrate medical decision-making based on the strongest clinical
patient evidence; (2) cost-effectively diagnose and treat the most critical ED
b. Inpatient CAP in patients with risk for drug- presentations; and (3) describe the most common medicolegal pitfalls
for each topic covered.
resistant pathogens
CME Objectives: Upon completion of this activity, you should be able
c. ICU management of CAP with refractory to: (1) develop an evidence-based approach to risk stratifying patients
septic shock with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP); (2) order appropriate imag-
ing and laboratory testing of patients with CAP, based on clinical utility;
d. Outpatient management of CAP with influenza (3) prescribe the safest and most effective antibiotic regimens, inpatient
and outpatient, for patients with CAP; and (4) evaluate the evidence be-
hind adjunctive therapy and medications that can be used to treat CAP.
Discussion of Investigational Information: As part of the journal, faculty
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FEBRUARY 2021 • 22 ©2021 EB MEDICINE

The Emergency Medicine Practice Editorial Board
Associate Professor, Department of Executive Vice Chair, Emergency Medicine,
Andy Jagoda, MD, FACEP Emergency Medicine & Critical Care Massachusetts General Hospital; Associate Aimee Mishler, PharmD, BCPS
Professor and Chair Emeritus, Department Medicine, University of Florida College of Professor of Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medicine Pharmacist, Program
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Research, Icahn School of Medicine at Nicholas Genes, MD, PhD
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Emergency Medicine, Icahn School of Chief, Department of Emergency Medicine,
ASSOCIATE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY San Ramon Regional Medical Center, San
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Kaushal Shah, MD, FACEP The University of Maryland School of
Michael A. Gibbs, MD, FACEP
Vice Chair for Education, Department of Medicine, Baltimore, MD INTERNATIONAL EDITORS
Professor and Chair, Department of
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of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC Emergency Medicine, Thomas Jefferson
EDITORIAL BOARD and Trauma Centre, Monash University,
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Saadia Akhtar, MD, FACEP Steven A. Godwin, MD, FACEP
Professor and Chair, Department of Robert Schiller, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Andrea Duca, MD
Emergency Medicine, Assistant Dean, Chair, Department of Family Medicine,
Emergency Medicine, Associate Dean for Attending Emergency Physician, Ospedale
Simulation Education, University of Florida Beth Israel Medical Center; Senior Faculty,
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Credentialing and Urgent Care Services,
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Department of Emergency Medicine,
Ron M. Walls, MD Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn
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Peter DeBlieux, MD Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Stephen H. Thomas, MD, MPH
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Points & Pearls

Pneumonia in the
Emergency Department

• CAP is an acute infection of the lung parenchyma
in patients who have not been hospitalized or • Elderly patients are more likely to present
had recent exposure to the healthcare system. with atypical symptoms, including altered
• Though the most commonly identified pathogen mental status and fatigue.
in CAP is Streptococcus pneumoniae, it is respon- • Chest x-ray cannot exclude the diagnosis
sible for only 10% to 15% of hospitalized cases. of CAP, but it can point the clinician to
• High-risk CAP mimics include congestive heart other disease processes, such as heart
failure exacerbation, acute coronary syndromes, failure, malignancy, effusion, and pulmonary
pulmonary embolism, neoplastic lesions, and pul- infarction.
monary abscess/empyema. • Rather than empirically ordering blood
• Identification of sepsis related to pneumonia is cultures on all patients with CAP, first risk-
imperative and includes an assessment of the stratify patients for the potential for drug-
patient’s vital signs and the clinical signs and resistant pathogens.38
symptoms of severe sepsis and septic shock. • Risk stratification tools such as CURB-65,
• The most frequently reported symptom in SMART-COP, and the IDSA/ATS criteria for
patients with CAP is cough, observed in 80% to severe CAP can help determine the patient's
90% of patients. Antitussives are not very effec- disposition to discharge, floor admission,
tive, and patients should be counseled on the or ICU admission; these determinations will
risks of opioid agents and assured that the cough guide antibiotic therapy.
will improve as the pneumonia resolves. • Appropriate disposition to the ICU from the
• The clinical utility of biomarkers in the workup ED has been shown to improve mortality
of CAP remains unclear. When used to identify and lower overall costs.54
patients with CAP, PCT and CRP were more accu-
rate than physical examination features but were
not statistically superior to WBC.34
• Blood cultures have a limited role in the diag- • For patients with nonsevere CAP, determine
nosis and treatment of CAP; however, as with whether the patient has risk factors for MRSA or
antigen testing, they are still recommended for P aeruginosa or there is a history of MRSA or P
hospitalized patients with CAP and those with aeruginosa isolation; these factors will determine
MRSA/P aeruginosa isolates or risk factors. the need for blood and sputum cultures and will
• In general, for the vast majority of patients with dictate antibiotics regimens. (See the Clinical
CAP in the ED, there is almost no role for routine Pathway.)
sputum cultures44 except in cases of severe CAP • Patients with severe CAP should be given em-
and in patients where there is concern for MRSA piric coverage for MRSA/P aeruginosa pending
or P aeruginosa. culture results.
• Determine the severity of CAP with the CURB-65 • The 2019 ATS/IDSA guidelines recommend use
or PSI score. (See Table 1 and Figure 1.) Both of corticosteroids in CAP patients with refractory
have reliable sensitivity in identifying high-risk septic shock only.38
patients, but CURB-65 is more specific.48 • In the era of COVID-19, the presence of the
• The key to risk stratification is to first consider COVID-19 virus in patients with suspected CAP
the decision to admit or discharge, and then to must be considered, but there are no historical
consider ICU admission. or physical examination findings that can reliably
differentiate between the two.

