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Designing Distributed Systems Using

Approximate Synchrony in Data Center Networks

Dan R. K. Ports Jialin Li Vincent Liu Naveen Kr. Sharma Arvind Krishnamurthy
University of Washington

Abstract • Data center networks are more extensible. They are

part of a single administrative domain. Combined with
Distributed systems are traditionally designed indepen-
new flexibility provided by modern technologies like
dently from the underlying network, making worst-case
software-defined networking, this makes it possible to
assumptions (e.g., complete asynchrony) about its behav-
deploy new types of in-network processing or routing.
ior. However, many of today’s distributed applications are
deployed in data centers, where the network is more re- These differences have the potential to change the way
liable, predictable, and extensible. In these environments, distributed systems are designed. It is now possible to
it is possible to co-design distributed systems with their co-design distributed systems and the network they use,
network layer, and doing so can offer substantial benefits. building systems that rely on stronger guarantees avail-
This paper explores network-level mechanisms for pro- able in the network and deploying new network-level
viding Mostly-Ordered Multicast (MOM): a best-effort primitives that benefit higher layers.
ordering property for concurrent multicast operations. Us- In this paper, we explore the benefits of co-designing in
ing this primitive, we design Speculative Paxos, a state the context of state machine replication—a performance-
machine replication protocol that relies on the network to critical component at the heart of many critical data center
order requests in the normal case. This approach leads to services. Our approach is to treat the data center as an
substantial performance benefits: under realistic data cen- approximation of a synchronous network, in contrast to
ter conditions, Speculative Paxos can provide 40% lower the asynchronous model of the Internet. We introduce two
latency and 2.6× higher throughput than the standard new mechanisms, a new network-level primitive called
Paxos protocol. It offers lower latency than a latency- Mostly-Ordered Multicast and the Speculative Paxos repli-
optimized protocol (Fast Paxos) with the same throughput cation protocol, which leverages approximate synchrony
as a throughput-optimized protocol (batching). to provide higher performance in data centers.
1 Introduction The first half of our approach is to engineer the network
to provide stronger ordering guarantees. We introduce a
Most distributed systems are designed independently from
Mostly-Ordered Multicast primitive (MOM), which pro-
the underlying network. For example, distributed algo-
vides a best-effort guarantee that all receivers will receive
rithms are typically designed assuming an asynchronous
messages from different senders in a consistent order.
network, where messages may be arbitrarily delayed,
We develop simple but effective techniques for provid-
dropped, or reordered in transit. In order to avoid making
ing Mostly-Ordered Multicast that leverage the structured
assumptions about the network, designers are in effect
topology of a data center network and the forwarding
making worst-case assumptions about it.
flexibility provided by software-defined networking.
Such an approach is well-suited for the Internet, where
little is known about the network: one cannot predict what Building on this MOM primitive is Speculative Paxos, a
paths messages might take or what might happen to them new protocol for state machine replication designed for an
along the way. However, many of today’s applications are environment where reordering is rare. In the normal case,
distributed systems that are deployed in data centers. Data Speculative Paxos relies on MOM’s ordering guarantees
center networks have a number of desirable properties to efficiently sequence requests, allowing it to execute and
that distinguish them from the Internet: commit client operations with the minimum possible la-
tency (two message delays) and with significantly higher
• Data center networks are more predictable. They are throughput than Paxos. However, Speculative Paxos re-
designed using structured topologies [8,15,33], which mains correct even in the uncommon case where messages
makes it easier to understand packet routes and ex- are delivered out of order: it falls back on a reconciliation
pected latencies. protocol that ensures it remains safe and live with the
• Data center networks are more reliable. Congestion same guarantees as Paxos.
losses can be made unlikely using features such as Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of this
Quality of Service and Data Center Bridging [18]. approach. We find:

• Our customized network-level multicast mechanism
request prepare prepareok reply
ensures that multicast messages can be delivered in a
consistent order with greater than 99.9% probability
in a data center environment. Replica  exec()
1  commit
• In these environments, Speculative Paxos provides Replica 
40% lower latency and 2.6× higher throughput than  2 
leader-based Paxos.
• Speculative Paxos can provide the best of both 3 

worlds: it offers 20% lower latency than a latency-

Figure 1: Normal-case execution of Multi-Paxos/Viewstamped
optimized protocol (Fast Paxos) while providing the
same throughput as a throughput-optimized protocol
(batching). the leader, and is responsible for ordering requests; the
leader can be replaced if it fails. Clients submit requests
We have used Speculative Paxos to implement various
to the leader. The leader assigns each incoming request
components of a transactional replicated key-value store.
a sequence number, and sends a PREPARE message to
Compared to other Paxos variants, Speculative Paxos al-
the other replicas containing the request and sequence
lows this application to commit significantly more trans-
number. The other replicas record the request in the log
actions within a fixed latency budget.
and acknowledge with a PREPARE - OK message. Once
2 Background the leader has received responses from enough replicas, it
executes the operation and replies to the client.
Our goal is to implement more efficient replicated ser-
Data center applications demand high performance
vices by taking advantage of features of the data center
from replicated systems. These systems must be able
environment. To motivate our approach, we briefly dis-
to execute operations with both high throughput and low
cuss existing consensus algorithms as well as the design
latency. The latter is an increasingly important factor for
of typical data center networks upon which they are built.
modern web applications that routinely access data from
2.1 Replication and Consensus Algorithms thousands of storage servers, while needing to keep the
total latency within strict bounds for interactive applica-
Replication is widely used to provide highly available
tions [37]. For replication protocols, throughput is typ-
and consistent services in data centers. For example, ser-
ically a function of the load on a bottleneck entity, e.g.,
vices like Chubby [4] and ZooKeeper [17] provide ap-
the leader in Figure 1, which processes a disproportion-
plications with support for distributed coordination and
ate number of messages. Latency is primarily a function
synchronization. Similarly, persistent storage systems like
of the number of message delays in the protocol—for
H-Store [39], Granola [10], and Spanner [9] require mul-
Paxos, four message delays from when a client submits
tiple replicas to commit updates. This provides better
its request until it receives a reply.
availability than using a single replica and also provides
better performance by eschewing costly synchronous disk 2.2 Data Centers
writes in favor of maintaining multiple copies in RAM. Today’s data centers incorporate highly engineered net-
Replication systems rely on a consensus protocol (e.g., works to provide high availability, high throughput, low
Paxos [24, 25], Viewstamped Replication [29, 35], or latency, and low cost. Operators take advantage of the
atomic broadcast [3, 19]) to ensure that operations ex- following properties to tune their networks:
ecute in a consistent order across replicas. In this paper,
we consider systems that provide a state machine repli- Centralized control. All of the infrastructure is in a
cation interface [23, 38]. Here, a set of nodes are either single administrative domain, making it possible for op-
clients or replicas, which both run application code and in- erators to deploy large-scale changes. Software-defined
teract with each other using the replication protocol. Note networking tools (e.g., OpenFlow) make it possible to
that, here, clients are application servers in the data center, implement customized forwarding rules coordinated by a
not end-users. Clients submit requests containing an oper- central controller.
ation to be executed. This begins a multi-round protocol A structured network. Data center networks are multi-
to ensure that replicas agree on a consistent ordering of rooted trees of switches typically organized into three lev-
operations before executing the request. els. The leaves of the tree are Top-of-Rack (ToR) switches
As an example, consider the canonical state machine that connect down to many machines in a rack, with a rack
replication protocol, leader-based Paxos. In the normal containing few tens of servers. These ToR switches are
case, when there are no failures, requests are processed interconnected using additional switches or routers, which
as shown in Figure 1. One of the replicas is designated as are organized into an aggregation tier in the middle and

