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Accessibility – Most of a product manager’s time and focus is usually spent on designing a products that are adopted
well and sell well. However, it sometimes happens that even the best product cannot find its way to certain segment
of customers and the main reason for such a case is product accessibility. Making sure that our product is accessible
to every individual who might need it should be our ultimate goal. Thinking about product accessibility is an
important product design exercise on building universally acceptable products and should not be an afterthought.

Problem Statement

Pick an internet banking mobile app of your choice. Assume you are a product manager for the same. Redesign the
banking app for all customer segments with visual impairments.


- Make any assumption as you feel but state them clearly. Suggest recommendations and enhancements in
existing app flow rather than designing a new app from scratch.
- Market understanding is critical
- If possible support your recommendations with very high level UX prototypes. Pen and paper approach is
also fine.
- Use word docs or slides to articulate your plan

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