FEBRUARY 2021 • 24 ©2021 EB MEDICINE


Clinical Decision Support for Emergency Medicine Practice Subscribers

CURB-65 Score for Pneumonia

The CURB-65 score estimates mortality risk for community-
acquired pneumonia and helps guide inpatient versus
Click the thumbnail
to access the calculator.
outpatient treatment decisions.

 About the Score the pneumonia could be bacterial. Disposition

The CURB-65 score can be used in the emergency (inpatient vs outpatient) often dictates further care
department setting to risk stratify patients who pres- and management, including laboratory testing and
ent with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). The blood cultures.
score can be computed quickly, uses patient infor-
mation that is often already available, and provides  Evidence Appraisal
an excellent risk stratification for CAP. It can also The original CURB-65 study was a retrospective
help to facilitate better utilization of resources and review of 3 prospective studies from the United
treatment initiation. Kingdom, New Zealand, and the Netherlands,
The CURB-65 score does not assign points including a total of 1068 patients. The 5-point score
for comorbid illness and nursing home residence, was developed to stratify CAP patients into differ-
because the original study accounted for many of ent treatment groups, using confusion, blood urea
those conditions. The score includes points for con- nitrogen level, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and
fusion and blood urea nitrogen levels, which could age as the score components. The study included
be attributable to a variety of factors in an acutely ill comorbidity variables such as chronic lung dis-
elderly patient. The CURB-65 score may not iden- ease, chronic liver disease, congestive heart failure,
tify patients requiring intensive care unit admission cardiovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus, and
as well as the pneumonia severity index (PSI). The controlled for these variables when developing the
CURB-65 score offers equal sensitivity of mortality relevant risk-stratification criteria.
prediction due to CAP as compared with the PSI. The initial validation study was conducted in
Notably, CURB-65 has a higher specificity (74.6%) India and included 150 patients. More recent vali-
than the PSI (52.2%). For patients scoring high on dation studies conducted in other countries have
CURB-65, it is prudent to ensure initial triage has shown increasing mortality and need for intubation
not missed the presence of sepsis. Evaluation for with increasing CURB-65 scores, at rates ranging
systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria from 0% to 1.1% for a score of 0 and from 17% to
would be beneficial for these patients. 60% for a score of 5. When combined, these studies
While pneumonia is often viral in nature, typical included more >3100 patients.
practice is to provide a course of antibiotics because
 Use the Calculator Now
Access the CURB-65 Score on MDCalc.

Sagar Patel, MD  Calculator Creator

Huntsman Cancer Institute, Blood and Marrow John Macfarlane, MD
Transplantation, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Read more about Dr. Macfarlane.