a core tier at the top. Each ToR switch is connected to
multiple switches at the next level, thus providing desired S1 S2
resilience in the face of link or switch failures. Racks
themselves are typically grouped into a cluster (about ten
to twenty racks) such that all connectivity within a cluster S3 S4 S5
is provided by just the bottom two levels of the network.
Within the data center, there may be many replicated
services: for example, Google’s Spanner and similar stor- C1 N1 N2 C2 N3
age systems use one replica group per shard, with hun-
dreds or thousands of shards in the data center. The repli-
cas in each group will be located in different racks (for Figure 2: Clients C1 and C2 communicating to a multicast group
failure-independence) but may be located in the same comprising of N1 , N2 , and N3 .
cluster to simplify cluster management and scheduling. implementation is said to possess the mostly-ordered mul-
The service will receive requests from clients throughout ticast property if the above ordering constraint is satisfied
the data center. with high frequency. This permits occasional ordering
Switch support for QoS. The controlled setting also violations: these occur if ni processes m followed by m0
makes it possible to deploy services that can transmit cer- and either (1) n j processes m after m0 , or (2) n j does not
tain types of messages (e.g., control messages) with higher process m at all (because the message is lost).
priority than the rest of the data center traffic. These pri- This is an empirical property about the common-case
orities are implemented by providing multiple hardware behavior, not a strict guarantee. As a result, MOMs can
or software output queues—one for each priority level. be implemented as a best-effort network primitive. We
When using strict priorities, the switch will always pull seek to take advantage of the properties of the data cen-
from higher priority queues before lower priority queues. ter network previously described in order to implement
The length and drop policy of each queue can be tuned to MOMs efficiently in the normal case. The property may
drop lower priority traffic first and can also be tuned to be violated in the event of transient network failures or
minimize latency jitter. congestion, so application-level code must be able to han-
dle occasional ordering violations.
3 Mostly-Ordered Multicast In this section, we first examine why existing multi-
The consensus algorithms described in the previous sec- cast mechanisms do not provide this property, and then
tion rely heavily on the concept of ordering. Most Paxos describe three techniques for implementing MOMs. Each
deployments dedicate a leader node to this purpose; ap- stems from the idea of equalizing path length between
proaches such as Fast Paxos [27] rely on requests to arrive multicast messages with a topology-aware multicast. The
in order. We argue instead that the structured, highly- second adds QoS techniques to equalize latency while
engineered networks used in data centers can themselves the third leverages in-network serialization to guarantee
be used to order operations in the normal case. To that end, correct ordering. In Section 3.4, we evaluate these pro-
this section explores different network-layer options for tocols using both an implementation on an OpenFlow
providing a mostly-ordered multicast (MOM) mechanism. switch testbed and a simulation of a datacenter-scale net-
We show that simple techniques can effectively provide work. We show that the first two techniques are effective
best-effort ordering in a data center. at providing MOMs with a reordering rate of ∼0.01–0.1%
and the third eliminates reorderings entirely except during
3.1 Model network failures.
We consider multicast primitives that allow clients to com-
municate simultaneously with a group of receivers N. 3.2 Existing Multicast is Not Ordered
In this category, the traditional totally-ordered multi- We first consider existing network-layer multicast mecha-
cast provides the following property: if ni ∈ N processes nisms to understand why ordering violations occur.
a multicast message m followed by another multicast mes- Using IP multicast, a client can send a single multi-
sage m0 , then any other node n j ∈ N that receives m0 must cast message to the target multicast address and have it
process m before m0 . Primitives like this are common delivered to all of the nodes. Multicast-enabled switches
in group communication systems [3]. Ensuring that this will, by default, flood multicast traffic to all the ports in
property holds even in the presence of failures is a prob- a broadcast domain. Unnecessary flooding costs can be
lem equivalent to consensus, and would obviate the need eliminated by using IGMP, which manages the member-
for application code to run protocols like Paxos at all. ship of a multicast group.
Instead, we consider a relaxed version of this property, Using a network-level multicast mechanism, packets
which does not require it to hold in every case. A multicast from different senders may be received in conflicting or-

