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The Analysis of Sea Clutter Statistics

Characteristics Based On the Observed Sea Clutter

of Ku-Band Radar
Zhuo Chen1, Xianzu Liu, Zhensen Wu1 , and Xiaobing Wang1,2
School of Science, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China 710071
National Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Environment Research, Shanghai, China 200082

Abstract- The model of GTI,TSC,NRL distribution the GIT model sea clutter scattering coefficient is:
most fundament characteristic of sea clutter, as used in radar
performance evaluation. The model of Rayleigh,LogNormal, σ HH
= 10 log10 ⎡⎣3.9 × 10−6 λφgr0.4Gi GwGu ⎤⎦ (1)
Weibull and K distribution radar clutter are analyzed and
modeled and some kinds of radar clutter,such as ground,
weather,chaff and sea clutter are modeled and simulated.The
⎧σ HH
− 1.05ln ( hav + 0.015) + 1.09ln ( λ ) +

1.27ln (φgr + 0.0001) + 9.7,
analysis focuses on amplitude characteristic of sea clutter. The
analysis would contribute to designing and implementation of ⎪
radar filter and increasing the ability of suppressing sea clutter ⎪
and ensuring the detection ability of radar itself. ⎪ 3GHz < f < 10GHz
=⎨ 0 (2)
I. INTRODUCTION ⎪σ HH − 1.73ln ( hav + 0.015) + 3.76ln ( λ ) +

Ideally, the accurate modeling of sea clutter should include ⎪ 2.46ln (φgr + 0.0001) + 22.2,
both temporal and spatial characteristics and may ultimately ⎪ f < 3GHz
require probabilistic descriptions. The most important ⎩
characteristic of sea clutter, however, is its average reflectivity where λ is the radar wavelength (m), φgr is the grazing
defined in the dimensionless unit of square-meters of radar
cross section per square-meter of surface area illuminated by angle (radians), hav is average wave height (m).
the radar, often denoted by σ 0 . Some amount of smoothing of TSC model [2] is a function which describes sea clutter
experimental errors leads to a need for empirical models, which, backscatter coefficient of three factors: (1) small grazing angle
while supported by experimental data, allows computations to be factor G A ; (2) wind factor Gu ; (3) wind factor Gw .
performed over a continuum of parameter values. Radar TSC model sea clutter scattering coefficient is:
environmental clutter plays an important role in the simulation
= 10log10 ⎡1.7 ×10−5φgr0.5GAGwGu / ( λ + 0.5) ⎤ (3)
of radar environment , statistical characterization of which σ HH
⎣ ⎦
can be described by the scattering coefficient model.
−1.73ln ( 2.507σ z + 0.05) +

A. Average scattering coefficient model of sea clutter (
⎪3.76ln ( λ ) + 2.46ln sin (φgr ) + 0.0001

The radar designer requires estimates of the range of ⎪+19.8, f < 2GHz
different clutter characteristics likely to be encountered. σVV
=⎨ 0 (4)
Empirical models for these are also available. The study of ⎪σ HH −1.05ln ( 2.507σ z + 0.05) +

average scattering coefficient model of sea clutter is mainly
about the average scattering coefficient of sea clutter with the (
⎪1.09ln ( λ ) +1.27ln sin (φgr ) + 0.0001 )
change of grazing angle and the variation of parameters of the ⎪
⎩ +9.65, f > 2GHz
marine environment. It plays an important role for radar range
performance prediction. where λ is the radar wavelength (m), φgr is the grazing
Internationally, typical semi-empirical model of sea clutter angle (radians), σ z is the sea surface height standard
average scattering coefficient are GIT model, TSC model and deviation.
the NRL model. NRL model [3] of the sea clutter scattering coefficient is:
GIT model [1] is a function which describes the sea clutter
backscatter coefficient of three factors: (1) interference
factor Gi ; (2) wind factor Gu ; (3) wind factor Gw .
σ HH
,VV = c1 + c2 ⋅ log10 sin (φ gr ) ) p( E ) =
1 ⎛ [ln( E / m )]2 ⎞
exp ⎜ − ⎟ (9)
⎜ σ 2 ⎟
(c 3 + c4 ⋅ φgr ) ⋅ log10 ( f )
E 2πσ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
(1 + c 5 ⋅ φ gr + c6 ⋅ s )
Cumulative probability
Lognormal-distribution is:
density function (CDF) of