 References ty-acquired pneumonia. Am J Med. 2005;118(4):384-392.
DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2005.01.006
Original/Primary Reference
• Myint PK, Kamath AV, Vowler SL, et al. Severity assessment
• Lim WS, van der Eerden MM, Laing R, et al. Defining com-
criteria recommended by the British Thoracic Society (BTS)
munity acquired pneumonia severity on presentation to
for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and older pa-
hospital: an international derivation and validation study.
tients. Should SOAR (systolic blood pressure, oxygenation,
Thorax. 2003;58(5):377-382. DOI: 10.1136/thorax.58.5.377
age and respiratory rate) criteria be used in older people? A
Validation References compilation study of two prospective cohorts. Age Ageing.
2006;35(3):286-291. DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afj081
• Shah BA, Ahmed W, Dhobi GN, et al. Validity of pneumo-
nia severity index and CURB-65 severity scoring systems in • Capelastegui A, España PP, Quintana JM, et al. Validation
community acquired pneumonia in an Indian setting. Indian of a predictive rule for the management of community-
J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2010;52(1):9-17. PMID: 20364609 acquired pneumonia. Eur Respir J. 2006;27(1):151-157.
DOI: 10.1183/09031936.06.00062505
• Aujesky D, Auble TE, Yealy DM, et al. Prospective comparison
of three validated prediction rules for prognosis in communi-

PSI/PORT Score: Pneumonia

Severity Index for Community-
Acquired Pneumonia
Click the thumbnail
The PSI/PORT score estimates mortality for adult patients with
to access the calculator. community-acquired pneumonia.
 About the Score even if a patient is categorized by PSI as appropri-
The pneumonia severity index (PSI), or pneumonia ate for outpatient treatment.
Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) score, can While pneumonia is often viral in nature, typical
be used in the emergency department setting to practice is to provide a course of antibiotics because
risk stratify patients who present with community- the pneumonia could be bacterial. Disposition
acquired pneumonia. In most situations, however, (inpatient vs outpatient) often dictates further care
the CURB-65 score is easier to use and requires and management, including laboratory testing and
fewer inputs. blood cultures.
Because the PSI assigns points by absolute
age, it may underestimate severe pneumonia in an  Evidence Appraisal
otherwise healthy young patient. Patients aged >50 The original PSI study created a 5-tier risk stratifica-
years are automatically classified as risk class 2, even tion based on 14,199 inpatients with community-
if they have no additional risk criteria. acquired pneumonia. Subsequent studies validated
It is recommended that clinicians consider the PSI on 38,039 inpatients, and then on an
sepsis in patients with pneumonia. The PSI was additional 2287 inpatients and outpatients. The PSI
developed prior to aggressive sepsis screening with assigns points based on age, comorbid disease,
lactate testing. For patients scoring high on the PSI, abnormal physical findings, and abnormal labora-
it would be prudent to ensure that initial triage has tory test results.
not missed the presence of sepsis. Evaluation for The PSI and the CURB-65 score offer equal
systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria sensitivity for mortality prediction in community-
would be beneficial for these patients. acquired pneumonia, but the CURB-65 score has a
Clinicians should assess potential barriers to higher specificity (74.6%) than the PSI (52.2%). How-
treatment such as vomiting, alcohol or drug use, ever, the CURB-65 score had a lower sensitivity than
psychosocial conditions, or cognitive impairments, the PSI for predicting intensive care unit admission.

 Use the Calculator Now

Access the PSI/PORT Score on MDCalc.
Sagar Patel, MD
Huntsman Cancer Institute, Blood and Marrow  Calculator Creator
Transplantation, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Michael J. Fine, MD, MSc
Read more about Dr. Fine.


community acquired pneumonia in an Indian setting. Indian
 References J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2010;52(1):9-17. PMID: 20364609

Original/Primary Reference Additional Reference

• Fine MJ, Auble TE, Yealy DM, et al. A prediction rule to • United States Department of Health & Human Services,
identify low-risk patients with community-acquired pneumo- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Pneumonia:
nia. N Engl J Med. 1997;336(4):243-250. new prediction model proves promising. 1997. Accessed
DOI: 10.1136/thorax.58.5.377 February 1, 2021. Available at:
Validation Reference
• Shah BA, Ahmed W, Dhobi GN, et al. Validity of pneumo-
nia severity index and CURB-65 severity scoring systems in

SMART-COP Score for Pneumonia

The SMART-COP score predicts the need for intensive
respiratory or vasopressor support in community-acquired
Click the thumbnail
to access the calculator.