ders because they traverse paths of varying lengths and 3.3.1 Topology-Aware Multicast
experience varying levels of congestion along different In our first design, we attempt to minimize the disparity
links. For example, suppose the clients C1 and C2 in Fig- in message latencies by assuring that the messages cor-
ure 2 each send a multicast message to the multicast group responding to a single multicast operation traverse the
{N1 , N2 , N3 } at times t = 0 and t = ε respectively. Let same number of links. To achieve this, we route multicast
pi→ j represent the network path traversed by the multi- messages through switches that are equidistant from all
cast operation initiated by Ci to N j , and l(pi→ j ) represent of the nodes in the target multicast group. The routes are
its latency. In this setting, the ordering property is violated dependent on the scope of the multicast group.
if N1 receives m1 followed by m2 while N3 receives m2 fol-
For instance, if all multicast group members are located
lowed by m1 , which could occur if l(p1→1 ) < l(p2→1 ) + ε
within the same cluster in a three-level tree topology, the
and l(p1→3 ) > l(p2→3 ) + ε. This is distinctly possible
aggregation switches of that cluster represent the nearest
since the paths p1→1 and p2→3 traverse just two links
set of switches that are equidistant from all members. For
each while p2→1 and p1→3 traverse four links each.
datacenter-wide multicast groups, multicast messages are
In practice, many applications do not even use network- routed through the root switches.
level multicast; they use application-level multicast mech- Equalizing path lengths can cause increased latency
anisms such as having the client send individual unicast for some recipients of each multicast message, because
messages to each of the nodes in the target multicast group. messages no longer take the shortest path to each recipi-
This approach, which requires no support from the net- ent. However, the maximum latency—and, in many cases,
work architecture, has even worse ordering properties. In the average latency—is not significantly impacted: in
addition to the path length variation seen in network-level datacenter-wide multicast groups, some messages would
multicast, there is additional latency skew caused by the have to be routed through the root switches anyway. More-
messages not being sent at the same time. over, the cost of traversing an extra link is small in data
3.3 Our Designs center networks, particularly in comparison to the Internet.
As a result, this tradeoff is a good one: Speculative Paxos
We can improve the ordering provided by network-level is able to take advantage of the more predictable ordering
multicast by building our own multicast mechanisms. to provide better end-to-end latency.
Specifically, we present a sequence of design options that
provide successively stronger ordering guarantees. Addressing. Each multicast group has a single address.
In the intra-cluster case, the address shares the same prefix
1. Topology-aware multicast: Ensure that all multicast as the rest of the cluster, but has a distinct prefix from
messages traverse the same number of links. This any of the ToR switches. In the datacenter-wide case, the
eliminates reordering due to path dilation. address should come from a subnet not used by any other
2. High-priority multicast: Use topology-aware multi- cluster.
cast, but also assign high QoS priorities to multicasts. Routing. The above addressing scheme ensures that,
This essentially eliminates drops due to congestion, with longest-prefix matching, multicast messages are
and also reduces reordering due to queuing delays. routed to the correct set of switches without any changes
3. In-network serialization: Use high-priority multicast, to the existing routing protocols. The target switches will
but route all packets through a single root switch. This each have specific rules that convert the message to a
eliminates all remaining non-failure related reorder- true multicast packet and will send it downward along
ing. any replica-facing ports. Lower switches will replicate the
multicast packet on multiple ports as necessary.
The common intuition behind all of our designs is that Note that in this scheme, core switches have a multicast
messages can be sent along predictable paths through the rule for every datacenter-wide multicast group while ag-
data center network topology with low latency and high gregation switches have a rule for every multicast group
reliability in the common case. within its cluster. Typical switches have support for thou-
We have implemented these three designs using Open- sands to tens of thousands of these multicast groups.
Flow [31] software-defined networking, which allows it to As an example of end-to-end routing, suppose the client
be deployed on a variety of switches. OpenFlow provides C1 in Figure 2 wishes to send a message to a three-member
access to switch support for custom forwarding rules, mul- multicast group that is spread across the data center. The
ticast replication, and even header rewriting. Our designs group’s multicast address will be of a subnet not shared
assume the existence of a SDN controller for ease of by any cluster, and thus will be routed to either S1 or S2 .
configuration and failure recovery. The controller installs Those core switches will then replicate it into three mes-
appropriate rules for multicast forwarding, and updates sages that are sent on each of the downward links. This
them when switch failures are detected. simple mechanism guarantees that all messages traverse

the same number of links. switch not only serves as a serialization point, but also
ensures that messages to a given group node traverse the
Failure Recovery. When a link or switch fails, the SDN
same path. As a result, it provides perfect ordering as long
controller will eventually detect the failure and route
as the switch delivers packets to output ports in order (we
around it as part of the normal failover process. In many
have not observed this to be a problem, as discussed in
cases, when there is sufficient path redundancy inside the
Section 3.4.1) and there are no failures.
network (as with a data center network organized into
a Clos topology [15]), this is sufficient to repair MOM Addressing/Routing. As before, we assign a single ad-
routing as well. However, in some cases—most notably dress to each multicast group. In this design, however,
a traditional fat tree, where there is only a single path the SDN controller will unilaterally designate a root or
from each root switch down to a given host—some root aggregation switch as a serialization point and install the
switches may become unusable for certain replicas. In appropriate routes in the network. By default, we hash the
these cases, the controller installs rules in the network multicast addresses across the relevant target switches for
that “blacklist” these root switches for applicable multi- load balancing and ease of routing.
cast groups. Note, however, that failures along upward In certain network architectures, similar routing func-
links in a fat tree network can be handled locally by sim- tionality can also be achieved using PIM Sparse Mode
ply redirecting MOM traffic to any working root without multicast [12], which routes multicast packets from all
involving the controller [30]. sources through a single “rendezvous point” router.
3.3.2 High-Priority Multicast Failure Recovery. Like the failure recovery mechanism
of Section 3.3.1, we can also rely on an SDN controller
The above protocol equalizes path length and, in an un-
to route around failures. If a switch no longer has a valid
loaded network, significantly reduces the reordering rate
path to all replicas of a multicast group or is unreachable
of multicast messages. However, in the presence of back-
by a set of clients, the controller will remap the multi-
ground traffic, different paths may have different queuing
cast group’s address to a different switch that does have
delays. For example, suppose clients C1 and C2 in Figure 2
a valid path. This may require the addition of routing ta-
send multicasts m1 and m2 through S1 and S2 respectively.
ble entries across a handful of switches in the network.
The latency over these two switches might vary signifi-
These rules will be more specific than the default, hashed
cantly. If there is significant cross-traffic over the links
mappings and will therefore take precedence. Downtime
S1 − S5 and S2 − S4 but not over the links S1 − S4 and
due to failures is minimal: devices typically have four or
S2 − S5 , then N2 is likely to receive m1 followed by m2
five 9’s of reliability [14] and path recovery takes a few
while N3 would receive them in opposite order.
milliseconds [30].
We can easily mitigate the impact of cross-traffic on la-
We can further reduce the failure recovery time by
tency by assigning a higher priority to MOM traffic using
letting the end hosts handle failover. We can do this by
Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms. Prioritizing this
setting up n different multicast serialization points each
traffic is possible because this traffic is typically a small
with their own multicast address and pre-installed rout-
fraction of overall data center traffic volume. By assigning
ing table entries. By specifying the multicast address, the
MOM messages to a strict-priority hardware queue, we
clients thus choose which serialization point to use. A
can ensure that MOM traffic is always sent before other
client can failover from one designated root switch to
types of traffic. This limits the queuing delays introduced
another immediately after it receives switch failure notifi-
by cross-traffic to the duration of a single packet. With
cations from the fabric controller or upon encountering a
10 Gbps links and 1500 byte packets, this corresponds to
persistent communication failure to a target MOM group.
a worst-case queuing delay of about 1.2 µs per link or a
This approach requires some additional application-level
total of about 2.4 µs from a core switch to a ToR switch.
complexity and increases routing table/address usage, but
Our evaluation results show that this leads to a negligible
provides much faster failover than the baseline.
amount of reordering under typical operating conditions.
Load Balancing. In-network serialization is not inher-
3.3.3 In-Network Serialization
ently load-balancing in the same way as our previous de-
Even with QoS, currently-transmitting packets cannot be signs: all multicast traffic for a particular group traverses
preempted. This fact, combined with minor variations the same root switch. However, as described previously,
in switch latency imply that there is still a small chance there are many replica groups, each with message load far
of message reordering. For these cases, we present an below the capacity of a data center core switch. Different
approach that uses the network itself to guarantee correct groups will be hashed to different serialization switches,
ordering of messages in spite of cross-traffic. providing load balancing in aggregate. If necessary, the
Our approach is to route all multicast operations to SDN controller can explicitly specify the root switch for
a given group through the same switch. This top-level particular groups to achieve better load balancing.