1/ 2 + c8 ⋅φgr + c9 ⋅s )
+ c7 ⋅ (1 + s ) 1 ⎛ ln ( E − m ) ⎞
P( E ) = 1 − erfc ⎜ ⎟ (10)
where φgr is the grazing angle (degrees), s is the sea state, 2 ⎝ 2σ 2 ⎠
f is the radar operating frequency (GHz).The parameter of
N-order moments of Lognormal-distribution is:
NRL model is in table I.
M n = exp n ln(m ) + ( nσ )
) (11)

Estate of Polarization where erfc ( ⋅) is the residual error function, m is the average
noise amplitude, σ is the variance of ln E .
2 2
Parameter HH-pol VV-pol
The clutter probability density function (PDF) of Weibull-
c1 -72.76 -48.56 distribution is:
E β −1



p( E ) = β
α β (
exp − ( E / α )
) (12)

c4 4.917 -0.5183 Cumulative probability density function (CDF) of Weibull-

c5 0.6216 1.057 distribution is:
c6 -0.02949 0.04839 P ( E ) = 1 − exp − ( E / α ) ( β
) (13)
c7 26.19 21.37
N-order moments of Weibull-distribution is:
c8 0.09345 0.07466

c9 0.05031 0.04623
M n = α n Γ (1 + n / β ) (14)
B. Average distribution model of sea clutter amplitude
where β is the shape parameter, α is the scale parameter.
Sea clutter amplitude distribution characteristics have a
The clutter probability density function of K-distribution is:
great significance to the radar target detection, simulation and
system design and performance evaluation. The main sea
4b( v +1)/2 E v
clutter amplitude distribution models are Rayleigh-distribution
model[4], lognormal-distribution model[5], Weibull-
p(E) =
Γ( v )
K v −1 2 E b ( ) (15)
distribution model [6] and K-distribution[7-10] model.
The probability density function (PDF) of Rayleigh- Cumulative probability density function (CDF) of K-
distribution is: distribution is:
( ) K ( 2E b )
p( E ) = exp ( − E 2 / x ) (6) P( E ) = 1 − E b (16)
Γ (v)
Cumulative probability density function (CDF) of Rayleigh- N-order moments of K-distribution is:
distribution is:
Γ (1 + n / 2 ) Γ ( v + n / 2 )
P( E ) = 1 − exp ( − E 2 / x ) (7) M n = b − n /2 (17)
Γ (v )
N-order moments of Rayleigh-distribution is:
where b is the scale parameter, v is the shape parameter,
K v ( ⋅) is vth -order Bessel modified function of second kind.
M n = x n /2 Γ (1 + n / 2 ) (8)

where x is the average square value of the amplitude of the III. ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND RESULTS OF
clutter, E is the instantaneous value of the clutter amplitude, EXPERIMENTSS
Γ ( ⋅) is gamma function. The following experimental data is collected in Qingdao on
The probability density function (PDF) of Lognormal- July 23, 2011 and July 24, 2011.
distribution is:
incidence angle of the data is 10 degree 0dB. The parameters
of GIT model are wind speed, wave height and sea state level.
TSC model also have two parameters. The comparison is
shown in Figure 3 between the five sea clutter models. The
agreement with TSC model with parameter of sea state level at
RCS( dB)

5-10 degree is reasonable good.