62.3% specificity, and an area under the curve (AUC)

 About the Score of 0.87, leading to better utilization of resources
The SMART-COP score for pneumonia severity was and treatment initiation. Delayed admission to the
developed to identify patients at increased risk for ICU is associated with higher 30-day mortality rates
intensive respiratory or vasopressor support (IRVS). in patients with CAP (Restrepo 2010). SMART-COP
The score should be used for patients with commu- performs comparably with the minor criteria for
nity-acquired pneumonia (CAP) who may require severe CAP recommended by the 2007 Infectious
intensive care unit (ICU) care. The tool does not Diseases Society of America/American Thoracic
estimate mortality and does not apply to patients Society consensus guidelines.
with significant immunosuppression. Patients who do not meet criteria for ICU admis-
The SMART-COP score includes age-adjusted sion using the SMART-COP score should still be
cutoffs for respiratory rate and oxygen levels, but evaluated for the need for inpatient admission. They
otherwise does not explicitly include patient age as should also receive timely and appropriate empiric
a variable, in contrast with the PSI and the CURB- antibiotics for CAP, generally a beta-lactam plus a
65 score. This may preserve the positive predictive macrolide, or a fluoroquinolone. Goals of care and
value with advancing age. other variables may recommend against ICU admis-
CAP is the single most common cause of sepsis sion even if the SMART-COP score is high.
in older patients, but can be difficult to recognize For patients with high SMART-COP scores,
due to blunted fever and tachycardic responses to clinicians should consider broadening the antibiotic
infection in these patients. Consideration of other regimen to include methicillin-resistant Staphylococ-
variables not included in the SMART-COP score, such cus aureus coverage (for ICU admission, necrotiz-
as comorbidities, functional status, frailty, and clini- ing or cavitary infiltrates, or empyema, or previous
cian gestalt, may still result in a recommendation for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection)
ICU admission. and/or to include antipseudomonal coverage (for
The SMART-COP score uses readily available history of structural lung disease, immunocompro-
patient information. It can help identify which pa- mise, or previous Pseudomonas aeruginosa infec-
tients need ICU admission, with 92.3% sensitivity, tion). Clinicians should also be aware of the risk for
associated sepsis and treat accordingly.
 Evidence Appraisal
Jennifer Chen, MD, MPH The original SMART-COP study published by
Director/Medical Director, Los Angeles County Charles et al in 2008 prospectively examined
Department of Health Services, San Fernando Valley patients with CAP at 6 hospitals in Australia over a
Health Center Group, Los Angeles, CA 28-month period. It included 865 CAP episodes,


with a mean patient age of 65.1 years. The SMART-  Calculator Creator
COP score was developed to stratify patients into Patrick Charles, MBBS, FRACP, PhD
need for ICU admission based on risk for IRVS. Read more about Dr. Charles
The study cohort had a 13.4% ICU admission
rate, a 10.3% IRVS rate, and a 5.7% 30-day mortality  References
rate. In the derivation study, the SMART-COP score
demonstrated 92.3% sensitivity and 62.3% specific- Original/Primary Reference
ity (AUC = 0.87) for accurately predicting the need • Charles PG, Wolfe R, Whitby M, et al. SMART-COP: a tool
for predicting the need for intensive respiratory or vasopres-
for IRVS, compared with 73.6% sensitivity for PSI
sor support in community-acquired pneumonia. Clin Infect
classes IV and V, and compared with 38.5% sensitiv- Dis.. 2008;47(3):375-384. DOI: 10.1086/589754
ity for CURB-65 group 3 patients.
The original study also validated the SMART- Validation Reference
COP score using 5 existing databases (including the • Marti C, Garin N, Grosgurin O, et al. Prediction of severe
community-acquired pneumonia: a systematic review and
PORT database) with a total of 7464 patients. When meta-analysis. Crit Care.
Care. 2012;16(4):R141.
applied to these 5 external databases, the SMART- DOI: 10.1186/cc11447
COP score had an AUC of 0.72 to 0.87.
Additional References
One database analysis study found that among
hospitalized Medicare patients with pneumonia, ICU • Valley TS, Sjoding MW, Ryan AM, et al. Association of inten-
sive care unit admission with mortality among older patients
admission of patients for whom the admission decision with pneumonia. JAMA
JAMA.. 2015;314(12):1272-1279.
appeared to be discretionary was associated with a DOI: 10.1001/jama.2015.11068
5.7% absolute survival advantage at 30 days compared • Restrepo MI, Mortensen EM, Rello J, et al. Late admission to
with patients admitted to general wards (Valley 2015). the ICU in patients with community-acquired pneumonia is
associated with higher mortality. Ches
t. 2010;137(3):552-557.
 Use the Calculator Now DOI: 10.1378/chest.09-1547

Access the SMART-COP Score on MDCalc.