Root Layer 100%

Packet reordering frequency

(Arista 7150S)
10 Gbps
Aggr. Layer
(HP 6600) 0.1%
1 Gbps
ToR Layer
(HP 6600) 0.001% MOMs
1 Gbps Network Serialization
50000 100000 150000 200000
Multicast sending rate (packets/sec)

Figure 3: Testbed configuration Figure 4: Measured packet reorder rates on 12-switch testbed

3.4 Evaluation of MOMs In this configuration, ordering violations can occur be-
Can data center networks effectively provide mostly- cause multicast packets traverse different paths between
ordered multicast? To answer this question, we conducted switches. Figure 4 shows that this occurs frequently for
a series of experiments to determine the reorder rate of conventional IP multicast, with as many as 25% of packets
concurrent multicast transmissions. We perform experi- reordered. By equalizing path lengths, our topology-aware
ments using a multi-switch testbed, and conduct simula- MOM mechanism reduces the reordering frequency by 2–
tions to explore larger data center deployments. 3 orders of magnitude. Network serialization eliminates
reorderings entirely.
3.4.1 Testbed Evaluation
3.4.2 Simulation Results
We evaluate the ordering properties of our multicast mech-
anism using a testbed that emulates twelve switches in To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed multicast de-
a fat-tree configuration, as depicted in Figure 3. The signs on a larger network, we use a parallel, packet-level,
testbed emulates four Top-of-Rack switches in two clus- event-driven simulator. In addition to the experiments
ters, with two aggregation switches per cluster and four described below, we have validated the simulator by sim-
root switches connecting the clusters. Host-ToR and ToR- ulating the same topology as our testbed, using measured
aggregation links are 1 Gbps, while aggregation-root links latency distributions for the two switch types. The simu-
are 10 Gbps. This testbed captures many essential proper- lated and measured results match to within 8%.
ties of a data center network, including path length vari- The simulated data center network topology consists
ance and the possibility for multicast packets to arrive of 2560 servers and a total of 119 switches. The switches
out of order due to multi-path effects. The testbed can de- are configured in a three-level FatTree topology [1] with
liver multicast messages either using native IP multicast, a total oversubscription ratio of about 1:4. The core and
topology-aware MOM, or network serialization. aggregation switches each have 16 10 Gbps ports while
The testbed is realized using VLANs on five switches. the ToRs each have 8 10 Gbps ports and 40 1 Gbps ports.
Four HP ProCurve 6600 switches implement the ToR and Each switch has a strict-priority queue in addition to stan-
aggregation switches, and an Arista 7150S-24 10 Gbps dard queues. Both queues use drop-tail behavior and a
switch implements the root switches. All hosts are Dell switching latency distribution taken from our measure-
PowerEdge R610 servers with 4 6-core Intel Xeon L5640 ments of the Arista 7150 switch.
CPUs running Ubuntu 12.04, using Broadcom BCM5709 In this setup, we configure end hosts to periodically
1000BaseT adapters to connect to the ToRs. transmit MOM traffic to a multicast group of 3 nodes
where we observe the frequency of ordering violations.
A preliminary question is whether individual switches
In addition to MOM traffic, hosts also send background
will cause concurrent multicast traffic to be delivered in
traffic to one another. We derive the distribution of interar-
conflicting orders, which could occur because of paral-
rival times and ON/OFF-period length for the background
lelism in switch processing. We tested this by connecting
traffic from measurements of Microsoft data centers [2].
multiple senders and receivers to the same switch, and
verified that all receivers received multicast traffic in the In the experiments in Figure 5, we measure reordering
same order. We did not observe any reorderings on any of rates for the four options previously discussed: standard
the switches we tested, including the two models in our multicast, topology-aware multicast (MOMs), MOMs
testbed, even at link-saturating rates of multicast traffic. with QoS, and MOMs with in-network serialization.
With the testbed configured as in Figure 3, we con- Reordering. In Figure 5(a), we fix the MOM sending
nected three senders and three receivers to the ToR rate to 50,000 messages per second and vary the amount
switches. The receivers record the order of arriving mul- of simulated background traffic. The range equates to
ticasts and compare them to compute the frequency of about 5–30% average utilization. Note that data center
ordering violations. traffic is extremely bursty, so this range is typical [2]. In

Packet reordering frequency 10% 10%

Packet reordering frequency

Multicast Multicast
1% MOMs + QoS 1% MOMs + QoS
0.1% 0.1%

0.01% 0.01%

0% 0%
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000
Network utilization Multicast sending rate (packets/sec)
(a) Reorder rates with varying network utilization; MOM sending rate (b) Reorder rates with varying MOM throughput; background traffic
fixed at 50,000 per second. fixed at 10% average utilization.
Figure 5: Simulated packet reorder rates, in a 160-switch, three-level fat-tree network

Figure 5(b), we vary the MOM sending rate and fix the Client interface
average utilization to 10%. Results are similar for other • invoke(operation) → result
utilization rates.
As expected, the standard multicast approach has a Replica interface
relatively high rate of packet reorderings because packets
• speculativelyExecute(seqno, operation)
traverse paths of varying lengths. Simply being aware
→ result
of the topology reduces the rate of reorderings by an
• rollback(from-seqno, to-seqno,
order of magnitude, and employing QoS prioritization
mitigates the impact of congestion caused by other traffic.
• commit(seqno)
The in-network serialization approach achieves perfect
ordering: as packets are routed through a single switch, Figure 6: Speculative Paxos library API
only congestion losses could cause ordering violations.
tween replicas on each request. When occasional ordering
Latency. As we previously observed, MOM can in- violations occur, it invokes a reconciliation protocol to
crease the path length of a multicast message to the rollback inconsistent operations and agree on a new state.
longest path from a sender to one of the receivers. As a Thus, Speculative Paxos does not rely on MOM for cor-
result, the time until a message arrives at the first receiver rectness, only for efficiency.
increases. However, for more than 70% of messages, the
average latency over all receivers remains unchanged. 4.1 Model
The latency skew, i.e., the difference between maximum Speculative Paxos provides state machine replication, fol-
and minimum delivery time to all recipients for any given lowing the model in Section 2.1. In particular, it guaran-
message, is in all cases under 2.5 µs for the in-network tees linearizability [16] provided that there are no more
serialization approach. than f failures: operations appear as though they were ex-
ecuted in a consistent sequential order, and each operation
4 Speculative Paxos sees the effect of operations that completed before it. The
Our evaluation in the previous section shows that we can API of the Speculative Paxos library is shown in Figure 6.
engineer a data center network to provide MOMs. How Speculative Paxos differs from traditional state ma-
should this capability influence our design of distributed chine replication protocols in that it executes operations
systems? We argue that a data center network with MOMs speculatively at the replicas, before agreement is reached
can be viewed as approximately synchronous: it provides about the ordering of requests. When the replica re-
strong ordering properties in the common case, but they ceives a request, the Speculative Paxos library makes
may occasionally be violated during failures. a speculativelyExecute upcall to the application code,
To take advantage of this model, we introduce Spec- providing it with the requested operation and an associ-
ulative Paxos, a new state machine replication protocol. ated sequence number. In the event of a failed speculation,
Speculative Paxos relies on MOMs to be ordered in the the Speculative Paxos library may make a rollback up-
common case. Each replica speculatively executes re- call, requesting that the application undo the most recent
quests based on this order, before agreement is reached. operations and return to a previous state. To do so, it
This speculative approach allows the protocol to run with provides the sequence number and operation of all the
the minimum possible latency (two message delays) and commands to be rolled back. The Speculative Paxos li-
provides high throughput by avoiding communication be- brary also periodically makes commit upcalls to indicate

