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Capgemini PL/SQL Interview Questions

What is difference between Char and Varchar2.

What is Trunc function where we can use it?

What is Round function and Sign function.


Difference between Translate and Decode.

Difference between Delete and Truncate.

Which is faster Case or Decode.

What are pseudo columns in oracle

What is Implicit and Explicit cursor.

Difference between Primary key and Unique.

Difference between procedure and function.

Can we use Out parameter in Function.

Can we use return statement in procedure.

If we use out parameter in function and also use return statement , function return 2
values or one value.

What is advantages of Packages.

I have a package with 2 procedures and same name with different

different signature it is

How many types of trigger, instead of trigger.

What is mutating table, how to resolve the error.

What are pragma exception types.

Tell me how to delete duplicate rows on a table.

I have a table and create a row level trigger on a table, i deleted 10 records,how
records,how many
times records are deleted(raised another question now rows deleted what happens)
What is your roles and responsibility?

How to communicate to your pm?

Select count(1) from dual;,what is output?

How to delete duplicate records from table without distinct clause

How to retrieve second height salary from table?

Difference between primary key & unique key?

Difference between procedure & package?

Which is better procedure or package?

What is cursor?Types of cursor? And Difference between cursors?

What is exception? Types of exceptions?

Tell me some user_defined exceptions with error codes?

What is sqlcode and sqlerr?

What is ref_cursor? Type of ref_cursors and Difference between?

How give privilege a one procedure in package?

What is %type & %rowtype? What is main use?

How to improvee performence?

What is bulk collect? What is use of limit clause in bulk collect?

What is forall?

What is merge statement? Give me syntax?

What is view? Use of view's?

What is nocopy clause?Where it is used?

What are the environments are there in your company?

How to connect your database?

What are the shartcut of compile & execution of programes in sql developer tool?
Are faced any trouble in your project?

What are the module's , you are working?

Which will fire default first statement level or row level trigger?

What is bulkcollect? And any restrictions in bulkcollect?

What is the use of limit clause in bulkcollect?

How to debugg your code?

How to trace error handling?

How to find which line error was raised?

What are the methods there in save exceptions?

What is functional based index? Write syntax?

How to update complex view?

Can you alter procedure with in package?

Is it possible to open cursor which is in package in another procrdure?

What is substr()&instr()?

Difference between case and decode?

Can you use sysdate in check constraints? If no, why?

Difference between column level constraints & table level constraints?

What is optimizer?

What is nested_loop join?

What is pivot operater?

Tell me some oracle 10g features?

What is m_view?

What is master & detail tables?

What is sqlcode and sqlerrm?

Difference between procedure & packages?

What are the dis_adv of packages?

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