Ineludy: (Lnding Lisbiltis (Engdonn

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Subject and Subject Code: Modesn a n l n a Registration No: Page:1

Prnciies 1804779 3
| a) t 1969.
y i 1955.
ryD Inuasfnei.
Gururaf lien.
rg Cenreet
i ) i) Ireerreef.

a A A bork y a furemeia institntien

lieensad reein duposij and make Aonn
Banky mey also pronide irnid zues
Sveh ay sealth managemrt, eupnerey enehange
and gu dpegi bonuy. Thepe ape senusu
dibdrercanf kind ob kanks inehudirg dail
bankg, Commncia banbs and Trmesfa borleg
- bmk balanen thul 4 a ky aay
dras eoneyory rugarding a banks bjins
od pujousrey ud to be able to
Lendig The vome otr byiny oba honk

ineludy in ig balanee ghuf kan bot4

assal (lnding ) ard lisbiltis
en othun brironei (engdonn depois|

ue-s|-34|do4n Roll No Paper Code:

Suhject and Sudiect C e
Registratiwm N Page: /
SO F93
R) e) 4 Ddte/Tinee,lzlauey Tnngturd ard Comm
-tia Bork
uit int B.Arnh donnin cal Bank
cfuturs Cytonn specice Sstandndizd

PsOCintd adens Cewrenue

f r n eias ahd neoth and d maar

ANon-Secdl1d kords dy debirilon are

thes h do ret adhuree to ue RBI3/gnhalios.
They are net mus iionnd in Jecnd SehudulL o
de ROI Hef, L9 34 nd ape turuter deemd
n capabl o sen yy and prtoicliry depejileryl
b i n e s dpesil (F) s apinancial
intrumert provilesby bonks e on NBFcs
uhieh prrouidy in uesary ahighen rde o
intargt phan regrlan Sasingg accoun7, unat
ha u u n matuily dat The urure oba .

FD Can vary r r o F, 1g en 45 doys to 1.5ytng

rd on ke as high 10yy

Paper Code:
Roll No 6.3
Subject and Subject Code:
Regintration No
180 7793
3) u nan ypey or banty. They
) Commarcia Barlg Theyu b nky ploy he.
masf mpartlanf fiala- m madr ecbnonie
ergnisalwn . Thuuy brginey ainly CosylG olr

|peeiuny dpasu, gining loany and Auran

h tnnndu olra
i) Frehag Bankj eharge Bonkhs Aunare
neily beruyn trnde ok a counly, Thein
maun bundion to odiy Court a teups on
d tallel|

bereisn bily orenebhonje

Indnynias Barks 7here ore buts
lndnytrie banks in Jrdi. B n some ohn
eourdrny nalably Pran may andTAan, hesu
thij banks perrbmy he bnliom a
adyan tiry lory imdutria unhrTukinng
iDgricenuny n Co -qpurum Borlg -The
bagisuy or agri eultura kank t
Prouile bunds to bon m. Tluy a alonked
on e Co- opusran prinaplu .

Paper Code:
Rol No
Subject and Subject Code:
MBP Registration No: 7793

Samigs Bonbs These barks perben m

tbu vybus sn viec ot eolleiliry gmall sauiys .
ommaneial banky o p Saningy dapertml
tomobiisL Zha Sayirgj or ran at smal! mury.

vCnira orks- Oan and abere

Vaioy yy o borly meiliony aben hre theye
tza eng almas ald eurajuy to day
a Conlras bark. it usually Contnot and
obrilin pulnd by he oum rend or
he eprurly
vi) Ututy ot Bomky. n ehbitiurt
| kunbing sylom absohtly nuesary bn
aCourtey, t lo presrey economienly|
The Saniey iat am ebtrieint kurkiny
Cyy lirn ean rendn a cennbry are inded
ery vabuabl
Publis suten Bonf asu a majon
type otgoun muwf Datmud karls in Indn
shane a
gnajerrily take
hud by a
minitny or Jinanez otr Jhe Ccourem munt ot-
Tdin orr dat Minisny ol binarte obr variery