that previously-speculative operations will never be rolled
request specreply(result,hash)
back, allowing the application to discard information (e.g., Client  match?
undo logs) needed to roll back operations. Replica 
Importantly, although Speculative Paxos executes oper- 1 

ations speculatively on replicas, speculative state is not 2  specexec()

exposed to clients. The Speculative Paxos library only re- Replica 


turns results to the client application after they are known Replica 
to have successfully committed in the same order at a 4  specexec()

quorum of replicas. In this respect, Speculative Paxos is Replica  specexec()

similar to Zyzzyva [22], and differs from systems that
employ speculation on the client side [41].
Figure 7: Speculative processing protocol.
Failure Model Although the premise for our work is
that data center networks can provide stronger guarantees summary hash. The summary hash of entry n is given by
of ordering than distributed algorithms typically assume, summaryn = H(summaryn−1 || operationn )
Speculative Paxos does not rely on this assumption for
correctness. It remains correct under the same assump- Thus, it summarizes the replica’s state up to that point: two
tions as Paxos and Viewstamped Replication: it requires replicas that have the same summary hash for log entry
2 f + 1 replicas and provides safety as long as no more n must agree on the order of operations up to entry n. To
than f replicas fail simultaneously, even if the network simplify exposition, we assume replicas retain their entire
drops, delays, reorders, or duplicates messages. It pro- logs indefinitely; a standard checkpointing procedure can
vides liveness as long as messages that are repeatedly be used to truncate logs.
resent are eventually delivered before the recipients time The system moves through a series of views, each with
out. (This requirement is the same as in Paxos, and is a designated view number and leader. Each replica main-
required because of the impossibility of consensus in an tains its own idea of the current view number. The leader
asynchronous system [13].) is selected in a round-robin ordering based on the view
number, i.e., for view v, replica v mod n is the leader. This
4.2 Protocol is similar to leader election in [6] and [29], but the leader
Speculative Paxos consists of three sub-protocols: does not play a special role in the normal-case specu-
lative processing protocol. It is used only to coordinate
• Speculative processing commits requests efficiently synchronization and reconciliation.
in the normal case where messages are ordered and
< f/2 replicas have failed (Section 4.2.2) 4.2.2 Speculative Processing
Speculative Paxos processes requests speculatively in the
• Synchronization periodically verifies that replicas common case. When a client application initiates an op-
have speculatively executed the same requests in the eration, the Speculative Paxos library sends a REQUEST
same order (Section 4.2.3) message to all replicas. This message includes the op-
• Reconciliation ensures progress when requests are eration requested, the identity of a client, and a unique
delivered out of order or when between f/2 and f per-client request identifier. The REQUEST message is
nodes have failed (Section 4.2.4) sent using our MOM primitive, ensuring that replicas are
likely to receive concurrent requests in the same order.
4.2.1 Replica State Replicas participate in speculative processing when
Each replica maintains a status, a log, and a view number. they are in the NORMAL state. Upon receiving a REQUEST
The replica’s status indicates whether it can process message, they immediately speculatively execute the re-
new operations. Most of the time, the replica is in the quest: they assign the request the next higher sequence
NORMAL state, which allows speculative processing of number, append the request to the log in the SPECULA -
new operations. While the reconciliation protocol is in TIVE state, and make an upcall to application code to
progress, the replica is in the RECONCILIATION state. execute the request. It then sends a SPECULATIVE - REPLY
There are also RECOVERY and RECONFIGURATION states message to the client, which includes the result of execut-
used when a failed replica is reconstructing its state and ing the operation as well as the sequence number assigned
when the membership of the replica set is changing. to the request and a summary hash of the replica’s log.
The log is a sequence of operations executed by the Clients wait for SPECULATIVE - REPLY messages from
replica. Each entry in the log is tagged with a sequence a superquorum of f + d f/2e + 1 replicas, and compare
number and a state, which is either COMMITTED or SPEC - the responses. If all responses match exactly, i.e., they
ULATIVE . All committed operations precede all specu- have the same sequence number and summary hash, the
lative operations. Each log entry also has an associated client treats the operation as committed. The matching

