Test Yourself! Irregular Verbs: Complete The Grammar Reference Chart Below

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Irregular Verbs
 How many Past Simple irregular verbs do you know?
Complete the Grammar Reference Chart below.
For example:
be: was / were
become: became
 be  was / were  hit  ____________
 become  became  hold  ____________
 begin  ____________  hurt  ____________
 bite  ____________  keep  ____________
 blow  ____________  know  ____________
 break  ____________  leave  ____________
 bring  ____________  lose  ____________
 build  ____________  make  ____________
 buy  ____________  meet  ____________
 can  ____________  pay  ____________
 catch  ____________  put  ____________
 choose  ____________  read  ____________
 come  ____________  ride  ____________
 cost  ____________  run  ____________
 cut  ____________  say  ____________
 do  ____________  see  ____________
 draw  ____________  sell  ____________
 drink  ____________  sing  ____________
 drive  ____________  sit  ____________
 eat  ____________  spend  ____________
 fall  ____________  stand  ____________
 feed  ____________  steal  ____________
 feel  ____________  swim  ____________
 find  ____________  take  ____________
 fly  ____________  teach  ____________
 forget  ____________  tell  ____________
 freeze  ____________  think  ____________
 get  ____________  throw  ____________
 give  ____________  understand  ____________
 go  ____________  wear  ____________
 have  ____________  win  ____________
 hear  ____________  write  ____________

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