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Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of the study, finding, conclusion and some suggestions


This study aimed to determine the impact of online stores to the Grade 12 ABM students
of The Notre Dame of Esperanza, Incorporated.

1.How do you feel after shop online?

1.1 Satisfied

1..2 Very satisfied

1.3 Not satisfied

2. Have you ever being scam using online shops?

2.1 No

2.2 Yes

3.What influence you to shop online?

3.1 Influence by parents

3.2 Being influence by friends

3.3 Because the product is cheap and affordable

3.4 Maybe because the product is easy to access and avail


1. As we can see in the Figure No. 3, the feelings of the respondents after they shop

online, Therefore I conclude that, 19.05% respondents are truly satisfied to shop online because

they felt happy and contented to a certain product, 57.14% respondents are satisfied maybe

because they are also felt contented to the quality, and 23.81% are not truly satisfied of a product

online because they are afraid to deal and there are also the victims of being scam online.

2. The figure No. 4 shows that there are the students who being scam after shop online,

therefore I conclude that 82.61% respondents said they never felt being scam maybe because

they have a trust to their supplier and the transactions are being controlled well. *.70%

respondents said they are being scam online because the expectation for the product they ordered

is different to a product they wanted, and there supplier are not truly honest to them.

3. The percentage of the respondents who are being influence to shop online. As a

result, none of them said that they are not being influence by their parents,21.74% of them said

that they are being influence by their friends, 47.62% of them are really influence maybe because

the product is cheap and affordable and 26.09% of them are being influence maybe because the

products is easy to access and avail.


Based on the findings of the study, the following are e conclusions:

1.The students have very high feelings, in terms of shopping online.

2. The students have very frustrated satisfaction in being scam online

3.The students have very moderate in being influence by online store.


1.The reliability of the website its better to avoid making purchases on a recently created

website. Also search for the customer reviews about the service or website. Don’t forget to check

the terms and conditions that apply for the return, exchange or refund of a product. The shipping

conditions and delays must be clearly advertised on the product .

2.Make sure that the shipping address and billing address are indicated . You need

information on the characteristics of the product? Visit the manufacturer website to get all the

necessary information. Some sites promise unbeatable prices, however, a simple search on the

internet or via a price comparison service will often lead to cheaper alternatives.

3.Some private sales websites offer competitive prices. Again, do not hesitate to compare

with other websites. Private sales are mostly based on specific themes (travel, clothes, toys) they

work on a first come first served basis and are limited in time.

4.They may be simply browsing or comparing products between different e-shops or they

might know the type of product they want, but not the brand that fits their needs best or less

often, they might be entering ecommerce website with a very specific product in mind.










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