responses indicate that the superquorum of replicas have replicas. Replicas receiving this message also commit all
executed the request (and all previous operations) in the operations up to s if their summary hash matches.
same order. The replicas themselves do not yet know If the leader receives SYNC - REPLY messages that do
that the operation has committed, but the reconciliation not have the same hash, or if a replica receives a COMMIT
protocol ensures that any such operation will persist even message with a different hash than its current log entry, it
if there are failures, and may not be rolled back. If the initiates a reconciliation.
client fails to receive SPECULATIVE - REPLY messages
4.2.4 Reconciliation
from a superquorum of replicas before a timeout, or if
the responses do not match (indicating that the replicas From time to time, replica state may diverge. This can oc-
are not in the same state), it initiates a reconciliation, as cur if messages are dropped or reordered by the network,
described in Section 4.2.4. or if replicas fail. The reconciliation protocol repairs di-
Why is a superquorum of responses needed rather than vergent state and ensures that the system makes progress.
a simple majority as in Paxos? The reasoning is the same The reconciliation protocol follows the same gen-
as in Fast Paxos1 : even correct replicas may receive oper- eral structure as view changes in Viewstamped Repli-
ations from different clients in inconsistent orders. Con- cation [29]: all replicas stop processing new requests and
sider what would happen if we had used a quorum of size send their log to the new leader, which selects a definitive
f + 1, and one request was executed by f + 1 replicas and log and distributes it to the other replicas. The main differ-
a different request by the other f . If any of the replicas ence is that the leader must perform a more complex log
in the majority subsequently fail, the recovery protocol merging procedure that retains any operation that success-
will not be able to distinguish them. As a result, the size fully completed even though operations may have been
a superquorum must be chosen such that, if an operation executed in different orders at different replicas.
is successful, a majority of active replicas will have that When a replica begins a reconciliation, it increments
operation in their log [28]. its view number and sets its status to RECONCILIATION,
which stops normal processing of client requests. It then
4.2.3 Synchronization sends a hSTART- RECONCILIATION, vi message to the
In the speculative processing protocol, clients learn that other replicas. The other replicas, upon receiving a START-
their requests have succeeded when they receive matching RECONCILIATION message for a higher view than the
speculative replies from a superquorum of replicas. The one they are currently in, perform the same procedure.
replicas, however, do not communicate with each other Once a replica has received START- RECONCILIATION
as part of speculative processing, so they do not learn messages for view v from f other replicas, it sends a
the outcome of the operations they have executed. The hRECONCILE, v, v` , logi message to the leader of the new
synchronization protocol is a periodic process, driven by view. Here, v` is the last view in which the replica’s status
the leader, that verifies that replicas are in the same state. was NORMAL.
Periodically (every t milliseconds, or every k re- Once the new leader receives RECONCILE messages
quests), the leader initiates synchronization by sending from f other replicas, it merges their logs. The log merg-
a hSYNC, v, si message to the other replicas, where v is ing procedure considers all logs with the highest v` (in-
its current view number and s is the highest sequence cluding the leader’s own log, if applicable) and produces
number in its log. Replicas respond to SYNC messages by a combined log with two properties:
sending the leader a message hSYNC - REPLY, v, s, h(s)i, • If the same prefix appears in a majority of the logs,
where h(s) is the summary hash associated with entry s in then those entries appear in the combined log in the
its log. If v is not the current view number, or the replica same position.
is not in the NORMAL state, the message is ignored.
When the leader has received f + d f/2e + 1 SYNC - • Every operation in any of the input logs appears in the
REPLY messages for a sequence number s, including its
output log.
own, it checks whether the hashes in the messages match. The first property is critical for correctness: it ensures that
If so, the replicas agree on the ordering of requests up to any operation that might have successfully completed at
s. The leader promotes all requests with sequence number a client survives into the new view. Because clients treat
less than or equal to s from SPECULATIVE to COMMIT- requests as successful once they have received matching
TED state, and makes a commit(s) upcall to the application. summary hashes from f + d f/2e + 1 replicas, and f of
It then sends a message hCOMMIT, v, s, h(s)i to the other those replicas might have subsequently failed, any suc-
1 Fast Paxos is typically presented as requiring quorums of size 2 f +1
cessful operation will appear in at least d f/2e + 1 logs.
out of 3 f + 1, but like Speculative Paxos can be configured such that
The second property is not required for safety, but en-
2 f +1 replicas can make progress with f failures but need superquorums sures that the system makes progress. Even if all multicast
to execute fast rounds [27]. requests are reordered by the network, the reconciliation

procedure selects a definitive ordering of all requests. A reconfiguration protocol can also be used to change the
The procedure for merging logs is as follows: membership of the replica group, e.g., to replace failed
replicas with new ones. For this purpose, Speculative
• The leader considers only logs with the highest v` ; any Paxos uses standard recovery and reconfiguration pro-
other logs are discarded. This ensures that the results tocols from Viewstamped Replication [29]. The reconfig-
of a previous reconciliation are respected. uration protocol also includes the need to add or remove
• It then selects the log with the most COMMITTED en- newly-joined or departing replicas to the multicast group.
tries. These operations are known to have succeeded, For our OpenFlow multicast forwarding prototype, it re-
so they are added to the combined log. quires contacting the OpenFlow controller.
• Starting with the next sequence number, it checks Reconfiguration can also be used to change the system
whether a majority of the logs have an entry with from Speculative Paxos to a traditional implementation
the same summary hash for that sequence number. If of Paxos or VR. Because reconfiguration can succeed
so, that operation is added to the log in SPECULATIVE with up to f failures, this can be a useful strategy when
state. This process is repeated with each subsequent more than f/2 failures occur, or during transient network
sequence number until no match is found. failures that can cause packets to be reordered.
• It then gathers all other operations found in any log
that have not yet been added to the combined log, 4.3 Correctness
selects an arbitrary ordering for them, and appends
them to the log in the SPECULATIVE state. Speculative Paxos treats an operation as successful (and
notifies the client application) if the operation is COMMIT-
The leader then sends a hSTART- VIEW, v, logi message TED in at least one replica’s log, or if it is SPECULATIVE
to all replicas. Upon receiving this message, the replica in a common prefix of f + d f/2e + 1 replica’s logs.
installs the new log: it rolls back any speculative opera-
tions in its log that do not match the new log, and executes Any successful operation always survives in the same
any new operations in ascending order. It then sets its cur- serial order. We only need to consider reconciliations
rent view to v, and resets its status to NORMAL, resuming here, as speculative processing will only add new oper-
speculative processing of new requests. ations to the end of the log, and synchronization will
Ensuring progress with f failures. The reconciliation cause successful operations to be COMMITTED. Consider
protocol uses a quorum size of f + 1 replicas, unlike first operations that succeeded because they were specula-
the speculative processing protocol, which requires a su- tively executed on f +d f/2e+1 replicas. These operations
perquorum of f + d f/2e + 1 replicas. This means that rec- will survive reconciliations. The reconciliation process re-
onciliation can succeed even when more than f/2 but no quires f + 1 out of 2 f + 1 replicas to respond, so d f/2e + 1
more than f replicas are faulty, while speculative pro- logs containing these operations will be considered, and
cessing cannot. Because reconciliation ensures that all the log merging algorithm ensures they will survive in the
operations submitted before the reconciliation began are same position.
assigned a consistent order, it can commit operations even Operations can also be committed through reconcil-
if up to f replicas are faulty. iation. This can happen only once f + 1 replicas have
Upon receiving a START- VIEW message, each replica processed the START- VIEW message for that view. All of
also sends a hIN - VIEW, vi message to the leader to ac- these replicas agree on the ordering of these operations,
knowledge that it has received the log for the new view. and at least one will participate in the next reconciliation,
Once the leader has received IN - VIEW messages from f because f + 1 replicas are required for reconciliation. The
other replicas, it commits all of the speculative operations reconciliation procedure only merges logs with the high-
that were included in the START- VIEW message, notifies est v` , and the log merging procedure will ensure that the
the clients, and notifies the other replicas with a COMMIT common prefix of these logs survives.
message. This allows operations to be committed even
if there are more than f/2 failed replicas. This process is Only one operation can succeed for a given sequence
analogous to combining regular and fast rounds in Fast number. By itself, the speculative processing protocol
Paxos: only f + 1 replicas are required in this case be- allows only one operation to succeed for a given sequence
cause only the leader is is allowed to propose the ordering number, because an operation only succeeds if specu-
of requests that starts the new view. latively committed by a superquorum of replicas. The
reconciliation protocol will not assign a different opera-
4.2.5 Recovery and Reconfiguration
tion to any sequence number that could potentially have
Replicas that have failed and rejoined the system follow a speculatively committed at enough replicas, nor one that
recovery protocol to ensure that they have the current state. committed as the result of a previous reconciliation.