0 1.0
-45 10 3dB ( HH)

normalized amplitude sea clutter amplitude

GIT model( HH)
NRL model( HH) 0.8
TSC model( HH)
5 6 7 8 9 10
i nci dence angl e ( degr ee)
Figure 1 comparison with data of scattering coefficient model and the
experimental data 0.4


-38 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
RCS( dB)

Figure 4 normalized sea clutter amplitude of time series
-42 0
10 3dB ( VV) 4.5 data
GIT model( VV) Lognormal-distribution
-44 NRL model( VV) 4.0 Weibull-distribution
TSC model( VV) 3.5 K-distribution

probability density
6 7 8 9 10 3.0 incidence angle:10

i nc i denc e angl e ( degr ee)

Figure 2 comparison with data of scattering coefficient model and the
experimental data
-40 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
normalized amplitude
RCS( dB)

-45 Figure 5 normalized amplitude of the probability density distribution

1 0 0dB
GIT model-sea state Figure 4 is the normalized sea clutter amplitude of time
-50 GIT model-wind speed,surface height
NRL model-sea state series. Figure 5 is the normalized amplitude of the probability
TSC model-sea state
TSC model-wind speed,surface height
density distribution of Figure 4. The incidence angle is 10 °,
-55 the wind speed is 3.2 m / s. As comparison is shown in Figure
5 6 7 8 9 10
i nci denc e angl e ( degr ee) 5, the agreement with Weibull-distribution model is
Figure 3 comparison with data of scattering coefficient model and the reasonable good; the agreement with Lognormal-distribution
experimental data model is less good.
normalized amplitude sea clutter amplitude

Figure 1 and Figure 2 shows the comparison with the sea

clutter data and the experimental data of GIT, TSC and NRL
model. In Figure 1, the incidence angle of the data is 10
degree 3dB, HH polarization. In Figure 2, the incidence angle
of the data is 10 degree 3dB, HH polarization. As comparison 0.4
is shown in Figure 1 between the GTI, NRL and TSC sea
clutter model and data for horizontal. While the agreement 0.2

with NRL model at 8-10 degree is reasonable good, the

agreement with GTI model at 6.5 degree is good. As 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
comparison is shown in Figure 2 between the GTI, NRL and time(s)

TSC sea clutter model and data for vertical. The agreement Figure 6 normalized sea clutter amplitude of time series
with GTI model at 6-10 degree is reasonable good.
Figure 3 shows the comparison with the sea clutter data and
the experimental data of GIT, TSC and NRL model. The
3.5 Figure 8 is the normalized sea clutter amplitude of time
3.0 Lognormal-distribution series. Figure 9 is the normalized amplitude of the probability
density distribution of Figure 8. The incidence angle is 45°,
2.5 K-distribution the wind speed is 6.3 m / s. As comparison is shown in Figure
probability density

9, the agreement with Lognormal-distribution model is

incidence angle:30
reasonable good; the agreement with Weibull-distribution
model is less good; the agreement with Rayleigh-distribution
1.0 is not that good.
0.0 Three kinds of scattering coefficient sea clutter models and
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
normalized amplitude four kinds of distribution model of sea clutter amplitude are
Figure 7 normalized amplitude of the probability density distribution introduced in this paper comparing with the experimental data.
Figure 6 is the normalized sea clutter amplitude of time This paper analysis the scattering coefficient model and
series. Figure 7 is the normalized amplitude of the probability amplitude distribution model of sea clutter, based on the
density distribution of Figure 6. The incidence angle is 30°, observed sea clutter of Ku-band Radar. This analysis would
the wind speed is 8.1 m/s. As comparison is shown in Figure 7, help to design the radar filter and increase the ability of
the agreement with Lognormal-distribution model is suppressing sea clutter.
reasonable good; the agreement with Weibull-distribution
model is less good. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
This work was supported by the National Natural Science
normalized amplitude sea clutter amplitude

Foundation of China under Grant 61172031.

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incidence angle:45
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