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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
Title: First Voyage Around the World
Module No. 2

I. Introduction
This module will present the navigation story of the Famous Ferdinand
Magellan in finding the spice island. Along with the module is the important details in
rediscovering the Philippine Archipelago. The life and story of Ferdinand Magellan
before the expeditions, the battle in Mactan and other significant events in the
Philippine history. The expeditions after Ferdinand Magellan will also be discussed in
this module.
The history of the Philippines has numerous splendid topics to discuss. Many
issues have only been briefly explicated and sometimes this brings confusion in
understanding our history. Along with this module it will present some proofs on the
First Catholic Mass that happened in the Philippines on March 31, 1521.
II. Learning Objectives
After studying this module, you should be able to:
a. Discover the true story on the Magellan’s Expedition.
b. Criticize Magellan’s intention in finding the Spice Island.
c. Understand Philippine history during the time came Magellan in the
d. Create a timeline on events that happened in Magellan’s expedition.
e. Explain the next expeditions after Magellan’s defeat in Mactan.
f. Demonstrate the ability to formulate arguments in favor or against a
particular issue.
g. Develop critical thinking by means of a justifying their claims
h. List down proofs on claims where the first mass happened.


Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
III. Topics and Key Concepts

Ferdinand Magellan
Fernando de Magallanes also known as
Ferdinand Magellan was born in Portugal on
February 3, 1480. He was a member of a
noble family in Portugal. He was the son of
Rui de Magallanes and Alda de Mesquita. At
an early age, He got exposed in different
expedition because of his family. He then
became interested in finding the Spice Island
(Moluccas Island).
The early days of Expedition
Magellan approached King Manuel I of
Portugal to seek his support for a westward
voyage to the Spice Islands. The king
refused his petition repeatedly. And in 1517,
the frustrated Magellan renounced his Portuguese nationality and relocated to Spain
to seek royal support for his venture.
a. Why king Manuel denied Magellan petition?
b. Why Magellan relocated in Spain?
c. If Magellan is a member of a noble family in Portugal, why can’t he support
Before we answer these questions, let us understand the conflict between these two
Firstly, there was a conflict in lands between Portugal and Spain. It was settled by
the Treaty of Tordesillas. The Eastern part of the World was controlled by Portugal
and The Western part was controlled by Spain. And Magellan wants his find the
spice island by sailing thru west direction. This treaty was approved by Pope
Alexander IV and implemented on June 7, 1494. With this we can now answer the
three questions mentioned earlier.
See the photos below


Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

The Treaty of Tordesillas

Magellan Route on his Expedition

The Start of Magellan’s Expedition
Magellan relocated to Spain and asked King Charles I to support his proposed
expedition. King Charles I approved his expedition August 10, 1519. King Charles I
funded Ferdinand Magellan’s expedition and gave him five ships. Namely with their
a. Victoria – Luis de Mendoza
b. Trinidad – Sebastian Elcano (The Flagship/Kingship of the Expedition)
c. Concepcion – Gaspar Quesada
d. Santiago – Juan Serrano
e. Santiago – Juan de Cartagena
Ferdinand Magellan started his Expedition September 20, 1519. They tried to
find the Spice Island by traveling westward. They found a shortcut in the bottom tip of
South America Continent. And later on, called, the Strait of Magellan (see the route
During the Expedition, five ships set sailed to find the Spice Island (Moluccas Island)
but only the three came in the Philippines (Victoria, Trinidad, Concepcion). The Ship
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
San Antonio turn back to Spain after losing their supplies. The Ship Santiago was
destroyed during the storm. But some historians believe that this ship was said to be
caught by Portuguese.
On March 13, 1521 the Expedition set foot on Ladrones Island where later on
called as the Thief Island because Magellan was robbed by the pirates getting their
small boats. And later on, they sailed westward.
March 16, 1521 Magellan set foot on Philippine island of Zamal. Later on,
called, as Samar Island. He met Rajah Garas – Garas. The Rajah of the Humunu Island
which was now known as Homonhon, Samar. From Zamal island, they went to Humunu
island where then Magellan named the archipelago as Las Islas de San Lazaro
(Archipelago of St. Lazarus). Because they were celebrating the feast of St Lazarus
when they set foot on Zamal Island.
On March 28, March 28, 1521, while having a dinner, they’ve seen a fire upon
an island. They sent Enrique de Malacca the slave of Ferdinand Magellan to talk to
those people with a few soldiers with him. Enrique then saw what they call boloto.
Boloto or Bolota are small boats that are used by the early men in fishing.
The next day they went to that island, it was called as Mazzua island. While they were
in the island of Mazzua, the king of that island with his brother came riding in
Balanghai. Balanghai are large boats. That were lived by the kings and/or noble
families. Riding the mentioned balanghai, was Rajah Kolambu and his brother Rajah
Siagu. Rajah Kolumbu was the king of Limasawa, While Rajah Siagu was the king of
Butuan. Were the first blood compact that was recorded between Philippines and Spain.
On March 31, 1521, the first catholic mass was held in Mazzua in celebration
of the Easter Sunday. The first mass was officiated by the Spanish priest. Father Pedro
de Valderama. And Magellan planted a cross facing the shores. Symbolizing that the
island was already a Christian place. After, the mass Magellan set sailed to the west to
propagate Christianity.
Battle in Mactan
On April 7, 1521, 1521 they arrived Zzubu island later on called as Cebu. He
met Rajah Humabon the king/leader of Cebu and had a blood compact between him.
This is also the First Catholic Baptism Rites and was attended by their leader and his
wife and other families from Cebu. Reyna Juana, was wife of Rajah Humabon. After
the baptism, Magellan gifted Rajah Humabon’s wife a Sto. Niño as a thanksgiving gift.
Magellan still wants to propagate Christianity throughout the whole country. He then
went to Mactan island in Cebu. With the help of Rajah Humabon. But unfortunately,
he met the King of Mactan Island, Rajah Lapu-Lapu. Rajah Lapu – Lapu doesn’t want
to submit to Magellan’s wish to be converted and become controlled by the Spain as
what he sees to Rajah Humabon. Because of this, a conflict arose in the Mactan Island.


Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
Sula then asked Magellan’s help to defeat the Rajah of Mactan Island. Because
Magellan wants to prove his might to these Rajahs. Magellan accepted sula’s invitation
to defeat Lapu – Lapu. A battle enraged between the troops of Lapu Lapu and Magellan.
On April 27, 1521, Magellan died with a poison arrow in his leg and spear on his hand.
Because of the battle of mactan, Spanish force became weak. And majority of
their soldiers died and injured. The ship concepcion was burned because theres no more
people to operate the ship. Trinidad continue to find the spice island. Victoria came
back to Spain. With the captain Sebastian Elcano, the ship Victoria made to Spain on
September 6, 1522.
Five Expeditions after Magellan
After Magellan’s defeat in the Philippines. The Spain sent more expeditions
with different aims. This are the following expedition:
• Jofre Garcia Loaisa (1525) – This aims to recover the remains of Magellan in
the Mactan Island and conquer the Moluccas Island but unfortunately, they
didn’t arrive in the Philippines.
• Sebastian Cabot (1526) - This expedition aims to Conquer the Moluccas and to
return to the Philippines. But they also didn’t arrive in the Philippines because
they failed to find the Strait of Magellan
• Alvaro De Saavedra (1527) - This aim to search for the missing fleet of the
Loaisa Expedition. And bring it back to Spain. They also didn’t arrive in the
Philippines because they only aim to sail in the Pacific Ocean.
• Rudy “Ruy” Villalobos (1542)
Villalobos started his expedition on November 1, 1542. He followed the
route Magellan. On February 2, 1543 Villalobos came in Mindanao. He
establishes a colony in Saranggani to continue to sail for the Moluccas Island.
He was also famous for giving the name to the Philippines. He named the
Philippines, Las Islas Felipinas. In honor to King Philip II of Spain. Who was
the king at that time?
• Miguel Lopez de Legaspi (1564)
On february 13, 1565 Legazpi’s expedition landed on Cebu. Traveling
to Leyte, Camiguin, and Bohol. He then made a blood compact between the
chieftain. Rajah Sikatuna Miguel Lopez De Legazpi was also the first governor
general of the Philippines. And the start of the Spain’s Colonization in the


Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
First Mass in The Philippines
The first Catholic mass in the Philippines was happened in the Mazzua
island on March 31, 1521. This mass was officiated by Fr. Pedro Valderama.
They held a mass in celeberation of the Easter Sunday.
This site is widely believed by many to be Limasawa at the tip of Southern
Leyte, though this is contested by some who assert that the first mass was
instead held at Masao, Butuan. They both claim to be the venue of the historical
religious site.
Here are some proofs:
The most complete and reliable account of the Magellan expedition into
Philippine shores in 1521 is that of Antonio Pigafetta which is deemed as the
only credible primary source of reports on the celebration of the first Christian
Mass on Philippine soil….
The measurement of distances between Homonhon and Limasawa
between Limasawa and Cebu, as computed by the pro-Limasawa group,
matches or approximates the delineations made by Pigafetta of the distances
between Homonhon and Mazaua and between Mazaua and Cebu…
The precise identity and location of this venue of the First Mass became
the subject of writings of historians and scholars whose differing interpretations
of Pigafetta's account would eventually spawn lead to a controversy…
For three centuries, it was the prevailing belief that Pigafetta's Mazaua
was a place called Masao near Butuan City in Northern Mindanao. The Butuan
belief persisted from the 17th to the 19th century…
But the controversy did not stop there. In 1995, the Masao group through
Butuan Rep. Charito Plaza, initiated the filing of a bill, to ''Declare the site of
Masao, Butuan City, as the place where the first Easter Mass in the Philippines
was held.'' The bill was not acted upon…
Other reading materials will be sent to you along with this module.

IV. Teaching and Learning Materials and Resources

Notebooks, Pen, Pictures, Laptop / Cellphone, and Internet/Data.
V. Learning Task
A. Make a Creative Timeline Presentation on the Events happened in the
topics. This will be your midterm Performance Task/Project.


Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
B. Word Pool. Find the correct answer in the world pool and put your answer on the space

King Manuel I King Philip Rajah Garas Garas Rajah Kolambu Enrique

King Charles V Treaty of Tordesillas Strait of Magellan Rajah Siagu Trinidad

King Charles I Spain Portugal Sula Victoria

1. The treaty that separated the world into West and East.
2. The Eastern part of the world was controlled by whom?
3. He urges Ferdinand Magellan to invade Maktan.
4. The Flagship of Magellan’s Expedition.
5. The Aid / Helper of Ferdinand Magellan.
6. The Western Part of the world was controlled by whom?
7. The king of Spain that was recognized by the Roman Empire.
8. Villalobos named the Philippines according to name of ____?
9. The first king Magellan meet in the Philippines.
10. Who is the king of Spain?
11. The first European to navigate the in the strait in South America.
12. The only ship who returned in Spain.
13. The King of Limasawa Leyte.
14. The brother of Kolambu.
15. The king who rejected Magellan’s proposed expedition.

C. Make your claim on where the first mass really happened. Write at least 5 proofs
and justify your answer as deep and clear as you can. (15 pts)
10 pts Accuracy of Content
5 pts for the Clarity of Justification

VI. Reference
Ligan, et al., (2018). Readings in the Philippine History, Mutya Publishing, Inc.

Pigafetta,A and Stanley,H.E.J (1874). The First Voyage around the World, by
Magellan. Retrieved from
De Jesus, V (2004. Oct. 13). Mazua: Magellan’s Lost Harbor. Retrieved from:
Bernad, M (2002). Butuan or Limasawa: The Site of the First Mass in the
Philippines: A Reexaminationof the Evidence. Retrieved from:


Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314
Reflection part

What are your reflections on this module?



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