Latency (Msg Delays) Message Complexity Messages at Bottleneck Replica
Paxos 4 2n 2n
Paxos + batching 4+ 2 + 2n
b 2 + 2n
Fast Paxos 3 2n 2n
Speculative Paxos 2 2n + 2ns 2 + 2n
Table 1: Comparison of Paxos, Fast Paxos, and Speculative Paxos. n is the total number of replicas; b is the batch size for Paxos with
batching, and s is the number of requests between synchronization for Speculative Paxos.

4.4 Discussion 1400

Speculative Paxos offers high performance because it 1200

commits most operations via the fast-path speculative 1000

Latency (us)
execution protocol. It improves on the latency of client 800
operations, an increasingly critical factor in today’s ap- 600
plications: a client can submit a request and learn its out- SpecPaxos
come in two message delays—the optimal latency, and Paxos
200 Fast Paxos
a significant improvement over the four message delays Paxos + batching
of leader-based Paxos, as shown in Table 1. Speculative 0
0K 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K 120K 140K 160K 180K
Paxos also provides better throughput, because it has no Throughput (operations/sec)
bottleneck replica that bears a disproportionate amount of
the load. In Speculative Paxos, each replica processes only Figure 8: Latency vs throughput tradeoff for testbed deployment
two messages (plus periodic synchronizations), whereas
about 10,000 lines of C++, and also supports leader-based
all 2n messages are processed by the leader in Paxos.
Paxos (with or without batching) and Fast Paxos.
Speculative Paxos is closely related to Fast Paxos [27],
We evaluate the performance of Speculative Paxos and
which reduces latency by sending requests directly from
compare it to Paxos and Fast Paxos using a deployment
clients to all replicas. Fast Paxos also incurs a penalty
on the twelve-switch testbed shown in Figure 3, measur-
when different requests are received by the replicas in a
ing the performance tradeoffs under varying client load.
conflicting order. In Fast Paxos, the message flow is
We then investigate the protocol’s sensitivity to network
client → replicas → leader → client
conditions by emulating MOM ordering violations.
and so the protocol requires three message delays. Spec-
ulative Paxos improves on this by executing operations 4.5.1 Latency/Throughput Comparison
speculatively so that clients can learn the result of their
In our testbed experiments, we use three replicas, so f = 1,
operations in two message delays. The tradeoff is that the
and a superquorum of all three replicas is required for
reconciliation protocol is more expensive and speculative
Speculative Paxos or Fast Paxos to commit operations
operations might need to be rolled back, making Specu-
on the fast path. The replicas and multiple client hosts
lative Paxos slower in conflict-heavy environments. This
are connected to the ToR switches with 1 Gbps links.
tradeoff is an example of our co-design philosophy: Fast
Speculative Paxos and Fast Paxos clients use the network
Paxos would also benefit from MOM, but Speculative
serialization variant of MOM for communicating with the
Paxos is optimized specially for an environment where
replicas; Paxos uses standard IP multicast.
multicasts are mostly ordered.
Figure 8 plots the median latency experienced by
Speculative Paxos improves throughput by reducing
clients against the overall request throughput obtained by
the number of messages processed by each node. Despite
varying the number of closed-loop clients from 2 to 300.
the name, Fast Paxos does not improve throughput, al-
We compare Speculative Paxos, Fast Paxos, and Paxos
though it reduces latency: the leader still processes 2n
with and without batching. In the batching variant, we use
messages, so it remains a bottleneck. Other variants on
the latency-optimized sliding-window batching strategy
Paxos aim to reduce this bottleneck. A common approach
from PBFT [6], with batch sizes up to 64. (This limit
is to batch requests at the leader, only running the full
on batch sizes is not reached in this environment; higher
protocol periodically. This also eliminates a bottleneck,
maximum batch sizes have no effect.) This comparison
increasing throughput dramatically, but increases rather
than reducing latency.
• At low to medium request rates, Speculative Paxos
4.5 Evaluation provides lower latency (135 µs) than either Paxos
We have implemented the Speculative Paxos protocol as (220 µs) or Fast Paxos (171 µs). This improvement
a library for clients and replicas. Our library comprises can be attributed to the fewer message delays.

110000 5 Applications
100000 SpecPaxos
Throughput (operations/sec)

