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Plant DNA extraction

Article · January 2001

DOI: 10.1079/9780851995151.0239 · Source: OAI


1 author:

Robert James Henry

The University of Queensland

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Chapter 16

Plant DNA Extraction

Centre for Plant Conservation Genetics, Southern Cross
University, Lismore, Australia


The extraction of DNA from plants is the starting point for genotype
analysis. The approach to preparation of DNA from plants is determined by
the species, the type of tissue or sample available and the analysis required on
the DNA. For example, extraction of DNA from the leaf of a cereal for analysis
using a robust test may require a very different technique from that required
for isolation of DNA from the bark of a tree for amplified fragment length
polymorphism (AFLP) analysis.
This chapter considers the range of techniques available for plant DNA
extraction in relation to the wide variety of plant genotyping applications.
The overall process is defined in Fig. 16.1. Plant samples may be collected
and stored, DNA may be extracted immediately or analysed directly. Stored
plant samples may be extracted and the DNA either stored prior to analysis
or sub- jected to immediate analysis.

Plant sample collection and storage

The process of plant DNA isolation may be considered to start when the
plant is sampled in the field or laboratory. Appropriate harvesting and storage
are essen- tial. Labelling is also an important issue especially when large
numbers of sam- ples are being analysed.
Sampling of small pieces of plant leaves for DNA has been achieved using
plastic pipette tips to punch a small disc from the leaf (Berthomieu and
Meyer, 1991); tissue may then be squashed on to a nylon membrane
(Langridge et al.,
© CAB International 2001. Plant Genotyping: the DNA Fingerprinting
of Plants (ed. R.J. Henry) 239
24 R.J. Henry




Fig. 16.1. Plant DNA analysis. 1 Direct DNA analysis avoids DNA isolation; 2 Immediate
DNA isolation avoids tissue storage; 3 Immediate DNA analysis avoids DNA storage.

1991). This approach allows large numbers of samples to be processed and

stored. Samples are often frozen for storage. The sample must remain frozen
until DNA extraction as thawing of frozen tissue often results in degradation
of the DNA. Alternatively, the DNA may be extracted from fresh material or
tissue that has been dried for storage.

Analysis of fresh tissue

Fresh samples may be extracted immediately or stored for hours or days at

appro- priate low temperatures before extraction. Refrigeration (4°C if possible)
usually allows extraction to be delayed for several days. Storage conditions
that do not encourage the growth of fungi in these tissues are desirable.
Alcohol may be used to help preserve some tissues for analysis (Flournoy et al.,
1996). Analysis of fresh tissue is probably the preferred option for DNA
extraction in most cases.
Analysis of dry tissue

Longer-term storage of dry tissue is possible for many types of tissue

(Savolainen et al., 1995; Fu et al., 1998). The simplest approach for the
sampling of most leaves is to place the fresh leaf in a paper bag and store in
an air-conditioned environment. Any office filing cabinet can allow storage
of large numbers of samples (Thomson and Henry, 1993). Forced drying can
result in tissue dis- ruption and degradation of DNA. Conditions that
produce the best quality herbarium samples also result in good DNA
preservation. Dry seeds may also be used in many studies (McDonald et al.,
1994). The analysis of dry samples may be useful when samples for a single
study are to be collected over an extended period. Drying allows extraction
when the sampling is complete.

Analysis of ancient DNA

The analysis of ancient DNA may be valuable in studies of evolution (Soltis and
Soltis, 1993; Cano, 1996). Special procedures may be required to recover the
degraded DNA in these samples and to avoid contamination (Yang, 1997;
Yang et al., 1997; Schlumbaum and Jacomet, 1998).

Analysis of bark

Leaf samples may be very difficult to collect from large trees making bark
an attractive source of DNA. DNA extraction from bark may be much more
diffi- cult than extraction from leaves in some species.

Analysis of plant pathogens

Diagnosis of plant disease often requires the preparation of plant samples for
the analysis of DNA from pathogens. Methods have been devised for
analysis of fungi (Bonito et al., 1995; Niepold and Schober-Butin, 1997),
bacteria (Mahuku and Goodwin, 1997; Llop et al., 1999; Toth et al., 1999),
viruses and phyto- plasmas (Gibb and Padovan, 1994; Green and Thompson,

Analysis of pollen

Analysis of pollen DNA may be of great value in population genetics and

gene mapping. Specific methods have been developed for working with single
pollen grains (Petersen et al., 1996; Krabel et al., 1998).
Analysis of foods and other plant products

Genotyping of the plant may be of interest in foods, especially in establishing

the accuracy of labelling or in food processing to match genotypes to specific
prod- ucts. Techniques for DNA extraction have been developed for many
products. Yeast but not plant DNA has been recovered from beer (Hotzel et
al., 1999). Identification of grain products during processing may be based
upon DNA analysis (Henry et al., 1997).

