Test 3

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 1. Last week Mark told me that he got very bored with his present
job and is looking for a new one.
A. got B. new one C. is looking D. told
Question 2: If we had more time last week, we would certainly have finished
the project on time.
A. had B. certainly C. the D. on time
Question 3: New sources of energy have been looking for as the number of
fossil fuels continues to decrease.
A. New sources B. been looking C. fossil D. continues

Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence

that is closet in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 4. People in Australia are so environmentally – friendly that they
create the greenest country in the world.
A. Australia is the greatest country in the world though the people are
environmentally friendly.
B. Australia is the greatest country in the world because the people are
environmentally friendly
C. Australia is the greatest country in the world while the people are
environmentally friendly.
D. Australia is the greatest country in the world if the people are
environmentally friendly.
Question 5: It was not until after I got home that I realized I had not set the
burglar alarm in the office.
A. Fortunately, I realized that I hadn't set the burglar alarm just before I left for
home; otherwise, I would have had to travel all the way back to the office.
B. On the way home, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to turn on the
burglar alarm in the office.
C. I didn’t turn the burglar alarm on before I left the office, but I only became
aware of this after I’d arrived home.
D. I wish I had realized before I arrived home that I hadn't turned on the
burglar alarm in the office, then it would have been easier to go and set it.
Question 6. There are several categories of people who do not have to pay
the new tax.
A.There are several categories of people who are under obligation to pay the
new tax.
B.There are several categories of people who are exempt by paying the new
tax. exempt sb from doing st: miễn làm gì

C.There are several categories of people who are exempt from paying the
new tax.
D.There are several categories of people who mustn’t pay the new tax

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)

CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following
Question 7. She is a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.
A. ambitious B. creative C. idealistic D. practical
Question 8: A.I. techniques help medical doctors to discover subtle
interactions between medications that put patience in jeopardy because of
their serious side effects.
A. at risk B. in reality C. under control D. under pressure

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of

the following exchanges.
Question 9. Elizabeth has worked with her colleague on a project for a long
time and they feel a little tired.
Laurie:“Then, let’s call it a day, shall we?”
Elizabeth: “______”
A. All right. See you later.
B. I think we have. Is there anything else to discuss?
C.I’d love to, and I’ve got a pretty tight schedule today. hectic

D.I’m sorry I can’t. Maybe we can finish it tomorrow

Question 10: “Would you mind turning down the TV? I’m working!” “ .”
A. Yes, I’m working, too. B. Not at all. I’ll do it now.
C. Thank you. I’m pleased. D. No, I wouldn’t be working

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct

sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following
Question 11.We paid for the meal. We wanted to say sorry for what we had
A.We paid for the meal in order to say sorry for what we had done.
B.We paid for the meal although we wanted to say sorry for what we had
C.In order to pay for the meal, we wanted to say sorry for what we had done.
D.The meal we paid for is what we want to say sorry for what we had done.
Question 12. Electronic devices are bad for your eyes. Their radiation is very
A. Electronic devices that their radiation is very harmful are bad for your eyes.
B. Electronic devices which their radiation is very harmful are bad for your
C. Electronic devices, whose radiation is very harmful, are bad for your eyes.
D. Electronic devices, which are bad for your eyes, their radiation is very

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best

answer to each of the following questions.
Question 13.Had he come earlier, he __________her.
A. will have met B. would have met
C. wouldn't have met D. would meet
Question 14. It is imperative that this letter ________ immediately.
A. were sent B. sent C. was sent D. be sent
Question 15. These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short
term, but they have a cost.
A. solve B. solvable C. solutions D. solvability
Question 16. Stuart went to great _______ to complete a high quality
presentation on the company's new products. GO TO GREAT PAINS: NỔ LỰC RẤT NHIỀU