90000 Paxos + batching We demonstrate the benefits and tradeoffs involved in

Fast Paxos
80000 Paxos using speculation by implementing and evaluating several
applications ranging from the trivial to fairly complex.
50000 Since Speculative Paxos exposes speculation at the ap-
40000 plication replicas, it requires rollback support from the
20000 application. The application must be able to rollback op-
10000 erations in the event of failed speculations.
0.001% 0.01% 0.1% 1% We next describe three applications ranging from a
Simulated packet reordering rate simple timestamp server to a complex transactional, dis-
tributed key-value store inspired by Spanner [9]. We mea-
Figure 9: Throughput with simulated packet reordering sure the performance achieved by using Speculative Paxos
and comment on the complexity of rollback code.
Application Total LoC Rollback LoC Timestamp Server. This network service generates
Timestamp Server 154 10 monotonically increasing timestamps or globally unique
Lock Manager 606 75 identifier numbers. Such services are often used for dis-
Key-value Store 2011 248 tributed concurrency control. Each replica maintains its
own counter which is incremented upon a new request.
Table 2: Complexity of rollback in test applications
On rollback, the counter is simply decremented once for
each request to be reverted.
• Speculative Paxos is able to sustain a higher through-
put level (∼100,000 req/s) than either Paxos or Fast Lock Manager. The Lock Manager is a fault-tolerant
Paxos (∼38,000 req/s), because fewer messages are synchronization service which provides a fine-grained
handled by the leader, which otherwise becomes a locking interface. Clients can acquire and release locks in
bottleneck. read or write mode. Each replica maintains a mapping of
object locks held by a client and the converse. On rollback,
• Like Speculative Paxos, batching also increases the both these mappings are updated by the inverse operation,
throughput of Paxos substantially by eliminating the e.g., RELEASE ( X ) for LOCK ( X ). Since these operations
leader bottleneck: the two achieve equivalent peak do not commute, they must be rolled back in the reverse
throughput levels. However, batching also increases la- order in which they were applied.
tency: at a throughput level of 90,000 req/s, its latency
Transactional Key-Value Store. We built a distributed
is 3.5 times higher than that of Speculative Paxos.
in-memory key-value store which supports serializable
transactions using two-phase commit and strict two-phase
4.5.2 Reordering Sensitivity locking or optimistic concurrency control (OCC) to pro-
vide concurrency control. Client can perform GET and
To gain further insight into Speculative Paxos perfor- PUT operations, and commit them atomically using BE -
mance under varying conditions, we modified our imple- GIN , COMMIT , and ABORT operations.
mentation to artificially reorder random incoming packets. The key-value store keeps multiple versions of each
These tests used three nodes with Xeon L5640 processors row (like many databases) to support reading a consistent
connected via a single 1 Gbps switch. snapshot of past data, and to implement optimistic con-
We measured throughput with 20 concurrent closed- currency control. Rolling back PUT operations requires
loop clients. When packet reordering is rare, Speculative reverting a key to an earlier version, and rolling back PRE -
Paxos outperforms Paxos and Fast Paxos by a factor of 3×, PARE, COMMIT, and ABORT two-phase commit operations
as shown in Figure 9. As the reorder rate increases, Spec- requires adjusting transaction metadata to an earlier state.
ulative Paxos must perform reconciliations and perfor- We test the key-value store on the previously-described
mance drops. However, it continues to outperform Paxos testbed. In our microbenchmark, a single client executes
until the reordering rate exceeds 0.1%. Our experiments transactions in a closed loop. Each transaction involves
in Section 3.4 indicate that data center environments will several replicated get and put operations. Speculative
have lower reorder rates using topology-aware multicast, Paxos commits a transaction in an average of 1.01 ms, a
and can eliminate orderings entirely except in rare failure 30% improvement over the 1.44 ms required for Paxos,
cases using network serialization. Paxos performance is and a 10% improvement over the 1.12 ms for Fast Paxos.
largely unaffected by reordering, and Fast Paxos through- We also evaluate the key-value store on a more complex
put drops slightly because conflicts must be resolved by benchmark: a synthetic workload based on a profile of the
the leader, but this is cheaper than reconciliation. Retwis open-source Twitter clone. The workload chooses

grammer to identify requests that commute and permitting
Paxos such requests to commit in different orders on different
Paxos+Batching replicas. Such an approach could allow Speculative Paxos
Fast Paxos to tolerate higher reordering rates.
Speculation. Speculative Paxos is also closely related
0 1500 3000 4500 6000
to recent work on speculative Byzantine fault tolerant
Max Throughput (Transactions/second)
replication. The most similar is Zyzzyva [22], which em-
Figure 10: Maximum throughput attained by key-value store ploys speculation on the server side to reduce the cost
within 10 ms SLO of operations when replicas are non-faulty. Like Spec-
keys based on a Zipf distribution, and operations based ulative Paxos, Zyzzyva replicas execute requests spec-
on the transactions implemented in Retwis. Figure 10 ulatively and do not learn the outcome of their request,
plots the maximum throughput the system can achieve but clients can determine if replicas are in a consistent
while remaining within a 10 ms SLO. By simultaneously state. Zyzzyva’s speculation assumes that requests are
providing lower latency and eliminating throughput bot- not assigned conflicting orders by a Byzantine primary
tlenecks, Speculative Paxos achieves significantly greater replica. Speculative Paxos applies the same idea in a non-
throughput within this latency budget. Byzantine setting, speculatively assuming that requests
are not reordered by the network. Eve [20] uses specu-
6 Related Work lation and rollback to allow non-conflicting operations
Weak Synchrony. The theoretical distributed systems to execute concurrently; some of its techniques could be
literature has studied several models of weak synchrony applied here to reduce the cost of rollback.
assumptions. These include bounding the latency of mes- An alternate approach is to apply speculation on the
sage delivery and the relative speeds of processors [11], or client side. SpecBFT [41] modifies the PBFT protocol so
introducing unreliable failure detectors [7]. In particular, that the primary sends an immediate response to the client,
a single Ethernet LAN segment has been shown to be which continues executing speculatively until it later re-
nearly synchronous in practice, where even short timeouts ceives confirmation from the other replicas. This approach
are effective [40] and reorderings are rare [21]. The data also allows the client to resume executing after two mes-
center network is far more complex; we have shown that sage delays. However, the client cannot communicate over
with existing multicast mechanisms, reorderings are fre- the network or issue further state machine operations until
quent, but our network-level MOM mechanisms can be the speculative state is committed. This significantly lim-
used to ensure ordering with high probability. its usability for data center applications that often perform
In the context of a single LAN, the Optimistic Atomic a sequence of accesses to different storage systems [37].
Broadcast [36] protocol provides total ordering of mes- Client-side speculation also requires kernel modifications
sages under the assumption of a spontaneous total or- to support unmodified applications [34].
dering property equivalent to our MOM property, and
was later used to implement a transaction processing sys- 7 Conclusion
tem [21]. Besides extending this idea to the more com- We have presented two mechanisms: the Speculative
plex data center context, the Speculative Paxos protocol Paxos protocol, which achieves higher performance when
is more heavily optimized for lower reorder rates. For the network provides our Mostly-Ordered Multicast prop-
example, the OAB protocol requires all-to-all commu- erty, and new network-level multicast mechanisms de-
nication; Speculative Paxos achieves higher throughput signed to provide this ordering property. Applied to-
by avoiding this. Speculative Paxos also introduces addi- gether with MOM, Speculative Paxos achieves signifi-
tional mechanisms such as summary hashes to support a cantly higher performance than standard protocols in data
client/server state machine replication model instead of center environments. This example demonstrates the ben-
atomic broadcast. efits of co-designing a distributed system with its under-
Paxos Variants. Speculative Paxos is similar to Fast lying network, an approach we encourage developers of
Paxos [27], which reduces latency when messages arrive future data center applications to consider.
at replicas in the same order. Speculative Paxos takes
this approach further, eliminating another message round Acknowledgements
and communication between the replicas, in exchange for We would like to thank Adriana Szekeres, Irene Zhang,
reduced performance when messages are reordered. our shepherd Robbert van Renesse, and the anonymous
Total ordering of operations is not always needed. Gen- reviewers for their feedback. This work was supported
eralized Paxos [26] and variants such as Multicoordinated in part by Google and the National Science Foundation
Paxos [5] and Egalitarian Paxos [32] mitigate the cost of (CNS-0963754, CNS-1217597, CNS-1318396, and CNS-
conflicts in a Fast Paxos-like protocol by requiring the pro- 1420703).

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