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Glorious India Group

Mission For Glorious India

Glorious india Group is established for
solving the problems of society of lack of
Interpersonal education & lack of practical
education. For clearing the mindset of
youth and give moral education is the main
moto of Glorious india Group.
Problems Of Society

 No proper platform for student in our education system to developed

there softskills and interpersonal skills.
 Student and people don’t have the basic sense of life to find proper
path to themselves .
 They don’t have proper goals in life and don’t know the SOP
(Systematic Operations & Procedures ) System of of life.
 Society don’t have knowledge of moral things of life.
 Everybody have something Special in there own But they don’t know
and chooses wrong career paths.
• Our main Vision is to Educate to Society
for moral value of life Provide Proper &
Practicle Education to Society.
• We can solved that society problems By
Properly consulting to each one of them
& Providing guidance to them as per
there skills, goals, likes, dislikes
 We can make Psychografic, Demografic,
Geografic And internal life Analytics on
Human nature and solved the problems by
providing proper consultation & Solutions.

 Everybody have something Special in there

own But they don’t know and chooses
wrong career paths.
1.What’s problems face by Society regarding Non Academic Education?

 No proper platform for student in our education system to developed there

softskills and interpersonal skills.
 Student and people don’t have the basic sense of life to find proper path to
themselves .
 They don’t have proper goals in life and don’t know the SOP (Systematic
Operations & Procedures ) System of of life.
 Society don’t have knowledge of moral things of life.

“ Everybody have something Special in there own But they

don’t know and chooses wrong career paths ”
2. How we can make changes in Education System

 We can solved that society problems By Properly consulting to each one of

them & Providing guidance to them as per there skills, goals, likes, dislikes
 We have the proper studies on Human Psychology and there Critical &
Analytical Thinking.
 We can make Psychografic, Demografic, Geografic And internal life Analytics
on Human nature and solved the problems by providing proper
consultation & Solutions.
 We have detailed study on human nature, life Management & Corporate
 We have the experts team in there own field to solved the problems and
provide consultation to students.
 We have SOP and formats to solve education Society Problems.
 We can change the entire education system of study.
Our Main Prospects


Entrepre Aspirants
neur People


Thank You
Glorious India Group

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