Roil No Paper Code

Subject and Subject Code:
Registration No: 93 Page:5

S t a t Cronrm menly et Irdin

Ditbwrne btasa) Publie uden
nd Prunate sucon borhs
Poyra meluya
Pubtie sacten Bons Prunat Jutar Bonks
ot Corpyrijon

statuy o Thy ayu bwnymmins

Thy arnLundyn privatu
Contnel Contnell
Ilnut raty They hme hyhejn Thay haue louen inlrus
htipyt ratis dre tu an laany md ligar
loany ad louey tnyt ruj ba Sau
jinlurest aty bon Sauig
Fnap sa nstctutiony Finntia jittien
wih marummw) h manimum i
Jreholdin h shany Comtrin ishary hold by
20uym mins Prinet shruholly.
Mast publie suilan on | Majani e he
gouen urt korksy Prinat szelon bonly
kenbrif rem arenpurinee lessyr
Cnlomp erunsi Cuytomn engliomYneas.
basu kage. Tt y mainhy Peapl b a to t t
bLeanyu peaple beind queh bonks yeith thein
hese banks liugt bcinaney rully

Lmally Zhe bagi pb The bundaion ob

mploy prromslion employu promaloy y|
Frploye n Semi enily en

Pronoli a ume lmgh ammovn ovau

added by indi uudua
Statuy pLNieneid byY
the orployu af he o the nstitution

Paper Code:
Roll No
Sutect and Sulject Cede
Regintralion Mo( 8017793 |

3eA He genaaf frulalio)ship belanuy larkp

arvd Cnlonty ofe
) Debleny ord enediteng cahan borkan
Cu lonn Men bonk
accepty depejily Arom
becomy he debton and e enylome
he eediler 7t euglom1t Aapy Aoany Arory

bonk hen the eglomn brcomy dblen and

bank becny Cnadlen.
Chen dbe eryionn|
Plidym ond pledgee
on cuenrili
sith he hank
cnlain assy
in orndir do Ju/a loan. Ire this eay u Cuilomen
and h lank becomy A
bceoms h pledgn,
DRienson md licmge - The relaighip bdnuo
kunkn ond enylonrn em b t ota llecnsen
0d e e n s e . Thy eppury tuhen i karfan giy
asal depeyit lebr to dhe cytom4n Lo, thu
bnnen nill be eene he ieensen ord he Cugtona
beComy he l°Lieen Se
Tnjlu ond Benebieinny truytie
heldy propuuly e n h lemubtieiaty and de prdif|
enn nad brem hy propan bllengy to benbieiary
Il eulomn dlepoyuly Seeupiliy o valall

Rolt No Paper Code 6.3

Subect and Subject Code:
PMD P Registration No:/9047793| Page: 7/

(lith The bankan ten gare Cnytody korfan

koe comuy a trytuu vt hi Cnglomn The eyloman
ieernbrieiwry so he ouwnnship rernauny
tih he englonu
1D culen ond Baile Dailon pondy
duat oulings preprly Zo anothn
h pady to whem he prepny
y delinnd
entomen quny a a l d hon To
So, u n a

the bnh br sabe kepiny he evglomn beceng

keeemes The bailu
he Bailen and due bonk
Pduion and tlir Lshun a ulonuj
sLeuriliy tha banken aej ey
u e aduiec ean be gimn
admisor .

lshik qiuing aduie e

on wnobtieinlly ,
bonsan hy lo tke mami rum ene and esnion
er h horken s an adnisen ond he eylome
a elint

Paper Code:
Roll No
Page: 3
Subject and Subject Code: Registration No: 7793|


Page: 97
Subject and Subject Code:
PMBP Registration No: 18047793|

1D N

Paper Code:
Roll No 63

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