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Rabbi Chowdhury

A f r esher who str uggles with pandamic

I am an i ndus tri ous pers on wi t h a l ot o f b a sic a n d

pr ofe s s i onal k nowl edge.Compati bl e wi th offi c e n a t u re a n d
r espec t offi c e protoc ol .And i want to i mprov e myse lf in t h e
top p os i ti on of t he c ompany or agenc y on t h e b a sis o f
my k nowl dege,Pati enc e and i ndus try wi th pro p e r h o n e st y.
Y our c ompany or i ns ti tuti on i s my res pons i b ilit y. I w ill t ry
CONTACT my b es t to genarate best i mpers s i on on y ou r g ro ss p ro f it

Honrs (Accounting)
EXPERTISE National University
Gasbaria Govt Collage
Public Relation CGPA:3.06
Social Marketing
Online Marketing Higher Secondary School Certificate
Planning Bgc Trust School And Collage
Business System 2011-2013
Technical Skills

Microsoft office Secondery School Certificate

Barkal S. Z. High School
Wordpress Designer
Adobe photoshop GPA:4.38
Adobe illustrator
Present Address Permenent Address
District:Chattogram District:Chattogram
Khurshed Alam Chowdhury
Thana:Baklia Thana:Chandanish
Sonali Bank Ltd
Road:K.B Aman Ali Road Village:Barkal
Care Of: Khurshed Alam Care of: Barkal Bahadur
Senior Officer
Avasik Ground Floor khan Chowdhury bari
Imran Chowdhury
Group Four Security Agency HOBBIES
Genaral Manager

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