Drug Resistance in Pneumonia (DRIP)

The DRIP score predicts risk for community-acquired pneumonia
due to drug-resistant pathogens.
Click the thumbnail
to access the calculator.

False negatives on the DRIP score can occur in

 About the Score
the following situations: methicillin-resistant Staphy-
The drug resistance in pneumonia (DRIP) score lococcus aureus or P aeruginosa infection; severe
should be used for patients who have community- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (requiring
acquired pneumonia with a bacterial cause. The oxygen and steroids); intravenous drug use; psychi-
goal of the DRIP score is to determine when broad- atric conditions; and homelessness. False positives
spectrum antibiotics should be used, both to de- can occur with S pneumoniae and methicillin-sus-
termine effective treatment and to avoid increasing ceptible Staphylococcus aureus.
antibiotic resistance. A patient with a DRIP score <4 The DRIP score is more predictive than the
can be treated effectively without broad-spectrum healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP) criteria
antibiotic coverage, while a patient with a score ≥4 for drug-resistant pathogens, and may have the
is more likely to require broad-spectrum antibiotic potential to decrease antibiotic overutilization in
coverage. pneumonia. At a cutoff of ≥4 points, the DRIP score
optimally differentiates high and low risk for drug-
resistant pneumonia, supporting the utility of the
score as a clinical decision tool to guide empiric
John Dayton, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Utah, antibiotic selection (Webb 2019).
Salt Lake City, UT


 Evidence Appraisal and more accurate than 8 other predictive models,
Webb et al created the DRIP score with a 2016 including the Shorr score.
study that both derived and validated a clinical
prediction tool to help predict which cases of bacte-  Use the Calculator Now
rial pneumonia may be antibiotic resistant. Their Access the DRIP Score on MDCalc.
research goal was to create a predictive score that
would be more accurate than HCAP criteria. Dur-  Calculator Creator
ing the derivation portion of the study, multiple risk Brandon Webb, MD
factors for drug-resistant pathogens were evaluated Read more about Dr. Webb
using logistic regression, for a cohort of 200 cases of
confirmed bacterial pneumonia.  References
In the original study, the DRIP score was found
to be more sensitive (82% vs 79%) and more specific Original/Primary Reference
(81% vs 65%) than HCAP criteria. It decreased use • Webb BJ, Dascomb K, Stenehjem E, et al. Derivation and
multicenter validation of the drug resistance in pneumonia
of unnecessary extended-spectrum antibiotics by clinical prediction score. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.
46% as compared to HCAP criteria. 2016;60(5):2652-2663. DOI: 10.1128/AAC.03071-15
A 2019 validation study by the original study
Validation References
authors found that the DRIP score decreased the
use of unnecessary extended-spectrum antibiotics • Webb BJ, Dascomb K, Stenehjem E, et al. Derivation and
multicenter validation of the drug resistance in pneumonia
by 38% as compared with HCAP criteria. The study clinical prediction score. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.
evaluated a broader set of risk factors than the 2016;60(5):2652-2663. DOI: 10.1128/AAC.03071-15
HCAP definition. It reaffirmed that antibiotic use and • Webb BJ, Sorensen J, Mecham I, et al. Antibiotic use and
hospitalization 60 days prior are major contributors outcomes after implementation of the drug resistance in
to drug resistance, but did not find a strong associa- pneumonia score in ED patients with community-onset
tion between severity of illness and drug resistance. pneumonia. Chest. 2019;156(5):843-851.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2019.04.093
The DRIP score was also found to be more specific

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This edition of Calculated Decisions, powered by MDCalc, is

published as a supplement to Emergency Medicine Practice as an
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Emergency Medicine Practice (ISSN Print: 1524-1971, ISSN Online: 1559-3908, ACID-FREE) is published monthly (12 times per year) by EB Medicine
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