A. torment B. pains C. efforts D. difficulty

Question 17: Mike _________ his favourite program on TV when the lights
went out.
A. was watching B. is watching C. watched D. watches
Question 18: The new director has really got things __________.
A. flying B. running C. jogging. D. moving
Question 19: Neither of the boys came to school yesterday, _____?
A. didn’t he B. does he C. did he D. doesn’t he
Question 20: Luckily, the rain _____ so we were able to play the match.
A. watered down B. gave out C. got away D. held off
Question 21: Ecology is the study of our _____ environment.
A. physical B. ordinary C. normal D. natural
Question 22: After driving for five hours, the driver pulled into _____for a rest.
A. a roundabout B. a bypass C. a lay-by D. a flyover
Question 23: If the weather _________ so bad, we would have gone out.
A. hadn’t been B. had been C. weren’t D. isn’t
Question 24: The higher you climb, __________ you have to fall.
A. the furthest B. the further than C. further than D. the further
Question 25: My colleagues have promised to _________ when I tell the
manager about my ideas.
A. cut me off B. cut off me C. back me up D. back up me
Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Clara Barton became known as "The Angel of the Battlefield" during the
American Civil War. Born in Oxford, Massachusetts in 1821, Clara Barton's
interest in helping soldiers on the battlefield began when she was told army
stories from her father. Another event that influenced her decision to help
soldiers was an accident her brother had. His injuries were cared for by Barton
for 2 year. At the time, she was only 11 years old. Barton began teaching
school at the age of 15. She taught for 18 years before she moved to
Washington, D.C in 1854.
The civil war broke out 6 years later. Immediately, Barton started war service
by helping the soldiers with their needs. At the battle of Bull run, Clara Barton
received permission from the government to take care of the sick and hurt.
Barton did this with great empathy and kindness. She acknowledged each
soldier as a person. her endurance and courage on the battlefield were
admired by many. When the war ended in 1865, she used 4 years of her life to
assist the government in searching for soldiers who were missing during the
The search for missing soldiers and years of hard work made her feeble
physically. In 1869, her doctors recommended a trip to Europe for a rest.
While she was on vacation, she became involved with the International Red
Cross, an organization set up by the Geneva Convention in 1864. Clara
Barton realized that the Red Cross would be a best help to the United States.
After she returned to the United States, she worked very hard to create an
American Red Cross. She talked to government leaders and let American
people know about the Red Cross. In 1881, the National Society of the Red
Cross was finally established with its headquarters in Washington, D.C. Clara
Barton managed its activities for 23 years.
Barton never let her age stop her from helping people. At the age of 79, she
helped food
victims in Galveston, Texas. Barton finally resigned from the Red Cross in
1904. She was 92 years old and had truly earned her title "The Angel of the
Question 26. According to the paragraph 1, which of the following is true of
the young Barton Clara?
A. She helped her father when he was a soldier.
B. She helped her brother who hurt in an accident.
C. She made a decision to live with her brother for 2 years.
D. She suffered from an accident when she was 11.
Question 27. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Clara Barton became a nurse during the American Civil War.
B. Clara Barton was a kind and strong woman who helped people in need.
C. Clara Barton helped wounded soldiers and she was the founder of the Red
D. Clara Barton worked for disaster victims until she was old.
Question 28. The word this in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. took care of the sick and hurt B. cooked for soldiers
C. recognized each soldier as a person D. received permission
Question 29. What does the author mention about the American Red Cross?
A. It was first established in the United States.
B. Barton tried to have it set up in American
C. The American people were not interested in the Red Cross.
D. It was disapproved again and again by the Geneva Convention.
Question 30. What can be inferred about the government?
A. It showed Clara Barton great empathy and kindness.
B. It did not have the money to help Clara Barton.
C. It did not always agree with Clara Barton.
D. It had respect for Clara Barton
Question 31. What can be the best title of the reading passage?
A. The International Red Cross B. The angle of the Battlefied
C. The American Civil War D. The American Red Cross
Question 32. The word acknowledged in paragraph 2 could best be replaced
by ________.
A. recognized B. believed C. nursed D. pleaded
Question 33. The phrase broke out in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. broken down B. closed C. extended D. began

Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your

answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Since water is the basis of life, composing the greater part of the tissues of all
living things, the crucial problem of desert animals is to survive in a world
where sources of flowing water are rare. And since man's inexorable
necessity is to absorb large quantities of water at frequent intervals, he can
scarcely comprehend that many creatures of the desert pass their entire lives
without a single drop.
Uncompromising as it is, the desert has not eliminated life but only those
forms unable to withstand its desiccating effects. No moist-skinned,
water-loving animals can exist there. Few large animals are found. The giants
of the North American desert are the deer, the coyote, and the bobcat. Since
desert country is open, it holds more swift-footed running and leaping
creatures than the tangled forest. Its population is largely nocturnal, silent,
filled with reticence, and ruled by stealth. Yet they are not emaciated. Having
adapted to their austere environment, they are as healthy as animals
anywhere else in the word.
The secret of their adjustment lies in the combination of behavior and
physiology. None could survive if, like Mad dogs and Englishmen, they went
out in the midday sun; many would die in a matter of minutes. So most of
them pass the burning hours asleep in cool, humid burrows underneath the
ground, emerging to hunt only by night. The surface of the sun-baked desert
averages around 150 degrees, but 18 inches down the temperature is only 60
Question 34. Man can hardly understand why many animals live their whole
life in the desert, as_____ .
A. water composes the greater part of the tissues of living things
B. sources of flowing water are rare in a desert
C. water is an essential part of his existence
D. very few large animals are found in the desert
Question 35. The word "Them" in the passager refer to __________
A. minutes B. animals C. people D. water
Question 36.The title for this passage could be _____
A. "Animal Life in a Desert Environment"
B. "Man's Life in a Desert Environment"
C."Desert Plants"
D. "Life Underground"
Question 37. According to the passage, creatures in the desert _____.
A. are more active during the day than those in the tangled forest
B. are not as healthy as those anywhere else in the world
C. are smaller and fleeter than forest animals
D. live in an accommodating environment
Question 38. The phrase "those forms" in the passage refers to all of the
following EXCEPT _____.
A. water-loving animals B. moist-skinned animals
C. the coyote and the bobcat D. many large animals

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your

answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
The Christmas season begins very early in Britain. By the end of October, you
may see Christmas decorations in the streets and Christmas cards and gifts in
the shops. (39)_______ , people start to decorate their houses one or two
weeks before 25th December, (40)_______ is Christmas Day.
There are a lot of traditions connected to Christmas. The most important one
is the giving of
presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of
the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. Children leave a long sock or
stocking at the end of their bed on Christmas Eve, 24th December, hoping that
Father Christmas will turn (41)_______ during the night and (42)_______
them small presents, fruits and nuts. They are not usually disappointed.
Sometimes on Christmas Day, the family will sit down for a big turkey dinner
and Christmas pudding. Later in the afternoon, they may watch the Queen on
television as she (43)_______ her traditional Christmas message to the
United Kingdom and the Common wealth. If they have rooms for even more
food, they may enjoy a piece of Christmas cake or eat a hot mince pie. 26th
December is also a public holiday, Boxing Day, and this is the time to visit
friends and relatives or watch football.
(Extracted from Basic Ielts Listening, Li Ya Bin, P126, 2011)
Question 39. A. Tradition B.Traditionally C. Traditional D. Traditioning
Question 40. A. when B. where C. on that D. which
Question 41. A. with B. in C. at D.up
Question 42. A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. brought
Question 43. A.delivers B. sends C. talks D. gives away

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word

OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following
Question 44. I don’t believe in anything he says, he is unreliable.
A. inaccurate B. unstable C. trustworthy D. irresponsible
Question 45: The report was spoiled by a mass of superfluous detail.
A. coherent B. underlining C. lengthy D. exuberant
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the three in pronunciation in each of the following
Question 46. A. bride B. fridge C. bridge D. driven
Question 47. A. ceremonies B. chores C. rituals D. Attempts
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following
Question 48. A. confide B. comfort C. inflate D. severe
Question 49: A. measure B. context C. postcard D. resource
Question 50: A. interchange B. infamous C. contributory D. undercur

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