Extraction of DNA from plant material

The steps that may be included in plant DNA preparation are defined in Fig.
16.2. Components of the process may include isolation of specific tissue, grind-
ing (or other mechanical disruption), extraction into solution, solvent
purifica- tion and precipitation.

Components of DNA extraction solutions

• Buffer. Buffers are used to control the pH of the extraction solution.

• Salts. Salts may influence the solubility of DNA and other molecules in the
• Chelating agents. Chelating agents such as EDTA bind metal ions in the
extraction solution.
• Detergents. Detergents help to disrupt tissues. Many different detergents
have been employed in plant DNA extraction protocols.
• Phenolic binding agents. PVP is often included to protect against phenolics
(Kim et al., 1997). Citric acid has been added to extracts to prevent the
for- mation of polyphenolics (Singh et al., 1998).
• Other. Activated charcoal has been used to bind contaminants in the
isola- tion of DNA from coffee, rubber, cassava and banana (Vroh-Bi et al.,
• EnzyMes. The most common enzyme use in DNA isolation procedures is
ribonuclease to remove contaminating RNA.
• Solvents. Water is the solvent used in almost all protocols.

Tissue disruption

• Mechanical. Physical disruption of tissue allows DNA to be released into

the extraction solution. Excess mechanical disruption risks shearing of
the DNA. Ideally only the minimum mechanical action necessary to
release the DNA from the tissue is used. Tough plant tissues may be
difficult targets for the isolation of high molecular weight DNA.

Isolate specific tissues

2 Grind ing

Add extr action ion

solut 3

Solvent extraction (e.g. phenol/ chloroform)


Purific (e.g. et precipit

ation hanol ation)

DNA preparation

Fig. 16.2. DNA Isolation. 1 Separates tissues high in contaminants (selects tissue rich in
DNA); 2 Breaks up tissue to release DNA; 3 Provides medium for DNA isolation; 4
Removes proteins and other contaminants; 5 Purifies DNA.

• Heating. Heating, especially at high temperatures (e.g. boiling), contributes

to tissue disruption.
• Microwave. Microwave heat is an option for rapid extractions (Saini et al.,
High throughput extraction methods

Extraction of large numbers of samples is possible using automation. Processing

in 96-well microtitre plates may increase throughput (Dilworth and Frey,
2000). These procedures are of value in plant breeding applications (Gu et
al., 1995). Further automation of plant DNA extraction methods can be
expected in the future as the extraction step is rate limiting in many DNA-
based analyses in plants.

Plant DNA storage

Pure DNA free from the risk of biological contamination can be stored for long
periods of time at room temperature. Low temperature storage is
recommended for long-term storage, especially of valuable samples.

Purification of DNA

A variety of methods are available for DNA purification. Generally it is better to

devise a method to isolate DNA of the required purity directly from the plant
sample. Protocols resulting in the isolation of DNA with specific undesirable
impurities should be avoided. In some cases it may be necessary to purify DNA
in an extract for specific applications.

Requirements of different genotyping protocols

Analysis of microsatellites (simple sequence repeats) requires relatively simple

DNA extraction protocols (Virk et al., 1999) because the PCR involved is rela-
tively robust. In contrast, random amplified polymorphic DNA (Boiteux et al.,
1999) and AFLP procedures are influenced by the quantity and quality of the
DNA preparation requiring very uniform and usually more complex DNA
iso- lation procedures. Preparation of plant DNA for sequencing is another
common requirement (Nickrent, 1994). Applications involving the analysis
of large numbers of samples such as studies of diversity in large germplasm
collections (Virk et al., 1996) require special, high throughput DNA
extraction protocols.

Examples of DNA extraction methods

The literature contains very large numbers of DNA extraction protocols.

Many of these are slight variations of other procedures (Graham et al.,
1994). Some tissues are especially difficult targets for DNA extraction
(Steenkamp et al., 1994) because of the presence of materials (e.g.
polysaccharides, secondary
metabolites) that react with DNA or co-purify with DNA during extraction.
The method outlined by Graham and Henry (1997) is widely used. The
following method is a good option for general application.

