The Kite Runner Check Quiz Chapters 1-7: Match The Following Descriptions To The Corresponding Character

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8/9/2021 Printable Quiz: The Kite Runner Check Quiz chapters 1-7

The Kite Runner Check Quiz chapters 1-7


Q.1) Match the following descriptions to the corresponding character

  Choice   Match
“Mr. Hurricane”. “A force of nature, a towering Pashtun
specimen with a thick beard, a wayward crop of curly brown
hair as unruly as the man himself, hands that looked
A Amir 1 capable of uprooting a willow tree, ad a black glare that
would ‘drop the devil to his knees begging for merci’. When
all six-foot-five of him thundered into the room, attention
shifted to him like sunflowers turning to the sun”
A highly educated woman universally regarded as one of
Kabul’s most respected, beautiful, and virtuous ladies.
B Rahim Khan 2
Taught Farsi literature at the university, a descendant of the
royal family.
Born to a German mother and Afghan father, blond, blue-
C Baba 3 eyed. His word was law and everyone knew him for his
stainless-steel brass knuckles.
Brilliant green eyes and impish face, a beautiful but
notoriously unscrupulous woman who lived up to her
D Sanaubar 4
dishonorable reputation. A Shi’a Muslim and an ethnic
Had a congenital paralysis of his lower facial muscles, which
E Ali 5 rendered him unable to smile and left him perpetually grim-
faced. Polio had left him with a twisted, atrophied right leg 1/4
8/9/2021 Printable Quiz: The Kite Runner Check Quiz chapters 1-7
F Sofia 6 Round face, like a Chinese doll chiseled from hardwood,
flat, broad nose and slanting, narrow eyes like bamboo
leaves, eyes that looked, depending on the light, gold green,
even sapphire. Tiny low-set ears and pointed stub of a chin,
and the cleft lip

G Hassan 7 A good friend, always there for the narrator and his father.
An obeying friend. A little afraid and unsure to help harm
H Assef 8 another, but loyal at the end, because he’s more afraid of
his friend.

I Sakina 9 A Hazara who had brestfed both boys

"He's always buried in those books or shuffling around the
J Kamal 10
house like he's lost in some dream". He likes to fly kites.

Q.2) Hassan and Amir fed from the same breast, took their first steps on the same lawn in the same yard. And the
song Ali used to sing to his son reminded them that there was a brotherhood between people who had fed from
the same breast, a kinship that not even time could break. If this is false, correct it.


Q.3) In the late 1960s, Baba decided to build an orphanage. He paid for the costruction of the two-story orpahage,
with his own money. He funded the entire project, paying for all the workers too. Amir was very proud, and even
felt jealous of the orphan kids Baba was helping and wished they had died with their parents, because he felt
like they were stealing a little bit of Baba's love from him. If this is false, explain why.


Q.4) One day, Amir found a book that explained Pashtun's and Hazara's history. There he learnt that they were both
Muslims but of different branches. He read many things teachers didn't teach at school, like how Pashtuns had
persecuted and oppressed Hazaras with violence. When he talked to his teacher about it, he realized everyone
agreed on how sad that part of history was and felt sorry for poor Hazaras. It seemed like his society had learnt
to live peacefully with those differences. If this is false, explain why or make it true.

  A. True

Q.5) "Now, no matter what the mullah teaches, there is only one sin, only one" With this line, Baba refers to not
obeying Allah's laws, the Muslim law of the Pashtuns, or Sunni Muslims. If this statement is false, explain why
or make it true.



Q.6) Amir and Hassan taught each other to ride a bicycle with no hands, and to build a fully functional homemade
camarea; they spent entire winters flying kites, running kites. For Amir, history isn't easy to overcome, neither
is religion. In the end, He was a Pashtun and Hassan was a Hazara, and nothing was ever going to change that.
But Amir thought of Hassan and him as friends; he didn't see Hassan only as his servant. If this isn't true,
explain why.


False 2/4
8/9/2021 Printable Quiz: The Kite Runner Check Quiz chapters 1-7

Q.7) Daoud Khan was the King's cousin, and the one who overthrew him after a bloodless coup. Assef thought this
was great, because his father knew Daoud Khan, and felt he could share his political vision with him, which was
creating a fair and peaceful republic, where both Pashtuns and Hazaras could live with justice and equality. Is
this true or false? If false, explain why or correct it to make it true.


Q.8) The kite-fighting tournament was an old winter tradition in Afghanistan. People gathered on sidewalks and roofs
to cheer for their kids. In the winter of 1975 Baba told Amir: "I think maybe you'll win the toruament this year".
Those words would become the reason why Amir did everything he could to win, not only the tournament, but
Baba's acceptance too. But everything he did to make Baba proud, didn't exactly make Amir proud of himself. If
this is true or false, explain why.


Q.9) A call from _________ leads Amir to consider visiting his homeland of Afghanistan.

Q.10) Amir lost his mother because she _____.

Q.11) Hassan lost his mother because she ____.

Q.12) By the time Amir was 11, he could recite dozens of verses rom Khayyám, or Rumi's famous Masnawi. He wrote:
"that was how I escaped my father's aloofness, in my dead mother's _________"

Q.13) _____ was the first person to read Amir's first story.

Q.14) Amir wrote that, after his story was read, his reader smiled and gave him a letter. Then he paused and added a
single word that did more to encourage him to pursue writing than any compliment any editor has ever paid
him. That word was ________

Q.15) For Hassan's birthday in 1974, Baba gave him a present that fixed his face and helped him smile, which
according to Amir, was something ________, since a year later, Hassan stopped smiling.

Q.16) _____ was every kid's favorite season in Kabul, at least those whose fathers could afford to buy a good iron

Q.17) The kite tounament was almost over, and Amir had to defeat a __________, which was the only one left besides
his. 3/4
8/9/2021 Printable Quiz: The Kite Runner Check Quiz chapters 1-7

Q.18) When Hassan was attacked, Amir was crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley, and he
saw garbage and litter, but he also saw two things he couldn't take his eyes away from: the ________ and
Hassan's ______.

Q.19) Do you think Amir deserved that last kite?  Why or why not?  Support your answer with ONE detail 4/4

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