Standard method (Henry, 1997)

1. Grind sample to a fine powder in liquid nitrogen using a mortar and pestle.
2. Transfer the tissue to a tube of suitable size and add 1 ml of extraction
buffer (2% (w/v) hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), 100 mM
Tris–HCl, 1.4 M NaCl, 20 mM EDTA) per gram of tissue.
3. Mix by gentle inversion and heat at 55°C for 20 min.
4. Centrifuge at 15,000 × g for 5 min.
5. Transfer the supernatant to a fresh tube and add one volume of chloro-
form:isoamyl alcohol (24:1).
6. Mix by gentle inversion for 2 min and centrifuge at 15,000 × g for 20 s.
7. Transfer the upper aqueous phase to a fresh tube and add 1/10 volume of
7.5 M ammonium acetate and two volumes of ice-cold ethanol.
8. Mix by gentle inversion and place in a freezer at —20°C for 60 min.
9. Centrifuge at 15,000 × g for 1 min and discard the supernatant.
10. Wash the pellet twice with 70% (v/v) ethanol, mixing each time by gentle
11. Dry the DNA in a desiccator.
12. The DNA may be resuspended in an appropriate volume of TE buffer (10
mM Tris–HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) or solution appropriate for the application
Many applications do not require a procedure of this complexity.

Simple procedures for use in PCR Screening

The ultimate method is one that completely eliminates the DNA extraction
step and allows direct analysis of DNA in plant tissues. This approach has
been found to be successful in limited cases. Very small amounts of plant
tissue may be introduced directly into PCR protocols. Some form of
processing is usually required or advantageous. Klimyak et al. (1993) heated
in alkali (40 µl of 0.25 M NaOH for 30 s on a boiling water bath), the
solution was neutralized by adding 40 µl of 0.25 M HCl and 20 µl of 0.5 M
Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 0.25% (v/v) Nonidet P-40 and boiling for 2 min before use
in PCR. In this procedure, the time of heating may require optimization for
each species or type of tissue. This method has been applied to the analysis
of barley tissues (Clancy et al., 1996).
Most rapid methods have involved the preparation of an extract to add to
the PCR because of the difficulty of sampling small amounts of tissue for direct
introduction into the PCR and because of the presence of inhibitory
substances in the plant tissue. Steiner et al. (1995) developed a protocol
that involved
heating the ground sample for 20 min at 90°C in 10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0,
312.5 mM EDTA, 1% sodium lauryl sarkosyl and 1% polyvinylpolypyrrolidone.
Chunwongse et al. (1993) heated half seeds at 50°C for 1 h in 200 µl of
10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 50 mM KCl, 1.5mM MgC1 2, 0.01% gelatin,
0.45% Nonidet P-40, 0.45% Tween and 12–48 µg of proteinase K. The
temperature was increased to 100°C for 5 min before use of the supernatant
in PCR.
The best method is usually the simplest method that gives a reliable
result. The following protocol was developed as a general approach to DNA
prepara- tion.

Simple method (Thomson and Henry, 1995; Henry, 1997)

1. Place a small piece (0.5–1 mg works well for most tissues) of the plant
tis- sue in a microfuge tube.
2. Add 20 µl of 100 mM Tris–HCl (pH 9.5), 1 M KCl, 10 mM EDTA.
3. Heat at 95°C for 10 min.
4. Add 1 µl directly to the PCR.
These extracts usually require dilution with water or PCR buffer before use in
PCR. They can often be stored for several months at room temperature.

Removal of specific contaminants

Specific contaminants can be removed from tissues in which they cause

prob- lems. A mixture of glycoside hydrolases has been used to remove
polysaccha- rides (Rether et al., 1993). Ion exchanges may also be used
(Marechal-Drouard and Guillemaut, 1995).

Estimation of the quantity of DNA

The concentration of DNA in an extract can be measured in several ways. The

A260 of the preparation is a good measure of concentration if the DNA is
rela- tively pure (A260 = 1 for 50 pg ml 1 DNA). Impure preparations contain
other material absorbing in the UV range. Gel electrophoresis on agarose allows
mation of both quality and quantity. Fluorometic methods for DNA
estimation are also available. These are likely to be more accurate than UV-
based methods, especially for impure samples.

Estimation of the quality of DNA

The purity of DNA can be estimated from the UV absorbance (A260/A280 = 1.8
for pure DNA). Electrophoresis can be used to assess the size of DNA molecules
in extracts. Digestion with restriction enzymes is often used to test for DNA
purity and suitability for use in recombinant DNA protocols.

Isolation of DNA from mitochondria and chloroplasts

The isolation of DNA from organelles requires the prior isolation of organelles.
Sucrose gradient centrifugation may be used to separate specific organelles.
DNA may then be easily isolated from the organelle preparation. Isolation of
organelles may also help to avoid specific contaminants (Scott and Playford,
1996). Simple procedures for analysis of chloroplast DNA are available (Fangan
et al., 1994).


Research by the author in this area has been supported by the Grains
Research and Development Corporation and the Cooperative Research
Centre for Molecular Plant Breeding.

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